Great Tang Idyll

Vol 4 Chapter 522: Insincere and helpless

The fifty-two twenty-two chapters are insincere and helpless.

After breaking up with Li Bai, Wang Wei did not look for an inn to rest. When it rained heavily, when passing a grocery store, he went to spend a high price and bought a bucket, covering it on the head of the already wet head, at least not allowing the rain to continue to drip. sick.

Going forward along the street, I walked into the widest main road. After a long time, I saw the county seat of Hongnong County. There were two servants at the gate guarding there, and it was accurate to enjoy.

A shed was set up at the entrance of Tuen Mun. It was ventilated on all sides. Because the shed was large, the servant sitting in the middle was not swept by the wind and rain.

The light smoke with fleshy flutter fluttered from the shed, and the rich aroma was soaked in the nose. Even Wang Wei, who had only eaten for a long time, planned to eat another meal.

The appearance of Wang Wei did not pay more attention to the two servants. The two continued to roast delicious food there. The large beef pieces of the egg were passed by the sign and turned back and forth on the charcoal fire. The oil drops and smashed. The movement, then lightly sprinkle a little salt, let the oil take a little faster, when the cold wind blows, do not have a taste.

"Good life, good enjoyment." Wang Wei, standing at the entrance of the door, sighed softly, and then continued: "Who is the rain? How light is the rain? The light smoke and the white mist are floating. For example, the blood charcoal red drops the oil yellow, misunderstood Xianting in the world."

"Good poetry, come, make another one, and reward you with a string." A servant heard the sound, looked up, and waved the uncooked meat skewer on his hand.

"Thank you, the meat is not in a hurry to eat, the county officials can be in this position, the officer is ordered to emperor, to inspect the place, Wang Wei is also." Wang Wei tried to hold back the pistol that was used for his self-defense in his arms. Impulsive, the face is darker than the sky.

When I entered the shed, I took out my identity certificate from my arms and showed it to the two servants.

The servant who spoke was only a meal, swallowed two spit, nervously looked over and watched, only sweeping a few eyes, and then determined that the identity of the other party is not like a fake, screaming "I don't know the adults come, not Shi Yuanying Also please forgive me."

Next to another servant's eyes, the eyes were not bad. He quickly handed Wang Wei a few skewers of freshly grilled meat. He squinted and said: "Adult, you taste, fresh meat, fragrant, small, I will inform you immediately. Wait a moment, wait a moment."

Wang Wei looked back at the half of the head of a child who was hiding in a corner not far away. He narrowed his eyes and looked at the two servants. The muscles at the cheekbone moved upwards, revealing a sad smile. The expression, silently took the skewer, and squeezed it out from the spice box next to it and slowly sprinkled it on the skewer. He took a bite and went back to the child hiding there to raise his hand and lift the skewer.

The child who couldn’t stand the temptation of the meat string flashed out of his body. Two little feet* stepped on the water and took all the way to the sky. First, look at the servant left in the side, see the servant did not say anything, not even Rubbing his eyes, he raised his small face and asked, "Give me?"

"Let's eat together, okay?" Wang Wei handed the last two strings.

"Okay." The child took it with pleasure and opened his mouth and bite it. Suddenly, "Who is roasting, it is not cooked inside, it is out of focus, I am coming."

The child couldn't help but grab a few pieces of meat that Wang Wei had in his hands, add his own, put it on the stove, and then take a small scissors from the body like a trick, and cut the anxious meat cut a few times. The broth was turned over smoothly, and the other hand put the seasoning placed next to it and sprinkled it on the skewer.

It didn't take too long, the meat skewers were baked. When I heard it, Wang Wei found that it was much better than just smelling it. I looked at the child strangely and asked, "Why, how can you bake?"

"I opened the barbecue shop before I entered the county. I told you that in fact, when using the meat, it is not good to use fresh meat directly. If the blood is not clean, you should first 'snap' it, and the meat does not know. Who cut it, cut it smoothly, it is easy to roast, and it is unevenly eaten, chewed and stuffed. Today, you invite me to eat, wait for the big water to pass, my store will open again, I will ask you to eat again."

When the child finished speaking, he snorted and blew his breath. He blew the color of the flesh and nodded with satisfaction. He handed back Wang Wei’s kebab.

