“Brush brush brush.”

Accompanied by the screams of Tuan Zang, one after another illusory shadows emerged from the surface and directly entered the Tuan hiding body that was screaming.


Tuan Zang instantly let out a desperate roar.

Tuan Zang felt it the first moment that illusory shadow entered his body.

He understood that he was finished, because he knew that the one who was squeezing into his body was none other than the first Hokage, the god of the ninja world, Senjukuma.

With this scream, the team battle that was struggling instantly calmed down.

“You’re ???”

Tuan Zang, oh no, the Thousand Hand Pillar opened his hazy eyes and looked at the guy standing in front of him, wearing a black robe, making a puzzled voice.

“Thousand Hand Pillars, right?!”

After Yinghui watched the face that belonged to Tuan Zang disappear, a face not far away appeared, and the same face on the sculpture instantly understood who it was.

Although Hui Hui’s words at this moment were inquiring, his tone was full of affirmation.

“That’s right, between the thousand hand pillars below.”

The Thousand Hand Pillar looked at the guy in the black robe, and listened to his words and said suspiciously.

“Very good, it worked.”

After receiving an affirmative answer from the Thousand Hand Pillars, even Winhui, who had experienced strong winds and waves, couldn’t help but feel a burst of excitement at this moment.

This forbidden technique succeeded!

It also represents this ninja world, and this Hokage world is basically already in his pocket.

At the same time, Winhui also thought about things that would happen a long, long time later.

Since this ninjutsu can perform such a heaven-defying action, can it also have such a function in other worlds?

It’s unlikely, but you can give it a try! What if it works?! What if this ninjutsu can also be used in other worlds?!

Even if this ninjutsu cannot be used in other worlds, in this world, summoning a thousand hand pillars by himself is already beyond the value of this ninjutsu.

Winhui can be sure that although the influence of Chakra thousands of years ago has caused the strength of the Thousand Hand Pillar to soar, it is still inevitable that the Thousand Hand Pillar has its own talent.

Therefore, Tsunade is now in his pocket, so the possibility of this Tsunade’s grandfather submitting to himself is greatly enhanced.

Therefore, Winhui can already expect that in the future, there will be a scene under his command where a large area of trees will emerge from the ground with a slap of both hands.

“Hmm??? How is this place so familiar??? ”

The summoned Thousand Hand Pillar couldn’t help but turn, and after turning his head to look at the surrounding buildings, he couldn’t help but say in doubt.

Suddenly, something seemed to be remembered between the thousand hand pillars.

“I remembered that this is Konoha Village, and this is the clan land of the Senju family!”

Thousand Hand Pillar said excitedly.

“Wait, how did Konoha Village become like this?!”

The Thousand Hands Pillar suddenly saw the burned houses and the silent village outside the Thousand Hands Tribe’s land instantly angry.

How did the village become like this?! What about contemporary Hokage?! Where did the contemporary Hokage go?! How did the village become like this?!

The Thousand Hand Pillar was full of questions at the moment.

“Well, if you’re talking about Konoha Village, I’m sorry, I did it.”

Huan Hui looked at the angry Thousand Hand Pillar, and couldn’t help but touch his nose awkwardly and said lightly.

He had already thought of the scene after summoning the Senju Pillar, and he clearly knew that the Senjut Pillar was the goal of the entire Konoha Village for life.

After summoning him out, if he saw the destroyed Konoha Village and the silent village, he would probably riot directly on the spot.

So he directly admitted, what does it matter?


The Thousand Hand Pillar suddenly turned his head and stared directly at Hui Hui and said fiercely.

“If I’m not mistaken, you summoned me through the Dirt Rebirth Technique developed by my brother?!”

Thousand Hand Pillar said flatly.

As if stating a fact.

But only the closest Hui Hui between the Thousand Hand Pillars could clearly feel it, and under this calm words was endless anger.

“Sure enough, it is worthy of suppressing a real ninja god in the first place. Just with this crippled body can burst out such a powerful force, you, I admit it. ”

Hui Hui looked at the calm Thousand Hand Pillar and said with a faint smile.

“That’s right, it’s done!”

Winhui laughed loudly.

“Immortal Fa Mu Dun True Buddha Thousand Hands Topping Buddha!”

The Thousand Hand Pillar directly slapped his hands in an instant, making one of his most powerful moves.

Instantly, in the vast ground, it directly began to shake like a ten-magnitude earthquake.

Then a huge pair of hands made of wood appeared in the shaking ground, and then at a speed visible to the naked eye, those hands began to emerge more and more from the ground.

With just a snap of his fingers, a huge form of the Thousand Hands Guanyin appeared in this Thousand Hands Clan Land.

“Sure enough, there is a good saying, Yamato’s wooden dun can only fight the world by engaging in greenery, holding the wooden shield between the pillars.”

Standing underneath, Hui Hui was shocked to look at the Thousand Hands Buddha that instantly appeared in front of him.

“That is?!”

“Avatar Buddha on top!”

Tsunade, who was in a mansion, and Sarutobi Hibi, who was working hard, looked at the village, and suddenly a huge thousand-handed Buddha statue made of wood appeared hundreds of meters away, and he was instantly stunned.

It was a move that only belonged to the Thousand Hand Pillars!


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