“You have a clever plan to defeat those enemies and return my great river.”

Emperor Jiajing sat on the dragon chair and looked at the ministers standing honestly below, and couldn’t help but ask.

At the same time, a trace of anxiety appeared in the eyes of the Jiajing Emperor, and he hoped that these ministers could give a good opinion, even if they could not destroy the enemy, as long as they could not let the remaining Daming territory not be captured by the enemy.

He didn’t ask for much, really, as long as he could make his emperor’s qualification position can always be achieved, as for destroying the enemy and recapturing those territories, he no longer had the luxury of expecting.


The civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty instantly felt a little embarrassed when they heard the emperor’s words.

Destroying the enemy, this seems a little difficult to do.

You must know that the emperor Xiandi led an army of 600,000 to conquest.

But the result was that Daming’s most elite army of 600,000 had been completely wiped out.

And the army they now have is not as good as the one that the emperor took out for conquest before.

Therefore, they wanted to rely on these armies to defend the only Daming River and Mountain, and even defeat the enemy and retake all the areas south of the Yangtze River. It’s like they’re a little bit out of it.

“Okay.” Emperor Jiajing could only say in disappointment, looking at the silent court, Emperor Jiajing also understood that his request might be a bit problematic.

At the same time, he couldn’t help but feel a little displeased with Zhu Houzhao, the royal brother.

If he hadn’t taken away all the soldiers who could be called elite in the entire Daming, it wouldn’t have led to the fact that he didn’t even have soldiers who could fight in his hands now.

“Your Majesty, the minister has a plan.” Just when the Manchu Dynasty’s civil and military officials and the emperor sitting on the dragon chair were silent, suddenly a gray-haired old man said respectfully.

“What is Ai Qing’s plan?” The silent Zhu Hou and the silent Jiajing Emperor were suddenly shocked by these words, and quickly said in surprise.

“Your Majesty, perhaps we can move back the army defending the former Yuan Dynasty, as well as the army stationed on the border of Liaodong, so that we have hundreds of thousands of troops that can fight.”

The gray-haired old man said proudly. As if his scheme was a terrible.

“Your Majesty must not!”

The originally silent court was instantly as noisy as the vegetable market, and the originally silent ministers of culture and martial arts stepped forward one after another to ask for orders.

That’s a soldier defending against the steppe peoples!

If those soldiers are transferred, it is possible that the steppe peoples will make a comeback again, recreating the tragedy of hundreds of years ago.

Even if they knew, perhaps only by mobilizing those soldiers who defended the steppe peoples would they have the power to fight a war, but no soldier could mobilize there!

If the soldiers there are really mobilized, the defense force of the grassland is too weak, and the final result is that the grassland pearl will invade the Central Plains again! Then these guys who make decisions above the court, they are the sinners of the nation!

“Mobilize the soldiers in that place…” Emperor Jiajing couldn’t help but ponder in his heart after sitting on the dragon chair and listening to these words.

As far as he knew, the soldiers who defended the steppe peoples in those two places could be regarded as elite, even if they were compared to the soldiers who died in his royal brother’s imperial conquest.

You must know that the soldiers taken away by his royal brother Imperial Commander are basically the most elite soldiers in the country, after all, they have to defend the emperor, so their elite degree is no less than that of soldiers who have experienced blood and fire in the frontier.

“It seems that this is the only way.” Emperor Jiajing couldn’t help but say softly.

As for the other objections, he simply ignored them.

This can be regarded as the last defensive force of Daming, what is it to do without protecting him, the emperor, and the rivers that recovered Daming?

“Xuanxuan’s will, the soldiers of the Xuanqian Yuan border and the soldiers of the Liaodong border quickly come to King Qinjing!”

Emperor Jiajing directly ordered.

“This, this, this.” Some civil and military officials loyal to Daming found it difficult for a moment to accept that this was an order from the emperor, didn’t the emperor know what serious consequences this would cause???


While these civil and military officials loyal to Daming were in a hurry, the rest of the officials who were pushed out by the merchant factions across the country hurriedly responded.

Their interests can be said to be linked to those merchant factions in every place across the country, since Daqin chose to kill them all in the face of those merchant factions, these guys’ hatred for Daqin is no less than that of Daming and the early grassland tribe.

Therefore, they desperately hoped that the Great Qin could be destroyed as soon as possible.

In the end, with the consent of most of the officials, this divine decree was conveyed by the remaining Jinyiwei in Jincheng, targeting the Qianyuan border and the eastern Liaoning border.

But these guys could not have imagined that their predecessor Emperor Zhu Houzhao had already given orders before them, and the soldiers in those two places were estimated to have been on their way long ago, so it was destined that their orders would not be accepted after arriving at the Former Yuan border and the Liaodong border.

After all, the guys who learned the news and the order had already died on the battlefield, so the last Daming had the last glimmer of hope for this soldier who would never receive the order.


“Sure enough, these merchants in various places have money.”

Huan Hui looked at the secret order in his hand and couldn’t help but shake his head.

No wonder Daming will die in a few decades, just these people, this situation Daming does not die, then it is strange.

The country’s money was basically in the hands of some merchants, and these businessmen were still trying to evade taxes, and the money handed over to the treasury was simply not enough to support the emperor’s recruitment.

How can an emperor without soldiers and horses revive the empire, so Zhu Youzhen died and hanged from a crooked neck tree.

This was just one province in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and the amount of gold and silver looted was simply too large for him to believe.

As for the origin of these gold and silver, and why they appeared in the homes of these merchant landlords, rather than in the treasury, Winhui still knew a little.

You must know that at this moment, the trade between Daming and Europa has reached the extent that people imagine. 2/3 of the gold and silver of the entire Great Voyage are circulating in Daming.

But it is a pity that these are the two-thirds of the gold and silver of the entire Great Voyage did not appear in the treasury of Daming, but appeared in the homes of those merchants across the country.

“It seems that a wave of riots can be carried out.”

Winhui shook his head and said.

“It’s time for the Ming court in the north to end it, although it will cause a lot of soldiers to break up many families, but if he doesn’t solve the Ming court in the north, after the alien races in the grassland attack, then the soldiers and broken families will be far more than that.”

That sacrifice is more tumultuous, and that sacrifice is more is still clear at a glance.

Therefore, Hui Hui chose the big riot army, and the unstoppable momentum of Xinyi Thunder swept through Daming, and after putting the situation in Daming in order, he should strike against the threat from the alien races in the grasslands farther north.


After looking at the gold and steel of these golden mountains, Winhui silently said in his heart.

In an instant, the gold and steel that originally filled the entire barracks instantly turned into a white light and disappeared in place.

In an instant, after the gold and steel disappeared, white pillars appeared in this barracks…

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