Wang Wei’s mood is suddenly much better. It’s not for the children’s kebabs. It’s just for the child’s optimistic spirit. Open your mouth and bite it down. Chew and nod. “Good, good, never thought, grilled. The meat skewers are also so learned. If you make a barbecue, do you still like it?"

The child returned a natural expression and nodded. "Love, my family loves to eat meat skewers. I said, I don’t like to eat meat skewers. I can’t sell them to others. Because I like it, I’m going to delve into it. , then pious."

When Wang Wei heard the child's words, he just thought that the child was pitiful, and he only took one time to eat the meat skewers. When he thought that he had heard such a speech, it would be no wonder that the child’s face did not show the kind of look that was too careless. People have money, this is no doubt, can let the children know that the meat skewers that they do not like to eat are definitely not sold to other people's family, can the sale be worse?

If I thought about it, Wang Wei asked the child: "Is it okay at home now?"

“Not good” the child swayed and said: “A lot of money is gone. Three hundred cows and more than 500 sheep that I just bought last month are gone. Chickens, ducks, and pigs are losing more. The most important thing is that the county school is full, I can't squeeze in and drop a lot of courses."

"Well, don't worry, everything will be fine, wait for the big water to pass, your family's cattle and sheep are back." Wang Wei comforted.

"It is not it. This is not a natural disaster. It is a county magistrate on Hongjun Water. It can be cured. How can it be washed away? In fact, we know that Yan County is short of money, then we will dig the river and then put our money and livestock. Take it away and listen to people....."

"Small nephew, shut up, and then say that you want to die." Waiting for the child to finish the words, the remaining servant roared loudly, his eyes widened, and began to pull his sleeves, a pair of people to be beaten.

"哼" the child hid behind Wang Wei and explored his head. "The monarch, the boat is also the same; the squatter, the water is also; the water is carrying the boat, the water is overturning the boat, you seal me the mouth of one person, An Neng seals the world heart of?"

"It is extremely extreme." Wang Wei nodded evenly, and his heart raised a kind of affection for Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Hao. This is the result of the Chaoyang action. The courtesy of the child he met during breakfast, now the child opens his mouth. The fact that it is an allusion depends on the action of Chaoyang.

When I was an official in the local area, I heard that Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Wei of Yuxin County had made a sunrise action. It was only when two children were bored and would not be climatic. Who knows that now the entire Datang, as long as there are businessmen There is a school of Chaoyang action, and the merits are infinite.

"This adult, don't listen to him nonsense, the county magistrate, and the heart for the people, how can this rain be very big this year, the county magistrate is powerless to return to the sky, daily tea is difficult to think."

The servant quickly explained to Wang Wei that his face was a sad expression.

Wang Wei is no longer a newcomer. How can he do it without knowing the truth? What he can do now is to meet with the officials in Tuen Mun first, to understand the situation as much as possible, and to collect intelligence together with Li Bai. Then report to the court.

'It’s no wonder that you don’t want to give yourself a helping person. The current Hongnong County can be said to be run by a local official. It’s hard to get into the water. Even if you come with two or three hundred people, it’s useless. How to arrest people? If you grab it, you will be besieged by local people. ’

Wang Wei thought that he had grasped the difficulties of the emperor and secretly felt it.

Turning around and touching the child's head, he said in disbelief: "Go, the official believes that Yan County is worrying about your affairs, trying to understand the difficulties of one of the parents. The river is not built enough. Firm, back to your family, it is estimated that Yan County will soon have a way to go, ah."

"How can it be weak? That is..."

"Know, go, no matter who fixes, there will always be negligence, everything will be fine." Wang Wei will not let the children continue to say, and pick up a few grilled meat skewers, stuffed in the hands of the child, Push the child's shoulder to let it go.

The child’s big eyes are full of incomprehensible. Seeing this person who should be an official pushes himself and throws the meat on the ground in angrily. “I know that there is no good thing in the official, I know, I will know. ”

Looking at the small figure running into the rain curtain, Wang Wei's mouth squatted tightly.

"I don't know that Wang Daren came, the next official is late, forgives sins, forgives sins." At this moment, the door of the Tuen Mun Gate opened openly, and from the inside, he ushered in a thin person.

