“Keep going!”

In its senses, none of them were alive, and immediately ordered the army to stop attacking.

As for the white-haired witch who caused waves in the plot, well, now she has become a white-haired hedgehog.

Therefore, the 100,000-strong army sent by the Jade Frontier God of War and the army that the main purpose of Daqin’s attack were completely bowed down without even sending out an attack.

If the Jade Frontier War God in the Five Finger Mountain knew that the soldiers under his command were all this color, I was afraid that he would have to jump on the spot.

“They’re amazing.”

Lu Yan, who was in the middle of the army, and the foreign guy felt a burst of shock.

They have never seen that kind of overwhelming bow and arrow, and if they have to say that they have seen it, I am afraid that only this guy from Sichuan Country has seen it in Hollywood movies.

That’s why he sighed so much, because he knew that the scene of ten thousand arrows firing in unison that he saw in the movie was fake, but the scene he saw now was the most real scene of ancient war, and the current situation of ten thousand arrows firing in unison was really extremely terrifying.

“This is almost catching up with the attack of missiles, although the power of missiles is stronger than this, but in this ancient world, an army that can cause such a powerful force should only be able to be caused by the ancient empire of the Eastern Xuanlong Kingdom, right?”

The foreign guy couldn’t help but sigh.

“Gone, don’t ink, do you still want to go back to your hometown?”

Lu Yan looked at the otherworldly guy who was sighing there again, and couldn’t help but stroke his forehead and said helplessly.

How do you feel that this otherworldly guy has never seen the world even more than himself? Now it seems that he is even more anxious than this otherworldly guy, but this otherworldly guy is going back to his hometown in a hurry. He didn’t care, after all, as long as the golden hoop rod existed in this world, one day with the power of this Great Qin’s power, sooner or later it would be sent to Sun Wukong’s hands, breaking Sun Wukong’s seal and defeating the Jade Frontier God of War.

“Coming, coming, coming.”

The otherworldly guy scratched his forehead in embarrassment after hearing Lu Yan’s words, and then directly drove the war horse under his crotch to run quickly ahead.

The million-strong army led by Winhui would not wait for the two of them, so when this otherworldly young man came back to his senses, the million-strong army led by Winhui was at least a few kilometers away from them.


At the same time, the monk who was changing by Sun Wukong’s hair in a temple in a certain forest finally couldn’t help but ride a white horse to the town below the mountain to find out about Skywalker.

As early as a few months ago, after sensing that familiar aura, he immediately knew that the golden hoop rod had returned.

So he kept waiting for the necessary way to get to the Five Finger Mountain, waiting for the so-called Skywalker to pass by here with his golden rod.

However, he had waited here for several months without sensing the familiar aura, and he wondered if the Jade Frontier God of War had taken the golden hoop rod.

Although it is said that five hundred years have passed, it has been waiting for five hundred years without news. Now that there is news of his golden rod, these months have made him really feel like he is living like a year.

“Well, what sound ???”

Just on this river, when I was about to go down the mountain, I suddenly heard a sound like thunder, and I was instantly puzzled.

Why is this sound somewhat similar to when the white horse in his crotch runs?

However, according to his experience, if he wanted to cause such a huge sound, then the war horses he had to own would be at least hundreds of thousands, or even millions, to cause such a momentum.

“Forget it, let’s go and see what’s going on.”

The white-robed monk who had Sun Wukong’s haomao transformed shook his head lightly, choosing to go to the place where the voice came from to find out.

At the same time, Hui Hui, who was driving below, suddenly sensed an unusual aura in its induction, which made him instantly stop driving the war horse under his crotch, and directly used a little bit of force to make the war horse under his crotch stop from the state of galloping.


After seeing that their majesty stopped acting, although they said that they didn’t know what their majesty was going to do, they also chose to stop the action of their crotch war horses one by one, and quietly looked at their majesty.

“That should be a silent monk.”

In the sensing of Yinghui, in the bamboo forest on the left, a different power from the warriors of this world appeared, a little similar to mana, and that mana also formed a humanoid state.

Of course, the most important thing is that he seems to be a monk.

Therefore, according to the understanding of the plot, Winhui can speculate that in this bamboo forest, and then add a monk-like existence, you can know that the guy next to the bamboo forest should be the silent monk in the plot, that is, the guy that Sun Wukong became without hair.

“Come out.”

Huan Hui said lightly to the bamboo forest.

“Lu Yan, what’s there?”

The otherworldly guy couldn’t help but ask Lu Yan next to him.

How it suddenly stopped, which made him really feel a little puzzled.

“It’s okay, I should just have found someone.”

For this otherworldly guy’s question, Lu Yan directly said the guess in his heart.

“Your Excellency, good work.”

Then, in the emerald green bamboo forest, a monk riding a white horse slowly came out, looking at Hui Hui in golden armor and said solemnly.


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