Great Swordsman Ke Xue

Chapter 243 Awkward moment

Shimizu Koji didn't have any other thoughts at the moment.

Last night, facing the tearful Kazuha who had received his firsts one after another, his actions at that time were indeed impulsive.

Now that he has calmed down, he doesn't want to ruin his image.

Especially Shimizu Koji suddenly remembered Kazuha's childhood sweetheart named Hattori Heiji.

He and Kazuha are chatting normally now, and Kazuha didn't resist or ignore him. Neither of them mentioned what happened last night, as if they really forgot about it.

But what made Shimizu Koji feel a little strange was that Kazuha's face was a little strange, as if it was abnormally ruddy?

What's going on?

Aren't they talking about some simple daily life?

Talking about the differences between Osaka and Tokyo, and the differences between Teitan and Kaikata Academy, can such things make you blush?

Kazuha's face, she couldn't see it herself, but her mind was indeed complicated at the moment.


Being in the bed, in the quilt, He Ye's legs were not very mobile because of the anesthetic and her psychological effect.

She tried her best to rely on the strength of her waist to turn herself slightly to the side.

Because this way, she could use the weight of her legs to clamp her legs and support them a little more.

She was a little suffocated. This awkward feeling came very quickly and very suddenly.

Maybe it was the effect of the anesthetic, or maybe it was because she hadn't been to the bathroom since she woke up in the morning.

In short, she was very uncomfortable and embarrassed.

Because although the atmosphere of the chat with Shimizu Koji seemed to have returned to normal, she had never gotten over that hurdle in her heart and could not let it go at all.

She couldn't say to Shimizu Koji that she needed to go to the bathroom and asked him to help find a nurse.

She would rather continue to endure and wait for Xiaolan to come back.

Xiaolan, if she just bought some fruit nearby, it should be quick.

Yes, He Ye read the text message.

But what she saw was the text message that Xiaolan sent before she discussed the decision with Huiyuan Ai.

Because it was not a fatal injury, everyone was naturally more relaxed. Xiaolan just accompanied him to express her concern, and she did not appear to be haggard and guarding beside Heye.

"Heye, have you ever practiced with Xiaolan? Aikido?"

"Yeah~, to put it simply, it is a kind of martial arts similar to judo."

Under normal circumstances, Heye would never explain it vaguely. On the contrary, if someone compared judo and Aikido, she would stand up and point out the other party's mistakes and explain the difference between the two seriously.

But now, she didn't have that mind, and her voice became a little soft.

As time passed, the redness on Heye's little face became more and more obvious, and she gritted her teeth to support it.

The stubbornness in her character was fully exerted by her at this time. After all, she had endured for a long time. If she gave up now, wouldn't all the previous efforts be in vain!


Xiaolan! Where are you! Why, why don't you come back! ?

"He Ye? Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

Finally, Shimizu Koji asked.

At first, he didn't think much about it, thinking that He Ye was still shy, but gradually, he also found something wrong.

Although He Ye's voice sounded a little soft, it was still full of energy. He didn't know the specific situation and was worried about causing an embarrassing situation, so he didn't ask.

But at this moment, looking at He Ye who suddenly squeezed out tears from the corners of his eyes, Shimizu Koji couldn't sit still.

"What's wrong with you? He Ye? I'll go call a doctor."

"Wait, wait, don't--!"

As soon as Shimizu Koji turned around, He Ye suddenly shouted and stopped his action.

And when he turned around, there was a layer of fine sweat on He Ye's forehead on the bed, and her face was very ruddy.

But if you look closely, there is a gray despair in her eyes, and a kind of relief that Shimizu Koji can't understand? Resentment? Frustration?

It's over, it's all over--.

He Ye wanted to cry but had no tears. Under the effect of the anesthetic, she could not hold back as much as she thought.

As soon as she spoke, she clearly felt

that she had leaked.

Looking at the innocent-looking Shimizu Koji, He Ye suddenly felt some resentment in her heart that she could not suppress.

She reached out to wipe her tears, gritted her teeth and struggled to hold back the last big wave. She said with some resentment: "Pick me up!"

And she was not resentful of Shimizu Koji. Well, maybe, but it was mainly directed at herself.

Last night, until now, Shimizu Koji actually took the initiative once, and more often, it was her own carelessness.

Shimizu Koji was a little confused by He Ye's sudden action, but after hesitating for a while, He Ye could not hold back again, and her voice was a little tearful.

"Pick me up quickly, I, I want to go to the bathroom."

Very embarrassed, in a hurry, He Ye had already thought of breaking the jar in her heart. It was too late for Shimizu Koji to call the nurse, and it would be even more embarrassing if the nurse saw it!

Anyway, no matter how embarrassing her situation was, Shimizu Koji had seen it!

It doesn't matter anymore (broken voice) Woohoo!

Shimizu Koji was stunned for a moment, and quickly lifted the quilt. He Ye was fully dressed, not even wearing any surgical gown, just a bright yellow knee-length skirt.

Well, why is it a little gray and black? What is this?

This problem only existed in Shimizu Koji's mind for a second and was solved immediately.

Kazuha herself had little strength and was very cooperative, so Koji Shimizu picked her up from the hospital bed without much effort (princess hug).

"Hurry, hurry up!"

Kazuya's face was lying on Shimizu Koji's chest. She didn't care about anything anymore. She blushed and gritted her teeth and grabbed Shimizu Koji's clothes.

Qingshui Koji didn't dare to delay, because while he was in a weird mood, he was also a little afraid of what might happen and Ye couldn't help it.

He didn't have a change of clothes, and if He Yeyi accidentally didn't hold back, he wouldn't be able to wash himself off even if he jumped into Tokyo Bay.

Fortunately, Kazuha was still very powerful, and she managed to hold on for another ten seconds, allowing Koji Shimizu to carry her to the bathroom, and then put her directly on the toilet.

There is nothing ambiguous and charming about this process, at least that's how Koji Shimizu feels.

Compared to last night, these are really nothing.

But for Heye, the mental shock this time was no less than last night, and even better than the secret of changing clothes that she had buried in her heart.

Koji Shimizu put her on the toilet like an elementary school student who needed to be taken care of!

She doesn't need help with this step, bastard!


"Crash la la la——."

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