Great Tang Idyll

Vol 4 Chapter 758: Breakevens have accounts

"When the next dynasty, the court will report to the person in charge of the official government in the following government, and then send the necessary funds for the local government after the year, and the minister will lead the officials of the household to review it carefully."

After Wang Hao promised, he added another sentence.

Other officials know the meaning of Wang Hao, let the following people directly ask for money from the Ministry of Housing, and when looking for construction, which construction team can intervene, the local environment is different, the material price of the bridge construction is also different, a car stone It is difficult to price how much it costs.

The most reasonable nature of Datang’s asking price is Zhang’s two construction groups, but it cannot monopolize all the business. At the same time, because it is too reasonable, some people do not intend to use it. If the price is reasonable, there will be no more extra money. Give a bribe.

I think that Wang Hao can get a lot of benefits from it. Officials have also begun to make a big eye. The main reason is that the money invested in the new group of the Ministry of Industry has lost money this year. The only gain is to sit in the bumpy car when going to work and off work.

The account Zhang Zhong gave it out and read it. The record is very clear. The sales are good, especially the toothpaste and soap. However, in addition to being responsible for sales, the group has to manage it.

The problem lies in the development. The toothpaste and soap group sold are not developed, and the goods are purchased from another department of the Ministry of Industry. The purchase price is very high. The reason is that the development of toothpaste and soap is large.

The new group does not study what it sells, but it is to study the application technology of diesel engines, such as tractors, such as generators. Beijing now has all the lights on all roads in the evening. This technology is first purchased from the Ministry of Industry, and then redesigned and consumed. Less diesel.

However, it does not make money after power generation, because the new group does not produce diesel engines, nor diesel, let alone wires and lights, and needs to buy.

Then there was something happening. Who is going to pay for the night lighting in all sections of Chang'an? No matter who walks, the shops along the road are not responsible, and they can only be included in the finance of the court.

The finances will pay for the new group, the new group will calculate the electricity price per kilowatt hour, and the electricity meter made by the Ministry of Industry will be installed free of charge for the large households, otherwise it will not be used by others.

It seems quite reasonable, the electricity price is calculated, and the result is out of use. The generator has to constantly generate electricity, but the electricity generated by the people is not always used, which causes the consequences of oversupply. 'Loss.

If the input and output are not proportional, the money for selling toothpaste and soap and rubber-soled shoes will be added, and it will maintain a balance, or the Ministry of Industry will kindly lend the grid to the past. The new group will lay the grid. When there is not enough money to buy the wires of the Ministry of Construction, I can only borrow from Datang Qianzhuang.

Now it is the new group's power generation ‘factory’ and the grid is leased to the Ministry of Industry. The money obtained, together with the profit from selling other products, can be repaid to the bank.

The only thing that can be comforted is that there are cars sitting in and out of work. The officials who don’t know the details are still investing money in the wind. Even if they have already invested in the money, they have to continue to vote. Operation, waiting for the day to make money, good dividends, if you don't vote, then it will go bankrupt, which is equivalent to drinking and quenching thirst.

Everyone's money is not rich, so it is inevitable that Wang Hao will intervene in the construction of local fortifications, and one by one will figure out how to benefit from it.

Li Longji, who sat on top of it, also knew the following small calculations of the officials, but he couldn’t control it. He couldn’t control it. He looked at Zhang Zhong and wanted to see if Zhang Zhong opposed it.

Several other groups worried with Wang Hao, Zhang Zhong seized power and stared at Zhang Zhong with Li Longji.

What people did not expect was that Zhang Zhong nodded and agreed: "Well, Wang Shangshu led the colleagues in the household to work hard."

A small number of people are relieved, a large number of people are puzzled, Zhang Zhong is not stupid? His son Zhang Xiaobao did not tell him the doorway inside?

"Do you really agree?" Wang Hao could not believe that he would be so smooth and asked strangely.

"Nature, oh, when it comes to repairing bridges and replenishing roads, the official thinks about it. Our Ministry of Industry has recently pondered a model that has different testing methods depending on the geographical environment, as well as the building materials used. The place uses cement in the case of non-horse races, and asphalt in cold weather places. All localities can purchase them from the Ministry of Construction and review them according to the actual conditions of the ground."

