Great Tang Idyll

Vol 4 Chapter 858: Various kinds of non-accidental

Mao Mao listened to Xiaobei and promised to come down. The worry in his heart disappeared and he immediately promised to Xiaobei: "I must take the first place in the afternoon game, let other boys see, our girls are more powerful than them, first Must be first."

"This... friendship first." Beckham wants to follow the hairy hair and said that the girl is more powerful than the boy. She suddenly remembers her identity and is afraid of giving too much pressure on her hair, so that she can’t play well. She can only say some official discourse. .

However, Beckham added: "You must play steadily, show yourself, and advocate sportsmanship. What is your surname? Are you screaming?"

Beckham didn't bother to talk to Mao Mao about what his name was, and what he wanted to name. He asked very straightforwardly. He had to negotiate for a while. More than 13,000 dogs were raised, and the festival was good. It would be estimated in three or four months. There are a lot of puppies, and you can make a lot of money by grasping the opportunity.

Xiaobei’s mood in the past two days is not too good. He always looks for troubles in Xiaoyuan. Xiaoyuan has no choice but to find a doctor in his home. After observation and diagnosis, it is found that her pressure is too great, and it is largely related to it. Brother and sister negotiations caused.

In fact, there have been a few days in total, but Beckham has never experienced such a difficult negotiation. More importantly, nine of his own people are struggling. As a target of negotiations, his brother and sister have not done anything, and they deal with military affairs and economic information at home on time every day. Then I ate well and slept. When I got up this morning, I even heard two people ran to the rooftop to play a guitar, one person playing the piano, and singing "Yan Shuangfei" there.

It’s really a blow to people, and you have to prove yourself in other ways.

Beckham has been thinking about it with eight other brothers and sisters today. Do something, and shift your attention to others. Temporarily break away from the negotiating circle with my brother and sister and reposition myself.

The doctor said that the current psychological behavior is not normal, psychological therapy is needed, and I want to send a special doctor to help.

The result was rejected by Beckham and others, without the help of others, we adjust ourselves.

At the moment, Beckham believes that he has found an opportunity to cooperate with Maomao. Then invest, raise, breed, train, migrate, lease or sell or pay dividends in the next six months.

In this way, you can temporarily get rid of the pressure brought by your brother and sister.

Mao Mao did not know that she could do anything in her heart. Beckham also had her own pain. Looking at Xiaobei’s excitement, she thought it was a good way to help her father. He said: "My surname is Song, I am called Song Dakang, Xiaobei, are you going to lend money to my family?"

"Don't borrow. Just said, cooperation, borrowing money for a while, cooperation for long-term cooperation." Xiaobei said, after saying that he seems to be deceiving people's hair, and then said: "I borrow money to give your home is easy. Your family's development is still slow. It is better to cooperate with us. Our information acquisition channels are different. It seems that you are dividing profits and making relatively little money. But definitely making more money."

"I don't understand, anyway, I believe in you. You won't harm my family. If you even sneak into me, Datang will have no hope." Mao said very seriously.

"Of course, we can do the wrong thing with a good heart, but we must not be able to do something wrong with a bad heart. Brother and sister don't care when we help others. It is a big deal. They are responsible for compensation. Loss, but we are not allowed to build success on the suffering of others."

Beckham assured Maomao that she knew that after her group of children had done things, her brother and sister would always help to finish the game. Even if they knew that they were not doing well enough, they still supported behind them. The purpose was to train themselves nine people, provided that they waited for others. Thoughts are just right.

"I should be here for a while, and the person who is responsible for the loan at the noon will take a break at noon." Mao Mao was afraid that Beckham would wait for anxiousness and say a word.

"I am not in a hurry, you play well, I go to other places to see." Beckham eats two meals and four dishes at this table, pick up the plate and continue to go to other tables.

When the time for dinner is over, Xiaobei’s nine people will be taken a break. People will send a bowl of hot soup to eat the dishes in the plate. One person holds a big pear and listens to the same meal in the Tuen Mun. The officials spoke on the stage and pondered what happened to Beckham.

She hasn’t arrived yet, she can’t wait, she can only find it after the end of the table tennis match.

"There are so many words in the official, and it is not finished." Yu Xiaobei sounded a man's complaints four or five meters away from them.

The voice of this person fell, and another person next to him said: "Before they wanted to say, the result is that Beckham said that the game started, they didn't dare to speak again. Now, when they are resting, they don't say what they are prepared, 岂Not ready for white."

"I don't object to speaking, the children are playing, saying that the children are good. What do you listen to? What is the economic construction? My family is only six years old. Is it for him to move bricks? It is better to talk about economic construction than to talk about the safety of children. The problem, my family’s baby came home and told me that when I was eating in the school, the half salted duck egg was stinky."

