Great Tang Idyll

Vol 4 Chapter 732: Encourage primary non-repression

Listening to the voice of the childish nèn, the name is suddenly speechless.

In addition to his own son, who is he dare to marry in Luzhou? Not to mention that Beckham is nine, and I don’t dare to look at the two. Similarly, even the children in the homes of ordinary Luzhou are not what he can do. []

His thorny history is a display, saying that it is a big three-member, in fact, is to come to be a grandson, the only role is to use his official seal to stamp the documents passed from the county.

It is still the kind of situation that you want to cover without cover.

Xu Mingyang is in a bad mood, not because he came to work, but he has already done it, complaining that no one is useless, even if it is a day, it is also a shame.

The only thing that made him feel a little comforted was that no one on the dock did not laugh at him because he lost his job.

For why no one laughed, he still didn't want to understand it. When he was not feeling good, he continued to think about it. When he saw that Beckham had divided seven people to do things, and after considering it for a while, he finally thought about it.

He saw that the group of people in front of the big man who lived in the dock did not need a big male reminder. After doing a lot of work, they went to rest. It seemed that they were afraid of a big man.

He only understood that it turned out that a group of children from Beckham won the hearts of the people and lost themselves. It is a normal thing in the eyes of the people in Luzhou. If they win, it is not normal.

It turns out that I am so bad, even the children can't compare, and it's no wonder that Beckham is lowering himself and saying that he is not good at educating children, but isn't it, 1 Beckham and nine people have to say that the mother is a good student, and there is love.

People are the kind, not only have Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Hao, but also Beckham and others are not bad.

However, among the 1 Beckham and the Nine, it is really the two kings of Zhang and Wang, and there are five people. The ones are also not bad. Plus the two brothers and sisters now, no matter how they look, they are all the same age. The child is strong.

Other children, like the two of them, always like to cry. I hope that the two seem to have been so far, and they haven’t seen them crying. When it’s so cute, it’s a good time. When you play, it’s a face. Happy.

These seem to be irrelevant, but why? The obedience of other children's children is basically scared. When adults speak, especially when they talk to their fathers, they are afraid of being beaten.

I hope that the two can't see the kind of fear, giving people the feeling that they can understand others, and they know that they are still small, so they are very obedient, especially when looking at Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Hao, there is still a trace in their eyes. Worship and desire.

Do you really not educate your children? But I have never heard of how Zhang Zhong teaches children. It seems that his family's children don't need adults to teach anything when they are young. They are very sensible and very reasonable.

"Hey ~! Children, children, is it so hard to teach a child? You need adults to be around, but adults also have things to do, but unfortunately, they are not familiar with others, it is impossible to throw children over and let people help teach." Xu Mingyang thought about it, said it to himself, and then suddenly woke up, afraid of delaying things, looking at the living people, and looking at it at a glance, the heart was very convinced, since the arrival of a group of children, the work on the dock People suddenly become very conscious and don't need others to manage.

Anyone who has done the number of living is going to rest on their own, and it is not disturbing. You don’t have to think about it and understand what is going on. People who are not working at the dock are afraid that a group of children are tired, so one by one. They have become babies.

I really failed, I can’t do anything to educate my children, and I’ve been far behind in terms of people’s livelihood.

When the famous name was hit, he saw a person from a chamber of commerce came to the dock with a lot of people, and then waited for a ship that had just unloaded the goods and reloaded the goods to leave, and immediately went to the construction. He realized it in an instant.

He knows why the local people love Beckham and others so much, not only because of his father Zhang Zhong’s ability, but once in the Luzhou as a stabbing history, not just sharing the same pains, but the hearts of others have been placed on the people.

As Beckham said that he has been in Luzhou for some time, he has never done anything useful for the local people.

It’s not that I’m not smart enough, but my idea of ​​coming to the Luzhou newspaper was not right. I once strolled on the dock and learned about the operation of the terminal.

But what is your purpose? I didn't think about what to do for the people, but I found loopholes in the rules set by the two chambers of residence of Zhang Wang, so as to raise my identity and status.

At that time, my mind was not squared. It was also why people and others came over and then discussed it and immediately came up with various reasons.

To tell the truth, if this method is thought of by oneself, it can definitely be said that it is a meritorious service. After all, the things that Zhang Wang and the two do are not perfect.

Otherwise, there will be no people who are in charge of the matter coming over and holding a place to be idle, allowing people to construct, one side forming a downward **** and the other side being an upward slope.

In this way, whether it is unloading or loading, it is very convenient.

Since this is the case, it shows that the arrangement of the dock was unreasonable. If there was improvement, people found out that they did not expect a person who wanted to find something wrong. Why?

Absolutely not that people are smarter than themselves, because a group of children think about how to make the people working at the dock easier. What they want is to find fault.