Zhang Zhong said seriously.

"Ah?" Wang Hao was surprised and said, according to Zhang Zhong’s words, it was not easy to cut corners when he reviewed it. Who would dare to do small moves when the Ministry of Construction sent people? “Can't you use cement and asphalt?”

"Oh, but the ratio of service life to price is not much different from the cost performance of cement and asphalt. Telling the good news, this year, the Ministry of Construction created more than 3,000 diesel engines and The knot made a small roller with the king's sub-degree."

Zhang Zhong is still a serious look.

Wang Hao’s heart was faintly felt, and he swallowed: “Is the roller used to press the road?”

"Wang Shangshu is really powerful, and I guess it is in the middle." Zhang Zhong stretched out his thumb and looked at Wang Weibi: "This roller is easy to use. It is made of iron scorpion. Because of the power of the diesel engine, it can't be done too much. The general road is absolutely no problem.

For example, a layer of stone and a layer of sand, it is too laborious to push and pull the roller with manpower and animal power. The road roller goes up, the road... is flat, such as a section of road is not a good stone, a section is a good stone, the road can be seen after the road roller Staggered, very interesting. ”

"Interesting, this thing is good." Li Longji said that he liked it.

Wang Hao was stupid. According to Zhang Zhong’s statement, he also cut corners and cut corners. Under the normal road repairing sand, he put some crop stalks on it and dealt with it. He used the manpower to push the roller and could not go down, but the road roller was on, Don't sink a big chunk.

"Zhang Shang is connected." Zhang Zhong smiled and said to Li Longji.

Wang Hao’s eyes widened and he asked very angrily: “Since diesel has no place to put it, why is it so expensive to sell to our new group?”

"Because the production cost is high." Zhang Zhong smiled and answered very honestly.

"Since the cost is high, why do you use a roller for free?" Wang Hao asked again.

"Because it can't be put down." Zhang Zhong explained.

Wang squinted his eyes: "Can't put it down, why not give it to the new group for free?"

"That is commercial behavior. Business activities consider cost and profit. The use of infrastructure is the function of the Ministry of Industry. It is considered for people's livelihood. If it is charged, it should also be financial payment, and then the tax on trade growth formed by infrastructure construction. To supplement the finances, the question is, does your household give me the money of the Ministry of Industry?

In fact, I am now doing the long-term tax promotion for your household by sacrificing the benefits of one department. This is the dedication of officials and technology and production personnel of the entire Ministry of Industry. ”

When Zhang Zhong spoke, he looked up at the sky forty-five degrees. The look was old and strong, the old was great, and the thief was touching.

"Hey~! Then, then I will ask, you have been paying, where is your money?" Wang Hao did not think that Zhang Zhong’s staff members were wronged and went to the grave to burn the newspaper... That was a deception.

Zhang Zhong lifted his sleeves and wiped his eyes, bowing his head and whispering: "Working with other groups with commercial behaviors, electric lights are not available to anyone. Candles and kerosene lamps are much simpler. Paraffin is something you want. No, as long as it is processing oil, it will appear, it is very annoying, so when you get it, you will sell it."

"That is to say, what kind of business group your cooperation with the company has been making money, the group we invest in is not profitable, and it is always on the verge of loss. We have to continue to invest in order not to let it go bankrupt.

You just said that your LPG power generation is integrated into the grid. Is it the grid of our group? Did the money sold sell us dividends? If we remember correctly, the new group is the first industry that has your son involved but lost money? Your Majesty, your investment is also worthless. ”

Wang Hao finally grasped the handle of Zhang Zhong. Because the emperor took out the most money, he had to mention one.

Li Longji waved his hand indifferently: "I don't care."

Wang Yu was speechless and had to take advantage of Zhang Zhong.

Zhang Zhong sighed and said: "Yes, it means that my child Xiaobao is not completely invincible. When there is a failure, the group’s losses are accounted for. I am not corrupted by Zhang, and the power grid is rented by the Ministry of Industry. Liquefied gas power generation is not a network charge.

