Great Swordsman Ke Xue

Chapter 235 In public

Shimizu No. 2 had actually guessed that Haibara Ai would definitely find out, but he didn't expect that she would "expose" his answer without hesitation under such circumstances, which was a bit unlike her.

But it is not difficult to understand this irrepressible concern.

At this moment, after hearing Shimizu Koji's words, even the old guy Qian Jiangyi, who had always felt that his sweet dream was disturbed and was in a bad mood, was frightened and widened his eyes, and woke up with a start.

Shark! This is undoubtedly the greatest fear of mankind for the ocean!

Chinnikov was the one who shouted the loudest and was the most excited.

His reaction was beyond everyone's expectations, but Chinnikov no longer cared about his image as a clerk at this moment, and quickly ran from the opposite side to Shimizu Koji's side.

Conan was squeezed by him so hard that he couldn't see anyone.

"You, you escaped from the shark's mouth, oh no! You also saved a girl?! God! God! You, you are a real warrior!"

Chinnikov was so excited that he was at a loss. He just expressed his admiration, respect, and even worship sincerely and sincerely.

The Japanese worship the strong, and the Russians worship and admire brave warriors.

And the Westerners themselves are not very reserved, so in fact, when Shimizu Koji said that he jumped into the sea to save people, Chinnikov was already very concerned and even admired him silently.

When they first met, the discrimination against Orientals even made him suddenly feel ashamed from the bottom of his heart.

He is a white man, and his face is red with excitement at this moment.

In fact, there is one thing that everyone does not know. Chinnikov once witnessed his companions unfortunately buried in the belly of fish during a mission.

It was after that experience that he could no longer continue his marine career.

As for what Shimizu Koji said, he did not doubt the truth because Haibara Ai, who was standing by, had already untied the bandage that Shimizu Koji had made so simple that she was angry just looking at it before he ran over.

Although Shimizu Koji thought he had recovered well, the wound that seemed to have been stabbed by a blunt knife and stained with bright red blood was not only a strong proof of his words, but also shocked others, and even made them feel an unspeakable fear.

Haibara Ai felt - very angry and distressed.

Shimizu Koji reached out and rubbed Haibara Ai's face. Her cheek was cold, and Haibara Ai did not open his hand this time, but her eyes were a little cold and she ignored him.

"Can you please fetch the medical kit over there?"

There was also an emergency medical kit in the lounge. Haibara Ai's tone was flat, and even sounded a little girl's unique fragility, at least in Chinnikov's ears.

But he agreed almost without thinking. Although Shimizu Koji had no direct relationship with him, Shimizu Koji had absolutely conquered his heart in terms of intelligence and strength tonight.

The big guy Chinikov looked a little cute at this moment, instead of the domineering one at the beginning.

Especially when he obeyed Ai Huihara's order to get the first aid kit, the contrast made everyone feel better about him.

Since Sonoko was sitting opposite, she finally got free when Chinikov left and came to Shimizu Koji, and with her was Natsumi Kosaka.

Both of them looked concerned, but this was just basic human emotion, sympathy, so it didn't seem strange, because Conan on the side was also concerned. Of course, he was more shocked, confused, and curious.

"Here you are."

"Please move aside, you are blocking the light." Ai Huihara was merciless. Sonoko and Natsumi Kosaka, who were standing aside, smiled awkwardly and quickly made way.

However, with Ai Haibara holding his arm tightly with a cold face, and being cared for and admired by everyone, Shimizu Koji did not refute what Chinikov said about escaping from the shark's mouth.

He just casually dealt with the questions from everyone, but his eyes were always fixed on Ai Haibara.

Her contradictory concern made Shimizu Koji feel a little bit of a subtle feeling of not knowing whether to laugh or cry, but more of a warm feeling.

Ai Haibara's feelings had always been very clear and perceptible before, but she just disguised herself after being pierced by Koji Shimizu.

It's not that she didn't have any emotional feedback, but she was always stubborn, even now.

Shimizu Koji had actually confirmed the gains of his Sharingan evolution this time. Not only could he directly manipulate and control large animals like sharks, but he also had a relatively extraordinary healing and recovery ability.

But this recovery ability was not so abnormal. It was impossible for such a deep wound to grow granulation tissue and heal as before. It would take at least two or three days to fully recover, but it would not affect his actions.

So he simply bandaged it, but this obviously made Haibara Ai very angry.

Shimizu Koji can now easily guess her thoughts, such as: look down on her? Don't trust, don't respect her? Don't take care of her body? Like a fool?

Anyway, it's probably more or less like this.

Shimizu Koji has already figured out Haibara Ai's thoughts.

Unfortunately, in front of so many people, even Shimizu Koji didn't dare to kiss her directly, especially since he was no longer satisfied with just kissing her face.

Haibara Ai's cold little face suddenly made him feel more attracted, and if she looked from the side, she was really no different from Miyano Shiho now.

And Hui Yuan Ai did not shy away or cover up anything in front of everyone. She showed an unprecedented style of a queen. No one else present dared to speak and disturb her. Her superb medical treatment level was even more impressive. It was deeply imprinted on the minds of everyone present.

Examination, anesthesia, disinfection, and even stitches

During this process, she never said a word to Koji Shimizu, but it wasn't that she didn't want to, she just didn't have the energy.

Her level is very high, but after she became smaller, her practical skills were really difficult.

A set of procedures lasted twenty minutes. Koji Shimizu didn't say anything, so naturally no one dared to interrupt.

After Haihara Ai re-bandaged Qingshui Koji's wound, the people watching around him all breathed a sigh of relief.

But they didn't know why they were nervous.

"Don't use force-"

Hui Yuan Ai wiped the sweat from her forehead, but before she could finish speaking, a familiar warmth appeared on her face, and she froze on the spot.

In order to facilitate the stitches for Shimizu Koji, she stood on the sofa and was very close to Shimizu Koji.

Therefore, Koji Shimizu kissed her on the cheek very conveniently and naturally, in front of everyone present.

For a moment, the air seemed to freeze for a moment.


Sonoko's eyes widened in surprise, but then she exploded with envy and exclaimed.

Kasaka Natsumi, the only mature woman in the room, was also surprised, but Shimizu Koji just kissed her face, and there was nothing wrong with it, especially since she didn't know Haibara Ai and Shimizu Koji, and even thought that these two people were Real brother and sister.

Chennikov, the only big man watching, scratched his head, feeling a little uncomfortable, and quickly turned his head away.

Only Conan, the only insider, was truly and deeply shocked.

He sat behind Koji Shimizu, so he had a panoramic view of everything.

He opened his mouth wide, even though Qingshui Koji and Haihara Ai had already proved it before.

But Koji Shimizu acted so grandly.

For him, a novice in love, who just secretly took advantage of Xiaolan when he was younger, a guy with a lustful heart but no courage, the psychological shock and psychological damage caused to him was probably as big as ten big-eared guys!

So much so that Hui Yuan Ai has come to his senses, but he has not come back to his senses yet.

And in the end, Conan woke up in an instant when Haihara Ai's eyes showed no murderous intent at all.

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