Great Swordsman Ke Xue

Chapter 240 Shimizu Koji’s continuous critical attacks


A heavy cold snort sounded in his ears after Koji Shimizu stepped out of the bathroom after taking a shower.

Hui Yuan Ai sat on the bed, leaning against the bedside. The blush on her face had dissipated, but the bright color on her earlobes was still clearly visible through the gap in her hair.

She didn't dare to look up at Shimizu Koji, and her choice was the right one.

Because Koji Shimizu didn't bring pajamas and didn't intend to go through his luggage, he just put on a towel and the shorts he had been wearing before and walked directly towards her.

"Huh what?"

"What do you think-" Haiyuan Ai turned her head fiercely, but just for a second, her pupils dilated and she turned back instantly.


In fact, Qingshui Koji had already guessed what she wanted to say. Haibara Ai had already had that clue when he bandaged his wounds.

It was cold, as if there was going to be a war, but this kind of situation should be called a cold war in a relationship, if Koji Shimizu remembered correctly.

"You, what are you doing, go get dressed quickly!?"

"Huh? I'm wearing it."

Hui Yuan Ai was stunned for a moment, then gritted his teeth, Qingshui Koji was pushing the envelope even further!

Sure enough, she shouldn't have been so soft-hearted just now and went to help him.

"Hmph! Yes, you are just such a guy who only cares about his own thoughts. Do you think you are very powerful? Jumping into the sea alone in the middle of the night - what are you doing?!"

"Ah? It's okay. Just keep talking. I'm listening."

Qingshui Koji sat on the bed and got into his bed, but he was not so peaceful, so he took advantage of the situation and stretched out his big hand to Haibara Ai.

As always, he reached under her ribs skillfully. The moment Hui Yuan Ai screamed in surprise, Qing Shui Koji uprooted her and held her in his arms like a kitten.

Naturally, the book in Haihara Ai's hand fell directly onto the bed on the other side, and she was forced to sit on Qingmizu Koji.

Through a layer of pantyhose, she could clearly feel the texture of Shimizu Koji's abdominal muscles.

The long list of words I had planned to teach someone a lesson suddenly turned into a blank.

What caught the eye was Koji Shimizu's slightly smiling, hateful face, and his clean upper body, which even had some drops of water on it.

She pressed her little hands in panic and supported him in front of Koji Qingshui. This was the direct cause of the short circuit in her brain.

I don’t know why, but every time in such a confrontation, she would immediately declare a big break at the beginning.

It's obviously just ordinary muscles, just a normal human boy. Although she has never conducted any live human experiments, whether it was in the textbooks when she studied in the United States or in the large biological laboratories she visited, There is no shortage of such samples.


"I'm sorry for making you worry. I won't do it next time."

Qingshui Koji spoke seriously and sincerely, pressing all Haihara Ai's prepared words into her belly.

The shark was indeed an accident, and if it was just jumping into the sea to save people, Koji Shimizu's five more would be fine.

But of course, at this point, he would not bother explaining to Hui Yuan Ai anymore.

Taking Haiyuan Ai's little hand, like a magic trick, a ring suddenly appeared in Qingshui Koji's hand, shining brightly with silver light.

There is a pink gemstone inlaid in the middle, but it doesn't look very moving. It can only be said that the historical and cultural value of this ring exceeds its own value.

"But if you were the one who fell into the sea, I would try my best even more."

"Pu Siqinglan was actually killed by me. She was holding a gun and I had no choice. I don't want to hide this from you. The reason why I didn't tell those people is that I don't like trouble."

Haiyuan Ai stared blankly at Qingshui Koji as he put a ring on her.

Shimizu Koji's tone and movements were very gentle. Haibara Ai was reluctant, but her little hands were soft and allowed to be manipulated by Shimizu Koji.

The ring was put on, but the ring, which was much larger than the diameter of her finger, was not so much worn on it as it was hanging on it, dangling in an inexplicable sense.

Haiyuan Ai's eyes were dull, and he had no special reaction at all because Qingshui Koji admitted that he was a murderer.

Her cheeks were hot and bright red. What Koji Shimizu brought this time was a double shock both mentally and physically.

Looking at the ring dangling on her finger, Koji Shimizu was a little surprised, but he also laughed out loud.

"It seems that the size is not so suitable. Forget it, I will give you a better one when I go back."

Shimizu Koji pulled the ring off again, and in the process, Haihara Ai's little hands subconsciously wanted to curl up, and there was also a subconscious feeling of reluctance in his cute eyes.

But in the end, she watched Koji Shimizu put the ring on the bedside table, and then immediately looked away.

Of course, Shimizu Koji had always noticed her reaction. It was so cute.

One of his hands silently let go of Hui Yuan Ai's small hand, and then reached down.

"Hey~! You, what are you doing?!"

Suddenly, Haiyuan Ai felt a strong force coming from her feet. With a little force, Qingshui Koji pulled her whole body and fell on him.

Haiyuan Ai woke up with a start, exclaimed, turned around, and quickly and subconsciously held down——, well, she was wearing pants, so there was no need to hold down.

But lying on Koji Shimizu's body in this upside-down position, her head was resting on Koji Shimizu's body, and her little feet were lifted hard by Koji Shimizu's hands.

This extremely weird posture immediately made her want to move around subconsciously. The force of kicking her feet was naturally much stronger than the force of pulling her little hands.

Caught off guard, Koji Shimizu's left cheek was stepped on by her.

But her little feet were soft, very white, and even had a special milky fragrance. Therefore, Shimizu Koji, who subconsciously couldn't put it down, actually didn't feel much disgust in his heart.

He and the shy Hui Yuan Ai looked at each other. Hui Yuan Ai had a faint tendency to show his teeth and claws, but in his eyes, she was still just a little cute.

If you are used to Haiyuan Ai's character, you will know that her anger is not a violent resistance, but a silent distance. Well, silence is also a kind of silence, but that kind of thing is just a matter of coaxing and teasing.

For example, now, Huihara Ai, who originally wanted to start a cold war, has completely failed.

She widened her eyes. She originally thought that Koji Shimizu would react differently if he was stepped on, but to her surprise, and even shock, Koji Shimizu grabbed her little feet.

Seeing it with my own eyes, I felt the strange touch coming from the instep for a moment.

Haihara Ai felt as if he had been cooked from head to toe.

"I have fulfilled your conditions~, so, what about you?"

Koji Shimizu's face was rare and a little red, but his smile was natural and 'pure'.

It's just the hentai that Haiyuan Ai talks about. There is a high probability that he can't clear up this crime, and he doesn't want to.

Pulling Hui Yuan Ai, who seemed to be cooked, to sit upright again, face to face, eyes to eyes, Hui Yuan Ai subconsciously wanted to turn her head. Under the continuous impact, she had lost her due rationality. The shy instinct remains.

But, how could she avoid it? Koji Shimizu had already hatched his conspiracy when he was in the lounge!


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