Great Tang Idyll

Vol 4 Chapter 426: Not leaving, not rushing

The two leaders who accompanied Tubo and Turkic had a hunter, and the reception work of Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Hao was finished.

Beckham has been sent to the place of Sanshui County and Huayuan County, with arms open, watching the team gradually move away, and looking at the sky, after seeing a scene of high altitude, it seems that there is a lingering lingering , muttered:

"Go, let's go, don't always go in a hurry, well, there is no banquet in the world, and I have a trip, I hope there will be another."

Xiaoyuan also followed, and he didn’t know that Beckham’s fullness was not because of parting, but that he’s not going to use Beckham as he went to Beijing with Chidezu, and Beckham’s minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs directly It has become a bit uncomfortable to change back to the members of the CPPCC.

I thought that Beckham did not want to separate from the Princess of Jincheng. He advised: "Life is like a cloud, there is no root, the wind is blowing, the cloud is flying there, but in any case, the sky has left traces of the clouds, the wind Sound, look down a bit, parting may be the beginning of reunion, it is not a love, the red maple leaf is mature."

"Don't swear in front of me, I am so annoyed, just go, I have to start playing with a bunch of children, and no one will listen to me anymore. I decided that my happiness should be found by myself, and I will meet immediately. Under the next period of work, discuss around the royal history, you organize."

Beckham really wants to open, to fully play the advantages of the team and open a new chapter.

Xiaoyuan is obviously still in the sorrow of the wind and the clouds. For a moment, he did not understand the meaning of Beckham. Seeing Xiaobei staring at himself, as long as he needs to express his position.

"I agree with Beckham's proposal, is the meeting of the censorship going to continue to target more people? The role of Maso should be played more."

"Stupid, what is more food? It is the inside of Datang. We should not keep our eyes on the distance. There are also problems that need to be solved around us. Sitting in the position of knowing the history of the imperial court, we must play a corresponding role. The role, think of ways to get on the road early, Sanshui County can not find fault."

Beckham's psychological quality is still good, and soon he found a way to break away from the CPPCC, ready to enter the discipline inspection commission, and the power will eventually come back.

The reaction was slower and farther away, and it was not easy to grasp the intention of the leader. The eyes were beaming and excitedly pulled Beckham. "Who wants to impeach? Is there a goal?"

"The goal is to find it yourself, stupid, meeting, you are responsible for telling others." Beckham carried his hands and turned and slowly moved, like the clouds in the sky.

Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Wei did not have the slightest attachment to Chi Dezuzan. The two talents did not want to spend more energy on this boring reception.

At this time, the two are still on the mountain. Zhang Xiaobao does not know where to fold a branch, puts it in his mouth and bites it. He wants to bite the fiber that is not wet.

Wang Wei was a gloomy face. Looking at the team members of the nursery team who had participated in the hunting operation, two hundred people clearly felt the suppression of a mountain rain.

"Two hundred people, a thousand chickens, used more than 6,000 bullets, and nearly two hundred of them were just destroyed by me and Zhang Xiaobao. Before you write, let you practice hard, and practice like this? You use Is the best gun, let you pick it yourself, the gun that suits you best, know what the consequences of the seven bullets hitting an opponent?"

Wang Hao’s face is about to drop water, and he asks two hundred people who just feel very enjoyable.

"Small, little lady, when I was training, it was 200 steps. This time, suddenly three hundred steps, a little far away, so, so..."

One person in the team stood up and explained to Wang Hao in a low voice. Just said here, Wang Hao suddenly took off the gun on his back and raised his hand to hit a lively **** of more than 400 steps. Your majesty.

"Three hundred steps are far away? Your guns are specially made. The effective range is 420 to 450 meters. I use you as a sniper to train and move the target. I need seven bullets to destroy one. The enemy, seven bullets, know what the consequences are against the real enemy?"

Wang Yiyi was even more angry when she thought of this number. She always wanted to cultivate the most powerful sniper, but the 200 people really did not live up to expectations. This kind of prospect was changed to her and Zhang Xiaobao, and it was already given to people. Is there a real sniper who will leave seven bullets to adjust the time?

“Is it going to run the enemy?” the person who explained it whispered.

"Well, this thing doesn't blame you." At this time, Zhang Xiaobao uttered his voice, waved his hand to signal the team to disband, spit out the stick that was bitten into fiber, and came to Wang Hao's side and said: "The shooting also needs talent, if everyone If you can become a sniper, the selection of snipers will not be so strict. Find more people and choose them slowly."

"Three hundred steps are not considered snipers. Ordinary people should be trained. Then strengthen the training. Beckham, I think she is not very good when she leaves."

Wang Hao did not continue to persecute, suddenly remembered the accompanying Princess Jincheng when leaving.

At this time, the mountain rushed to a letter to the people "Little son, little lady, Xiaobei little lady, they told me to talk to the two, they went, went to Huayuan, said to go two days in advance, to the front and so on You two."^-^^-^2k novel reading network

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