Great Tang Idyll

Vol 4 Chapter 727: Continuously variable speed tractor

Li Longji’s team finally returned to the port of Luzhou, and the port office did not continue to greet the team.

But it was very busy, and some people kept the goods on board, and from time to time someone who had shipped from elsewhere carried away, a scene of prosperity. []

The people who come to greet are only famous for being a person, even without a book boy or a servant, because the people in the government are busy.

This year's Luzhou suddenly started to rain, and the heavy rain, rain and light rain have been going on for five consecutive days, and the water in the two main rivers is rising.

People who are free are busy staring at the river embankment. As for the seawall, it is not so important. I have not heard of the heavy rain, which will make the sea rise unless it is an earthquake and a typhoon.

There is rain today, the rain is not too small, the beans are squatting on the concrete floor on the pier, and the water is sprayed one by one, and the water is filled with mist.

When the ship came back, it was also very worried about the storm. As a result, the old men said nothing, so they carefully walked along the shore, avoided the reef, and wore it back in the rain.

Xu Mingyang has already worn a robes, and he still has a fight. He didn't have an umbrella. The umbrella seems to have no effect in this weather.

When he saw the emperor's team on the dock, Xu Mingyang quickly joined in the past. His main purpose was not to find the emperor, but to talk to Beckham and others, as long as the other party spoke, he was relieved.

He doesn't believe that he is going to see each other's mother. The other party doesn't know. Now it's time to make sure that the other person still hates himself.

As for Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Hao, I don’t think I’m going to end up with myself. My attitude has already been expressed. I apologize. When they act, they will give people a line of style. They don’t continue to fight, and time is also Very timely, I don't think there will be big problems.

Sure enough, when Xu Mingyang greeted him, he spoke to the emperor in his mouth, and when he looked at the baker who also wore a special coat, Beckham glanced at him and snorted: "You are smart."

The four words are heard in the ears of the famous and the sound of the sound of nature.

After greeting with Li Longji, they did not dare to follow behind, but came to the dock to sell tea under the stall, asked for a pot of tea, slammed two, and then took a long breath, heart Completely put down.

"I am still smart, know how to advance and retreat. How much stronger than Ning's family? The husband can bend and stretch, not shame, and not be humiliating. I used to count the people once, and I used my wisdom and wisdom to reconcile with others."

Xu Mingyang held a bean on the tea and snorted, praising himself.

"Just let him go, I am very uncomfortable." Xiaobei went far away, sitting in the car, said to Li Longji and others.

The little mouth groaned and looked very dissatisfied, but there was no way. My brother and sister said that they could, and after all, they had to listen to their older siblings.

When he heard Xiaobe complaining, Li Longji smiled and said: "It’s hard to be done. Anyone who offends your family, do you think about killing it? Even copying it? If so, today, others deliberately offended you, you kill Now, if you kill more, some people may not deliberately offend you.

By the time other people already know your style of action, thinking that you still want to kill others, so before you open your mouth, you will help you clean up first. Do you have to clean up the people who will help you?

If you really clean up, it will make you feel that you are moody, it is very difficult to talk, you are not conceiting, and you will kill more, and one day someone else accidentally stopped in front of your car, you may not care, directly Let people kill.

Habits are slowly developed, and it is getting more and more serious. After a long time, I will lose it. It is time for your brother and sister to personally clean up you. ”

"I didn't say that I wanted to kill people. Wouldn't it be okay for them to eat more pickles for a few days? They have already bought rice noodles themselves. Even if they don't have pickles, they won't go to the beach to cook salt, then they catch fish and make salted fish. Eat? Salted fish eats on the glutinous rice noodles, the taste is good, but the brother does not let me eat more, addictive."

Beckham finds reasons for herself. In fact, she really kills her. She does not go to work. It is not soft, because there are children who are not born in the mother's stomach. It is not good to kill more. Others say so.

Li Longji smiled and said: "Now you can let him continue to eat pickles for a few days. He can't disagree. Don't believe you try."

