Great Tang Idyll

Vol 4 Chapter 734: It is difficult to make an aircraft carrier

I have never seen the shadow of the car that Xiaobei and others took. Xu Mingyang turned his head and saw a lot of people on the dock busy carrying the gift from the **** person to the Tang Dynasty.

Shaking his head, whispered: "You are more stupid. Now the Datang is not the former Datang. Before you sent a bunch of worthless things, the emperor will give you more rewards. Every time you come, it’s all Come rich.[]

Now it's useless to send anything. At most, I will give you a little coupon. I can only spend it in the place designated by Datang. There is no cheap thing in the designated place.

I am going to pack you up soon. You are still stupidly sending people to seek peace. If you change to me, I will directly recall all the **** people in Datang and then make a gesture of death.

Datang can't fight right away, there are more foods, and then send someone to sneak around to the battlefields of Datang and the eatery to fight, to understand the various tactics of Datang, and to collect good craftsmen at home. Strive to study advanced technology.

Even if you can't see a gun at a time, try to make your weapon better, and send the child to the boat. Under the protection of the troops, go far and far, even if it is swallowed by the waves, Also left a species.

The remaining **** people, after the Tang Teng Teng shot, can also fight a battle, within the three or five years of Datang, may not be able to kill all the **** people, then, then surrender, but also than the current practice Strong. ”

Xu Mingyang feels sad for **** people, and he has less courage. Otherwise, how can he be bullied by Datang, and he must take out people to sin. How can anyone who is chosen be sad?

Xu Mingyang thought very well, but he thought of it when he knew the layout of Datang. When he was watching the **** people unloading, he heard a voice from behind him.

"Xu Daren is really a good idea, admire, it is really admire."

"Can you two people from Zhang Wang not be so scary? When you talk, you can't do it in front of you?" Xu Mingyang, who was shocked, looked back and saw a manager of the Chamber of Commerce. He sighed, very Said helplessly.

"I have to scare the adults. I just came over behind me. I thought that Xu Daren heard my footsteps and said something. Xu Daren didn't blame, but I didn't agree with the previous Xu Daren's statement. There are slightly other things. idea."

The person in charge of the Chamber of Commerce smiled and apologized first, and began to oppose the words of the famous name.

Xu Mingyang asked depressedly: "Oh? You have different ideas? Let's listen."

"Yes, I am thinking about it. Now that **** has an emperor, there are other families, there are main battles, and there are also masters. **** people come to the Tang Dynasty, which is definitely the arrangement of the main battle forces.

If their plan in Jiangnan Road is successful, and the backhands arranged in other parts of Datang are also acting when Datang is upset, and they are equally successful, they will have the right to speak in China.

However, they failed. They did not cause any big losses to Datang. Instead, they caused a rebound in my Datang. Therefore, some people must take responsibility and their prestige will definitely drop a lot in xxx.

At this critical time, they also thought about going to fight with Datang once, not waiting for the soldiers of Datang to go, their own heads will be first cut down by the Lord and sent to the Tang Dynasty for peace.

Of course, I guess they will not be afraid of death. What they are afraid of is that once their entire main war faction is over, then **** will have no hope after that, and it will be eliminated by Datang through various means.

Therefore, in order to save a little seed, they can only choose to retreat now, and bear the burden of humiliation, in order to make a comeback.

The young son and the little lady just counted this point, but they did not send troops to fight immediately. Instead, they adjusted the army and put pressure on the other side to let them compromise. Otherwise, they would have to fight. They will soon be able to Unite under the crisis.

In this way, the things that Xiaogongzi and Xiaonianzi did in the early days are really abandoning their efforts. They have wasted time and have not got any benefits. It is really not worthwhile. Fighting is like buying and selling. The cost is too high. There is no profit. It belongs to the loss. Trading.

