“Very good, now it is estimated that I can fight with Ming Ting!” Huan Hui looked at the 50,000 army he had just summoned and nodded with satisfaction.

Dozens of days have passed, he can be said to have encountered a city, and immediately hit it, and it is simply simple without any power.

These soldiers defending the city in the south have not experienced the baptism of war and fire at all, that is, they belong to the kind of guys who take up arms and become soldiers, and they have no combat effectiveness at all.

And the army under his command also increased from 50,000, 60,000, 70,000 to 100,000, 150,000 to 200,000 now.

With an army of 200,000, Yinghui asked himself that he also had that confidence.

“Today I will step on the entire Jiangnan Province and take the entire Jiangnan Province under the lonely command!” Hui Hui looked at the neat army standing in front of him and said deeply.

Now the entire Jiangnan Province is only the provincial capital, which has not been completely subdued, and the rest of the territory of Jiangnan Province has been completely occupied in these days.

“Obey!” A shout that resounded through heaven and earth echoed above this plain.

The shaking sound of this life will disperse the clouds above the sky, as if they were all shaken.


“See no, look at their goal, they should be to completely unify Jiangnan Province, should we take action?” Whether to help the imperial court, or to help this guy who is about to occupy the entire Jiangnan Province. In the forest beside the army, some martial arts people were muttering and discussing.

If this new rebel thief has the potential to unify the entire Daming, then they will have the skill of the dragon.

If you want to save face in front of the current imperial court, you can directly help the imperial court deal with these rebellious thieves.

Therefore, this is a big bet for these martial arts people, and if you win the bet, if nothing else, you can definitely be promoted to a knight, but if the bet fails, one life is not enough to kill.

“Wait a minute, this unknown force does not have a good face for those rich people, especially those landlords and businessmen, it is a convenient thing to destroy the family.” A guy on the side who was obviously dressed more luxuriously, his face was a little tangled and said.

Now no one in the entire martial arts knows that this group of newly emerged forces extremely dislike those rich families, and all those landlords, as well as those businessmen, have been raided and exterminated.

You must know that there is not a lot of money in these sects, if the heritage of the entire sect is used to fill the army in this way, it is estimated that if the ancestor of the sect knows, he will directly crawl out of hell and knock their existing head to death.



After being inspected by Huan Hui, the army immediately chose to issue a certificate, and it was bound to directly conquer the capital of Jiangnan Province not far away within today!

“It’s not good my lord, that unknown rebel army is already ten miles outside the city!” In a city not far from Winhui, a soldier said in a panic to the prefect on the city wall.

“I’m not blind, I can see!” The prefect said with a frown.

Not far away, a vaguely visible army was marching towards his city.

“Alas, today is at stake!” The prefect said helplessly.

He already knows roughly what will happen after that, which is nothing more than raiding the family and exterminating the family, and there is nothing else.

“Alas, I didn’t expect it to be my turn so soon.” The prefect said helplessly.

He had already received the news when the unknown rebels were attacking the city and plundering the land in Jiangnan Province under his jurisdiction, and the news received from the imperial court was also informed by him.

Therefore, it is precisely because he got first-hand information that he will understand how ferocious the unknown rebel is, and he will also understand how powerful the unknown force is and how fierce the soldiers are.

The whole body was wrapped in black armor, and the defense was extremely strong, and he doubted whether the Daming soldiers could break through their defenses?

And according to the reports of these days, there are more and more soldiers of the enemy, as if they appeared out of nowhere, and the prefect of this is 10,000 people who do not believe it, and the only explanation is estimated to be that the layout of this unknown force does not know how many years it will be able to fight in one place again, and so many troops will suddenly appear.

Even if he paid for it, he suspected that his provincial capital was located, and there were many enemy forces in it, otherwise how could he explain that those people would suddenly have tens of thousands of troops after fighting a place?

That divine is not a god, how can it become a creature out of thin air?

“Here it comes!” The prefect looked at the approaching army and said softly.

“Greet ~ the enemy!” The prefect stood in front of the city wall, summoned up all the strength of his body, and roared loudly.

The soldiers in the city also slowly came out, one after another unsuitable, and then thousands of people stood on the city wall with weapons and looked at the hundreds of thousands of troops below, showing fear.

“Kill!” Seeing that he was ready to greet the prefect, Huan Hui directly waved his weapon and shouted.




A roar echoed under the city.

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