Great Swordsman Ke Xue

Chapter 207 Dispute

The decoration of the Suzuki Museum of Art is not only luxurious and grand, but also full of technology and modernity.

Except for the doors of some small rooms, basically all the doors along the way are automatic sensor doors. Some art exhibitions have also been displayed in the exhibition hall, but no one has much intention to appreciate them.

When walking into the last luxurious office, Shimizu Koji noticed that the built-in walls on both sides of the entrance were decorated with statues of different styles, but these were meaningless. They seemed to be just for decoration to highlight the style and harmony of the place. The taste of the owner.

There are already many people in the conference room. They are the last ones to come, so they should be.

Shimizu Koji only knew one Suzuki Shiro, and Suzuki Shiro had no airs at all. When he saw Sonoko appearing with a group of people, he immediately stood up from the sofa.

"It's Mr. Mori! Thank you very much for coming all the way from Tokyo. I'm very grateful."

"That's very kind of you. This is what I should do."

Suzuki Shiro took the initiative to walk towards the crowd and immediately greeted the leader, Mouri Kogoro, affectionately.

Mouri Kogoro did not behave abnormally at this moment. Instead, he looked very serious, as if he really had some ability, which made Koji Shimizu take a second look.

"Haha, are Conan and Xiaolan coming too?"

Conan and Xiaolan bowed slightly in greeting, while Suzuki Shiro also turned his attention to Koji Shimizu, Ai Haibara, Heiji Hattori and Kazuha Toyama.

"Yuanzi, who are these?"

Suzuki Sonoko behaved very well today. She had been standing next to Suzuki Shiro with her hands behind her back. When she heard him ask, she turned around and introduced: "This is the high school detective Hattori Heiji from Osaka. He is also quite famous here in Kansai." The famous detective is also here to help this time."

"This is my first-year junior at school, Koji Shimizu. He is a friend of Xiaolan and I. He is also here to help."

"Haha, that's great, I'll leave it to you too."

After listening to Sonoko's introduction, Suzuki Shiro smiled kindly and greeted Shimizu Koji and the others.

Shimizu Koji just nodded calmly, but Hattori Heiji on the side smiled, as if greeting a classmate, waved his hand, and said with a relaxed smile: "Don't worry! I'll take care of it, old man."


"Hey, you guy, you actually dare to call Chairman Suzuki an old man."

Sure enough, after Hattori Heiji finished speaking, he was met with severe condemnation from Kazuha and Mouri Kogoro.

Mouri Kogoro looked very nervous and excited, but Suzuki Shiro still smiled kindly and waved his hand as if it was no problem.

"It's okay, young man, Mr. Maori, let me introduce you to some friends here first."

As soon as Suzuki Shiro's words changed, he didn't look at Hattori Heiji anymore. With a finger, he directed everyone's attention to the U-shaped sofa in the living room.

Hattori Heiji was reprimanded by Kazuha in a low voice. His face turned darker, but he was obviously aware of his rashness, but he still muttered a few words, which made Kazuha, who was kindly trying to persuade him, immediately gritted his teeth.

However, all this was noticed by Qingshui Koji and Haibara Ai who were standing beside them.

"This is the First Secretary of the Russian Embassy, ​​Mr. Siruov Chinnikov."

A foreign man with short white hair and a formal suit like Mouri Kogoro stood up from the sofa. Following Suzuki Shiro's introduction, he nodded to everyone.

"Please give me your advice."

Chennikov is relatively tall, at least 1.9 meters tall, and appears to be relatively burly, and it seems that because of this, the way he looks at everyone seems to have a certain sense of superiority.

"This guy next door is the art dealer I hired, Mr. Ganjiang Yi."

An old man in a red suit, stooped and thin, with two big beards under his nose stood up from the sofa and nodded calmly.

After him, there was the one on the far right of the sofa, the only woman present.

She was very eye-catching in her cheongsam. At least Mouri Kogoro and his group, including Xiaolan Sonoko and even Haibara Ai, all noticed her before Suzuki Shiro introduced her.

Seeing that she had already stood up, Suzuki Shiro paused and said directly: "She is a research scholar of the Romanov Dynasty, Pu Si Qinglan."