If you want to lose money and earn money, you shouldn't put it on **** people. **** has already been suppressed, so you don't need to continue to sip. If you don't believe it, Xu Daren, you and I can make a bet. Before the Chinese New Year, **** will definitely Lose your fighting power completely.

I am willing to take out a 10,000-dollar bet. What does Xu Daren think? ”

The person in charge of the Chamber of Commerce said what he thought, and he had to bet with Xu Mingyang.

"Hey~! Still not necessary, this official does not have so much money to gamble, and gambling is not good, people are still making money, gambling, after all, is not the right way."

Xu Mingyang did not dare to pick up. As the Chamber of Commerce’s management said, he also thought that the current **** domestic, it is estimated that also began to enter a variety of wars for power, yin seeks to emerge in an endless stream, but not for Datang, but Targeting other forces.

I haven't waited for the big Tang to fight, and my country has been chaotic. The means of Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Hao are really good. It is not blame that people don't go directly to fight and chaos.

And think about the current situation in Datang, Xu Mingyang had to sigh, or Tangshan is good, at least Datang said that he wants to fight, there is no official opposition in the court, even the scholars did not appear noisy and said that the fight is wrong. .

Because Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Wei are helping the people of other countries to live a good life and educate them on their excuses to act.

The simplest example is in the northern part of Hebei Road. Because of the inability to survive, the new county towns of people who have escaped and the local people of Datang are obviously better off, and it is still very comfortable.

This proves that the rulers of Silla have not treated their people well. There are still many people in the world who need Datang to help them, even if they use the form of war to overthrow the original ruling class. Although the process is painful, the result is It's good.

'The main thing is that nowadays, Datang has money, and the weapons are advanced. No one in the court is opposed to war. If the poor people keep rebelling in various places, they will fight, as long as they let the treasury come out. When money comes to do anything, it will stand up and many people will oppose it. ’

Xu Mingyang thought about it and was more convinced that the fact that he was beaten was money.

"You are busy first, and the officer will turn around again to see if you can think of a better idea and help the local to solve the actual thing. Luzhou’s history is not good."

Xu Mingyang waved his hand to the management of the Chamber of Commerce and stood up and went to stroll.

"Xu Daren, really don't gamble? In fact, you can have money. When you are in the New Year, you can get a comfortable reward without any other things, more than the previous one. I think of a good way to repair railroad tracks at the dock."

I continued to ask questions and reminded me at the same time, meaning that the more things you do for the locals, the more rewards you will have at the time.

Xu Mingyang continued to wave: "No, the official never bet with people."

After he finished speaking, he continued to go to the unloading ship and wanted to figure out a better way. Even if he improved his efficiency, he would get more rewards.

He was really tempted by the Chamber of Commerce's arguments, not only to get more money, but more importantly, he took more money and gave him an account of the people behind him.

Let people look at it, I am not only famous for the Luzhou mixed-life, but I am a capable person compared to the previous ones. I will definitely have no problem in the future.

"Xu Daren, are you here?" Xu Mingyang just stood next to a ship unloading. Someone immediately greeted him. He looked very enthusiastic. He turned his head and looked at him slightly, but he didn't know each other.

But knowing that it must be a good way to come out and get a little approval from the locals. Otherwise, you should be like you used to, no matter where you go, as long as you don’t take the initiative, others will regard themselves as transparent people. I clearly stood by, but I didn’t talk to myself, even if I didn’t look at myself.

Very depressed.

Thinking of this, Xu Mingyang feels that the history of a state is still very good, especially the history of Xiaozhou, the county has less jurisdiction, it is really a thorny history, more strolling, doing a turn, to the bottom to see the situation.

It is not too difficult to learn from Xiong. Even if it is a useful idea for a county to improve the lives of hundreds of people in a month, it is not a small gain in one year.

And if there is no special situation, it is not a year to go in a state, and there are many times when it may be three years and five years, or even the oldest position in the history.

Of course, the current Datang, if a thorny history really has the ability, unless it is already in the age of the thorns, it will be old, otherwise it is impossible to die in the position of the history.

