
With a scream, Yan Leng, those civilians in the village and some ninjas who did not participate in the battle were directly sucked clean by the zombies.

As for those Iwa Shinobi Village, the gate was surrounded by a forest between the thousand hand pillars, and they had already been sniped one by one.

After all, after some ninjas encounter the big boss between the thousand hand pillars, it is completely equivalent to the biggest monster of a game going to the novice village to abuse those small players.

A moment later, Iwa Ninja Village, one of the five largest in the ninja world, was destroyed by the zombie army led by the hand pillar.

It’s so fast, it’s so ferocious.

“Go to the next place, and we’ll continue the fight.”

Thousand Hand Pillar said with a direct wave of his hand.

“Roar, roar!”

The voices of the zombie legions reverberated on this land for a long time.


“Sun Wukong was sealed, and then the Jade Frontier God of War threatened the entire world???”

Hui Hui listened to the words of a farmer in front of him, and instantly felt that Watt was in his mind.

He now knows what world this is and what enemy he is about to face.

His current world is the world of the king of kung fu, telling the story of a young man from Sichuan country who got the golden hoop rod of the Monkey King in this world in the future and then crossed into this world, rescued the Monkey King in the seal, and finally resisted the evil rule of the God of War in the Jade Frontier.

It is completely about the world of heroism in the country of Kawakuni.

But Winhui sees the world as a ruler, and the world is completely pathological.

At the same time, the force value of this world is terrifyingly low.

The so-called heavenly soldiers and generals can actually be defeated by mortals, and the so-called heavenly soldiers and generals are just a group of burly guys with a little martial arts.

There is also the Monkey King of this world, in his opinion, he is completely the weakest Monkey King among the heavens and realms, and at the same time the stupidest one.

With the name of a Monkey King, it can actually be sealed by the so-called Qigong, and the most important thing is that the Jade Frontier God of War asked this Monkey King to put down the golden hoop rod and duel with him, and this Monkey King actually believed it.

Therefore, this Monkey King was called the weakest one among the heavens and realms, and there was no room for rebuttal.

“It looks like Daqin can add another world.”

Huan Hui looked at the leisurely sky and the people who were working not far away and said lightly.

When a tiger sees a prey weaker than him, then the fate of the prey is already predetermined.

In the same way, in this world of the king of kung fu, Daqin is already regarded as a bag.

“Heavenly Court, hehe, don’t think about this Heavenly Court existing.”

Hui Hui raised his head and looked at the sky and couldn’t help but sneer.

It just so happens that the current Daqin has technically set foot on the heavens and realms, and already has three worlds, and after a while, it will have four worlds.

However, its imperial capital did not have a suitable place, and it was really a bit incomprehensible for the Great Qin Empire that spanned the world.

It just so happens that this world has the so-called heavenly court, so this heavenly court standing in the sky, the Great Qin Empire wants it. And also to make a royal palace!

He wanted to see the palace of Daqin, where he lived, and build the legendary Heavenly Court.

The heavenly court of this world, he can see from the plot that there is really a bit of garbage, so he wants to make this world a central world.

Then in the future, Daqin’s rights will be concentrated in this world.

“Siege the city! Capture all the territories and cities you can! ”

Hui Hui directly waved the Fang Tian Painting in his hand and roared loudly.


The Daqin troops behind Hui Hui roared loudly one by one.

“Boom !!!”

Hussar warhorses began to trample in this fertile field.

“Boom, boom, boom…”

Endless warhorses trampled on this land while stirring up one vibrating sound after another.

It seems that only this burst of war horses trampling is left in heaven and earth.

Compared to the war horses here in the Great Qin, the peasants who were working in another place looked at the endless cavalry in the distance, and they were so frightened that they didn’t even know that the agricultural tools in their hands had fallen off.

“Something big happened!”

A farmer couldn’t help but swallow and said.

The leader of the strange army he knew, the guy who had just asked him about the general news of this world, never expected that the guy was actually the leader of an army, and it looked as if he was going to make a big deal.

After all, he would not be foolish to think that the leader of the army asked him about the situation in the world today, just casually, he must be inquiring about the general situation of the world today, and then he wanted to do something.

“When we all go home, something big is going to happen.”

The farmer picked up the hoe that had fallen on the ground and shouted to some of the big men in the surrounding villages.


“Ask for flowers”, “Ask for tips”, “Ask for collection”, “Ask for monthly pass”, “Ask for automatic subscription”

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