"Don't try, it's not fun, the opponent doesn't resist, bullying what he does, it's not the national interest. He doesn't mean to bully him. I go back to sleep. Sleeping in rainy days is the most comfortable. I don't want to lie down."

Beckham was sleepy when he spoke, and he yawned, his eyes half squatting, and he could sleep at any time.

Looking at Beckham's appearance, Li Longji seems to have been infected, and he also stunned, sleepy, listening to the sound of rain outside, just like the lullaby.

The cold wind blew in from the half-opened window, let him be a jiling, suddenly remembered the things that he had remembered in his heart, and squinted his eyes and said to Zhang Xiaobao: "What about your tractor? The kind of hand-held."

Li Longji didn't really know what the walk-behind tractor meant, but he could guess it. It must have been transformed from the diesel engine.

Waiting for this day, he has been waiting for a long time. The money is flowing in like a stream. Now it is finally the time of harvest. What is the tractor? Why is it a tractor? Is it a sound?

Since Zhang Xiaobao was brought up, Li Longji began to remember that he hoped that the things the Ministry of Industry could apply to military and people's livelihood.

Now that I got off the boat, I still sat in the carriage, and I didn't see the look of the tractor that could carry people. I was angry with my heart.

Zhang Xiaobao also squinted and rested on the side of the car. He was actually anxious than Li Longji. Li Longji was just trying to get a fresh start. He knew what the tractor meant.

This is an improvement of the times. Don't look at the current mass production, but it provides a series of theoretical and practical data support for scientific research. Even if it takes a few days to break down, it is a big gain.

Anyway, there is something there, there is steel, and it’s worth spending more money. After all, one day, better things can be formed.

The only pity is that people are obviously the first gasoline engine, but because one aspect is not working, the diesel engine first came out, which is very speechless.

If there is more advanced smelting and forging technology, this thing is much more convenient than the steam engine. The same volume of fuel as coal burns for a long time, and it is also small in size, providing fast power, causing pollution... pollution first No matter, environmental organizations can catch up with Datang? The head gave him a kneel down.

"Xiao Bao, I ask you what you said." Li Longji saw Zhang Xiaobao leaning there, his mouth screaming upwards, but he did not say anything, squinting and asking again.

"Ah? Tractor? Well, wait for it to go back. Now people have a lot of misunderstandings. If you have a jiān, you will not be beautiful. Your Majesty, I will introduce you to the walk-behind tractor first. First of all, you have to Knowing what a tractor is, the so-called machine, refers to the diesel engine, so dragging it, naturally it is like a horse-drawn carriage, dragging, pulling, how is it dragged....."

Zhang Xiaobao mi talked with Li Longji.

Before he finished, Li Longji interrupted his words: "I don't want to hear it, I want to see it, how to drag it, I saw it with my own eyes. Naturally, the more you talk about now, the more expectation you have in your heart. Go to sleep."

"Xie Xia." Zhang Xiaobao's head leaned back on the wall.

Li Longji sighed and asked white.

The car swayed forward, when Li Longji felt sleepy, and when he slowly went to sleep, he actually went to the place and looked very uncomfortable.

"Emperor's uncle, is it difficult to accept, when you want to sleep and can't sleep?" Xiaobei sympathetically looked at Li Longji.

"Uncomfortable, have you ever had such an experience? Don't let you sleep?" Li Longji blinked and asked.

"Yes, I was going to sleep, suddenly there was something good to send, sleep or not sleep? This is a problem, get off the bus, look at the tractor."

Beckham said that if you have experience, you should jump first.

"It's really happy. You can choose between eating and sleeping. Sometimes you can't sleep peacefully even if you don't want to eat. Tractor, see how many things you can drag."

Li Longji felt a bit, and also got off the bus.

The rain outside didn't stop, and it didn't mean to be small. It was still underground. Zhang Xiaobao didn't care much. He took off his shirt and found the place where the tractor was sent.

Someone beside the tractor, there is a shed that covers the rain, just like treating the baby.