As long as you are willing to do practical things for the people and make the people's life better, even if there are ten counties in a state, five years, helping hundreds of people every month, can help tens of thousands of people.

The people have no knowledge. Is it true that the current officials have learned political economy, and they have the opportunity to report the things they don’t understand to the capital city to ask the officials’ schools there. After they have been taught, they can’t solve a little bit of people’s livelihood.

If this is the case, let alone the old death in the position of the history, it is estimated that it has not waited for a long time, it was first impeached.

It’s still good now, although Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Hao are too strong, but the eyes of the two people are very bright. They also collect local intelligence and find out where the officials are really capable. After the officials have made achievements, If the people of the court are not in charge, they will immediately promote through another channel.

I gave the officials a hope, knowing that if they put their minds on the people's livelihood, they don't need to spend money to please the top, and they can get promoted. They don't have to worry about being wrong at some point, offending the Shangguan, and then being suppressed by the Shangguan.

I made my own achievements, and the Shangguan really dared to suppress, not waiting for his own bad luck, the Shangguan was unlucky.

‘Being doing things, doing things, the dock is estimated to be a better way to think of it. Is it necessary to find a perfect place from other places? Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Hao are also too hateful. They have planned Luzhou so well, and they can't find new ideas.

Planting, breeding, tourism, processing of seafood, all have, and the road has also been repaired, from what aspects? Difficult, it is not good, go to the following county to transfer a turn, anyway, no one is lined up to meet themselves, do not need to worry about the past labor and wealth. ’

Xu Mingyang thought of getting more benefits and preparing to continue to work hard, but suddenly found that it was too difficult to do something.

But I don’t give up, I don’t believe that all the plans are perfect, even if they have been perfected before, with the development of the local area, there will be new places for improvement, taking advantage of the opportunity to seize, and a lot of money. .

Thinking about it, Xu Mingyang left the dock, found a carriage, and ordered a person next to him to help him return to the government to help him sign a letter and said that he went to the county. Then he sat in the carriage and waved his hand. With ambition and ambition to go to the county town.


Compared to the ambition of Xu Mingyang, Zhu Xia **** is a battle of war.

He escorted several people in the family who failed in the family struggle. As a scapegoat, he rushed to Luzhou at the fastest speed. He was happy first, because the emperor of Datang and Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Hao did not leave Luzhou for a while. The news of the inquiries in Hangzhou made him not empty.

Otherwise, I am late, who knows how Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Hao think, will they think that they are delaying the time and sending troops.

But at the pier, when the baited person had not asked where the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty was, he first learned from the local people that Nanxun had sent someone, and he had some understanding, and he would immediately There are more heads over there.

It is also unclear whether they are going to be decapitated, or locked up, or what they least want to see, that is, they have been forgiven by Datang.

If this is the case, **** is dangerous.

When his own boat passed through Quanzhou, the information obtained there was not very beneficial to xxx. The more people were moved, and then the army of Datang also moved.

When I first got this news, I was happy. But who knows that I haven’t waited for it, but I got the content behind it. The food was first collected by two thousand people, and then I continued to assemble thousands of people. But there is no forward.

What can two thousand people fight? It’s not the two nursery teams of Zhang Wang. If they are replaced by two thousand strong nurses, they may have a strong fighting power, and the ordinary two or three thousand troops will not fall.

But do you have the ability to eat more?

Two thousand people, the cavalry guarded by Qinghai Lake is gone, and people don't even need to use cannons, but the cavalry is organized, and an assault is done.

Although the multi-food is also a cavalry, when the two armies are close to each other, the cavalry of the people of Datang has a gun. The kind of rifle may not be accurate when it is moving, but Zhang Wang’s own troops will have no pistol. ?

The pistol is too disgusting, and when the two sides are close to each other, the result will be put down by a pistol.

Do not eat more people do not know, ran to die?