The third person turned his head and complained to the two people who spoke before.

The attention of several people in Beckham could not help but be attracted to the past. How to give a stinky egg?

"Stupid eggs are afraid of anything, and they can not eat bad people. When I was a child, I liked to eat stinky eggs. I didn't stink or eat. At that time, they were actually stinky. Poor, my two children are like me, I am willing to eat stinky eggs. In the future, your child will encounter a stinky past and ask my child to change. The salty egg smells okay, and the meat is not stinky."

The second speaker refutes the third person, and the voice is accompanied by the sound of swallowing. Seeing the situation, he really likes to eat stinky eggs.

"Small far, have you ever eaten salty stinky eggs?" Xiaobei was very curious, and some people liked to eat stinky eggs.

Xiaoyuan shook his head: "No, we are not stinky, Huang is oily. I heard that the guard at the door of the brother seems to have said that the chef has specially salted salted eggs. It seems that it is more salted for a while. Don't go back to the kitchen and ask? Find a few to try, it is estimated to be similar to stinky tofu, anyway, the time of pickling is more than twenty-eight days."

"It seems that the school's diet is still no problem." Xiaobei just had a meal, not hungry. I don’t think much about what a stinky egg is.

The three people who spoke just seemed to have found a topic and started talking about the stinky egg. If there is enough salt, the stinky egg can't be eaten. It is said that the stinky egg that has been taken out in the sun can't be eaten.

When I talked about it, the topic would be embarrassed. From the salted egg to the sun, the ham in the sun was spoiled, from the ham to the taste of the dried chicken, from the dried chicken to the roast duck in Sanshui County, from the sweet sauce of the roast duck. It can be used to make shredded pork noodles.

From this ‘Beijing sauce pork’, talk about the cultivation techniques of green onions. To bury the soil deeply, the scallions can be more, from the deep buried soil to the yam egg, from the yam egg said that there is no popular sweet potato.

From the sweet potato to the benefits of alien species, from the benefits of alien species to the actual role that war can be plundered, from war to artillery.

"To say this artillery..." The first person who spoke once began to comment on the artillery with an authoritative look: "It is really powerful, especially for the cavalry that eats more people. A fried horse is hairy, the people above Falling down like a dumpling, I thought about it, it’s amazing, it’s too expensive, how many bullets can a shell make? The court should use more bullets to hit people.”

"No. Is the bullet comparable to the cannon? How far is the bullet flying? How far is the shell flying? The shell is blown up one by one, and the bullet is not hitting. The two guns can only be hit. The gun can only fly more than 500 meters. More than a thousand meters." The third speaker's 'expert' looks like a comment.

The first person to talk is not convinced: "Who told you that the bullet hits more than 500 meters? You are talking about a pistol, the rifle can hit three kilometers. The shells fly out seven or eight kilometers without problems."

Beckham and others looked at each other and exchanged their eyes. Finally, I was sure that this person was saying that the best pistol in his home can hit more than 130 meters, usually more than 40 meters in killing distance, and the farthest flying is more than 170 meters.

The long gun can really hit a little farther, the farthest is 2,500, 600 meters, and the killing distance is 1,400 meters. This kind of gun is rare. Most of the requirements are between 100 and 400 meters. The sniper rifle, the killing distance is only one thousand and one hundred meters, that is not to say how far it is to fight the enemy accurately.

My brother and sister said that the manufacture of the gun is not accurate, relying on a lot of inaccuracies, accidentally producing such a precise one, or later special transformation, plus the scope, it is just playing more than 800 meters. The target has a large hit rate.

Usually pursues an accurate sniper of about 400 meters, and this distance is good without a sight. As for the shell, it can fly for about four kilometers. It is the farthest, and it is not even used for shooting. Throwing cartridges, such as small infantry guns and mortars.

When the nine people who felt that the three people were interesting, they continued to listen to them.

"Don't make a noise, noisy." The second speaker persuaded: "We don't know anyway, I know that the weapons of the Great Tang Dynasty are so powerful, Xiao Baoyu would rather spend more money, and I don't want the soldiers to fill them up. The real original, I think it is the cost of transportation. Due to the confidentiality of technology, it has been transported from Luzhou, Julia and Beijing.

Hearing people said that it seems that the arsenal will be placed here and by the sea. At that time, there will be heavy guards. There are many places where we can't go. Even if we want to visit, we have to review the ancestors' eight generations. No dangerous metal pieces are allowed. ”

"That's right, the needle can't be taken." The first speaker took the words: "I know, the gun is used, there is a needle behind it, and the bullet is flying forward. The bullet flies out, you take the needle and think. Take the shells off?"

