Great Swordsman Ke Xue

Chapter 254 Unexpected twists and turns

Name: Shimizu Koji

Identity: Innocent, an orphan whose parents died early, it has been confirmed that he has no relationship with Kudo Shinichi;

Personality: Simple, indifferent to good and evil, decisive in killing, very good seed;

Purpose: for money;

Strength: Sword master, firearms - unknown, comprehensive assessment, huge potential.

Weaknesses: None yet. Things like girlfriends can never threaten a truly strong person.

Oh no, there are still some. Belmod played a game of filling in the blanks in her mind and sorted out the information from Koji Shimizu. She found some blind spots, or it made her previous thinking a lot clearer.

It is obviously much more difficult to control a strong young man like Koji Shimizu than to control a guy like Calvados who is controlled by his own beauty.

But combined with Shimizu Koji's life experience and the information he revealed, his parents died young and he was withdrawn. Just a girlfriend who covets his beauty can make him willing to work and make money.

Bellmode thought of something extra, or she simply looked down on campus romance.

But anyway, she came to a conclusion.

Koji Shimizu was even less caring than she thought.

It is indeed not surprising that such a life experience has developed such an invisible personality, and this may also be the only weakness of Koji Shimizu who has no worries in this world.

For this kind of children who lack care, as long as they invest a little, they can get rich rewards. Belmode has seen the dead soldiers trained by the organization. To a certain extent, they are really very similar to Shimizu Koji.

Information is really important. This was confirmed in Koji Shimizu's mind at this moment. He knew about Belmode and the organization and guessed the other party's purpose. Only this disguise could be so seamless.

He didn't behave differently from before, but he also fully exposed his 'weaknesses' and his pure 'purpose' to the other party smoothly.

"Let's have a drink."

Belmode poured a glass of wine for Shimizu Koji. After some conversation, both of them felt satisfied. This meeting was smoother and simpler than they imagined.

Belmod felt that she was right. Koji Shimizu was born to do their job, and he had obvious weaknesses that could be manipulated and exploited by her.

Moreover, she has not revealed any information about the organization.

Koji Shimizu feels that there are not too many twists and turns and games, it is simply like applying for an ordinary job. Of course, all of this, except for Calvados’ assist, in the final analysis, still comes down to his innocence. life experience.

The wine in the glass was golden and clear. While the two were chatting, Diana and Calvados had actually left the table. Koji Shimizu considered it and clinked glasses with Belmode to drink together. After a while, Diana and Calvados Vados returned to the front again.

"You don't need to introduce me to this one, Koji."

When Qingshui Koji heard this, he turned around and looked at Diana, whose face had almost changed drastically. She lowered her head and did not dare to look at him. He frowned slightly.

He had naturally noticed this just now, but given the situation at that time, he had no chance to chat with Diana.

Seeing this, Belmode smiled slightly and took the initiative to explain, "As you can see, this club has actually been closed for a week. I bought it and by the way, I saved Ms. Diana."

After a pause, Belmode added with a relaxed expression: "Originally, this was given to you, Haoji, as a meeting gift."

She didn't finish her words, but her meaning was already expressed very clearly. If, if it weren't for the tit-for-tat confrontation between Shimizu Koji and Calvados, then saving Diana might be a meeting gift she used to win Shimizu Koji's favor. .

And this belated meeting gift, as well as Belmode's frankness, indeed made Koji Shimizu feel a natural affection for her.

Although the other party's purpose was very strong, it was undeniable that the other party did help. Last time, Shimizu Koji felt that something was wrong with the atmosphere in the club, but Diana did not choose to let him intervene.

Koji Shimizu does have a lot of affection for this boss lady who has always taken good care of herself, and even stood up for her promise when she first met Bellmode. If he could help her, he would definitely not do it. Feel free to help.

"What happened?"

Belmod shook his head, and Koji Shimizu looked at Diana.

At this moment, Diana was suffering and struggling in her heart. She never expected that the person Belmode was waiting for was Koji Shimizu, and she never expected that Koji Shimizu had such 'terrible' calmness and strength.

But, there is no time, there is no time, we can't wait any longer.

"Koji, this Miss Chrissy, save the truth, save her, please, I really beg you!"

As Diana spoke, she rolled over and fell from the stool to the ground. Koji Shimizu's eyes changed and he did not reach out to help her.

"It seems that our trip will be postponed for a while?"

Although Belmode was asking a question, she said it with great certainty. Coupled with the faint smile that she couldn't wipe away, all of Shimizu Koji's decisions seemed to be within her expectation and control.

"Ms. Diana, get up. Please tell me carefully what is going on."

Although it is not clear what the specific circumstances of Diana's request are, it is probably not difficult to guess. The reason why Shimizu Koji agreed so decisively was partly because of his affection for Diana, but mainly because of Belmode. observation.

This meeting gift is not simple. This woman, Belmode, is testing his heart all the time.

Diana's face was very pale and her skin was very dry. When she spoke, she tried her best to avoid the eyes of Shimizu Koji and others. No woman wanted to let others see her like this.


This is the only valid information, or in other words, key information that Koji Shimizu extracted from her mouth.

The North Star Club opened in this place, and it was naturally supported by the society and gangs. The reason why the atmosphere became tense and depressed before was because the society behind her was brutally attacked, and the leader of the society was directly kidnapped.

Of course, the inside story here must be complicated and tortuous, but that is not what Shimizu Koji cares about, and Diana did not talk about it.

And the person Diana asked him to save was the daughter of the club boss.

"Treat this as a test for you? How about Koji? Calvados is not convinced by you yet. Show your strength and let him and me see it~"

Belmod said casually, Shimizu Koji was moved and glanced at Calvados. Belmode directly used the code name. This signal was a bit unusual. It seemed that he had gained considerable trust.

Yes, there is no reason for him not to gain this trust. Belmode has probably been observing and investigating him for quite some time.

"No problem, but there is one question, Ms. Diana, the Miss Truth you mentioned, where is she now?"

Diana raised her head, her eyes blank, "I, I don't know, I only know the truth. She is planning to rescue her father from the crowd, but she can't do it, really can't do it, something will happen to her -! Those guys—"

"I think if it's the Sumiyoshi-kai, I probably know."

It was Calvados who spoke.

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