However, the news that was heard next was even more uncomfortable. Datang was sent out, but it was not the two soldiers who had actual combat experience in the local area, but the soldiers transferred from Shannan West Road and Jiannan Road. , or a small dial a little past.

At the same time, the generals dispatched by Datang are not the two kings of Zhang, but the commanders of the Datang Military Academy.

From the intelligence point of view, Datang and more food are obviously playing.

So now I got the news that Luzhou got, saying that it was the head of Liuyi. If they didn’t have anything to do, if Datang didn’t send troops to fight, then the soldiers of Datang would have been idle there.

It’s impossible to think of it, who will they fight? Playing Silla, is it still necessary for Silla to die now? In the past, the soldiers in the state of Lili were directly occupied, so simple.

Since you can't play Silla, who else is coming? The rest is xxx, is it that Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Hao want to gather the soldiers to attack xxx?

How to do it?

Takeshita **** is starting from the Luzhou government with such a mind. He needs to go to the government to enter the case before he can apply to see the emperor of Datang. If he applies, it may not be passed.

Walking along the way, Takeshita **** deliberately slowed down the speed of travel, occasionally encountered the people of Luzhou, gave people some benefits, and then asked about what happened in Luzhou recently, especially if there is any movement in the southwest, wanting Collect more information.

This time in the Tang Dynasty, Takeshita **** brought a lot of gifts, the most direct is silver, a total of three million two silver temporarily placed in Hangzhou, the ship comes with coral, and the big abalone, dried abalone It has been a few years old.

It’s all things that **** families have taken out of their homes, or they’re really not getting together.

Takeshita **** feels incredible. Now the economy of **** is developing normally. Every time you exchange with Datang, you can get a lot of money from Datang, and then buy back useful things.

At the same time, there are countless businessmen from Datang to go to **** to take up local business, especially the development of tourism. So, **** should be very rich, not to mention the fact that there is a boat that rents Datang to go overseas. Several boats are outside.

I don’t want to send more. It’s that Datang has stopped leasing business. The gunboat steam engine on the outside has not received orders from Datang. I hope they don’t come back too fast, stay outside and plunder more. thing.

Since it is developing, there is more trade and money. Why can’t **** domestically get money, money, where are you going?

Takeshita **** really can't figure out, the more development is actually poorer, the **** treasury is empty, and the **** people can't get more free money.

If you force a collection, it is not difficult to make a million, but no one dares, and there is not much to spread to everyone's hands.

what is the root cause?

Under the bamboo xxx, I want to be more confused, and I have to constantly analyze the various true and false news from the mouth of the Luzhou people. It took no long time to feel the headache.

The same as the bamboo **** is the two people who are uncomfortable with Yamamoto and the mountain temple. They are also temporarily transferred. They give up the original things and accompany them together. There is no other person in xxx, but it does not work even if it comes.

Datang is now developing at a speed that is too fast. It changes every month. It is estimated that people who are familiar with Datang will need to spend a long time, let alone come to the emperor of Datang to say things.

Yamamoto and the mountain temple often travel between Datang and xxx, and also collect various information in Datang, and try to learn more about what Datang can teach them, even if they know that Datang will not teach them. Advanced technology, and also seriously learn what you can learn.

The master, who is mainly a lecturer, although he has been instructed, will still inadvertently come up with words that should not be spoken during the course of teaching.

There is also a connection with the students of Datang. From time to time, a cocktail party or a poetry will be held to continue collecting intelligence and learning during play and chat.

Yamamoto and Yamaji have been working very hard. When holding various cocktail parties, they are willing to spend money. Even if they have more money, they will be willing to take it out if they can make the students of Datang happy.

However, when they are usually, they are very saved. They cook and eat, never go out to eat. If they go outside, they will spend more time. They will gather together the people who came from xxx, and then take turns cooking and eating every day. It is also the most common thing, according to the season, what is cheap to eat.

At the same time, I have free time, and I have to lead other **** people to do small business together. The real sale is not the kind of lie, I don’t want to lie.

