Great Swordsman Ke Xue

Chapter 269 Angry Fei Yingli

"So? In the end, did he find out that person? The person who wanted the rich man's life."

At the Fei Law Firm, Fei Yingli, wearing a white windbreaker jacket and a sky blue shirt, was typing on the keyboard with one hand and holding up the phone with the other, asking casually.

On the other end of the phone was Xiaolan, who was in the Mori Detective Agency of Miwa Fifth Chome.

Xiaolan's face was very complicated. She glanced at the drunken Mouri Kogoro and Conan who was smelling of alcohol and looked hopeless on the sofa opposite.

"Later, my father did go to that house to investigate, but the evidence the wife mentioned didn't seem to be of much use."

"Dad is so troubled by this that he is drunk and sleeping on the sofa."

Fei Yingli suddenly couldn't help but frown, and her tone became harsh, "If you still have time to sleep, why don't you quickly reject that commission?"

"Um, but before going to the client's house, Dad had already spent three million yen with people nearby."

"Three million?!?!"

Fei Yingli couldn't help shouting, she thought a lot in that moment.

Although she has almost no contact with Mouri Kogoro, because of Xiaolan, she still knows a little bit about Moori Kogoro's economic situation.

Xiaolan said that the commission fee this time was 10 million, so Mouri Kogoro was so excited that he asked someone to borrow money in advance to spend lavishly, which made her feel deeply powerless and headache in an instant.

It's not that she can't afford to repay the three million, she can get the money by taking on a few more cases, but Mouri Kogoro is not like this once or twice.

"Huh--, three million, right? I will find a way to help raise money."

After taking a long breath, Fei Yingli rubbed her brows and spoke as calmly as possible.

"Hey, mom, wait a minute, there's one more thing."

"What? Is there anything else?" Fei Yingli frowned, having a bad feeling.

"Dad, he wanted to make up for the money."

"Nani!? Bet five million on horse racing?!!!"

"Well, the total loan amount is 8,057,000 yen. What should I do, mom——"

"What else should I do! Xiaolan, come to me right now. Leave that kind of man alone!"

Drinking, gambling, and lustful, Mouri Kogoro was already hopeless. Fei Yingli had expected this day, but she didn't expect it to come so suddenly.

Five million, betting on horse racing——

To be able to make such a desperate move is no longer an ordinary gambler.

Fei Yingli has seen many examples of families and people being destroyed because of gambling. She deeply understands that the only thing that should be done for these gamblers who have fallen into the endless abyss is to stay away.

There have been several cases where families have turned against each other and sold their children and daughters. There have been several cases like this in the cases she has handled.

When Xiaolan made this call to Fei Yingli, she was naturally well prepared. When she heard her mother's harsh words, her face became stern, but she still gritted her teeth and continued:

"But, dad said this in his sleep - Yingli, come and save me, Yingli."

"Ms. Murakami! Have another drink!"

On the sofa, Mouri Kogoro seemed to hear someone calling him and suddenly shouted.

And just for a moment, Conan and Xiaolan's expressions changed drastically at the same time. Without Xiaolan's explanation, Conan quickly turned around, picked up the pillow and covered Mouri Kogoro's face.

It wasn't until Mouri Kogoro made no movement that Conan and Xiaolan breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

"Mom? Are you listening?" Xiaolan asked cautiously.

Fei Yingli was silent for a while. She looked out the window, her eyes completely blocked by reflective lenses.

The blue sky and white clouds are the beautiful scenery that belongs to the huge city of Tokyo. The scenery that belongs to her seems a bit gloomy at the moment.

A moist arc traced across her cheek, and crystal tears disappeared in a flash.

If it weren't for Xiaolan, she would have permanently broken up with such a rotten gambler. But over the past ten years, when the Mori Kogoro Detective Agency had not improved at all, she didn't know how much living expenses she gave Xiaolan. Much of it was squandered by Moori Kogoro.

But in the past few months, watching Mouri Kogoro's rise in fame, she once thought that Moori Kogoro had regained his strength and had returned to his lost ways.

But now it's really ridiculous.

It’s been more than ten years and you still haven’t understood it?


After a brief silence, Fei Yingli opened her lips lightly: "I understand, I'll be there in a moment."

After saying that, she hung up the phone directly. She took out her handkerchief and gently wiped away the tears on her face. For Xiaolan, she still had to deal with this mess.

Eight million, she could grit her teeth and come up with it, but let her spend her hard-earned savings to pay for Mouri Kogoro! ?

This is impossible, and there is no doubt that this will encourage Kogoro Mouri's gambling habit, making him even more aggressive and unscrupulous.

Fei Yingli wiped her glasses and stood up from her seat.

At this time, there was a rush of footsteps outside the door, and Fei Yingli put away all her emotions in an instant.

The door opened and Midori Kuriyama walked in holding the information.


"I have to go out for something, Xiaolu, so I'll leave this place to you for the time being."

"Eh?!" Kuriyama Midori was shocked when he heard this.

"Wait for the lawyer, but we have made an appointment with Mrs. Nishan at three o'clock this afternoon to discuss the case."

"Oh, please extend it to next week for me."

As Fei Yingli spoke, she picked up a simple makeup box from her desk and put on makeup carefully.

"Anyway, she just came to complain to me as usual, to scold my idiot husband who wanted to divorce her."


"As long as you tell her that I had to refuse the meeting with her in order to clean up my husband's mess, I think she will be able to understand me."


"Jia, Xiaolu, I'll leave the office to you."

"Hi Yi!"

Kuriyama Midori nodded seriously. Fei Yingli smiled and seemed to have regained her composure. She picked up her handbag and turned around to leave the office.

Half an hour later, Maori Detective Agency.

"Help me, help me quickly -"

On the sofa, Maori Kogoro was murmuring, and Xiaolan was accompanying Fei Yingli, looking down at Maori Kogoro with her.

Conan was sitting far away on the sofa opposite, not daring to express his anger. The last incident was still vivid in his mind, and he didn't want to leave any bad impression on Fei Yingli again.

"Has he always been like this?"

Fei Yingli's face showed no emotion.

Xiaolan nodded cautiously and put one hand on her chest. Facing her mother, she was also a little scared, especially after telling such a big lie just now.

"I really can't eat anymore~~, Yoko~~~."

The atmosphere instantly became so cold that it could freeze. Xiaolan wanted to use karate on the spot to punch Mouri Kogoro twice in the mouth.

"Ahem, mom——."

"Well, uncle, maybe it's because of this program on TV." Conan pointed to the TV behind him, and by coincidence, it was indeed playing Yoko Okino's cooking program.

However, Fei Yingli's glasses reflected light, making it difficult for people to see her expression clearly.

"Mom, Dad, Dad just kept calling Yingli, Yingli."

"Well, Mom, you shouldn't be very angry and go back."

Fei Yingli finally reacted after hearing this. She lowered her head slightly and said, "Don't worry, I won't do such immature behavior."

"But, Xiaolan, you have to figure something out."


"I came here specifically for you, not for that stupid-looking drunkard."

Fei Yingli's voice was light, and there was no hint of anger, but Xiaolan's heart couldn't help but beat.

She looked at Fei Yingli, who was very calm in front of her. She expected that her mother might be furious, but she never expected that Fei Yingli would react like this.

But for some reason, this reaction was far more terrifying than getting angry.

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