Zhang Xiaobao also used the diesel tractor as a baby. He reached out and stroked it back and forth on the nose. The movement was gentle, and he was afraid of destroying the diesel engine.

Later, Li Longji and others who saw it also saw it.

For them, the things in front of them have never been seen, one by one curiously.

There are three skeletons in the thing, which looks better than the carriage. The front is a rectangular head. The most conspicuous one on the head is the 'eyes'. Then there are two bicycle-like hands that connect the same thing from below. It seems to be connected to the part of the cockroach, it should be adjusted direction.

Behind it is a body, made of iron, fixed on the two cymbals at the back.

The saddle is very high. It is estimated that people sit on it and there will be a feeling of condescending. Others are nothing. Oh, there is a big chimney with a rainy ‘hat’.

"This thing is a lot of money spent, countless energy, and the hand-held tractor that the Ministry of Industry's high-tech talents keep researching. It is clearly another kind of bicycle. It is a knowing what is called a tractor. Fu is hand-held on the handlebars on both sides, the line that is connected is the rolling of the car? The tractor is loaded with things behind, dragging in front, this value is nearly 10 million yuan?"

Li Longji roughly looked at the tractor and shook his head, saying to Zhang Xiaobao who continued to play there.

Zhang Xiaobao stopped his hand and took a wet towel. He twisted the water and wiped his hand. He replied, "It’s this thing."

"Well, this thing is this thing, you use it for you, and see if it is worth a lot of money." Li Longji was a little disappointed, it was really a good sale of the walk-behind tractor, not comparable. The kind of car that feels elegant at first sight.

Zhang Xiaobao took a deep breath and reached out. The person next to him slammed, then reacted and handed over an iron stick that was bent back and forth. In fact, it was the starting handle and the handle.

When Zhang Xiaobao received the hand, he was going to start. Wang Hao came to worry at this time. She was afraid that Zhang Xiaobao did not start the diesel engine. Instead, she broke her arm and looked a little scary, especially without scientific detailed argumentation. s things.

"Xiaobao, you will... that... driving?" Wang asked worriedly. She wanted to talk about driving the tractor, and wanted to say that she was riding a tractor. She finally chose to drive.

Zhang Xiaobao waved his hand confidently and said: "No problem, the letter is not said, the hand-held tractor is powerful, only need two gears, one front gear, one reverse gear, other time It adopts stepless speed change, the hand is called with the brake system, and there is a shock-absorbing spring under the seat.

Don't say anything else, look at its chimney, find no, it is completely different from the car you used to sit in. Your car is one meter deep, can you pass? This car will do, know? ”

"What messes up, the chimney goes up, do you think you can use it as a submarine? With your hands and feet and the brake system, you can say that a hand brake can't stop, then you can't finish it, two gears, infinitely variable speed, right, Because it is too difficult to put more gears, so use the throttle control directly, the oil can be faster, the oil is slower, and there is no oil to stop, right?"

Wang Hao is not at ease that such an advanced thing was personally driven by Zhang Xiaobao, in case of sudden explosions? The explosion of people is nothing more than a crack or a piece of burnt. This car is easy to rise directly to the extent of the explosion.

"It’s a drop, we are in the early days of the business. We can only deal with it first, but it does not affect our testing and future development. Believe me, there will be drip on the steering wheel, there will be car air conditioners, now we are also in winter. You can make the exhaust pipe a good shape, walk next to the driver's seat and turn it into a heating system. It is waterproof and can't be too high. Look at me."

When Zhang Xiaobao said, he inserted the rocker into it and waved to the person next to him, indicating that he would help hold the oil supply system, which is the same as the hand brake.

Wang Hao stepped back a few steps and grinned: "When you are waterproof, how high is the exhaust pipe? If that is the case, a tractor factory can make a submarine."

"The tractor factory can build tanks. When I have finished the test, isn't it a tank? It's good to get a layer of iron on the outside, huh? Can we change the shape and make a beautiful cover, such as Mercedes? Who cares what is inside, right? Help me open the pressure relief valve, I said how to shake it."