With clever intelligence, I can earn hundreds of copies every month, and then subsidize the activities funded by the country, and continue to invite students from Datang to eat, drink, and play, just to get useful information from others.

The clothes that are worn are usually burlap, and a few sets of pure cotton and silk clothes are only worn out when the poetry meets, and they look decent.

Even in the place outside the Sihai Academy, I found a mountain, opened it up, planted things, and raised a few chickens, which saved a lot of money.

But it was such an effort. The coming of the coming came, and I saw that some people in the country had made a bad idea and were seen. The power of Datang was unclear, and the attitude of Datang was not clear, so they both followed Zhuji xxx.

"Reward!" Takeshita **** said to Yamamoto, who was sitting in the car. He had just asked a Luzhou people some things, so he had to give money.

Yamamoto immediately took out a fifty-dollar bill from the car and handed it to Takeshita xxx. When I turned around, I continued to hold the buckwheat patties on the pier for the soup that I was holding for free. I picked the pickles, took a bite, and chewed it. Two times, still very fragrant, at least stronger than hungry.

More importantly, it is cheaper. One penny can buy three pounds of buckwheat, and it can be eaten for a few days.

They walked along the way to collect intelligence, and at the same time, their intelligence was also passed on to the Haiyun Restaurant.

Li Longji looked at the information on the paper and sighed. He said to Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Wei: "It’s a pity, but the few people who came over xxx, in order to help their country, they can do everything they can, actually eat The buckwheat cake is pickled, and then the money is taken out to passers-by.

I heard that they are also working very hard in the school. Why can't they give up the identity of **** people? If they don't care about xxx, they will definitely live well in Datang, and even get into the monopoly list. The top 100 are all uncertain. ”

Zhang Xiaobao also read the information and said: "Yes, they are good. Every nation has their own existence, not only xxx, but also in Datang, even compared to xxx. Nothing.

I can respect their national spirit, but it does not mean that I will let them go. There are many people like them. I think how good they are, generally, respect, and respect yourself. ”

"Yes." Wang Hao also followed the opening: "They are doing okay, at least I am satisfied, but fortunately, not all **** are like them, the spirit of Bushido is not completely stereotyped, I will not give them this opportunity. of.

On the espionage front, there are more dead people, and many are still dying, but some people continue to join in, just for a belief, compared to xxx, I am not bad. ”

"Know, I know that if you are in their position, you will definitely think about Datang, but you will be better than them, do better, and your family’s spies will eat this kind of suffering outside. Where are you now sent?"

Li Longji nodded and praised Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Hao, and asked the intelligence personnel of others.

Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Hao smiled when they were on the table, and they didn’t say anything.

"Well, don't you ask, you have your intelligence system, you also have your own, but the embarrassing intelligence system is OK inside Datang, and it is hard to say it outside."

When I saw the **** people, I decided that as long as I was working hard for Datang to do things outside, whether I came back alive or stayed in a foreign country forever, after a while, their identity could be violent. Hey, I will give them a piece of land and set up a monument for them. What do you think? ”

Li Longji thought that there would be people who would save money outside like Yamamoto and the mountain temple, and then they would give more to others, and they would endure hardships.

Zhang Xiaobao took a deep breath and said: "As long as I have always maintained an absolute advantage in Datang, then this matter can be done. If I am chased by someone else one day, then some people will die even if they die. Less than one name.

Even what they did to benefit Datang, but because Datang’s officials were too ruthless, they could not only protect him, but also tried to arrest him and then forced him to hand over all his money. It is the most sad.

A country, even who did a good thing, but did not recognize the courage, but wanted to pass this person, forcing him to flee, this country is almost time to perish.

In fact, I am very demanding from Datang. It is that our spies are outside. One day, they are violent. He can tell each other with confidence. I am the spy person of Datang, but you are not allowed to move me. Otherwise, I am big. Tang will kill you for me.