"Don't catch a cold, don't catch a cold, you will get an injection, it hurts. I am taking medicine to prevent it now." Under the heavy rain, Beckham poured a bowl of Banlangen granules, and licked it twice, sweet.

Others have also drunk the medicines given by the team doctors. They are not sweet, and the doctors have not taken care of them.

With a sleeve on his lips, Beckham pointed forward to "go forward." The team waded in the direction she pointed.

Going forward for about a quarter of an hour, there was a river. Xiaobei looked at Xiaozhu’s sister in a blank way. Xiaozhu went down: “The tributary of Hongjun Water, this river is called Hongyuan River and is the master of Hongyuan Village. The river, it seems that the problem is that the water is out of the water, and it is only flooded here."

Bei Xinyi nodded. Since Xiaozhu’s sister said that it is Hongyuan River, it must not be wrong. Xiaozhu’s sister is not only good at drawing, but also has a strong map and a strong sense of orientation.

The person in charge next to the observation, at this time, said: "Beibei little lady, there is a bridge in front, but unfortunately the water is gone, leaving only a bridge deck, half hidden under the water, can pass."

"Then go to the high place to go over, hehe." Xiaobei took the umbrella of the next person, and he slammed himself and walked there under the protection of everyone.

Just stopped at the 'Da Tupo' on the edge of the bridge, the water surface of the river suddenly rose, and there was another flood peak in the upper reaches. You can see the dead pigs and dead dogs floating in the water and swollen in the water. There are countless branches and straw sticks.

"Well, the bridge is going to be bad, and a big tree has been washed down." Xiaoyuan took a telescope to see the cockroaches, seeing the upstream river, there is a big canopy hidden, thinking that there is a tree underneath It was not completely horizontal, and it slanted toward the bridge.

Bei et al. scared one, the tree has two big men's thick, such a thick tree, rushing by the water, can imagine, the consequences of hitting the bridge.

All of them looked at the big tree and ran into the small bridge that was flooded.

‘Bang, 嚓 嚓’ The people felt that the ground under their feet had shaken a few times, and then looked at the bridge, all eyes straight.

I saw that the tree that hit the bridge directly touched the bridge and folded it. The upper part was broken with a white to the place where the bridge was located.

The place blocked by the tree, because of the existence of trees, hinders the water from directly crossing the bridge deck. The exposed area of ​​the bridge can be faintly seen to crack a large gap there, and there are a few small gaps. As for the smaller gap, it will not know.

But even then, the bridge is still not destroyed.

"Ah? This is also OK? Who built the bridge? Was flooded, hit by a big tree, but also hard to support?" Beckham eyes straight, spit out his tongue and said.

Immediately, two people in the team ignored the rushing water, jumped on, and threw themselves to the bridge where the pillars were exposed on the shore. The head slid into the touch and touched the bridge railing and shouted to Beckham: "There is a word on the '18th year of Kaiyuan, Xia, repaired for the village middle school, and the construction group.'"

In the words, this person’s face is obviously a little proud.

"?" Beckham excitedly waving a small fist "I know that the strongest place must be repaired by my family, smashing buildings, iron skeletons."

Other people are also proud of their hearts.

One person in charge of the management at this time wondered: "As such, the water conservancy project of Hongshui Water should also be repaired by our family's construction group. Usually, they are doing local projects and making profits to build local schools. The main body or supporting facilities, how can it break the levee?"

"It's a drop, it's a drop, how can it be broken? Is the construction team cutting corners? I borrowed them with courage." Xiaobei also wondered.

"There must be things that are not known to outsiders, and then wait until the investigation is over." Xiaoyuan is helping.

A group of people waited for two quarters of an hour on the slope, and the flood peak passed. This continued to move forward. When the bridge crossed the bridge, he carefully looked at the place where the big tree hit, where two steel bars were directly broken. There are also a few bends, and the nets made of thick wire with small thumbs are also exposed. The pebbles and small pieces of broken cement inside are scattered.

The main part of the bridge cracked a large slit, and the gap cracked into the middle of the bridge. Even so, the bridge was still across the river and did not collapse.

The group walked across the bridge with Zhang Wang's own arrogance, and continued to move forward with muddy water. After half an hour, I saw a three-story building in front of it. In the sound of the water, there was a faint recital.

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