Great Swordsman Ke Xue

Chapter 232 I'm Sorry

Qingshui Koji's expression gradually returned to calm.

But he had just reached the door of the room, ready to go out and wake everyone up and make this bloody night of murder known to the public.

He suddenly stopped and turned back to the room.

Qingmizu Koji suddenly remembered something. Although he helped find Kazuye's clothes, now that Kazuye changed them on his own initiative, it was not a big trouble.

Especially since she was in a deep sleep and was about to be interpreted as a coma by him. Who helped her change her clothes? If he didn't do it, he will do it when the time comes.

Then, why didn't Koji Shimizu go call someone and just help Kazuki change clothes?


After taking the antipyretic medicine and looking very angry just now, the problem is actually not big anymore.

The wet clothes on the side were still on the ground, and Kazuya was still wearing a bottomless short skirt.

Shimizu Koji had a reason to help Kazuya, or to help himself. Otherwise, he would have cut off the relationship with the murder, but he would never be able to get rid of another crime.

Well, a logical weird circle.

He hasn't done it yet, but when others hear his explanation and see this situation, they will definitely think that he has done it.

He put Kazuye back into her original clothes, and actually did something indescribable, but others would not have any bad thoughts.

In the bathroom, Little Kuku was placed on the floor. When Koji Shimizu found it and lifted it up, he felt quite strange.

He had no such plan or premeditation at the beginning, he just wanted He Ye to simply sleep and have a good rest.

It's pink, pure cotton, but has some beautiful lace. It's different from the children's style he bought for Haibara Ai at a glance.

Sorry, Heye.


After Qingmizu Koji went out, he immediately found Xiaolan's room.

He doesn't like yelling, so it's best to let Conan and Xiaolan handle this kind of thing.

After calling Xiaolan and Conan out, after a brief explanation, Shimizu Koji said that he had already performed simple treatment and bandaging on Kazuha based on his first aid knowledge.

Xiaolan and Conan were stunned for a moment, but both of them were obedient and acted according to their respective duties.

Xiaolan was responsible for immediately taking care of the "just rescued" Heye, while Conan went to inform the others.

Although Shimizu Koji's behavior of not directly shouting for help seemed a little unusual, after Conan and Xiaolan listened to Shimizu Koji's story, they were just shocked for the first time and didn't think much about it.

In other words, in their eyes, Koji Shimizu's character should be this calm and composed.

If Koji Shimizu also shouted loudly, something would seem wrong.

At this point, most people had just fallen asleep, and soon, the already brightly lit cabin started to become panicked and noisy.

But take Mouri Kogoro, who woke up in a daze after Conan called him for a long time, as a special example.

When he saw Kogoro Mouri yawning after finally waking up, sitting up with a smile, then burping again before lying down to sleep, Conan wanted to punch him in the face.

Xiaolan went to He Ye's room immediately, and must have helped He Ye change clothes by now.

Poor He Ye was being manipulated.


In Qingshui Koji's room, Haihara Ai naturally heard the movement outside.

She hadn't slept yet, and when Koji Shimizu opened the door, soaked all over, she couldn't help but raise her eyebrows and immediately sat up from the sofa.

"What happened?! What's going on with you?"

Haihara Ai's voice was unusually nervous, because at a glance, she inevitably saw Qingshui Koji's somewhat tattered sleeves.

"It's nothing, Hanchuanlong is dead."

Shimizu Koji said calmly, walked into the room and closed the door.

? ? ?

Hui Yuan Ai's eyes widened in disbelief, "You killed him!?! Are you crazy?!"

Haibara Ai thought about many things in an instant. For example, Shimizu Koji was an orphan. For example, Shimizu Koji was an extreme male chauvinist and would kill anyone who photographed her.

But there was no room for her to think wildly, and what followed was a friendly breakdown after she got closer.

"What are you thinking? Why should I kill him? Besides, I'm like someone who will kill someone if they disagree with me?!"

After a brief period of panic, Haibara Ai also regained her composure. Of course, the main reason was Qingmizu Koji's denial.

And, this time, she couldn't help but cover her forehead and her brain collapsed.

Shimizu Koji walked to the edge of the sofa and sat down, rummaging through the clothes in the luggage next to him.

And after taking two pieces of clothes at random, when he turned around, he saw Hui Yuan Ai covering his forehead and looking at him with confused eyes.

Um. Just now, he seemed to have struck a little harder without realizing it.?

Although the evolution of the Sharingan is not that terrifying to his already unscientific increase in physical fitness, it is still there.

He quickly put the clothes on the sofa, grabbed Haiyuan Ai's other hand, and pulled her in front of him.

"Feel sorry."

He moved her little hand away from her forehead, and it turned out to be red. Koji Shimizu didn't expect it to be like this, and he still felt a little distressed.

He kissed the red forehead gently, but this action made Haibara, who had just calmed down, feel a little confused.


"I didn't kill Hanchuanlong, Pu Siqinglan should have killed him."

Even to the current Haibara Ai, Shimizu Koji told her the 'truth' of the matter strictly as he expected.

But it's not that he's afraid of Hui Yuan Ai betraying him, he just doesn't want to cause trouble at this time and spend time explaining to Hui Yuan Ai.

"That's not what I meant." Hui Yuan Ai's face was a little red, from embarrassment, but it was no longer as shy as before.

In other words, Shimizu Koji has gradually raised her tolerance threshold step by step.

"Why are you so wet? And what about your clothes?"

The clothes are bright red. As long as you don't take them off, you can't actually see any blood stains at a glance. The blood stains are all inside.

"Well, because I saved someone, my clothes were just scratched. It's okay." In order to avoid trouble, Shimizu Koji chose to hide it for the time being.

He had to seize the time to change his clothes and go to the murder scene to fool those people, but he couldn't let Hui Yuan Ai get in his way.


"He Ye."

Haihara Ai wanted to ask again, but Qingshui Koji let go of her little hand and pushed it out.

"Let me change my clothes first, or do you want to watch me change my clothes?"

? ?

Haiyuan Ai was stunned, her mouth opened, and she looked at Koji Shimizu who immediately unzipped his coat and showed off his fair and strong chest and abdominal muscles to her after a disagreement. Her face instantly turned red, and she subconsciously , almost without thinking, covered his eyes with his hands.

But this kind of covert action was just to deceive others and himself. After realizing it, he quickly put down his hand and glared at Koji Shimizu in shame. Haibara Ai ran towards the door without looking back.

With a "pop", the door slammed shut.

Leaning against the wall, Hui Yuan Ai stretched out his hand and patted his chest, but his mood was still very difficult to calm down.

In the short moment just now, it was only about half an hour since she was separated from Shimizu Koji, and she had a feeling in a trance.

Shimizu Koji's offensive seems to have 'evolved' again.

Touching his forehead, Shimizu Koji's intimate movements just now were so natural that his movements, tone, and demeanor could no longer be natural.

What on earth is going on with this guy! ?

Haibara Ai could feel that Koji Qingmizu no longer regarded her as a primary school student or a child, but this was supposed to be a thing. It couldn't be said to be something to be happy about, but it was definitely a good thing.

But now. Shimizu Koji just pulled the zipper and showed her the 'arrogant' (purely imagined) action.

So, so abominable!

Although this guy is indeed in good shape, he seems to be going further and further down a strange path.

Hui Yuan Ai felt that her little heart was beating wildly. If it continued like this——

Shimizu Koji, you are going to jail!

Hui Yuan Ai thought fiercely.

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