One is for the people, the other is for oneself, the mentality is different, the gains and losses are different, and the perspective of considering things is naturally different.

"No system is perfect. We are just constantly blocking the loopholes. The more timely we block, the more we are honored. This is the foundation of sociology." Xu Mingyang muttered, this sentence is Zhang Xiaobao and Wang. Written in the book, written at the forefront of political economy, but also slightly changed a little, written in front of other subjects.

It means that we are always making mistakes. Our role is to make mistakes while making up for loopholes and correcting mistakes.

It is also this sentence, only the craftsmen of the Ministry of Industry and the medical school people dare to try, failing to be afraid, not afraid of encountering difficulties, this should continue to work hard, do not put yourself in a too sacred position Because we are not gods.

Therefore, the research progress of the Ministry of Industry is very fast, and the development speed of the medical school is also very amazing.

So what are you doing yourself? It seems that nothing has been done, and there are only 嫉妒 and 龌龊 left in my heart.

Failure is a failure. People are not afraid of failure. They are behavioral. Their own failures are due to people’s xing.

Xu Mingyang was very uncomfortable for a time. He found that he was too narrow-minded compared to a group of children, and it was still very small and narrow.

"I want to do something for the people in Luzhou. Even if it helps to supplement it, it proves the value of its existence. Xu Mingyang had an idea for a moment, and then began to think about how to help the people of Luzhou. I don't expect to be truly loved by the people of Luzhou, but at least I have to be worthy of myself, and I can afford to live in Luzhou for some time.

First of all, he thought of the child, because Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Hao pay most attention to the children, but it seems difficult to start from the children. Luzhou has one of the most luxurious amusement parks, although the children in the distant counties cannot always come to play. But when you don’t have a long vacation, you have to come and play for a few days.

The equipment in the amusement park is all the same, not only the slides and mirrors, but also the mi palace and the small swimming pool. Even when the railway is built between Luoyang and Beijing, the amusement park in Luzhou has already made a small The train is for the children to understand and can be played by adults.

If an adult is carrying a child, it is estimated that he can only carry four or five, so he will be too tired, but pushing the little train, on the railroad track, is a train that can let dozens of children sit, although it is very laborious, but Can be successful.

In general, there are four adults who start slowly and start to run.

It seems that the best things in Datang are all placed in Luzhou, the train, even if it is not a steam engine, it is very powerful, the children can play, the adults are hard, but they can listen while waiting for the bus. A happy laugh to the children.

Why is this? It is said that because the friction is small, it has been introduced in a book that I have read. It has changed from the original sliding to rolling, just like the wheel.

wheel? carriage? rail? train?

Xu Mingyang thought about it and suddenly scared himself. He thought of a very good idea. He saw the people working on the dock and saw the unloading and loading people, but suddenly he had a very wonderful idea. .

"Zhang Guanshi, come over, come over, the official has something to look for." Xu Mingyang shouted at the nose that looked at the construction there.

"Xu Daren, what do you have?" The person in charge of the Chamber of Commerce heard the greeting and immediately came over and said very respectfully.

Although he knows that he can not care about the history of Luzhou, the attitude that should be expressed must be performed well. Otherwise, people will think that Zhang and Wang are under no cure.

Seeing the attitude of the other party, Xu Mingyang also praised it in his heart. It really is that the people from the big family are much stronger than the people in their own family. When they did not come to Luzhou, their identity is not low, so Even a janitor will greet the person who asks for it.

At that time, I thought it was normal. After all, my identity was there, and the people in the family naturally wanted to be superior.

Now I know that arrogance is not the worse the next person, the better, just like a dog. It is definitely not a good dog to see a dog who is eager to call.

Xu Mingyang, who once again picked up his heart, said to the management of the Chamber of Commerce: "I thought of a way to make the terminal transport faster. It is a railroad loaded on the dock. When unloading, put the things on the rails. In accordance with the **** you designed, it was pushed away at once.

Even if it is not a slope, the rails are easier than people. When you get it, you can even connect one end of the rail to the front cargo ship's springboard. When you put it in a little position, how do you see it? "Xu Mingyang said this, there is no bottom in his heart, he changed his heart to him, and suddenly he heard someone else had such an idea. Knowing that it is good, he will try his best to find faults and then negate the other party's proposal."

Only in this way can we show that our own ability is big, not as good as others.

I used to do this myself before. The following people sent a method to say that it can increase the fiscal revenue by one percent, and make the people's homes a little richer.

After I saw it at the time, it was a sneer, only one or two percent. Was it used to lift the people below you too high? If the people are wealthy, they have something to do with themselves. They must be suppressed. Otherwise, you still think that you have the ability.

Even if you want to take the method of picking the bones in the egg, tell you that you have to refute it, tell you to do your own job, and don't think about it.