Zhang Xiaobao swayed hard and found that he couldn't shake it. He remembered that there was still something that he didn't touch. If he could manually add pressure to let the diesel burn, he estimated that he could become a god.

The people over there didn't dare to laugh, and helped open the decompression device. Zhang Xiaobao just shook it up. The more he swayed, the more he shook it to a certain extent, and suddenly he pulled the handle out with his strength.

The diesel engine was finally started up, and the same sound as the continuous drumming was in the rain curtain, and there was also black smoke on it.

Success is really too easy. How can it be so easy to start your own car? Have to open the door to get on the bus, close the door or something.

Under the eyes of a group of people, Zhang Xiaobao turned over the car, one hand and one hand, the clutch was loose, the throttle was given, and the car was taken.

Then everyone saw the walk-behind tractor screaming cheerfully, heading forward and turning forward.

Fortunately, the road conditions here are good, it is used to give people the sun to the grain of the cement floor, a big field, now **** up, outsiders do not let in, you can let Zhang Xiaobao drive hard, the throttle is pressed to the end, thirty kilometers

The speed of the hour is too easy to achieve, even if there is a problem with people who have a car.

Li Longji watched Zhang Xiaobao driving the tractor around the field and looked very suspicious. This Xiaobao didn’t mean to have shock absorption. Why is it still bumping up and down?

"The smoke is too strong. When the wind is against the wind, it will be smoked. What is the reason?" Li Longji turned to ask Wang Hao.

"It's the reason for the oil. We have a model of diesel, and it seems to be different every time. It needs to look at what kind of crude oil is, nothing, small problems. Now it is mainly about how long the diesel engine can last. ”

Wang Hao feels helpless for the development of science and technology.

Li Longji nodded in understanding position and said: "It's okay, it's not good, wear a mask, wear a few layers, or the gas mask with charcoal inside. It is estimated that it will last for a long time without being smoked. ""

Zhang Xiaobao doesn't care about this cigarette. He can see it. He feels uncomfortable when he **** it in the stomach. In the past, many invisible cigarettes are actually more harmful. The Chinese people are very artificial, eat some poisonous things, drink some poisonous things, use Point poisonous things, then breathe some toxic things, and achieve the dream of strengthening the country and strengthening the country.

Accompanied by the sudden sound of the sudden, Zhang Xiaobao drove the tractor around the crowd for two laps, stopped and said to the crowd: "Go up, take a ride, let you see what speed is."

Li Longji is not small, his hand is on the edge of the car, the body is vacated, and he directly jumps in. Standing behind Zhang Xiaobao, holding the railing specially placed there, looking into the distance, a pair of ready to fly appearance.

Beckham and others also climbed into the car one after another, each looking for a good posture and position or squatting, or standing, or sitting on a ride.

Zhang Xiaobao started again and took everyone around to start moving around the sun.

Not to mention, the effect is good, except for Wang Hao, other people feel very comfortable, very fresh, very sensible, for a time, I feel that the bumps are not so big, much smaller than horse riding.

After a round of laps, Zhang Xiaobao slammed the throttle to the end, and the speed of the tractor suddenly rose. On the flat concrete floor, the people in the bucket even had the turbulent sense of running horses, and the rain fell on his face. It is like facing a thousand troops.

"How, fast, unhappy, cool? Is it better than the usual carriage?" Zhang Xiaobao, while driving the tractor, turned his head and looked back, shouting loudly, pressing the engine's sudden sound.

Li Longji did not know whether it was smoked or rained. He found himself in the heart of the clouds, and heard the movement of Zhang Xiaobao, and shouted.

"Silly, only a little slower than the horse sprint, but the horse is tired, always stop to graze, this thing is good, only use that, the diesel, the strength is also big, pulling so many people, Actually, you can still run fast. If it is equipped, on the plain terrain, it is invincible.

