Great Swordsman Ke Xue

Chapter 267 I can’t go in vain

Unexpected events happened one after another. Whether it was Kudo Yukiko or Miyano Akemi, the originally empty villa suddenly became lively.

But for Koji Shimizu, who was originally planning to do evil, this was not all good news.

After a night of silence, when he woke up, his arms were empty. This made Koji Shimizu, who had recently become accustomed to sleeping with someone as a pillow, a bit uncomfortable.

Time, seven o'clock in the morning, after a simple wash, Shimizu Koji came to the restaurant downstairs.

"Good morning, Haoji-kun~."

"Um, does Ms. Yukiko get up so early too?"

After careful consideration, Koji Shimizu decided to call Kudo Yukiko "Miss". Obviously, his decision was a good one. When Yukiko heard this, she couldn't help but smile.

She was wearing an apron and seemed to be preparing breakfast.

Just when I was saying hello, there was a sound of closing the door outside. Koji Shimizu turned around and saw Miyano Akemi carrying several plastic bags. No, it can’t be said to be Miyano Akemi anymore. At least, this picture His face was completely unrecognizable.

"Sister Akemi."

"Good morning, Koji."

Miyano Akemi said hello in a relaxed tone, while politely declining Shimizu Koji's move to help carry things.

"Ms. Yukiko helped me make this disguise mask early in the morning, and then told me about the nearby stores and convenience supermarkets. I went to buy some food and came back."

"Sister Mingmei, are you feeling well? You'd better let me do it after this kind of thing."

"Anla Koji, I'm just buying groceries. Besides, I'm already doing well. I was discharged from the hospital half a month ago. If I don't move around, it will really break down."

Miyano Akemi chuckled and looked relaxed. As she spoke, she walked to the refrigerator and sorted the things she bought.

Shimizu Koji looked at Kudo Yukiko next to the stove, and then at Akemi. He suddenly felt that he was a little redundant, but it was true. He came down simply to eat.

Cooking? The most he can do is heat a bowl of milk and make some oatmeal.

"By the way, Hao Er, go and call Zhi, Xiao Ai. She went to bed very late last night, and I got up early, so I didn't call her."

"Oh, then I'll go up."

"Go ahead. Alas, I still have to change my words as soon as possible. It's always Shiho Shiho's. It's too dangerous."

Miyano Akemi muttered to herself, Shimizu Koji nodded, turned and left the kitchen.

Today is still a working day, that is, a school day, but he doesn't plan to go to school today. There is no reason, he just doesn't want to go to school.

Haibara Ai is still asleep. Well, this is actually a relatively rare thing, especially since Miyano Akemi, who fell asleep with her, has already woken up.

Generally speaking, based on Koji Shimizu's own experience of sleeping with Haihara Ai, Haihara Ai's sleep should be very light, and he would wake up at the slightest movement. I have never encountered such a situation.

Is it because you feel safe in your sister's arms?

Shimizu Koji thought about it and walked all the way to the door of Mingmei's room. Mingmei's room was actually next door to his, while Kudo Yukiko's room was next door to Mingmei's room.

He turned the door handle and walked into the house. The curtains were closed and it was a little dark.

The facilities in the house are relatively simple. After all, Miyano Akemi has just moved in. A wardrobe, a bed, and a bookshelf with a table are basically everything.

There was only one quilt on the bed, a golden velvet quilt that was cool to the touch and very comfortable to cover. Haibara Ai was lying on the other side of the bed. Shimizu Koji moved his hands and feet lightly and walked to the bed silently.

Hui Yuan Ai fell asleep lying on her side, her breathing was steady, her white, flawless and delicate face made people want to take care of it like exquisite porcelain. Her eyelashes were long and trembling slightly, and her nose was small and exquisite. On weekdays, The humming sound basically comes from here.

The pink lips also attracted special attention, especially Koji Shimizu who had already tasted the taste.

However, of course he didn't have any thoughts now. He was simply admiring Haibara Ai's sleeping face. In his mind, the images of her and the cold and indifferent Miyano Shiho when they first met overlapped but were also separated.

Maybe it's because the person has become smaller and his personality has changed to some extent, or maybe it's because he reunited with his sister and stayed away from the organization that was like her nightmare, or maybe it's because he's pretending too much. In short, Shimizu Koji feels that Haibara Ai is indeed becoming more and more like a primary school student.

Well, it's just cute in some ways.

And does this mean that she has regained her childhood and has a chance to enjoy her childhood again?

Shimizu Koji learned a lot about the past of the two people from her mouth and Miyano Akemi's mouth. Haibara Ai is the genius of the organization, but the price of genius is a caged bird.

In fact, thinking about it this way, Haibara Ai's first joking statement was really good. She grew up slowly like this. Shimizu Koji felt that he could afford to wait, because the waiting process was not easy. They need to be separated and distant from each other, but except for some things they cannot do, they can still be as close as normal interactions.

"What are you thinking about?"

Haihara Ai's voice interrupted Qingshui Koji's trance. Looking into her bright big eyes, Qingshui Koji could clearly see the trust in himself under those ice-blue eyes, as well as the fact that he had just woken up. of faint mist.

"Guess. I'm here to wake you up, little lazy cat."

As Qingshui Koji said, he suddenly stretched out his hand and pinched Haiyuan Ai's little nose. It felt good. Regardless of his actions or words, Haiyuan Ai, who had just woken up, was caught off guard and blushed.

"Who are you, lazy cat, what are you doing?! Let go!"

As soon as she finished speaking, Qingshui Koji let go of his hand, and Haihara Ai also took advantage of the situation and quickly got up from the bed, his eyes alert and quite shy.

She rubbed her nose and glared at Koji Shimizu, as if to say that she wanted an explanation.

"Ahem, actually I originally planned to wake you up like this, but you suddenly woke up early, so I don't think I can go in vain."


Early in the morning, Haibara Ai was very angry at Koji Qingmizu's fallacies.

But before she could have a seizure, Koji Shimizu suddenly took action and took her, who was only wearing a thin autumn coat, into his arms.

And as soon as he stretched out his hand, Haihara Ai reflexively covered her mouth. She didn't struggle, but she was face to face with Qingshui Koji like this, with big eyes staring at small ones.

"is it necessary?"

"Well, yes, I, I haven't brushed my teeth yet."

"Oh? Then go brush your teeth quickly!"

Haihara Ai's face turned even redder instantly. She realized that she had said the wrong thing, and she shouldn't have explained anything to Shimizu Koji in the first place.

"Don't think about it! Get out quickly, I want to change clothes!"

"Okay, actually, I can help with this too."

Looking at Koji Qingshui with a serious look on his face, twirling and playing with his little feet, Haihara Ai suppressed the itching feeling in his heart and took a deep breath.

"Okay, okay, don't be angry, it's just a joke~ Why do you look like you're going to bite me again?"

Koji Shimizu smiled and touched the cat's head. He didn't feel at all that it would be inappropriate to do so with his hand that had just pinched her little foot.

Haiyuan Ai's little face turned red from suppressing it, and his eyes were fierce and cold, but Qingshui Koji knew the truth of just a little bit.

He stood up and let go, and before leaving, he kissed her gently on the face, which instantly made all her shame disappear.

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