Don't say that you are killing me brazenly. Even after I am violent, I suddenly disappeared in your place. You must also bear the anger of my Datang. ”

"Ah? This is too unreasonable? You go to other places as intelligence personnel, people find you, and you tell others not to move you?" Li Longji said with a smile.

"Yes, that's what it means, reasoning. That's a matter of a weak country. The strong one doesn't need it. If the strong person says it is justification, even if one day my army has passed other people's places, killing people, the result is surrounded by people." They can only send people back to me.

The only thing they can do is to take the guns that we have destroyed in our hands and study them, but we can’t turn a military conflict into a diplomatic incident for our people. I allow them to protest, but I can only express regret. . ”

Zhang Xiaobao said another sentence, while looking at Wang Hao.

Wang Hao was almost mad at Zhang Xiaobao’s words. He gave him a glance and said: “You are talking about a strong country against a weak country. A strong country is not a strong one. You don’t even have an aircraft carrier. What can you do? I really thought Is it strong? Isn’t it better then, knowing what it’s like to be reckless?”

"I didn't say anything." Zhang Xiaobao looked at Wang Hao with a stunned look, and he got another blind eye.

Li Longji was listening to mi. I don’t know what the two people said. I felt confused. I asked, "What is an aircraft carrier?"

"I will explain." Zhang Xiaobao did not go to see Wang Hao's eyes, and quickly grabbed the words: "The aircraft carrier is to provide a combat supply platform for the things flying in the sky, such as our hot air balloon, you can fly in the sky, if When we went to attack other people, the other side also had cannons by the sea. Let's do it?

We use hot air balloons to play, but the hot air balloon you expect it to fly to the place is impossible, too far, the things inside are burned and can not fly to the place, what should I do? Pulling with the boat is just like ours.

But the aircraft carrier is not a good deal for a hot air balloon. So it is loaded with a plane, and then a powerful bomb is thrown down from the plane. The attack is carried out and the entire coast is clean. If you can fly more It’s better to go farther and blow directly to the other’s military camp. ”

Li Longji suddenly said, "You said the two planes, have been saying, but why haven't you seen one now? Where is the plane? The Ministry of Construction can't study it? The tractors are out, the plane is not working?"

"This......." Zhang Xiaobao stunned: "In theory, with a tractor, there should be an airplane, but the theory is theory. If it becomes practical, there are still some difficulties. The main thing is that the oil can't work. It doesn't work well. And our diesel engine is too heavy to fly to the sky.

The speed of one hundred and twenty miles is really too slow. The problem of power must be solved first. Next year, try it next year, see how the oil is refining, and the weight of the diesel engine. If you can't burn it, it will break down, right?

If the diesel engine in the tractor burns out, it will be broken. It will be a big deal to send a few people to carry it away. When it flies in the sky, it will be broken. It is really bad. Of course, the people above can parachute.

But at the crucial moment, people jumped and the tactical purpose was not completed, but they were finished. So, you have to wait, don't worry, don't worry. ”

"How can you not be anxious, everyone else has it, but you don't have it. Is it time for the light to fight back? Can a hot air balloon hit a plane? What kind of mother ship is it made?" Li Longji listened to Zhang Xiaobao. Anxious, he also remembers the fact that a country is very good.

Now I heard Zhang Xiaobao say, I immediately guessed that there are aircraft carriers and planes in that country. He didn’t think of long-distance bombing, but the ships of the two countries met far away, and then the planes of the home rose up. It is a hot air balloon.

People use a diesel engine. They also burn firewood on their own. Can the speed be the same? It is estimated that it is not a downwind and the wind is still relatively large. The hot air balloon is definitely not a tractor.

At that time, people’s planes threw grenades from their own ships, and their own hot air balloons were not taken to the place and were taken down by others. Not to mention the power to fight back, even the parry was not Yeah.

