Great Swordsman Ke Xue

Chapter 429: Hibiki Eri and Xiaolan on both ends of the phone

More than forty minutes later, the clouds outside the window disappeared and the rain stopped.

The atmosphere in the room was a little stuffy, and Shimizu Koji got off the bed alone and opened the window for ventilation.

Kisaki Eri's face flushed, and her face was more relaxed and bright than ever before, and she was charming and beautiful.

But at this moment, she just looked up at the ceiling and lost her mind for a long time. After a long time, until Shimizu Koji came back to her side, she saw the shadow that suddenly appeared in front of her, and she woke up with a start.

"Eri, you smell so good~."

Shimizu Koji leaned over, smiled softly, and tapped Kisaki Eri's cheek.

And Kisaki Eri didn't refuse or resist like before, but in her gentle eyes, the emotions at this moment seemed very complicated.

Shimizu Koji also returned to the bed, but this time, Kisaki Eri moved aside, not giving him the opportunity to get into her arms to keep warm.


"Stop, Miss Eri, you are not going to deny it again, are you? But this time we have to make it clear, I didn't do it, you took the initiative first."

Hisa Eri's eyes were blank, her face was red, and she turned her face away unconsciously.

Such shyness is still different. Shimizu Koji saw it, but didn't say anything. He just silently and tentatively put his arm around Hiisa Eri's shoulders from behind, and then slowly slid down.

He could clearly feel Hiisa Eri's nervousness and pounding heartbeat.

It seemed that she was completely sober, but this time, there was no room for turning back or escaping, and Shimizu Koji would not give Hiisa Eri such a chance.

The room became quiet again, and only Hiisa Eri's breathing could be heard becoming more and more rapid. She twisted slightly, trying to stop Shimizu Koji's actions.

But Shimizu Koji just exerted a little force with both hands, and she couldn't help but let out her breath and lost her last bit of strength.

In the haze, a few slight moans and groans became the last straw that broke her rationality.

"Wait, wait a minute, Koji."

"What's wrong? Eri~."

Shimizu Koji didn't notice him, and continued to whisper softly in Eri's ear.

And it was visible to the naked eye that Eri's ears became a little hot and red, from which it was not difficult to see Eri's true mood.

However, without the help of alcohol, Eri was indeed a little bit unable to let go. Instead, she seemed a little nervous, like a college student who had just entered society.

Eri bit her lips, feeling the burning breath behind her, especially Shimizu Koji's whisper in her ear. The warm air waves made her heart beat, but she had to restrain herself.

"Just, just this once, okay, then later--"

"Da-me-yo (No)."

Kouji Shimizu interrupted Hibari with a chuckle. He did not hesitate any longer. With a slight effort, he turned Hibari over. Then he supported his body and looked down at her from above.

Hibari knew that it was impossible for her to convince this little bastard who had already won a great victory. So she said this just to symbolically give herself an explanation. Then, she closed her eyes, blushed, and quietly enjoyed it.

"Mom?! Where have you been?! Why didn't you answer my phone calls?!"

"Hey, sorry, Xiaolan, I, I was taking a shower just now. Um."

"But Dad hasn't been found yet, why did you suddenly go back? And Shimizu-san, too, suddenly lost contact. If Conan hadn't said that he saw Shimizu-san leaving the hotel, I would have thought that you two were having an affair!"

It can be heard that Xiaolan is particularly angry, and Kisaki Eri's heart also stopped for two seconds, and then she glared at Shimizu Koji who was still attacking, trying to make Shimizu Koji calm down, but this not only failed to do so, but also aroused Shimizu Koji's high morale.

"Ah~~! Xiao, Xiaolan, what are you talking about!!"

Kisaki Eri almost used a gentle and high-spirited tone to perfectly complete the great ups and downs of emotions in one sentence. She almost gritted her teeth and shouted out the last few words, which sounded very angry and powerful.

Xiaolan on the other end of the phone also reacted and said quickly: "Mom, I, I was just talking nonsense, I didn't mean that, I just had some--"

"Woo. Woo."

Xiaolan was dumbfounded. She never thought that her words would make such a strong mother cry.

But it seems that it is not incomprehensible. She said that, it was indeed too much. Her mother had no scandals in the past ten years, and she had done her best for her father.

And her daughter was at this time, when her father was hugging that female lawyer in front of them at night.

She was immediately annoyed and regretful. Conan was beside her. Although he couldn't hear the voice on the phone, he could hear Xiaolan's words. His face was also very strange and complicated, because he knew very clearly that he had lied, and Xiaolan's casual words were actually a fluke.

He could already imagine the wonderful mood of Eri Kisaki over there.

As expected, after Xiaolan apologized several times in a hurry, the phone was hung up.

If he was just guessing just now, now it is certain that Kisaki Eri is probably with Shimizu Koji.

I don't know how Shimizu did it. It's really true.

Conan's mind was turning, and suddenly he remembered that the time when Shimizu Koji saved Kisaki Eri a few days ago, probably, it was that incident.

He had actually been observing it. When they were in Izu that day, Kisaki Eri's attitude towards Shimizu Koji was obviously still very ordinary, and it could even be said that it was worse than before, but in just a blink of an eye

Conan shook his head, and his mood was very complicated for a while. On the one hand, as a man, it was difficult for him not to envy Shimizu Koji's luck; on the other hand, he felt a headache and distress. Who is not good enough, it has to be Xiaolan's mother.

Then what is this for him? He will have to call Shimizu Koji in the future.


Thinking of this, Conan felt a chill all over his body and quickly dispelled the distracting thoughts in his heart.

"Sister Xiaolan, let's look for him somewhere else. If that doesn't work, we can only call the police tomorrow morning. But I'm sure Uncle will be fine. He's a great detective."

"Oh, okay, all right."

Xiaolan nodded hesitantly, and felt a little relieved. Yes, her father was also a famous detective, so he shouldn't be in any trouble.

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