“The grass people see the king! The king can call the grass name Nanshan Daoren,” the middle-aged man who was led in by the deputy general said respectfully when he saw Hui Hui surrounded by heavy soldiers.

“This king is really important to his own safety.” The Nanshan Daoist looked at Huan Hui, who was surrounded by soldiers, and couldn’t help but say helplessly in his heart.

It’s just that he quite understands this behavior, the one in front of him is the new master who occupies the entire Jiangnan Province, with the hundreds of thousands of troops under his hand, can fight with the existence of the imperial court, in case this existence that can wrench the wrist with the imperial court, if he accidentally dies, then the entire Jiangnan Province will once again return to the rule of the imperial court.

So at this time, no matter who it is, they will definitely protect their own safety.

“What do you want?” Hui Hui looked at the so-called Nanshan Daoist in gorgeous clothes in front of him.

“This great king, I’m waiting to come for the Dragon Court!” The Nanshan Daoist directly stated his purpose without hesitation, after all, they all came directly to join others, what are they doing so secretly?

“Fulong Garden.” Winhui muttered after hearing this.


“What rank are those martial arts people in the entire jianghu divided into?” Hui Hui asked the Nanshan Daoist.

“Your Highness, the strength of the entire jianghu is divided into five realms.”

“Among them, there are third-rate, second-rate, first-rate, acquired and finally congenital.” The people of Nanshan Dao slowly really said the realm of the entire division of rivers and lakes.

“It’s just that the last innate realm has not been reached for hundreds of years, the most recent one is Zhang Sanfeng, the head of the original Wudang faction, and a little further away is the Song Dynasty.” The Nanshan Daoist shook his head regretfully and sighed.

“So it is.” Winhui nodded and said.

Since this is the case, then Hui Hui has a general understanding of the realm of those martial arts people in the Xiaoao Rivers and Lakes now.

“If this is the case, then the clear wind and the undefeated in the east in this world should be at the peak of the day after tomorrow, and those guys who are called the top names should also be in the acquired realm, and even the weaker ones are the first-class peak.” Winhui couldn’t help but analyze in his heart.

“Your Highness, this is the core secret of my Nanshan Sect, I can cultivate to the acquired realm, and the poor path is now only cultivated to the first-class realm.” The Nanshan Daoist took out a secret book from his arms and handed it to Huan Hui, and said helplessly.

“Oh, this is the legendary secret of internal strength?!” Huan Hui took the secret code handed over by the Nanshan Daoist and looked at it for a while, and then said in surprise.

“Sure enough, this thing, it’s really not something that ordinary people can practice casually, those novels in the TV series are all nonsense, special, these things are the same as a literary text, word by word can be understood, but all connected, then you don’t understand it at all, what does this mean, you can practice as soon as you get started, and it’s the same as a martial arts wizard, it’s really really ridiculous.” Hui Hui looked at this secret book, the words in the classical language, and the corners of his mouth tugged and complained in his heart.

“Well, Your Highness might as well let me teach you how to practice?” The Nanshan Daoist looked at Huan Hui’s helpless eyes and the corners of his tugged mouth, and instantly understood.

This guy with a heavy hand and who can wrench the wrist with the imperial court obviously does not understand the secret book of martial arts.

In that case, he still does not recommend himself?

As long as he can teach, this highness then as long as he overthrows the Dragon Court, he is also a half-emperor master, although it is only the kind of emperor master who teaches the emperor’s force, but it can also be regarded as imparting the emperor’s knowledge.

“No need, I already have a candidate in mind.” Winhui shook his head.

He didn’t know what this Nanshan Daoist thought, but to be honest, compared to this Nanshan Daoist who had never heard of it in the entire plot, he was more inclined to that gentleman Jianyue Buqun, although he was a hypocrite, but he was still ranked first in this world in terms of strength and knowledge.

That being the case, then why didn’t he choose Yue Buqun? For Yue Buqun’s idea, it was nothing more than bringing prosperity to the Huashan Sect again, and he just happened to have this strength. It’s easy to take what you need.

“Okay then.” Nanshan Daoist said helplessly.

This highness has already clearly refused, can he still lick it again? Even if he licked it, this highness would not only not agree, but would be even more disgusted with him.

“Your Highness, the grass people will retreat first, and soon the grass people will lead the entire Nanshan faction to return to His Highness quickly.” Nanshan Daoist said.

“Go ahead.” Huan Hui waved his hand and said.

Looking at the departing figure, Hui Hui may have an idea in his heart, to form an army of all martial arts people, these martial arts people due to the reason of practicing internal skills for many years, their physical fitness is comparable to that of leisurely special forces, or even better than those special forces, what they lack is training.

So Winhui decided to form a special force in this world, and it just so happened that the appearance of this Nanshan Daoist gave him an idea, since there are sects that have chosen to join him, then with the first, will the second be far away?


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