Moreover, it entered the network but did not directly generate profits on the electricity. Instead, the Ministry of Industry continued to invest in the Beijing to improve the power network. This year's Spring Festival may be able to see the effect. ”

"I can prove that Zhang Shangshu is right." Li Shi, the head of the Ministry of the House, took a step to reconcile. He had just been promoted for more than a month, and he could stand up. When he was busy, he still insisted. I have earned a lot of money in this collection of poems.

"You are staying." Wang took a look at Shi Xian and asked Zhang Zhong: "Since you can't make money, why do you have to send liquefied gas into the network, where is the electricity?"

"There is no need to use more electricity for liquefied gas. Some of them are sold to people who don't like to burn firewood and coal and biogas. We can't sell electricity. We used it to pump water. We built a large reservoir on the mountain in the eastern suburbs of Beijing. There were only a few creeks there, and now it is a lake."

Zhang Zhong pointed to the direction of the east to explain to Wang Hao, and then turned to Li Longji and said: "Your majesty, with the artificial lake can send electricity when there is no electricity, when the water is lacking, the water is irrigated, and now it is winter. The ice is frozen, and many people go there to skate, plus fish, the income is not bad."

"Good, very good, no waste of resources." Li Longji praised.

Wang Hao did not do it, the voice became bigger, and asked: "Zhang Shang is making money, why is there no profit? Where is the dividend of the group?"

"When you make money, you also spend money and break even." Zhang Zhongli replied bluntly.

"How do you spend the money?" Wang Hao asked again.

"It takes land to repair the lake, and the land does not need to spend money?" Zhang Zhong asked.

"Who is that piece of land?" Wang Hao asked again.

"The Ministry of Industry." Zhang Zhong’s voice is not small.

"Your Ministry of Industry rented the group's power grid to repair the lake in the hills of the Ministry of Industry. If you earned money, you wouldn't have it?" Wang Hao's eyes swept down and waited for the same officials who had invested money to reconcile.

"The Ministry of Industry rented the grid to give rent. The hills that rented the Ministry of Industry were independently accounted for. The technical department of the new group did not give money. Since the money was given, why did the department leased by the Ministry not work? Another department rents? I have a balanced income and I have an account."

Zhang Zhong did not wait for others to speak out and refused to return.

"But what about the subsequent profits?"

"That is the matter of another department of our Ministry of Industry. Is it related to your new group?"

"me you him……."

"Wang Daren, forget it, you can't play with others. The son of the family is Zhang Xiaobao. It is beyond the ranks of the Monopoly ranking. As you said, in addition to the loss of the new group, you have seen when he lost money. ?? One person next to the one who took Wang Hao, whispered.

Wang Hao’s eyes were red, his mouth was stunned, and he was wronged and said: “Zhang Xiaobao is not saying that he is not playing inside the Datang, what is a big place abroad, what do you have to bully us?”

"People say that they don't play the means for the people. At the beginning, we were the Leica Ministry. I was not fragrant and sleepy." A group of children from Beckham counterattacked at the time. Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Hao did not move, etc. It’s at the moment, oh~! Who said that they have become good?”

The persuaded person also looks sad.

Li Longji, who was sitting there, felt that Wang Hao and others were very poor. He sighed and said to Zhang Zhong: "Is there more fish in the lake? Chinese New Year, it should be eaten, it should be fun, right?"

Zhang Zhong understood, and quickly said in a casual way: "Exactly, in addition to the fish that can not be eaten, there are freshwater crabs, all made drunk crabs, Wang Shangshu, give your family 500 yuan to go, and Skating coupons, send you a thousand pieces, take it for free, just play, next year we continue to work hard, let the group try to make a profit, how do you see?"

"Is the Ministry of Construction not saying that there is electric heating? It is even colder this year." Wang Hao knows that no matter how forced it is, it is useless, so I have to retreat.

"Yes, one of the first to give ten, the electricity bill is free, it is a dividend." Zhang Zhong promised to come down. Wang Hao’s eyes were red, his mouth was stunned, and he was wronged and said: “Zhang Xiaobao is not saying that he is not playing inside the Datang, what is a big place abroad, what do you have to bully us?”

Feeling that Wang Hao was bullied and miserable

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