“Gentlemen, I will compensate everyone here.” Yue Buqun directly helped the severely injured soldier up, and at the same time said apologetically to the soldiers who were looking at him and him, the rebel disciple Ling Hu Chong.

“Come, carry him down for treatment.” Yue Buqun ordered directly to his other apprentices.

“Gentlemen, it is not strict to discipline under you.” Yue Buqun said in an apologetic tone to the captains.

“It’s nothing, it’s just that this apprentice of the general needs to be disciplined well.” Several captains around waved their hands and said, but they didn’t have a good face for Ling Hu Chong.

“Keep attacking!” The captains continued to instruct directly to the stopped archers.

“Brush brush brush!” One by one, the bows and arrows were shot directly by the archers.

“Plop plop.” When the bow and arrow shot into the room, everyone standing outside could faintly hear the plopping sound coming from inside the martial arts hall.

That was the sound made by the disciples of the Songshan Sect falling directly to the ground after being shot by bows and arrows.

“Stop, stop all of you!” Ling Hu Chong, who was captured by Yue Buqun, looked at the soldiers who were continuing to attack, and suddenly became vicious.

“You scoundrel shut up your master!” Yue Buqun looked at Ling Hu Chong, who was still roaring, as if he knew him for the first time, and his face became ugly.

“Master, you have changed, become strange, become unfamiliar to me.” Ling Hu Chong looked at Yue Buqun in disappointment and muttered.

“Phew.” Yue Buqun listened to Ling Hu Chong’s words, and forcibly endured the displeasure in his heart and looked at Ling Hu Chong coldly.

“Click.” Yue Buqun directly slapped his palm on the back of Ling Hu Chong’s neck.

Ling Hu Chong, who was still looking at Yue Buqun with that hateful gaze, directly rolled his eyes and passed out.

“Alas, the family is unfortunate!” Yue Buqun looked at Ling Hu Chong, who had passed out in a coma, and sighed slightly in his heart.


“Damn Yue Buqun!” At this moment, there was a roar from inside the surrounded martial arts hall.

However, under the attack of the bows and arrows of the soldiers of Daqin, the formation quickly disappeared.

“Oh, that’s Zuo Lengchan’s guy’s cry! I didn’t expect him to have today. Yue Buqun couldn’t help but sneer after hearing that familiar voice.

“If you want to blame, you can only blame the sky! Who let that great king first contact the martial arts sect is my Huashan Sect. Yue Buqun said to himself calmly in his heart.

“General Qiyu, the bow and arrow have been shot!” The archers who were originally shooting stopped shooting, and a squad leader-level guy bowed his hand towards Yue Buqun and the captains.

“Be careful, after entering, you will make up for it all whether you are dead or alive!” Yue Buqun directly waved his hand and ordered.

“With so many numbers, I’m afraid that even the undefeated East in today’s world will probably feel difficult for a while, and even if this guy Zuo Lengchan doesn’t die, I’m afraid he will be seriously injured.” Yue Buqun looked at the martial arts practice hall full of bows and arrows, and couldn’t help but tremble in his heart and said.


With the short path of the Daqin soldiers, soon there was a trace of screams in the martial arts training ground.

After hearing this scream, Yue Buqun did not hear the sound of a fight, which meant that this scream was probably the temporary scream of those disciples of the Songshan Sect who were not dead after they were mended with the sword.

Then Yue Buqun personally went in and looked at Zuo Lengchan, who was completely dead, and shook his head, Zuo Lengchan, who was originally regarded as his great enemy, died in front of him like this, which could not help but make people feel a burst of boasting.

“Take care of the entire Songshan Sect!” Yue Buqun ordered directly.

Since all the guys from the Songshan faction are dead, it’s time to send Songshan and take out everything that is valuable.

“It seems that the rise of the Songshan faction is not without reason.”

Yue Buqun looked at the treasure house of the Songshan Sect and couldn’t help but sigh in his heart.

Yue Buqun compared the treasury of his Huashan Sect and the Songshan Sect, and sadly found that the treasure house of the Huashan Sect probably did not have a third of the treasure house of the Songshan Sect!

“No wonder the Songshan Sect has risen so quickly over the years, with so many treasures, I’m afraid that anyone with a little brain can rise.” Yue Buqun shook his head and sighed.

“Move all of them and fill the treasury.” Yue Buqun ordered directly to the soldiers who came with him.

Later, Yue Buqun also ordered the soldiers to go to Shaolin to collect those Shaolin treasures, and was shocked to find that the Shaolin treasures were several times larger than those of the Songshan faction.

After making some comparisons, Yue Buqun sadly found that as long as the Chinese merchant sect could be named in the rivers and lakes, its background was much deeper than that of the Huashan faction.

“Clean up the battlefield!” After solving all the Songshan factions in Shaolin, Yue Buqun ordered the entire battlefield to be cleaned up.

In this way, Shaolin, which has dominated for hundreds of years, and the Songshan faction, which has risen in recent years, have disappeared into the long river of history.

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