The purpose is to consolidate your prestige, even if you know that it is doing well, but I don't have to, how can you?

So after finishing his own ideas, Xu Mingyang regretted it, waiting for the people of the Chamber of Commerce to use the same means to deal with themselves and bury themselves.

The results waited for the wait, but Xu Mingyang did not wait until the other party was ugly, only to see the other side meditation.

Just when he couldn’t help but want to change his mouth, the person in charge of the Chamber of Commerce suddenly said: "Okay, it’s really powerful. It’s a stabbing history. It’s no wonder that you are arranged to come over, good idea, I will let people design the whole. The cargo rail system at the dock, Xu Daren, you have helped a lot.

With your approach, not only saves labor, but also shortens the time for unloading and loading. Xu Daren can rest assured that he will be thankful. ”

"Ah?" Xu Ming suspected that Huo had made a sound. He didn't expect the matter to be so smooth. The other party didn't mean to suppress it. So he smiled and said: "Zhang Guan, I also said casually, all of them are what they said earlier. I am inspired, you can say that it is your own way of thinking, do not need to mention me, I continue to do my business."

"Xu Daren and Mo Qianxu, your method is your method, I can't take it on the body, one is not wanting, I have the ability to think of it is absolutely my own, no ability and no need to greedy others, both Yes, once it is discovered, I am finished.

The main thing that the main family hates is this kind of thing, because the ability can be cultivated, but the loyalty must be guaranteed. The request of the main family is like this. If I manage the following things, the following people have proposed a good way, he will be Reward, I will receive more rewards, even if his ability exceeds me, I don't need to worry about losing my position.

Therefore, you don't need to consider other things, I will do it well, then you will wait for our rewards, and then estimate that this method can save you a lot of money. The person in charge of the Chamber of Commerce said something to Xu Mingyang, then turned and hurried away, really want to study what Xu Mingyang said.

Xu Mingyang was kneeling in the local area. He did not expect that the other person’s fears were clearly stated and the guarantee was given.

No wonder the two descendants of Zhang Wang are stronger than others. So, other people’s family, even if they have a good way in some way, usually do not dare to say it, directly with the master of the main house? If the master of the main house pays attention to it, and then ignores the words of the housekeeper, then the good luck of this next person comes.

If the master of the main family does not care, and feels that the next person is over, the next person will be unlucky.

Even if the master of the main house does not clean up, the housekeeper must find a way to persecute, which is a provocation against power.

I did not expect that Zhang Wang and the two are another way. The following people think of a way. They can directly talk to the person in charge of the matter. The person in charge of the matter reports up. Once it is easy to use, not only the people below will be rewarded, but also the management will receive the same. benefit.

"It seems that my family has to learn to do it. After all, one person is short-sighted. Who can say that the next person can't have a smart time? People who are always acquainted with the situation, after all, are familiar with the situation of the land in the hospital. Know what kind of firewood is burning, but they will only remember it in their hearts, not to say it. The fear is that it is not only good to say it, but to be sinned."

Xu Mingyang looked at the figure of the Chamber of Commerce and his management was muttering. He finally figured it out and planned to study with others. Otherwise, it would be anxious to manage things in the home.

On the following day, when Xu Mingyang arrived at the dock early in the morning, he saw that several places had been sealed at the dock. The other ships had all the unloadings in the other parts, and they seemed crowded at one time.

Seeing this scene, Xu Mingyang finally believed that his own method was taken seriously by Zhang Wang and his mood suddenly became better. He was much more relaxed.

He is not reused because of his own methods, but once it is used, it is estimated that he does not need to continue to be afraid of Zhang Wang’s two revenge. When he wants to wait for his departure, not only the money that should have been available before, but also Extra delivery.

Although the terminal is busy now, I think that after waiting a few days, the rails will be paved, and the throughput of the goods will be improved. This is my own merit. I have to work harder and think more about it.

Xu Mingyang, who had such thoughts in his heart, was suddenly shocked. He found that he actually liked to do things for Zhang Wang and two, only to be recognized by others.

Thinking carefully, I feel that this fact is really ridiculous, but why do you feel good? Is it really a suede?

"Perhaps this is the real charm of Zhang Wang. Others always think that they can get a certainty from them, even the enemy. As long as they have been in contact for a long time, they will have such an idea. No wonder many people are willing to Going to their home to do things, and not far from the miles. In the heart of Xu Mingyang, there is a new feeling.

When he was feeling his emotions, some people did come in a long way, and they came with a few people together, but they did not come to the table, but to sin.

There was a ship on the dock today. It was very big. The mark was Japanese, but the work was done by Datang. I wanted to rent it from Japan.

The boat had just docked on the dock, and even when the springboard was still shaking, it couldn’t wait to jump down alone. ! . 2k novel reading network

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