Great Swordsman Ke Xue

Chapter 424: The Heart of a Traitor

Not long after, under the guidance of Xiaolan, we found a coffee shop. Although it was noon, there were not many people here.

Everyone chose a corner by the window and sat down. At this time, Xiaolan didn't know what she was thinking. She didn't sit with Kisaki Eri, but left the seat to Shimizu Koji. She took Conan and Maori Kogoro to sit aside.

Shimizu Koji was a little surprised, but after Xiaolan gave him an apologetic look, he roughly understood.

It must be said that Xiaolan's personality is still very good in many cases. If she married an ordinary man, she should also be a very good model housewife, but if it was Conan

Shimizu Koji thought about it for a while, and then looked at Conan's eyes opposite, and couldn't help but bring some sympathy.

Conan's personality may not change with age. This Heisei era Sherlock Holmes is obsessed with jumping back and forth on the edge of danger, enjoying the spiritual pleasure of investigating and catching murderers, and for Xiaolan, this may be completely unacceptable.

But this is someone else's business after all. Who can say for sure about feelings? But if Conan and Xiaolan want to go to the end, one side must compromise, and if they can't, it will become-

Shimizu Koji glanced at Maori Kogoro opposite him. Maori Kogoro looked straight ahead. From the time he sat down until now, he almost never looked at Kisaki Eri straight in the eye, and Kisaki Eri was the same.

It's really scary to think about it. No wonder Kisaki Eri always disliked Xiaolan's childhood sweethearts.

Facing Shimizu Koji's sudden sympathetic look, Conan scratched his head in confusion, not knowing what to say.

Then, he quickly gave Shimizu Koji a roll of his eyes-you'd better be careful.

Shimizu Koji didn't care about his reminder, just smiled and looked away.

"Hey, what do you want to eat."

At this time, Maori Kogoro, who was responsible for ordering dishes, took the menu and asked Kisaki Eri with his eyes not eyes and nose not nose.

Facing such a situation, it was impossible for Eri Kisaki to have a good face. She just pretended not to hear it and didn't even look at it.

Xiaolan saw all this, and the smile on her face disappeared in an instant.

But she really couldn't say anything at this moment, because there were not only Conan and Shimizu Koji, but also waiters and other people in the store.

"Um, Uncle Maori, give me the menu."

Shimizu Koji took the initiative to stand up, but no one thought there was anything wrong. Even Maori Kogoro hesitated for a moment and handed the menu to Shimizu Koji.

"Aunt Eri, what would you like to eat?"

"Well, a cup of iced Americano and a portion of black pepper pasta. Thank you, Koji."

Shimizu Koji quickly ordered the meals for himself and Eri Kisaki and returned the menu to the waiter.

Just as the waiter left and the atmosphere on the table was still to be restored, suddenly, another not very harmonious voice sounded from behind.

"Hey, isn't this Lawyer Kisaki?"


"Lawyer Kisaki——."

Obviously, there are still many people.

Everyone turned around and saw a table of people not far away, all standing up and walking towards them.

The leader was a middle-aged man with a dark complexion and a very elegant look. Before Hibiki Eri stood up, Saku Hoshi directly greeted him, "Lawyer Hibiki, what a coincidence, I thought I saw it wrong, I didn't expect you to come here for vacation with your family."

Hibi Eri was stunned for a moment, and then a short-haired woman who came up immediately continued, "That's right, no wonder you refused to play with us, after all, even the famous court queen is just an ordinary housewife in front of her daughter and husband~."

Usui Ritsuko smiled and blinked at several people, looking very lively and easy to make people feel good.

Now, even without the introduction, several people almost understood, "Ritsuko, Saku, you, you——"

"So, the party you mentioned before was in Karuizawa, sorry."

Hiki Eri was very surprised, but after reacting, she also apologized sincerely with a slightly red face. In order to make time to go out with Shimizu Koji, she refused the invitations sent by these colleagues before without even thinking about it or looking at them, but she didn't expect to meet them again when she turned around, which was very embarrassing.

Although everyone seemed to be harmonious on the surface, they were just lawyers. She herself offended many people in the industry because she often spoke out too much for justice and often defended the poor. She was also very famous.

But fortunately, Xiaolan was there today. If it was just her and Shimizu Koji, Kisaki Eri felt that things might get very bad.

"No, no, Eri, why are you apologizing? I'm just accompanying my family. Even the queen of the court has a family life. We can understand what you said. Separation is just an excuse." Ritsuko Usui teased with a smile.

But she didn't get any response after she said this. Eri Kisaki's face calmed down a little. "Ritsuko, don't make fun of me anymore. You guys are the only ones who call me queen."

"That's not all."

A fat man who looked to be in his forties came over. Under the gaze of everyone, Kenzo Shiozawa continued with a smile: "In fact, even the prosecutors call you that in private."

"Everyone said that whenever they met lawyer Hime, they couldn't help but feel like they were a traitor kneeling before the queen."

Shiozawa Kenzo's vivid metaphor made everyone present look at him sideways. A rare blush of embarrassment appeared on Hime's cheeks. She avoided all eyes looking at her, but when she turned her head, she happened to look directly at Shimizu Koji who was sitting on the inside of the seat.

For some reason, when Hime and Shimizu Koji's clear big eyes met, she felt even more flustered for no reason.

In fact, Shimizu Koji was a little distracted. After all, he didn't feel that strongly about the queen. But now, he was really interested in appreciating the overwhelming queen version of Eri Kisaki in the court, and then - being a traitor with evil intentions.

"What are you thinking about?"

"Uh, no, nothing."

Facing Eri Kisaki's slightly unfriendly eyes, Shimizu Koji was stunned for a moment, and quickly crossed his legs to cover up the abnormality of his uncontrollable body.

Soon, with the mutual introduction of Shiozawa Kenzo and Eri Kisaki, everyone quickly got to know each other and became familiar with each other.

Not long after, another male lawyer who went to the toilet came back. His name was Mikasa Yuji. He greeted everyone and sat down at the same table.

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