Great Swordsman Ke Xue

Chapter 216 The Castle of Yokosuka

"Magic mirror?!" Pu Siqinglan exclaimed, her pupils trembling.

"What is this?!"

"Miss Qinglan, do you know this?!" Chinnikov and Kankawa Ryu couldn't help but exclaim.

"Well, I heard that there is a magical mirror in that big country in the East, and later, Japan also learned how to make this mirror."

"A special technique for making mirrors can store images in the lens. In the past, Catholics hiding in Japan used this mirror to reflect the cross on the wall to pray." Qian Jiangyi followed, and although his tone was calm, his eyes were fixed on the reflection of the castle on the wall, and he refused to leave for a moment.

"Miss Kosaka, do you know this place?"

The matter of the magic mirror had originally been forgotten by everyone, because too many things happened yesterday, and most people's attention was still on Kaito Kid.

But at this point, even Suzuki Shiro had already guessed, and the others, led by Shimizu Koji, all looked at Kosaka Natsumi at this time.

Natsumi Kosaka stared blankly at the reflection of the castle on the wall. She seemed to have confirmed it several times before she came back to her senses from the shock.

However, she did not directly answer Shimizu Koji's words. Instead, she turned her head and looked at Sawabe Kuranosuke behind her, "Mr. Sawabe, this is..."

"Hey, it's the castle in Yokosuka, that's right."

"The castle in Yokosuka? Eh, is it the castle that often appears in advertisements?" Xiaolan followed up.

"Well, yes, it was built by my great-grandfather."

Natsumi Kosaka nodded and admitted it generously, and sat back on the sofa.

She said it very calmly, and the others were also very calm, only Shimizu Koji's eyelids jumped and looked back at the castle in the mirror.

So, for a castle of this level, Natsumi Kosaka just said that her grandfather was just a worker in the Faberuge workshop?

This Faberuge is not as rich as her grandfather, and Shimizu Koji has already learned about the origin of the egg of memory yesterday.

This is not right at all, but at this time, even Conan didn't seem to notice anything unusual, as if he subconsciously ignored it.

Or, these people think that 800 million eggs are valuable, but they are completely indifferent to this kind of castle?

Or is he too poor?

Shimizu Koji has a strange feeling. He doesn't like to measure everything with money, but at this moment, the calm reaction of everyone makes him feel that he is still a poor guy even though he has hundreds of millions of yen, or even more than 1 billion yen.

Obviously, tens of thousands of yen could make him work for it before.

But now.

Well, he has to support a prodigal little loli. His money, and 1 billion is Mingmei's, seems to be really not enough.

"This castle has always been managed by my great-grandmother. Shimizu classmate, I'm a little curious, why did you say it was two eggs just now, and you think I must know this castle."

Kosaka Natsumi changed her voice, her eyes were shining, and she looked at Shimizu Koji curiously.

At this moment, Huiyuan Ai also turned off the flashlight and stopped the show. Nishino Masato turned on the light again, and everyone woke up from the mysterious atmosphere.

When everyone woke up, they also looked at Shimizu Koji and the Egg of Memories. However, Maori Kogoro and Suzuki Shiro were just curious, but the other four people, Qian Jiangyi and Chinikov, all had strange eyes, and their curiosity was more of a kind of enthusiasm.

Including Pu Siqinglan, who was wearing a red cheongsam with a slit to the thigh, which was particularly eye-catching and full of temptation to cover up and be shy.

In fact, when they met her today, not only Maori Kogoro, a pervert uncle, but even Conan and Shimizu Koji were attracted to look at her several times.

This has nothing to do with personal character, cultivation, character, etc. This is just the instinctive behavior of men. Sometimes even the person himself cannot detect the effort of taking a second look.

However, their enthusiasm is more about the Egg of Memories on the table and the secret of the second egg that Shimizu Koji is about to reveal to everyone.

"Well, there is indeed a second egg. As for my certainty that Miss Kosaka will recognize this castle, it is just a guess. You can understand it as fate."


Natsumi Kosaka was stunned, and so were the others.

But Shimizu Koji did not intend to explain too much.

Because he couldn't say that because of a certain witch's warning letter, he speculated that Natsumi Kosaka, who suddenly appeared here, might be the key figure in the sequel of the Egg of Memories.