Xiaobao, how are you always biased? You are just a little, I am afraid, you said that you have to do something so long? The bicycles are only a little shorter, so that the people in the Ministry of Construction can think of ways, and they don’t care. ”

Li Longji thought of the chariot used in the war. The chariot is good, but it needs Malayla. How much protection can be placed on the horse to block the enemy's attack? It's a far cry from the tractor underneath.

In the future, you can really make a battle team, and then add a layer of armor, there is no need to put any knife soldiers, as long as there is a driver.

Put a long knife around the car, the blade is facing forward, all the way rushed over, the enemy is a piece of falling down, the flesh and blood can not stop.

Thinking of the happy place, I really want to clap and celebrate, but I am afraid of being bumped.

Zhang Xiaobao really always makes the car biased, because he always looks back and gives up the look of other people's expressions. Zhang Xiaobao has stabilized his hand and shouted: "The people in the Ministry of Industry are really stupid, and the steering system is not doing well, but it is for me. According to a rearview mirror, it’s stupid."

He took the crowd for two laps and found that the rain was too uncomfortable on the body, and worried about the cold. Zhang Xiaobao stopped the car and wiped the rain on his face. He said to the crowd: "Go back, wash Take a shower, change clothes, and run a few more laps when the weather is fine. I have a shed on the bucket."

Li Longji also climbed off the bus and stood on the sturdy flat ground. He found that tui was a bit soft and just turned upside down.

A group of children from Beckham are jumping and jumping, one by one, and it is obviously not enough.

"Brother, can you remove the back bucket and replace it with a house? It must be very fun inside. After a few times, it will fall asleep."

Xiaobei thought of her first house. It was a horse at the time. Now that she has a tractor, she can put the house up and down. When I get there, I can walk far and far away.

Zhang Xiaobao waved his arms and said: "Well, wait for the shock absorption technology to improve some more, give you a house, the front should also be replaced by two rounds, otherwise it will be easy to turn over, the horse is not tired, the people who drive are tired Ah, my two arms are sour."

"Don't you be able to shorten your hand, and you only said it." When Li Longji looked at the tractor again, his eyes were different from the previous ones. He finally found the great use of this thing. The simplest thing is to transport the goods.

Zhang Xiaobao thought for a moment and nodded: "Yes, you can use the steering wheel without a handle, but you need two wheels in front. The structure is not difficult."

"Structural things don't need to be said, don't want to learn, you know, it looks like a very simple thing, really want to master the theory, not a moment will be able to ponder clearly, tomorrow is best fine, try again. ”

Li Longji turned around the tractor for two laps. He waved his hand and went out in the direction of 'home'. He looked up again and complained.

The road conditions in Luzhou are really good. They are all spacious and flat roads, with cement, compacted gravel, and pure gravel.

If it is sunny, sitting in the tractor, you can take a good stroll around Luzhou, much faster than the carriage, and you don't need to stop at the speed, let the horse rest, this thing does not seem tired.

After the excitement, a group of people went back to take a bath and sleep. When they waited for the time of the Hai, they came up to eat.

"Xiaobao, things have been seen, good, although the money invested more, but I know, only the amount of money in the early stage, used for research, the consumption of the experiment is too large, waiting for the technology to gradually improve, The Ministry does not need to invest more money in this area, or even start making money. Can you do it in one year and one year?"

When Li Longji was eating, he still remembered the diesel engine. Just took a soup and asked Zhang Xiaobao.

When he wants to come, since things have been made, with Zhang Xiaobao’s ability to make money, he will soon be able to return to the book and then generate profits.

Zhang Xiaobao stopped the chopsticks. After thinking about it, he shook his head: "I can't do it. This thing can't produce profits within five years. It's not really impossible. I took it out, made a beautiful box outside, put people out. Inside, specializing in a good road.

For example, from Beijing to Luoyang, when you cross the river, you get on the boat and collect the money of the rich. One person pulls twenty people and runs one hundred times. One back and forth is four thousand.

But you can't do that. Every time you build a diesel engine, you need to use research. There are cars, boats, lifting equipment, and so on.

It is not that the diesel engine is not required to continue to invest. This is a generation of diesel engines, just like the steam engine. After that, the steam engine has not developed much, especially for small vessels.