"Do you know? Minger I went to military training, touched the gun, and came back to tell you." The third person still looked at the first person is not pleasing to the eye, just two people have quarreled.

The second speaker began to persuade again: "I have to go all the way. I found that after the things that have been transported are put down, I will transport the things I just grabbed or excavated in the past to other places. The transportation is a period of exchange, we are here. It’s not good to go, whether it’s water or land, and the last part is finished, many cars and boats can’t go back immediately.

The car has to be retired, the ship needs to be inspected for wear and tear, and the animals must also rest. The average animal has to be raised in the first ten days to get back on the road. Is it too much time to do things? Animals need rest, people don't need it, people can sleep, and the result is that there are more idle people, like me, local people are afraid of them making trouble. ”

"I am also worried that they still have to eat, I am worried about raising the price, but this is no way, perhaps waiting for the arsenal to be built to solve some problems." The first speaker said.

The third person did not continue to argue with the first one. Instead, he said: "If I have a sale, I will hire them to work on a temporary basis. Anyway, they are idle and idle, and the physical strength of running transport is good."

"Don't say it, don't say it, the following officials have finally finished, fast competition, the top 16, huh, huh, a bunch of little guys are really good." The second speaker sat up straight. I look forward to the start of the game.

"I am soaking urine." The third person who said it got up.

"Go with you." The first one followed.

Two seconds after sitting in the body, the second speaker also got up: "Listen to you, I also feel embarrassed, I have not drunk much water."

Three people left, and the minds of Xiaobei’s nine people could not be placed on the playing field.

Beckham turned to ask the inner court next to him: "A lot of people stay in Yizhou because of maintenance and maintenance of the boat and the carriage?"

"Yes, there are people who catch the animals. The road is not easy to go. The animals can't go back immediately. They have to raise their children. It's about ten or ten days. If you don't have to cultivate for too long, your body can recover." But your temper is not good."

The inner court answered.

After listening to meditation, Beckham asked: "Can't you find them to work?"

"Things have just appeared, or the other places are transporting other logistics. The distant shells were shipped before and were escorted by soldiers. Later, they began to use civil power. It is estimated that the fastest one will arrive in a month.

It is a while. There are more idlers, but local people are not good at recruiting, and they have to take time off, and they can do other things in less than eight days. ”

The inner court answered again.

"Stupid, how can I waste manpower?" Xiaobei thinks that eight days, or seven days, is also a lot. The main problem is that there is only a little time for people who are transported alone. In fact, Yizhou has a seven-day local. Periodic labor overflows, and some money with the bank has never been raised.

"Xiaoyuan, do you say that using it is very helpful to us?" Xiaobei asked her nearest Xiaoyuan.

Xiaoyuan bowed his head and thought that Xiaohai suddenly said: "The types of work need to be selected. The longest continuity period cannot exceed seven days. It is suitable for short-term, non-coherent work types, such as porters, such as porters.

In fact, the cultivated land is also OK. Many people are hired at one time. A large area of ​​land is cultivated in a short time, but now it is past the cultivation period. Switching to embroidery, farming, hotel services, sculpture, winemaking and other industries is not suitable for them to do things. ”

The other eight children nodded and felt that Xiao Hai was right. To use this part of the labor force, they must consider what they should do.

After a while, the top four decided, Beckham eyes brightened, proposed: "According to Xiao Haige, let them participate in the construction work of the site, brothers and sisters design new urban areas, lack of staff, it is better to bring them Everyone can do other things for seven days.

Do you feel good? If you agree, you should hurry up, or be preempted by others, especially your brother and sister. If they think of it first, we have nothing else to do and continue to negotiate. Take a break, so tired.

You didn’t go straight to the negotiations, you didn’t realize the frustration. At the beginning, every time I wanted to happen, my brother’s calculation of the interest was wrong. Later, I retired and hoped that my brother would compete for details on our negotiation conditions. That means that my brother has no other way.

The ideal is beautiful, the reality is cruel, even if I change to my sister, my expectations are not realized, it is difficult, it is really difficult, or who do you try? ”

Xiaobei looked at Xiaoyuan, Xiaoyuan quickly shook his head: "I don't have to try, I also know that we feel that it is difficult now. When my brother and sister were younger than us, there will be more exchanges with the officials." Difficult? The old men are all fine.

We feel that this pressure is quite unbearable. How did my brother and sister persist in at that time? The world’s boasting brothers must be connected, but can the situation at that time not be connected? Who is the opponent? Every time my brother and sister give up, they will inevitably leave behind the opportunity to make progress, and countless times to take advantage of the loss, to achieve the current family business.

