Great Single Player of the Heavens

Chapter 471 How about going back and giving it a try?

Chris readily agreed to Lu Qi's proposal.

Chris is just brave, not a brainless fool.

When the enemy is so strong that you can't see the possibility of defeating it, and you still rush forward foolishly, you are asking for your own death.

As a result, Lu Qi and Chris, who had just watched a battle of the century through surveillance, chose a strategic retreat without hesitation after fully realizing their weakness.

However, they did not leave the institute immediately. Instead, they planned to go to the underground laboratory to collect information about the Veronica virus before Alexia discovered the two.

This is done, on the one hand, to be prepared to deal with Alexia, the T-Veronica virus mutant, in the future; on the other hand, it is also to collect evidence of the Umbrella Company's illegal activities and continue to trample on the Umbrella Company, which is in turmoil. A few kicks.

Although it is a beautiful thought. However, plans cannot keep up with changes, and things often do not go as people expect...

After the two left the monitoring room, they headed down.

After killing the zombies and giant moths blocking the way, the two successfully reached the elevator leading to the underground.

After stepping into the elevator and pressing the floor button, Lu Qi felt the elevator begin to slowly descend. Only then did Lu Qi relax a little.

At this time, noticing that Chris lowered his head and looked thoughtful, Lu Qi couldn't help but ask:

"What are you thinking about?"

"I'm wondering if Wesker and Alexia's extraordinary abilities are related to the virus?"

"According to the information I have collected, the original purpose of Umbrella Company's development of biochemical viruses was to stimulate the human body's potential and thereby strengthen humans. However, during the research process, it was discovered that the virus could not fully integrate with humans and mutated. There will be zombies, tyrants and other B.O.Ws.”

"In a sense, these are failures of the virus..."

Hearing this, Chris couldn't help but picture Wesker's orange vertical pupils and Alexia's changed appearance.

"You mean, the changes in Wesker and Alexia are what the virus should be like?"

"Perhaps, for ambitious people, when they can have superhuman strength, they only have to pay a small price, which is nothing at all."

"There are always a lot of crazy people in this world..."

Hearing this, Chris once again recalled everything he experienced in the mansion. He couldn't help but nodded slightly and agreed in a low voice:


While talking, the elevator finally arrived at the underground laboratory located on the eighth floor underground.

Using the security card obtained from a zombie, he successfully opened the door to the laboratory with a beep.

As soon as the two entered the laboratory, they saw a body lying on the ground.

It was a pale blond man wearing a red military uniform, who was the missing Alfred Ashford!

Judging from the pools of blood left on the ground and the pool of black blood on his abdomen, Alfred was seriously injured when he arrived at the laboratory.

Not far in front of him, a capsule-style freezing chamber had been opened.

The scene in front of him made Lu Qi raise his brows.

Apparently, Alfred, who was hotly pursued by Wesker, struggled to the underground laboratory after being seriously injured, and then woke up Alexia who was sleeping in the cryo chamber.

From the computer nearby, Lu Qi found a secret file, and the contents recorded on it verified his guess.


The method of how to perfectly integrate the Veronica virus attracted his great attention.

Alexia, who created the Veronica virus, discovered in her father's failure that as long as the activity of the virus is suppressed at low temperature and the cells change slowly, perfect fusion can be achieved.

This integration cycle takes about fifteen years.

In order to personally verify her idea, Alexia first entrusted everything to her brother Alfred, then injected herself with the Veronica virus, then entered a cryogenic freezing chamber and hibernated for fifteen years.

However, the time she entered cryogenic hibernation was December 31, 1983. The time of awakening was December 18, 1998.

Strictly speaking, Alexia still has more than ten days to complete the complete cycle of virus fusion.

In other words, the current Alexia is not perfectly integrated with the Veronica virus!

This news gave Lu Qi a chance to kill Alexia.

Although perfect fusion and high fusion sound very close, in essence, they are not on the same level.

How about going back and giving it a try?

As soon as the thought of committing suicide arose, Lu Qi's reason was beaten and thrown into the back of his mind.

Even if Alexia wasn't perfectly integrated with Veronica's virus, it wasn't something they could handle.

He didn't want to experience death again...

After downloading all the information about the Veronica virus from the computer to a USB flash drive, Lu Qi and Chris turned around and left without any nostalgia.

However, just as the two of them left the laboratory and came to the elevator, a sudden change occurred!

Only a loud "boom" was heard, and the closed elevator door was pierced by a huge tentacle from the inside to the outside!

The next second, the tentacles continued unabated and attacked Lu Qi and Chris!


The two reacted quickly and rolled to both sides, narrowly avoiding the tentacle attack.

Looking at the huge tentacle that slowly retracted after missing a hit, as well as the destroyed elevator, Lu Qi frowned and immediately said to Chris:

"Go back to the laboratory! Find another way!"


The two quickly stood up and returned to the laboratory again.

Looking around, Chris quickly found another electronic door leaving the laboratory in the corner of the laboratory.

"Alex, this way!"

However, when they tried to use the security card to open the escape door, they received a cold reply from a mechanical female voice:

"Request denied! Insufficient permissions to enter."

Hearing this, Chris couldn't help but punch the door and subconsciously cursed: "Damn it!"

At this time, there was another "boom" from behind!

Looking around, I saw that the locked laboratory door was violently hit by a huge tentacle, causing a large piece to bulge out.

It seems that the laboratory door will not hold up for long before it will be penetrated by the tentacles.

At this critical moment, Lu Qi saw the computer next to the cryogenic cabin. As if he thought of something, his eyes suddenly lit up:


Before he finished speaking, he immediately came to the computer, flipped his hands and fingers on the keyboard, and found the institute's self-destruct program.

Looking at the program page that popped up on the computer screen and the prompt "Please enter the security password!", Lu Qi's eyes narrowed, and then he typed a string of English letters on the keyboard:


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