“Very good, this world of Naruto does not need to be managed by yourself at all, maybe you can consider considering a two-line battle again.”

Standing on the edge of the cliff, Hui Hui couldn’t help but ponder as he looked at the thousand-handed pillar wearing half a million zombie legions leaving.

Because the entire ninja world has a thousand hands as a commander, there is no need for him, the emperor, to do it himself, not to mention the matter of sending troops to fight, he, the emperor, should have done less.

So after having a suitable commander, Winhui was immediately free.

After thinking about it, Winhui decided to open another world to see what the next world would look like.

Anyway, the current Daqin soldiers have sufficient troops, according to incomplete statistics, the army under his command already has tens of millions, most of which are summoned by him from the system, but some are recruited from the three worlds he occupies.

Therefore, the Great Qin Empire at this moment has more than 40 million troops that can reappear, and if it were not for the fact that it already has three worlds as a supplement, I am afraid that the Great Qin Empire really can’t afford it.

But since there are so many soldiers, it is really a little unaccustomed not to do something.

So Winhui decided to open another world!


“Gather an army of 100,000 for me, and I will follow Xu to the other world later.”

Yinghui returned directly to the palace from the Earth world and ordered the idle generals.

“Your Majesty, please also let me follow you on your journey to another world.”

In the court, coming out of the ranks of martial generals, a guy in a red robe said respectfully to Hui Hui sitting on the dragon chair.

“Dongfang Bai, are you sure you want to follow Xu on your expedition to another world?”

Hui Hui looked at the younger and younger Dongfang Undefeated and smiled.

“You know, even Xu is not sure whether the next world is beyond the scope of the Great Qin Empire’s force. Even Xu doesn’t dare to guarantee his safety, are you sure you want to follow Xu on a journey to another world? ”

Hui Hui looked at Dongfang Bai in a red robe and said lightly.

“I want to be stronger!”

Dongfang Bai gritted his teeth and said calmly.

“So it is.”

Hui Hui took a deep look at Dongfang Bai and instantly understood.

As the former number one expert in the world, Dongfang Bai joined the Great Qin Empire, although the undefeated strength of the East was still at the top of the Great Qin Empire, but for the situation of the tens of billions of people in the Great Qin Empire, she knew that sooner or later she would be surpassed.

If nothing else, Feng Qingyang who is in a world with him is in the same realm as her, and even Dongfang Bai has a hunch that Feng Qingyang that guy will definitely break through to the Grandmaster realm first than her.

How can Dongfang Bai, who was once the number one in the world, endure this?

Therefore, she also chose to follow His Majesty on his journey to the other world, in order to break through the current realm as soon as possible and step into the legendary Grandmaster realm.

“Go with the army.”

Hui Hui said calmly to Dongfang Bai.

“Thank you, Your Majesty.”

Dongfang Bai instantly breathed a sigh of relief in his heart after hearing Hui Huiyu’s words, and said respectfully to Hui Hui who was sitting on the dragon chair.


“I really don’t know what kind of world this world will be.”

Winhui looked at the situation around him and felt a pang of annoyance.

For a traverser like him, especially a traverser who chooses to occupy the entire world, he must obtain the situation of the current world for the first time in another world.

It’s been almost two hours since she crossed into this world, and she didn’t even meet a single person. So Winhui really doesn’t know what world he is in now.

“Full speed ahead! Find a place to perch before sunset. ”

Hui Hui ordered to the 100,000 cavalry behind him.

It is impossible to sleep directly in the wilderness, since you have come directly to this world, then you must directly choose a place to stay in this world, and it is impossible to go directly back to the world of the Great Qin Empire.


At the same time, just when Winhui was looking for humans without purpose, among the thousand hand pillars in the Hokage world, he led the 500,000 zombie legions to Thunder Shadow Village.

“Contemporary Thunder Shadow, come out and fight me to the death.”

The Thousand Hand Pillar looked at the defensive Yunyin Village, and directly encouraged Chakra to say loudly.

Then the words between the thousand hand pillars were directly heard by the three generations of Thunder Shadow Village in the interior of Thunder Shadow Village.

“I’ll go, you guys protect the village.”

The third generation of Lei Ying said calmly to several people in the conference room.

He knew that he might really not be able to come back this time, after all, what was surrounding them outside now was the so-called Great Qin that destroyed Konoha Village not long ago.

Even if he was called the existence of the strongest spear, he really had no chance of victory in his heart for the Great Qin who destroyed Konoha Village and occupied the Fire Nation.

He himself knows that his strength is a few pounds and taels, he knows that he is very strong, but no matter how strong he is, he cannot directly destroy the entire Konoha Village.

However, the other party can directly destroy Konoha Village, which shows a big problem.

Now that the enemy is coming, even if he has no confidence at all, he still has to choose confrontation.

Then, the three generations of thunder shadows dragged their heavy bodies to the door of Yunyin Village, looking at the zombie legion that surrounded the entire Yunyin Village, and couldn’t help but exhale deeply.

“It’s over.”

The three generations of Lei Ying really felt a little bad at the moment.

The dense army with no end in sight is enough to explain everything, all the people and ninjas in the entire village combined are estimated to not even have 1/10 of the number of each other, and the future of Cloud Shadow Village has really become very delicate at this moment.

“You are the third generation of Thunder Shadow in Yunyin Village today.”

Qianshou Zhujian looked at a muscular man in front of him with interest and said lightly.

“That’s right, I’m the Thunder Shadow today.”

The third generation of Lei Ying looked at the more familiar guy in front of him and admitted directly.

“Very good, in that case, then please finish it.”

Thousand Hand Pillar said directly and calmly after hearing the other party’s admission.

“Wood Secret Technique, Tree Realm has descended!”

The thousand hand pillars directly slapped up with both hands, and directly made a big move.

“Wait, this one is!”

The three generations of Thunder Shadow was known as the strongest spear guy, he looked at this familiar scene, and instantly understood in his mind who this familiar guy was.

This is actually the original Hokage of Konoha Village, who was originally known as the god of the ninja world!!!

But what the hell is it to make a big move when you come up???

“What’s special, this original Hokage doesn’t talk about martial arts!”

The mood of the three generations of Lei Ying at the moment is grooved.

“Hell Spurt Shibonjutsu!”

The three generations of Thunder Shadow immediately made a choice in this instant, directly using their strongest moves.


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