“Hehe, sure enough, the other side did as I said.” Yue Buqun sat on a horse and looked at the army returning the same way on the opposite side, and couldn’t help but chuckle.

He expected that this group of generals who were honored for their lives would probably die of guilt when they knew that the Central Plains might suffer another invasion by the grassland clan because of their actions.

“Go ahead, follow behind the opposite side.” Yue Buqun ordered.

Although it is said that according to the current market, it is the opposite, and the army led by his command will also fight against the grassland aliens. But there is a difference between relatives and distances, presumably any normal person will know. The army led by his own command, but now it can be said that the emperor of the Qin Dynasty personally accepted the order, which is under his control. But the remnants of the former dynasty Daming on the opposite side are different, and those soldiers are unlikely to listen to their own orders, but to the words of their generals.

Although he said that he was going to the grassland to fight against the alien race, he did not recommend that the other party first lose some of the enemy’s strength, and then he could go forward to pick peaches.

“General, that Great Qin’s army is directly following us, shall we speed up and throw them off? Or to carry out the eviction? A big man in light armor frowned at the burly General Li.

“Just let them follow, anyway, there is nothing bad for us.” General Li, the main general of the Ming Dynasty, looked at the Great Qin army that followed closely behind, shook his head slightly and said.

“The large army gathered by those alien races this time is probably not a small number, and it is estimated that it is okay to resist for a while with our forces, but if it is said that it is necessary to counterattack, or leave them at the border, it is estimated that it is impossible.” General Li said with a solemn face.

“But if Daqin follows, it means that we have a reinforcement army that can reach the battlefield immediately, I believe that the other side will support, after all, once the grassland alien race defeats us and the other party does not intercept us, then I am afraid that the emperor of the other party’s Daqin will not spare them.” General Li quietly analyzed.

“So it is.” The big man in light armor nodded slightly after listening to General Li’s words, and his frown immediately stretched.

Originally, he also wanted to lead the army to accelerate directly and get rid of them, but listening to General Li’s lecture, he found that what he said really made sense.

“Go ahead, try to get to the border sooner. I am afraid that the members of the so-called golden family have long been impatient. General Li, the Daming Lord, said with an ugly face.

“The whole army accelerates!”

One order after another was transmitted, and then the soldiers of the Daming camp quickened their pace and marched towards the north.

“Hurry up, we also have to speed up, if those guys on the grassland really invade the Central Plains and delay time because of us, then we really deserve to die.” Yue Buqun looked at the Daming army that had accelerated its speed, and suddenly said openly.


At the same time, outside the Daming frontier city that originally defended the alien races of the northern steppe, a group of cavalry gathered under the pressure of the black pressure.

“Sure enough, the group of soldiers in Daming really left here and went to support the so-called Central Plains battlefield.”

Da Khan rode a batch of sweaty BMWs, looking at the empty city wall and said excitedly.

Since the other party really gave up this city, it also means that the army of their golden family can once again wave their army south, and they will once again restore the glory of their ancestors!

“Attack!” Big Khan waved his hand and shouted loudly.

“Kill!” After hearing the order of the Great Khan, the men in the south of the steppe immediately raised the machetes in their hands and roared loudly.

How could they not be excited about the fertile fields and snow-white skinned women in the Southern Central Plains who would soon belong to them again?

The army of the excited Golden Family occupied the undefended city in an instant.

After occupying the city, the steppe Khan took out a drawing from his arms, looked at it for a while, and immediately pointed in one direction and issued an order.

“Kill, attack the Kyoto of the Southern Han!” Great Khan Zhen Tu put it in his arms and immediately ordered.

The soldiers, who had received the orders of the Great Khan, roared excitedly into the sky, raised their machetes, stepped onto their sturdy horses, and galloped towards the place where Kyoto was.


“General, something is bad.” A scout hurriedly rushed to the position of General Li in the Daming camp and said with a trace of trembling.

“What’s the matter.” Li Zhengjun looked at the hurried scout, and suddenly felt a bad feeling in his heart.

“General, they’re calling!” Scout said tremblingly.

“And looking at the number of their army, there are at least 300,000 cavalry!” The scout calmed down for a moment and said fearfully.

“Stay where you are, take up arms and prepare for battle.” Li Zhengjun said firmly after taking a deep breath.

“General, do you really want to do this?” The generals on the side said with frowns after listening to the words of their main general.

“You know that this is a plain, do you really want to fight back on the spot?” A general on the side said hesitantly.

“Fight back in place!”

Li Jianjun listened to the words of his colleagues on the side and said firmly.

“We have no choice, or we retreat. But the consequence is that our compatriots will once again be trampled by the alien race of the steppe. ”

“So we have no choice!” Lord Li shook his head slightly and said.

Yes, there are thousands of people behind them, but if because of their retreat, those unarmed people are trampled by these foreign races, then they are really sorry for their ancestors!

After hearing General Li’s words, the rest of the generals thought bitterly in their hearts.

Afterwards, Daming’s army immediately took a counterattack posture in place.

With the passage of time, after a while, the earth shook.

“Here it is.” The generals of Daming couldn’t help but say in their hearts.

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