“Your Highness, the evidence has been collected.” As Hui Hui sat in the public hall of Yamen and waited, a deputy general said excitedly with a stack of evidence in hand.

“Raid the house!” The corner of Huanhui’s mouth that narrowed his eyes directly popped out these two words.

He didn’t have a good face for these landlords and the rich businessmen, and since the other party had put such a big thing but did not suffer any punishment, this already said something.

Collusion between officials and businessmen is unavoidable in any world, but I’m sorry that this situation occurs in the place under his jurisdiction, then click!

“No!” The adjutant general said quickly.


“What are you doing?”

“Is there a royal law?”

“Let go of me, I want to see your general!”

Words such as these resounded in this small city.

“Your Highness, the merchants in the city who have scavenged the people’s fat and endangered the people, as well as those landlords, have all been beheaded and displayed to the public, and their parents and money have all been looted, may I ask Your Highness, do you want to go and see?”

A general said respectfully to Winhui.

“Go, why not go?!” After hearing this, Hui Hui couldn’t help but say something.

“Give me all the gold!!!” Winhui said loudly.

“Obey!” The general said respectfully.

After a while, Winhui walked to the back hall of the Yamen again, and saw a mountain of gold, and the golden gold instantly brightened Winhui’s eyes.

“Sure enough, in this era, only those merchants and those landlords who control the land are the richest people in the whole era.” Winhui said while waving his hand and receiving all the gold into the system space.

Later, after going to the homes of merchants who specialize in selling iron to recover a large amount of iron, Winhui immediately went outside the city.

Due to the abundant use of gold, these merchants and landlords had a lot of reserves at home, so Winhui’s side immediately and directly obtained a large amount of gold.

“Summon!” After looking at the 20,000 troops that could be summoned, Yinghui immediately chose to summon without hesitation.

In an instant, the gold and some iron in the system space disappeared directly, in exchange for the empty space in front of him was directly filled, filled by soldiers one by one.

“See Your Highness!” After the soldiers were summoned, they saw Hui Hui standing in front of them and immediately saluted respectfully.

“Excuse me.” Winhui nodded in satisfaction.

“It seems that there is another war, taking advantage of the news that has not yet reached the capital of Daming, he can fight as many cities as he can at this time, otherwise you react, they can pull up a million-strong army at any time, although the daimyo is now a little thinner, but it is still the strongest country in Asia.” A skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Looking at the 20,000 troops summoned by this heart, Huan Hui couldn’t help but mutter.

“Leave a thousand soldiers, and the rest will go out again with the lonely!” Winhui said directly to a captain.

“No!” A brigade leader said.

For this practice of their highness, he understood it very well, after all, it is impossible not to let a soldier stay here in the territory that has been painstakingly built, if not, then what is the point of them laying down this city?

“Expedition!” Once again, Yinghui waved the sword in his hand and pointed it at the sky and roared.


With a sound of the earth shaking, Huan Hui carried almost 80,000 Daqin soldiers and embarked on the journey again!

“Brother Li, have they gone far?” A thief-eyed guy asked a middle-aged man with a beautiful appearance next to him.

“Gone, already far away.” The guy called Brother Li wiped the sweat on his forehead and said tremblingly.

“Go, let’s quickly spread the news!” The thief-eyed guy hurriedly said after hearing this.

“That’s right, it makes sense. But we had to wait until midnight. The middle-aged man called Brother Li looked fearfully at the soldiers who controlled the city gate and said.

“Well, Brother Li is thoughtful.” After the thief-eyed guy followed Brother Li’s gaze, he immediately understood where his concerns were.

It is true that under this group of soldiers who can be called elite soldiers, if they dare to directly break out of the city, it is estimated that they will be cut into meat paste at the first time, they do not have the strength to dare to carry these soldiers to see if the weapons in their hands are sharp.

Soon the night came, and a thief-eyed guy and a middle-aged man wearing night clothes secretly looked at the soldiers patrolling the city gate.

They looked at each other and instantly understood their thoughts.

“Bounce bomb.” A soft sound sounded at the city gates.

“What people?” After listening to the voice, the Daqin soldier raised his weapon and said vigilantly.

At the moment when the soldier turned around, the two guys who had been hiding on the side for a long time instantly summoned up the internal strength of their whole bodies, directly stunned the soldier, and then disappeared over the city wall into the vast night.


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