Zhang Xiaobao felt that the flicker was big, and he swallowed and said: "The hot air balloon, in theory, is not a plane, but anything has an accident. If the range of the weapon is the same, the plane is more flexible and speed. Beyond the faster, as long as it can't fly too high, the machine gun on the hot air balloon has the same effect."

"As you said, standing on the ground and playing in the sky is also useful." Li Longji said with anger.

"It is dripping, this is the legendary air defense position." Zhang Xiaobao was very embarrassed to nod and admit, who said when how to come in the future, the results have been more than ten years, the aircraft has not appeared.

Who told me not to do this specifically, Wang Hao is also the same, with the plane let her use, but let her make it difficult, even the first generation of the broken plane.

Unless I was a team with myself, I didn't need any doctoral degree, even if I was a bachelor's degree. As long as I learned it well, I got a batch and the plane came out early.

Professional is professional, not convinced, but your own profession is not this, you let a technology to play with yourself, he does not work, right? It is such a rationale.

Li Longji is still pondering how the plane is going to fight, taking a deep breath and calming his mind. He asked: "What about the ship? What kind of mother ship is it? Make it first? Let's make it first, and then say it later. There is no ship after there is no aircraft."

"Ah?" Zhang Xiaobao is stunned.

Wang Hao is grinning.

"When you say the ship, it is the ship that pulls the plane. Can you make it out? It's easier than the gunship. You can install the plane without the gun."

Li Longji feels that the aircraft carrier is well built, not the ship, and does not need to fly in the sky.

Zhang Xiaobao’s head is more like a rattle: “No, your majesty, it’s not the case. I’ll tell you about it for a while. It’s like that. It’s like this. The plane is not like a hot air balloon. Flying up, in theory there can be such a plane, but let's not think about it, okay?

Therefore, the plane must first run on the ground, run very fast, and then fly, and run, you need distance. When you are on the ground, use cement to repair a few hundred miles to run the plane. On the boat.

Then our aircraft carrier also needs the ability to sail long distances, but also with a variety of .... ”

When it came to this, Zhang Xiaobao stopped and then looked at Wang Hao excitedly and asked: "Madam, you said the lightest plane, the simplest aircraft, what is the shortest gliding distance? We don't seem to have to How powerful it is to build an aircraft carrier, as long as you can get the plane, the aircraft is not a heavy bomber, you say yes?"

"I said no, a country that only knows the protest, does it need an aircraft carrier?" Wang Hao twisted his head and said.

"With an aircraft carrier, isn't it more emboldened when protesting? If you want to get a warship with an anti-gravity system, you can always go to outer space. When you protest, who isn't it? I mean Say, let's ask for a low now, wait for the plane to come out, the bigger ship, even if it adds a hard plank of wood, is it enough for the plane to take off?"

Zhang Xiaobao quickly followed the words of Wang Shuo. There is no way. It seems that the male and female humiliation can't appear on him and Wang Hao. Of course, the female esteemed man can't happen. Unless Wang Hao has special hobbies, it is impossible.

Wang Hao really calmed down his face and frowned. "What do you want to do with the plane? Now you are already ahead. You fly up with a hot air balloon. What else can you do in addition to blinking? And the balloon needs There are fewer fuels than airplanes, as long as they can be lifted off, and then they look at the wind.

Do you think that you will now give you a large tonnage aircraft carrier, and then give you a few large bombers. In the absence of a bomb, what is the difference between our current military strength? Of course, the description of the technology is good, we can make more tractors, and there is absolutely no problem in arable land. ”

"Yeah, your majesty, do you understand? You don't need that broken ship now. What you have to do now is to get the guns right, and then train the people to play on time. The aircraft carrier is not omnipotent. As long as the ground forces are powerful, the final decision is to win. That is, the ground forces, it is the occupation, otherwise it will be a ground attack, it is nothing but a ground battle, useless, at least not useful now.