But the diesel engine can't, it has to be updated from generation to generation. Plus the gasoline engine in the future, don't look at only two kinds. The technology has to be studied. It is not so simple. It also needs to increase the investment. The diesel engine has just been made out, one year. I want to make a profit. To be honest, I don’t even think about this kind of thing. ”

After Zhang Xiaobao finished, he took a bite of a **** and stopped speaking. He really admired Li Longji and actually had such thoughts.

Li Longji frowned and sighed and said: "Is there any worry about the diesel engine that is being produced now?"

Zhang Xiaobao shook his head.

"Why is that? Every year, I spend a lot of money in the Ministry of Industry. Some of the officials of the court always have whispers, not good, they have been pressing, they should have no intention to do things."

Li Longji feels that the Ministry of Industry is a bottomless pit. Many things need to be studied, but they cannot be converted into money for a while. If only one aspect is to be studied? Study one, then make money, and then study the next one.

It seems that Li Longji’s thoughts have been guessed. Wang Hao stopped the action and said: “Your Majesty, we really need a time for precipitation. Many technologies, not anyone who wants to study, can study alone. It is a whole.

For example, this diesel engine, the person who is responsible for research, can't do it at all. It also includes follow-ups in smelting, forging, finishing, etc. What's more, even if it can be said that a lot of diesel engines can be built, it can't be used to make money.

Who earns money? Earn money from the court? Earn money from the army? You can only earn at most these two aspects, but you can't earn money from wealthy people. When the troops are equipped, including small ships, there are also land transportation and artillery towing themselves.

And after studying the second generation, even the third generation xxx, the first generation can be used for the people's livelihood. We always have a little bit of cards. Once the people's livelihood is used, others will know.

I know that you want to use it as a machine for arable land, as a machine for water use, as a power generation, as well as transportation, etc. It does have these effects, but we have to wait. ”

In fact, Li Longji did not need Wang Hao to say that he also thought of this problem. No matter what technology, as long as it is produced, the first application field must be military.

But the imperial court is indeed under pressure. Not everyone is so smart. Some people know clearly, but they can come up with another theory. It sounds like people think it is really the same thing.

Thinking of some people who specifically targeted Zhang Wang, Li Longji was troubled and said to Zhang Xiaobao: "The Ministry of Industry studies things and uses the money from the state treasury. Officials are unhappy, even if they use their own money. They think that the money is the money of Datang.

They always feel that the money is not enough, even if the current fiscal revenue is tens of shells of ten years of money, after all, we also have other aspects of spending, in case of special events, no money in hand, my heart panic.

If you don't need financial money, then there is only money in your family. They have to oppose it. The Ministry of Industry is the work department of Datang. Have you used your money and will become your work department?

You donate directly to the court, and then the officials of the court will redistribute your money together. They are willing, but if you put the money directly into the Ministry of Industry, then it will not work. The question of the name, 哎, 朕 is helpless. ”

Zhang Xiaobao looked up at Li Longji and found that Li Longji was indeed a helpless expression. How could he always feel that Li Longji was not as helpless as he said, as if there was any plot, and then he was a knife, he would kill him with a knife.

This person is too unscrupulous. There are good things to move forward. The offending person must let himself and his envy deal with it. The court does have officials who always target his own family, but the proportion does not exceed those who support his family.

Can you just press it down, who can dare to stop the research of the Ministry of Industry? There is one killing one and two killing one pair.

Some people in the court did not let their family spend money. This is indeed the case, but it was the beginning. Later, they did not set up a company together, and they all invested a lot of money. After the money was set up, it was necessary. Give flowers to the Ministry of Industry, at the same time...

Oh, I understand, Li Longji saw this result, so I want to take this result out first, to block the mouth of the original opponents, let them see a hope, and prove how much Li Longji himself is. There is a foresight.

However, he and the former were opposed to taking out the diesel engine. So, isn’t it that he thinks that Li Longji feels a bit wrong?