"The second egg is actually very easy to guess, based on these two pictures of yours, Miss Kosaka."

As Shimizu Koji spoke, he bent down and moved the remaining picture that Huiyuan Ai had just fiddled with.

He pulled the gap between the two pictures apart, leaving a large crack in the middle, but in terms of the overall look, everyone felt much more harmonious at first glance.

"That's it, as you can see."

After Shimizu Koji arranged it, he stood up. Huiyuan Ai stood beside him, accompanying him silently, without saying a word, and she was not upset because Shimizu Koji stole her limelight.

She actually prefers to be a spectator, or rather, an admirer.

Just now, Shimizu Koji frowned slightly, and the rare thoughtful look was still replaying in her mind.

"Obviously, if it is just an egg, the outline and shape cannot match. Miss Kasaka, you should have noticed that it is just a simple jigsaw puzzle. Since you can't assemble it if you get close, there are two eggs above and below. No matter how many gaps are filled in, there is still a huge gap in size, so as long as the two halves of the drawing are pulled apart——"

"Originally, it should be like this, horizontally, a large piece of paper, one on the left and one on the right, with two eggs of memories."

Everyone looked at the broken pictures on the table and listened to Shimizu Koji's explanation, and fell into silence for a while.

Kasaka Natsumi looked at it for several times before she looked away blankly. First, the magic mirror, and such keen observation, coupled with the impression from last night, she looked at Shimizu Koji with a deep look. Admire and admire.

Others had similar reactions to hers. Even Suzuki Shirou couldn't help but look at Shimizu Koji a few more times.

"And, if nothing else happens, this second memory egg should be in Miss Kasaka, your family's castle."

"If Kaito Kidd had not died, his original target was probably this gem-encrusted memory egg, but he needed to get this one first."

Koji Shimizu completely connected a series of clues, including the most crucial one, the purpose of Kaitou Kidd. Everyone became more and more nervous and stunned, but they just watched him talk confidently and calmly.

In fact, this is something Shimizu Koji did intentionally, not only to point out the direction for everyone, but also to gain the leadership and command rights of the team under normal circumstances. At least, there should be sufficient participation rights, and Not being shut out.

Kasaka Natsumi brushed her hair beside her ear, and silently took out a huge key from her bag.

"Speaking of which, I did find this big old key among my great-grandmother's belongings. Could it be this one?"

Kasaka Natsumi's words and actions completely pushed the atmosphere in the room to a climax.

The undercurrent beneath the silence surges in everyone's heart.

The key was really big, as big as her palm. If Haihara Ai, it might take two hands to hold it.

The eyes of the four of them, Chennikov, Ganshouichi, Samkawa Ryu, and Ushi Qinglan, all became profound. It was almost impossible to guess that they were already thinking about how to visit Kasaka Natsumi's castle afterwards.

"Inlaid with precious stones, the dream egg is not recorded in historical records."

Chennikov's voice was calm.

"If you find it, it will definitely be worth one billion - no, 1.5 billion, at least, it can be sold for 1.5 billion!" Ganjiang put his hands behind his back, and the old god followed closely.

After hearing the words of the two of them, Natsumi Kasaka seemed to turn a deaf ear, and instead looked solemnly at Koji Shimizu, Shiro Suzuki and Kogoro Mori.

"Shimizu-san, Suzuki-san, Mori-san, I wonder if I could ask you to go to the castle together after I return to Tokyo."

"Yeah, no problem."

"Haha, of course I'm very happy!"

"Well, I'm sorry, Miss Kasaka, I probably won't go, but I can ask Nishino and Sonoko to accompany you."

When the other people on the side saw this, their eyes immediately brightened, and they stepped forward from the edge of the room.

"Can you please let me go with you?" Chennikov raised his chest and bowed in a gentlemanly manner.

When the general pointed at himself, he also had an undisguised look of expectation.

"Can I go to the photo shoot too?!"

"I want to go too!" Pu Siqinglan was so excited that she could no longer find a reason.

However, their behavior at the moment can be considered normal. After all, everyone is curious.

"Hey, okay, then let's all go together!"

And Kasaka Natsumi seemed to be a careless optimist. Looking around, she could almost see a pack of wolves waiting for her. Instead, she smiled softly, her eyes not concealing her happiness, and she nodded in agreement.

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