We have to eat more bitterness if we want to reach the height of our brother and sister. What is the hard time to negotiate with my brother and sister? Really not, I will give up the negotiations, directly, my brother and sister will give it. My brother and sister at that time could not give up, so thinking, is the mood better? ”

"Well, when we can fight with our brothers and sisters, the whole world can go. Now there is just an opportunity to integrate the surplus labor generated by the objective conditions in the transportation process, so that my brother and sister can see. We are still very powerful."

Beckham's mood has indeed improved. It is not that the negotiations do not take advantage of the cheap. I feel awkward. The opponent is very bullish and can be a brother and sister who can fight and win the entire court officials, including the emperor.

The nine little guys who thought clearly began to arrange the manpower, to peg the various transported teams, and pull them up to the workforce for labor output.

They themselves are waiting for Maomao's father Song Dakang to appear quickly, so there are two new deals. Therefore, in the process of negotiating with my brother and sister, I will increase my own advantages.

The game is still going on.

The three ‘student parents’ who said that the squatting room did not go back and talked together.

"Big brother, we are not good with the two? Is there any flaws?" The second speaker asked the first person to speak.

The first person to talk wiped the sweat on his forehead and shook his head: "It is estimated that there is no, I believe that with the cleverness of the little ancestors, I should be able to think of recruiting people. It’s not easy for Xiao Gongzi and Xiao Niang. The little lady, the younger son, will give them new hopes."

"The big brother said yes, they all said that they are very powerful, and there are big boys and boys, Xiaoqiang, and the people feel that they are all good. They only think it is magical and feng shui, only we know, Xiaogongzi and How does Xiao Niang teach her younger siblings?

Do adults who think that their children can't compare with other children have thought about how much they paid? In fact, like crops, the benefits of letting go and being meticulously treated are absolutely different. ”

The third person who spoke said that he was equally nervous and sweated. If you have just been seen by the ancestors, it is not only impossible to complete the task of letting the younger brother and sister adjust their moods. It will even make the little ancestors even more sad.

"How is the other aspect? Will Song Dakang say that he missed it?" The first one spoke, that is, when the big brother asked.

Two people shook their heads, one of them said: "It shouldn't be worse. Last night, Xiaogongzi deliberately found someone to play, and Song Dakang said that the pressure of the ancestors is great, but the pressure they give is not from themselves. Is it because of Xiao Gongzi and Xiao Niang, who is more afraid of Song Dakang?"

"Yes, wait for the news, let's make a contribution. I hope that the little ones can grow up. My child is born soon. When I am born, I will throw it directly to the department dedicated to childcare in the inner court. After ten years. Even if it is not comparable to the little ancestors, there are not too many."

The boss spoke of his unborn child, his eyes filled with a gentle look, and he was very confident in the education system of the children in the inner court.


"I am a dog-raiser. I am very short of loans. Dogs can't keep up. I am a dog-raiser. I am very short of loans..."

Outside the government office, Song Dakang kept repeating a small mirror in his hand.

He started practicing from last night, confused, and began to repeat again in the morning, but there was always worry in his heart.

He is indeed a dog-raiser, and he really has no money. He needs a loan, but he is not in a hurry. He used to provide funds to four schools at the same time. He is the total capital provided by the society in each school. The share of six.

And he also took money to build roads in several villages to create simple bridges.

With the receipt, he was able to easily borrow money at the bank.

However, Song Dakang’s own heart did not want to do that. When he planned to invest money in Chaoyang’s operation six years ago, he never thought about relying on this loan. He just feels that he has money. He helps the children to be correct. He helps people build bridges and repair roads. It is very comfortable to listen to people.

If you have to do it because of the loan before today, he thinks it is a kind of derogatory for himself. I am willing to spend money for the children, not for the benefit.

He plans to find someone to borrow some money and spend a period that is not very comfortable.

Who thought that Xiaobao sent someone to find it last night, let him say good things to her daughter, go to the loan, and then come to see her, saying that she would not let her explain with her daughter. With her daughter’s skills, there is a great chance to attract Beckham, they paved the way for their own appearance.

And there are two other people who also got the 'mission'. One was the person who had previously grazing in the northern part of Hebei Road. Later, the family moved to Yizhou. Now it is also not well developed. One is the former Turkmen and the Turks. There are many people dealing with it. The people who have raised hawks and hounds at home have come to Yizhou three years ago and have five hawks.

When Xiaobao let them see the two of them, don't be surprised and excited, maybe they can't meet them, or maybe they can't catch up with them, then they will play one or more games again, until they pick up, because His own more than 13,000 dogs are very effective.

So now is the time to test your own, to stabilize, it is the first time to meet, in fact, it is the first time I saw Beckham, do not show the horse feet, like normal people, not right, is a normal person.

Read it again twice and read it in.

Song Dakang kept encouraging himself, and he really read it twice in the mirror, took a deep breath, and did not go to the college. 2k novel reading network

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