So, I thought it was a big deal.

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiaobao’s eyes turned and smiled and said to Li Longji: “Your Majesty, I just remembered that our investment group needs some results to give people confidence, right?”

"Oh? Is there something else? You don't say, I almost forgot, yes, how to boost confidence? Xiaobao, can you have a good idea?"

Li Longji was amazed and satisfied at the same time, and pushed things to Zhang Xiaobao.

Zhang Xiaobao slammed his mouth and was speechless. Li Longji, can you say no? I have to circle around, hehe.

"Your Majesty, this is a simple matter. If you let them make money, they will not be able to do it for a while. But if they let them enjoy it, there is absolutely no problem. The wind turbines in their homes are also made by the river. Water power generation, to be honest, is too bad.

That thing is not only a problem when it is used, but also wind and water are convenient. The electricity generated is very small. It is not stable at all. Many people use it to let others see their home to show their identity.

But now that we have a diesel engine that is still okay, let the Ministry of Construction make a few more lifts, and then send them home to send electricity. How they use it is how to use it. It is nothing but a waste of diesel.

This kind of diesel money should be counted on them. As the profits generated by the group and directly spent on the money, they can think about when to use electricity for twelve hours. When the electricity comes out, it will not stay. Live, they don't have to waste.

If there is excess electricity, they will pull the wires in the past, use them for the rich, and the profits will be used to maintain the power generation equipment. Then they will be happy, and the group will send them some electrical appliances, such as electric stoves.

This is not difficult, try a variety of materials, look at which heat is good, and the resistance is high, they take the electric stove to cook, it is estimated that the meals will be very fragrant, at least they invite guests to the home, they will feel extra Incense.

These appliances are also counted in profits. I believe they will be willing. What do you think? ”

Zhang Xiaobao proposed this method and looked at Li Longji and waited for his decision.

"Well, it is good to generate electricity. I agree. When I return to Beijing, I estimate that the Ministry of Industry can make a lot of diesel engines and let them see how powerful this thing is."

Li Longji praised him and he finally achieved his goal.

Wang Hao also said alongside: "There is to rebuild a few tractors, cover the front diesel engine, do not let others see what it is, do not pull a bucket behind, directly make a beautiful tin, morning and In the evening, pick them up.

According to the various routes, let them enjoy the fun of riding. The bumps are also a kind of enjoyment. At least others can't do it if they want to bump.

Only in this way, people in other places can discover the new things that Datang has produced. Therefore, the speed of the car is slow. Even if you know it, you can hide some strengths and there is no way. ”

When Wang Yiyi said that he could let others see it, Li Longji hesitated: "This, the tractor thing, temporarily put it first, look at what they mean, such as sending them electricity, they are satisfied, the tractor will not let them see As for the good, according to your statement, is it possible to save money? Can you block their mouth?"

"No, not only, I don't think that the generator will be broken very quickly. After all, it is used 12 hours without interruption. It is not a small amount of money."

Zhang Xiaobao poured a cold water on Li Longji.

Li Longji hesitated again and thought about it. "If you do, consider other methods. Xiaobao, you are smart. You want to think a few more ideas. It is not cost-effective for them to use diesel engine manufacturing materials."

"Your rest assured, cost-effective, very cost-effective, in fact, even if they do not give them power generation, the diesel engine should be used in other places to keep working, rather than idle, the purpose of the work is to look at the degree of diesel engine loss, so that Judging where the material needs to be improved.

Used on them, just two birds in one fell swoop, this is the case, not only the diesel engine, but also the loss of wires, and the problem of the transformer.

To be honest, we are using electricity now, the voltage has been unstable, it is used directly on the electrical device, so the total failure of the light bulb, can not continue in the future.

Now it is in the process of experimenting, give them a little welfare, who will let them spend money, right, there is also a diesel machine to make glutinous rice, the other is a long stick shape, basic What is the rice on the line.

If you really sell it out, you can’t sell it much, but if we don’t sell it, we will send it directly to the person who invested the money. Datang only has one copy. Other places can’t eat it. They don’t directly measure the value. As long as it is not too much, how much money is said, how much is it.