Hearing this unusual yet slightly harsh accent, Koji Shimizu's attention was immediately drawn to the man who was filming randomly with a camera.

And Pu Siqinglan might not have thought that she had been practicing hard for a long time, and her greeting was just to hide her from others, but it directly made a real monster pay extra attention to her.

She sat back with a gentle face. Her thighs, as white and delicate as snow under her cheongsam, were mature and charming, exactly the same as a girl. Not only did she attract the attention of men, but even Xiaolan and the others were attracted by her appearance, which seemed to come from an ancient country. Attracted by elegance and ease.

"Ahem, the last person here is Mr. Samkawa Ryu, the freelance video writer who applied to take photos of the treasures."

Suzuki Shiro's light cough diverted everyone's attention back.

"Please give me more advice."

But Hanchuanlong, who was sitting alone on a couch, was the only one who didn't get up to say hello to everyone.

He looked awkward, with one eye half-opened, and he was only looking at everyone through a handheld camera.

Therefore, even if Mouri Kogoro glanced at him, he immediately withdrew his gaze and was too lazy to pay attention to him.

As soon as Mouri Kogoro turned his head, he asked directly, "Mr. Suzuki, are these people here to appraise that treasure? So, what is the appraisal?"

As soon as Mouri Kogoro finished speaking, before Suzuki Shiro could react, the atmosphere of the people on the sofa over there changed instantly.

"Eight hundred million." Gan Jiangyi's voice was plain but powerful.

"Eight, eight hundred million!?"

When Mouri Kogoro heard this, his eyes widened and he leaned back suddenly. If Xiaolan hadn't helped him, he would have been frightened to the ground.

Although he had been mentally prepared before coming, Mouri Kogoro was still shocked when he suddenly heard this number.

"If you are willing to sell, I can raise the price higher."

Kanshouichi didn't look at Mouri Kogoro, he was just talking to Suzuki Shiro who was standing next to everyone.

Regardless of whether it was his raised old face at this moment, or his unabashedly arrogant words about increasing the price, even Koji Shimizu raised his eyebrows at this moment.

And Yuanzi couldn't help but become cold, and her eyes became a little unhappy.

Is this man not sick?

Who do you think you are talking to?

However, there was no time left for everyone to react or complain. The one who rushed to the battlefield was Chennikov, who was just as arrogant.

"President!" He blocked the leader with one hand and spread his hand out with rich body language.

"That is a treasure of Russia. Rather than selling it to such a blind black market, it is better to give it to us and let our Russian Art Museum keep it."

As soon as these words came out, even Suzuki Shiro, who always had a kind smile on his face, did not hold back. The corners of his mouth twitched, not knowing how to evaluate this kind of self-righteous behavior of free prostitution. This was a rare thing in his ups and downs in the business world. kind of people.

Hattori Heiji couldn't help but complained in a voice that only a few of them could hear: "This kind of thing is called 'free prostitution', right?"

Xiaolan smiled coquettishly and nodded. She didn't know what to say for a moment, because the excitement was still going on.

"You said I have no vision!?"

The general's old face became angry, and he turned around to compete with Chennikov, who was half a body taller than him.

"Yeah, yeah~~, it's really interesting. Taking pictures of people is more interesting than taking pictures of that egg."

Han Chuanlong suddenly made a mean voice, instantly attracting everyone's attention to him again.

And this was not enough, he put away the camera, stood up from the sofa, glanced sideways, but directly spoke to Pu Si Qinglan who was beside him and started to get angry again, "You act like it has nothing to do with you. As a matter of course, "You are a researcher of the Romanov dynasty. You should want to get that egg more than anyone else."

At this time, everyone far away from the sofa, even Suzuki Shirou, could no longer say anything.

Pu Siqinglan's face stiffened when she heard this. She tilted her head, her eyes becoming a little complicated and unpredictable, "Yes, but I don't have 800 million yuan on me."

"That's right~ It's true. Even I can only make up 200 million."

Han Chuanlong said this, but he still looked indifferent. It was not difficult to see that he was just for the sake of Gonghuo, because if he just bought it, he would never be able to buy it.

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