However, you can rest assured that we will let the Ministry of Industry study hard. Maybe hundreds of years later, the aircraft carrier will come out, and even the public ship will come out. ”

Zhang Xiaobao thought for a moment and thought that Wang Hao said that it makes sense. Since there is no need for the aircraft carrier to have too many functions, what else should it do? Anyway, the current force is invincible globally.

After all, Li Longji did not fully understand what Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Wei said, and he was depressed: "A few hundred years later, maybe you can fly directly to someone else's place and give it to the emperor. Others are surrendered, right? ?"

"The Emperor Shengming." Zhang Xiaobao said so.

"Sheng Ming? Life is gone, what is the holy thing, I really think that I can live forever? Don't you scare people? Do you want to deal with the plan of the two? How do you deal with the bamboo xxx? What do you say this time? Count, you have to cooperate with the two of you who can't make a plane."

Li Longji also knows that Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Wei are more anxious than him in the development of science and technology, but there is still no good way, so for the time being, they have to ask for their own cooperation. Since they don’t play xxx, they always have to achieve their goals. .

Seeing that Li Longji did not force himself to build an aircraft carrier, Zhang Xiaobao was finally relieved. He did have money before, but there is no direct relationship between the money and the aircraft carrier. You have money to buy, and people don’t have money. Selling, when people can just sell it to you, it is estimated that people can play space and jump, what else does the aircraft carrier do? fishing?

Li Longji smiled embarrassedly, Zhang Xiaobao said: "You don't need to go to see Panasonic under your xxx. He hasn't qualified for this time. You will continue to play in Luzhou. See the **** thing and give it to Beckham. I told her a few words and she knew how to do it.

Rest assured, Beckham is absolutely no problem dealing with this kind of thing. Three million silvers are left behind. This is a big fortune. Don't be white, you must pack it when you pack xxx.

After the heads of the six crickets came, let **** do what they should, now give them a little hope, I don't believe they will dare to use force against Datang. ”

Li Longji's face eased a little. He was still anxious. He was afraid that the country would come to fight. When he didn't, he wouldn't let people bully and die?

After pondering it, Li Longji said: "I don't understand things, Xiaobao, hehe, since we now have our own banknotes, do we have to keep gold and silver? Xiaobao you have already said, It’s nothing more than a question of the base currency. Do we have the technology and fear that others are **** in the currency?”

"His what you said is this question. How do you say it? If gold and silver are important, it is really not very important. Indeed, we are afraid of problems for the time being, so we keep it, but even if we don't have these two, now The monetary system cannot be shaken by others.

But, these two things have a purpose, one is beautiful, especially the golden gold powder. When decorating things, you use other ones instead, the effect can't reach that level, it's beautiful.

The other is our electronic components, and it’s still a bit worse. It’s not efficient to use two things. It’s inefficient. When you’re not in the future, you don’t have to work at all. If the resistance is a little bigger, things can’t stand it. It became an electric stove.

You don't want to use any electrical appliances in the future, use them, suddenly smoke? And... how do you say... that is something that comes out later, no gold or silver.

What's more, you don't care, I don't care about the value of the goods, but other places care, what you use to buy people, right? For example, you make a big palace, all gold, summer It’s cool when you lie inside, right. ”

Zhang Xiaobao explained that Wang Hao laughed again.

"When you are dying, lying in the coffin of gold, is there still hope to live? I always cheated, the plane has not been made yet, you can do it, don't look for it after a small incident." Li Longji really I don't know the important xing of gold and silver in electronic components. After I finished speaking, I set my hand and turned away.

"It must be the kind of thing that can't be seen." Zhang Xiaobao looked at Li Longji's figure and said to Wang Hao whispered.

“What can't you see?” Wang asked.

"The continuation and inheritance of the race's life, I don't understand, I will give you a demonstration once, go, go to the back." Zhang Xiaobao went to pull Wang Hao's hand.

"Don't go, you are a rogue."

"Look, you admit it, and you really can't see anyone, look for someone nowhere." ro! . 2k novel reading network

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