If they want to make more money in their homes, they can sell popcorn, sell them to themselves, but give them a limited amount of free, they want more, they pay for themselves, let us give them a relative More cost-effective, haha. ”

After Zhang Xiaobao finished speaking, he laughed twice. According to what he said, the Ministry of Construction could put the experiment on things that would make them unable to say anything against it.

Longji continued to praise, no regrets.

"Xiaobao, popcorn, what you first made, let's personally give the name, give us the cost price, good people, we are all good people, the cost will be sold."

Li Longji’s eyes narrowed. He knew that the cost that Zhang Xiaobao said was deceptive. Anyway, things were in the Ministry of Industry. They could not just go past and check the real cost.

At the same time, the most important thing is that they want to live better, they can't get the money they put in, even if they can't even get the bonus, they have to do business, let them have leisure time, don't always put their minds In the matter of finding faults for Zhang and Wang.

"Well, since I agree with you, when I go back, I will make a machine that can make popcorn. In fact, it is not difficult. I use diesel engines, one is crushing, the other is heating, talking about popcorn, that thing is really delicious, children. Holding that kind of **** will definitely be a weapon compared to each other."

When it comes to popcorn, Zhang Xiaobao thought of the time when the life of the people was relatively good, but the popcorn food was not only eliminated, but more popular, cheaper, taste. not bad.

Things were settled at dinner.

The next day, the sky finally cleared, and the people watching the river breathed a sigh of relief, so they didn't have to waste time.

Li Longji once again sat on the tractor driven by Zhang Xiaobao. He started running in the sunbathing field. Later, he felt that the place was too small. He discussed it with Zhang Xiaobao, sent soldiers to monitor people coming elsewhere, escaped from them, and drove. The tractor went further into the land of Luzhou.

The sound of the sudden sound sounded all the way. After the people in Luzhou saw it, they only felt curious, but they did not ask, because they were already familiar with the situation in Luzhou, and they were able to make them curious.

Every time they test weapons, they will be curious, but they have a habit of keeping secrets. They will not talk to outsiders. Even if they are both from Datang, they will not say it. What is involved in intelligence.

Zhang Wang’s two people also saw the tractor. At the beginning, they wanted to go and try it. They found that the bumps were strong and the sound was uncomfortable. They gave up and did not allow Zhang Xiaobao to drive the tractor to a certain distance. So as not to hurt the child in the stomach.

For a few days, Li Longji went out to sit on the tractor every day and turned a big circle. After six days, Li Longji couldn’t drive himself because of his own personal feelings. After a long time, he found that he would get motion sickness.

So I proposed to take a tractor in the last few days, and then I will not take it.

The last time in a short period of time was that Li Longji asked Zhang Xiaobao to bring some people to the foot of the mountain of 100,000 mountains and prepare to go in and see. The tractor will stay in the local area and wait for it to come back.

There are already many people in the 100,000 mountains that have been repaired. It is not spacious and flat. There are absolutely no problems in walking. Even in the precipitous places, there are various guarantees.

The purpose of Li Longji’s entry is to shoot the prey. He does not use the bow and arrow now. Instead, he uses a rifle. Don’t look at how he usually does not play this thing, but he is still more powerful than the soldiers who usually have shooting training. Eyes are accurate.

Seeing that Li Longji shot two rabbits at the same time, Zhang Xiaobao had to admire in his heart. The two rabbits did not stop in the same place, but did not move in a regular manner.

As a result, a little chance made Li Longji find it, shot it, and the two rabbits hang at the same time.

Zhang Xiaobao secretly sighs, this is the cow man, there is no weak reputation, Wang Hao said Li Longji's talent, in history, he did not care how late, but in the early period is still very powerful.

Learning things fast, and learning is still good enough, but also able to manage the home, and calculate the prime minister, no left phase can be too long, until he began to be proud, then Datang began to decline. Ro! . 2k novel reading network

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