Great Single Player of the Heavens

Chapter 230 Boy, you are brave, but a little tender

The philosophy and purpose of the Knights Templar, from ancient times to the present, can be summed up in one word.

That is: control!

Control power, control people's hearts, control everything, so as to build a perfect world full of order!

The reason why Starry was able to become the Grand Master of the British Rite of the Templars was because his ambition was highly compatible with the Templars' long-standing philosophy.

Starry and the British Rite of the Templars behind him want to control all aspects of London, and then control the entire empire on which the sun never sets, and radiate the influence of the Templars to the entire world!

Their plan to control the people of London, using addictive painkillers, is just one means by which they control London.

However, as the opponents of the Templar Knights for thousands of years, Lu Qi and others who are in the Assassin organization's camp, out of reason, want to stop Starry's ambitions from continuing to expand...

Everyone who realized the seriousness of the situation fell into a moment of silence.

After a while, Jacob, who was sitting on the chair, touched his gauntlet, and took the lead in expressing his opinion:

"Since we know that Starry is using the analgesic potion to poison the people of London, why don't we just kill Elliotson who made the potion?"

"Without factories making potions, and without people making potions, the Templars can't continue to do this kind of thing..."

Hearing this, Lu Qi raised his head and said:

"If only things were that simple..."

"How to say?"

Lu Qi didn't answer Jacob's question right away, but looked at the Indian brother beside him and asked:

"Henry, how much do you know about Elliotson?"

Green just thought for a while, and then said:

"John Elliotson, who came from a medical family, was once a skilled heart expert, but since he became obsessed with phrenology and hypnotism, he was dismissed from the medical school, and his reputation has plummeted since then."

"It seems that Starry took a fancy to his reputation and medical skills and offered him a job..."

"Yes, after being hired by Starry, he went to the Lambeth Sanatorium as an attending physician, and he is researching a treatment project called electroconvulsive therapy, perhaps because there are a large number of volunteers available for experiments... .”

Hearing the subtext behind this, Evie at the side couldn't help but put on a pretty face, and cursed in a low voice:

"Damn executioner!"

At this time, Jacob took over the conversation and continued:

"Since he is such a bastard, we should kill him immediately and save the patients he used for experiments!"

"Jacob, it's easy to kill Elliotson, but have you thought about the consequences?"

"How can you achieve great things by looking forward and backward in everything!"

"If your so-called big thing is to use violence to solve the problem, I think I don't agree with it. Violence is not the only way to solve all problems. Sometimes, we should be more cautious..."

If it's your twin sister, tell yourself that Jacob will just be the same as usual,

Either ignore it, or refute it; if it is a stranger, Jacob will definitely use a fist as big as a casserole to teach him how to write the word "violence".

However, it is very regrettable that the person who said this to him was Lu Qi, whom he had just defeated in a duel.

According to the promise, he will obey Lu Qi's orders now...

Unable to beat and fight, but unable to fight, Jacob could only choose to "cut", put his hands on his chest, leaned back, and let go of his sulking.

If violence could liberate London, Lu Qi would have killed Starry and all the Templars under him long ago. Does Jacob need to do it?

Glancing at the unconvinced Jacob, Lu Qi couldn't help muttering in his heart:

Boy, you're brave, but a little tender...

After "persuading" Jacob, Lu Qi continued:

"Since Jacob has blown up the analgesic potion factory, it means that there is no new potion supply on the market for the time being, which can temporarily curb the speed at which the analgesic potion poisons the people."

"However, the next step is the most important thing!"

After a pause, Lu Qi raised his tone unconsciously:

"We should first find out whether Elliotson is the only one who has the formula for the potion; also, if the analgesic potion is permanently discontinued, is there enough medicine on the market to replace this potion and help those in need? Healing the people."

Before he knew it, Lu Qi showed the courage he had in Los Santos and 141, and took the initiative to assume the role of the decision maker of this London assassin team.

No one else felt wrong about it either...

Perhaps in their hearts, Lu Qi's ability and charisma are enough to take on these important responsibilities.

After all, with great power comes great responsibility...

"That's a very sensible idea. So what are you going to do?"

With Green's approval, Lu Qi just thought about it for a while, and then began to assign tasks:

"Evie, you and I will go to St. Thomas' Hospital and talk to a doctor to see if we can find a stable drug supplier; Jacob, didn't you make an appointment with Lord Darwin to meet at the Lambeth Sanatorium? Then The task of monitoring Elliotson is left to you.

"Remember, it's best to investigate who else has the formula for making the potion besides Elliotson."

After all, Lu Qi's eyes stayed on Jacob, the problem child, and asked one more question on purpose:

"Is there a problem?"

Jacob, though reckless and impulsive, was no fool.

With both Evie and Green on Lu Qi's side, it would be meaningless for him to continue to insist on his opinion.

Therefore, he did not sing a different tune, but reluctantly accepted the task.

"You're making the whole thing boring..."

Ignoring someone's complaints, Lu Qi looked at the intelligence experts in the assassin team again, and reminded:

"By the way, Henry, ask Clara to send a few children to the vicinity of Starry Company to monitor their every move. If there is a change in the analgesic medicine, they will not sit idly by."


Taking out the pocket watch in his vest pocket and looking at the time, Lu Qi put an end to today's planning meeting:

"Okay, it's getting late, go back and rest, I'm still busy tomorrow..."

As soon as the words fell, Jacob suddenly got up from the seat, stretched his muscles, and said casually:

"I'll forget it, the old man is still waiting for me in the nursing home..."

Seeing Jacob walking towards the door, Evie blinked her eyes and called out to her younger brother:


After a pause, Jacob turned his head impatiently, "What's wrong?"

"Be careful, don't get yourself into any trouble again..."

Hearing this, Jacob frowned slightly, shrugged, spread his hands, and deliberately joked:

"I can't guarantee that trouble will find me..."

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