Great Swordsman Ke Xue

Chapter 281 An army was defeated

The next day, a day off, Kudo's house.

At six o'clock in the morning, a faint shadow of light could be seen on the heavy curtains. There was a knock on the door. Koji Shimizu, who was suddenly awakened, opened his eyes in confusion, picked up the alarm clock and glanced at the time.

Last night, several people went to have dinner together, and it was not until twelve o'clock in the evening when they came back. Therefore, after coming back, Shimizu Koji went to bed directly. Now, who was knocking on his door? !

"Haoji-kun~~, open the door quickly!"

Damn Yukiko!

Yukiko's character seems to be contagious, at least Shimizu Koji is no longer able to maintain a calm and good attitude toward her.

Listen, there is a smile in this leisurely tone, like a girl who is deliberately playing a prank again. When Koji Shimizu opens the door, she will run away.

"What's up?"

Shimizu Koji lifted up the quilt without putting on his slippers. He walked directly to the door of the room and opened it.


Yukiko screamed and immediately covered her face with her hands. It seemed that she was extremely shy, but when Koji Shimizu looked at the two bright, clear and curious eyes between her ten fingers, he was completely speechless. .

He did have some bad intentions, but his bad intentions seemed to be noticed by Yukiko at once.

As for Yukiko, although she looks young and has an eccentric personality like a little girl, in fact, she is already a mother. I have never seen anything like this. Shimizu Koji is just delivering food. .

"Wow~~Haoji-kun, you have a good figure——"

Yukiko said, covering her face and staring directly at Shimizu Koji's eight-pack abs.


Koji Shimizu closed the door without mercy.

Female gangster!

If there wasn't someone in the family, if she wasn't Conan's mother——

Shimizu Koji rarely flinched from such a trivial matter, and also rarely blushed.

And if Haibara Ai knew about this, she would probably be shocked and envious for a whole day, and then eagerly come to Yukiko for advice.

Yukiko stood at the door, looking at the closed door, but did not leave immediately.

"What, what's wrong?"

On the side, Mingmei's door opened, and Mingmei hurriedly walked out, apparently frightened by the scream just now.

"It's nothing, it's just that there was a bug just now. I'm sorry, sorry, I'm sorry."

"Oh, it's okay, it's okay, it's okay."

Akemi nodded blankly and was about to turn around and go back to her room, but she suddenly stopped when she saw Yukiko standing at the door of Shimizu Koji.

However, Yukiko did not shy away. She reached out and knocked on Shimizu Koji's door again, "Koji-kun~, we are going to the Mori Detective Agency with Eri this morning to meet and reminisce. Get up quickly."

"Um, was it yesterday?"

"Hmm, I still have to trouble Koji today." Yukiko stuck out her tongue playfully, and Miyano Akemi opened her mouth, not knowing what to say for a moment.

With a personality like Kiko's, it's great to be a friend, but it's great to be an elder.

How can anyone talk to her?

Mingmei retreated, but fortunately, Haibara Ai did not continue to live here last night, otherwise there might be some twists and turns.

Half an hour later.

In Yukiko's room.

Neatly dressed and washed, Koji Shimizu sat in front of the dressing table. Yukiko stood beside him, concentrating on helping him put on makeup.

Make him up to be her husband and go meet his son, his son's girlfriend, and his in-laws.

"I said, is it really okay? Have you talked to Mr. Kudo?"

"Ah, I've said it before. Today is the last time. Just relax and don't move your eyes."

Yukiko exhaled like a orchid. She pressed Shimizu Koji's head. The distance between the two was very close. Shimizu Koji could clearly smell the faint fragrance on her body. This was not the smell of perfume. Shimizu Koji, who had gradually understood women's products. The child could tell the difference.

The scent of a girl's body, along with the softness that almost touches her forehead, is hard not to make people think about her.


Nine o'clock in the morning, Mori Detective Agency.

"This is 1,943,000 yen, which is the entrustment fee after deducting your loan."

Fei Yingli was still wearing the white intellectual uniform from yesterday, but beside her, Yukiko had put on a very young style of pink long-sleeved shirt with a hood. The two of them stood together, looking really good. Each has its own merits.

But if they face their gaze together, even a person with the best psychological quality will feel a sense of oppression. What's more, Mouri Kogoro is sitting behind the desk at this time. He wears a serious suit jacket on his upper body, and his lower body, But he was only wearing a pair of big red sweatpants.

He was trembling, not daring to move.

"Ah, thank you."

Mouri Kogoro took the money, Fei Yingli's nose twitched twice, and suddenly looked around, "Strange, there seems to be a strange smell."

"Huh? Do you have any pets?" Yukiko also asked.

"Ah, no, no, yes, it was a client who came here this morning and brought the dog with him to do a good deed." Mouri Kogoro suddenly sweated profusely, and the cold sweat on his head was also dripping down drop by drop.

However, his seemingly seamless lie immediately came to blows.

"Ah, isn't it because Uncle Kogoro peed his pants yesterday?"

"Conan!!?" Xiaolan shouted, blushing instantly.

Mouri Kogoro also opened his mouth wide and looked in disbelief at Conan, who was standing next to Shimizu Koji with an innocent and cute look on his face.

Conan held his head, looking really innocent and kind. It was rare for him to have a backer, so he couldn't help but take a swipe at this uncle who gave him a big red envelope for nothing.

The atmosphere suddenly became awkward. Conan hid by Shimizu Koji's legs, and Mouri Kogoro's teeth were almost broken.

"Hey, Dad, where are you going next?"

Conan's voice was so low that only Koji Shimizu could hear it.

"Well, I'll go back to the United States in the afternoon."

Visible to the naked eye, Conan's mouth opened uncontrollably. He was still thinking about going out for a walk with his parents for two days before coming back.

Looking back at Mouri Kogoro, his little heart couldn't help but beat a little.

"Wet your pants." Fei Yingli's expression was beyond description.

While Yukiko was embarrassed, she subconsciously took a small step away from Mouri Kogoro's desk.

"Sorry, it's my fault."

Remembering what happened yesterday when she tied Mouri Kogoro to the sofa, Fei Yingli sighed and apologized.

"Ah, it's okay, it's okay."

Mouri Kogoro seemed very generous, but Fei Yingli changed her tone and said, "But if you do such a thing again in the future, don't blame me."


"When the time comes, I will file a lawsuit with the court to get Xiaolan's custody rights back."

"Hey, mom!"


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