Great Swordsman Ke Xue

Chapter 214 Prelude to Duet

It was night, and a series of news broke out frequently. Koji Shimizu watched the police officers from the Suzuki Museum of Art swarm out.

It is said that Kidd was shot down by an unknown person with a gun and fell into the sea.

And when he saw Conan returning to the art museum with the egg intact, Koji Shimizu's mood became even more weird and subtle.

He keenly felt that the matter might not be over yet.

I originally thought that the pig teammates had accomplished Kaitou Kidd's good deeds, but now combined with the warning letter from Miss Witch, it seemed that he would probably have a chance to fight or face-to-face with Kaitou Kidd.


Early the next morning, Mouri Kogoro, Shimizu Koji and others, and even Toyama Kazuha, were invited to President Suzuki's room.

Last night, they all spent the night directly at the art museum.

After arriving at the president's room, everyone did not wait long and immediately set off for the port.

In order to protect the safety of the Memory Egg, but also to verify whether the Memory Egg was damaged due to falling from a high altitude.

However, among the group of people, there was no figure of Hattori Heiji.


In the car, Koji Shimizu thought about the information he got last night and shouted subconsciously.

But immediately, he was stared at suspiciously by everyone, especially Conan and Xiaolan.

At this time, there were six people in the car, including Xiaolan Yuanzi, Conan, He Ye, him and Haibara Ai.

The seats in the luxury car were facing each other. Even though there were six of them, the two elementary school students took up no space at all, so they could fit in and sit relatively comfortably.

"Shimizu-kun, are you also infected by Hattori?"

Xiaolan smiled awkwardly, but at this moment, the confusion in her eyes when she looked at Conan beside her, or to be more precise, had turned into confusion.

"Conan, does he look so much like Shinichi? Hey, speaking of it, he does seem to have a bit of a resemblance."

"Ah ah, yes, actually I admire Shinichi-nii very much!"

Conan was so anxious all of a sudden that he no longer cared about staring at Koji Shimizu with his dead fish eyes.

He squirmed up and down in his seat in a panic, and finally scratched his head with a smile and said something that made him blush.

Haiyuan Ai was indifferent to this, and just looked at it with an indifferent expression, raising his eyes slightly, as if he was watching a joke.

After Conan finished explaining to Xiaolan, he didn't dare to wait for her to continue thinking, and immediately turned to look at Koji Shimizu, the culprit of this sudden situation.

"Brother Qingshui, what can you do?"

Conan lowered his voice, almost gritting his teeth. Hattori was actually fine, he was a sloppy person, and Xiaolan usually didn't care much.

But it was different with Koji Qingmizu. In fact, he could feel that Koji Qingmizu's words were almost 100% trustworthy in the hearts of Xiaolan, Sonoko, and even Kazuha, who had just come into contact with him. of convincing power.

Not to mention anything else, even he felt a sense of peace of mind when he saw Koji Shimizu, who was always so calm and calm.

"You are very fierce." However, the one who responded to Conan was not Koji Shimizu, but Ai Haihara.

Yuanzi and Ye were originally worried, but now, their attention was attracted and they looked over curiously.

"Uh." Conan paused after hearing this and looked at Haiyuan Ai. He saw her looking out the window indifferently, but not looking at him at all.

However, when he looked at Haiyuan Ai, Hui Yuan Ai seemed to be aware of it, but it was just a cold glance from the corner of his eye.

"Guys who go around talking nonsense."


Conan swallowed, and in an instant, he immediately put on a smile that could even be called a flattering one.

"Si, Simi Masai, brother Hao Er, although I am a child, please don't call me by the wrong name again~"

Shimizu Koji shivered in disgust, and the actions between them were naturally seen by the other three girls.

Suddenly, a burst of laughter erupted in the car. Of course, Yuanzi was the only one laughing, while Xiaolan and Heye just covered their mouths and chuckled.

"Xiao Ai is so awesome, Brother Haoer who protects you so much."

"Yes, yes, Xiao Ai shocked me just now. She is really cool~"

Facing Yuanzi and Ye, although Haibara Ai's face felt a little feverish, there was not much change on the surface.

"I just remind Edogawa-san not to be too rude, otherwise others will look down on us elementary school students."

"Keke~, Xiao Ai's words are so interesting."

Heye smiled and rolled his eyes, completely forgetting about Hattori Heiji who should have come in the future.

And this matter is actually what Koji Shimizu wanted to ask Conan just now.

But after such an interruption, it was naturally difficult to talk anymore in the car.

Osaka Port, pier.

Luxury cars stopped one after another, and the luxurious motorcade formed a beautiful scenery where the blue sky, white clouds and blue sea met, firmly attracting the attention of passers-by in the distance.

However, compared to a white steel giant with a total length of about 170 meters and as pure and beautiful as a whale in the sea moored in front of the port pier, these luxury fleets do not seem so luxurious. .

"Wow~~~, so beautiful!"

"Within Sri Lanka——"

After getting off the car, the ones who exclaimed were naturally Xiaolan and Kazuye. Kazuye looked very cute with her small mouth open and cute eyes. Not only Sonoko, but even Shimizu Koji couldn't help but look at them twice.

Immediately, he turned to look at the Suzuki family's luxury cruise ship.

No matter how powerful a person is, standing next to such a giant, they will feel insignificant.

"Hey, Qingshui, what did you want to say just now?"

Conan walked up to Qingshui Koji and asked in a low voice. His words naturally attracted Haihara Ai's attention, but this time Haihara Ai ignored him.

"Where is Hattori Heiji? What happened to you last night?"

After Conan returned the Egg of Memory to the art museum, he ran out again. When he came back, Koji Shimizu had already fallen asleep.

Early in the morning, after waking up, he followed everyone to the port without stopping.

Therefore, Shimizu Koji almost only heard about what happened last night from some police officers, and had no first-hand information.

"Hattori, ah, something happened to him." Conan's tone became a little heavy when he mentioned this.

In other words, when he thought about the series of events that happened last night, it was difficult for him not to feel heavy.

Unlike Koji Shimizu, although he was very concerned about Kaitou Kidd, after being cheated by his pig teammates, he just let nature take its course without being in a hurry or getting angry.

Conan and Hattori Heiji were all in charge of these matters. They even followed the police in the sea until five o'clock in the morning last night before returning to the art museum. Up to now, he may not have slept for more than three hours.

The two most critical things last night were, firstly, Kaitou Kidd fell into the sea and disappeared after being attacked by an unknown sniper, and secondly, Hattori Heiji's car accident

Although the two of them were knocked out and Hattori looked a little in pain at the time, he was wearing a helmet, so it probably wasn't a big deal.

Because he had called Hattori in the morning.

"I'm fine, Kudo, you go ahead. By the way, don't tell Kazuye. If you ask, just tell her that I will continue to stay in Osaka to investigate Kidd's affairs, and let her go to Tokyo to have fun alone."

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