Great Tang Idyll

Vol 4 Chapter 526: Gambling wins and losses as futures

Chapter 526—Gambling wins and losses as futures

It seems that Wang Wei, who has made some determination, has become very happy after eating hot pot. He has seen all the food he has never seen before, and he tastes it every time. Even after everything has been smashed, it is still special. Bring the charcoal fire to the oysters.

I ordered people to open their shells, put them on the fire with iron chopsticks, and look at the various spices on the table. Wang Wei secretly pouted at the strictness of the mouth, and wealth is not a small county magistrate. What is it, is it a shrimp and a crab, and it is a whip and a beggar, thinking that you can become rich?

When is the chance to eat a feast of Zhang Xiaobao, what is the buffet style, not to mention the dazzling array of food, that is, all kinds of spices can also give people a look.

Forget it, eat grilled oysters, it will be cooked, soy sauce and garlic.

Wang Weiru even ate twelve roast oysters in the belly. Of course, he did not know that Zhang Xiaobao’s home banquet was mostly because Zhang Xiaobao had sold it before, plus things he had eaten in other countries, and Wang Hao. In addition, two people can make hundreds of spices, many things that are not used as seasonings, and the two also turn into seasonings, such as red wine, cloves, fish bone meal and so on.

The county magistrate Yan Zheng saw that Wang Wei had let go of eating, and he was very happy. He let the prostitute sing in the pavilion and sing the rain outside, it really has a taste.

"Adults, if you think that this oyster can still enter, you can put on a car when you return to Beijing, raise it with water, and take it with you. It is very convenient."

See Wang Wei staring at the oysters to eat, but also swallowing garlic in a big mouth, Yan Zheng thought that Wang Wei likes to eat oysters, and then give gifts.

"Good, good, good luck, early, good oysters." Wang Wei should, is a big mouth of garlic into the mouth, he does not like to eat garlic, that thing eats more spicy 'heart', he is worried that the food is not clean , with garlic sterilization, he does not intend to die in the local area, to die is also strictly dead.

He understands that since the emperor sent him and Li Bai to come over, he discovered the local situation. The county magistrate is now tossing hard. Now he and Li Bai only want to hear and see the truth and report it to the emperor. The ability to die also, he is even more powerful, can stop the offensive of Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Hao who are now sitting in the capital city?

Wang Wei knows this. There are still many people who don't know. Li Longji can't wait for him to report with Li Bai. If it is changed to the previous words, it is not easy to pass the news. Li Longji is in charge of the big country, and may not be too much. attention.

But now the newsletter is very sealed. It makes it difficult for Li Longji to pay attention to the floods in this place. Whether it is caused by the negligence of officials or inaction, it is necessary to pack up.

After three rounds of wine, Wang Wei drank a little, and narrowed his eyes and asked Yan Zheng: "When the Yan County Order can be clean?"

"Yes, yes, adults, you are..... Going to rest? Oops, adults, come to Hongnong, you can't miss a good thing, the next official takes the adults to see the fun places."

Strictly seeing Wang Wei going to sleep, he quickly advised and made a wink, and with another young woman, he helped the Wang Weichao backyard, and held a large umbrella to cover it.

In order to get more evidence, Wang Wei did not refuse. He followed two courtyards and went to a large courtyard. Before he entered a certain room, Wang Wei heard the words from inside.哗啦' sounds.

This movement is familiar, it is too familiar, from the two kings of Zhang Wang, the mahjong, usually play at home, a few texts at the end, playing little, very interesting game.

Is it difficult to find yourself to gamble? Want to lie to the money on your own? There is no need to lie, most of them are given to Li Bai, and there are only a dozen coins in his body.

Yan Zheng did not know how Wang Wei thought about it, and helped Wang Wei into a room. After crossing the screen, a square table was placed inside, and the table was a crystal clear mahjong.

Wang Wei glanced at it. It was extravagant, ivory, afraid of cheating. The ivory was only half, and there was a layer of purple bamboo behind it. The texture was basically the same and the sanding was smooth.

Inside the house, sandalwood, the rear window is half open, a view of the oblique rain listening, the table is also high and several, a few seasonal fruits, wine in the glass with purple.

The four people sitting at the table were free to touch cards and play cards. There were constant exchanges. From time to time, some people stopped to pick up the wine glasses next to them, and they were very comfortable.

When Yan Zheng came in, the four people had already seen each other, but they did not say hello, but only stayed on Wang Wei for a while.

"Five cakes." One person sitting in the south wind mouth threw a card, not waiting for the next house to draw cards. The opposite person pushed the card and smiled and said: "Thank you, wait for your pie and wait for four rounds. ""

The people in the south of the wind throw the bamboo chips in the front of the little scorpion out of the two, and stand up and say: "Tired, don't play, Yanxian makes you come?"

Yan Zheng also followed the laughter: "Why, I am not lucky, will not lose the money that I will come in in October?"

"Before, I will go and see." The man who was sitting in the south of the wind did not care to shake his head and walked toward a curtain next to it.

"Wang Daren, you come." Yan Zheng smiled and took Wang Wei to the south of the limelight.

Wang Wei’s face was reddish and said: “This... the official has only brought a lot of money with him, and there is no silver. It’s not as good as...”

"It's fine, no matter, adults just play, not money, but goods. They play the goods that can come to my Datang before the end of December this year. Even if they win, they don't say who they are, they have to pay. To be precise, the winner is the opportunity and power to buy goods."

Yan Zheng took out a box from another place next to it and opened it to reveal the bamboo chips inside. Wang Wei looked carefully and saw that there were some hundred pounds of silver, twenty pounds of sulfur, thirty heads of sea cucumber, etc. I have to figure it out, I want to understand it, but I still have some incomprehensible things. I ask: "Since spending money, what is the relationship between winning and not winning?"

"Since it is different, the goods coming from overseas, the price is high or low, the buyer needs to be priced in advance, or buy or sell, high buyers wait for the arrival of goods, the price is low when the price is low, the low sellers wait for the arrival price of the goods Gao is also a loss. After winning this time, the nature that is bought is the lowest price. Does the adult know?"

During the solemn explanation, the chips in the box were all placed in the small drawer in front of Wang Wei, and added: "The adults just play, and if they win the two of us, they lose me, and I won't buy it. ”

Wang Wei is still a bit confused. He can't figure out what it is. Just why it's a mess, it's a messy way, it's an early pricing, and it's a gamble for a minimum price. Isn't it free?

Yeah, seeing and seeing, going back to the emperor Zhang Xiaobao is not above the top ranking of Monopoly, can he clarify.

Wang Wei'an calmed down and sat down, starting to draw cards with other three people, which is a step in the evidence.

Yan Zheng smiled and stood behind Wang Wei’s body and looked at it. He did not say anything. He looked at Wang Wei’s own hand and made another time, and his face smiled even brighter.

Wang Wei can win not the other three to release water, one is that he played really well, will calculate, the other may be related to luck, his mentality is relaxed, anyway, winning or losing has nothing to do with him.

When Yan Xianling was looking happy, he hurried into a servant outside, whispering a few words in his ear, and his stern face changed and he said: "What, they really... really come? Do you know where you are now? Oh, go out and go out and say."

At this time, Yan Zheng remembered that he was still in the house. There were outsiders. The servant who was pulling over went to another room. When he walked, his face was obviously not as good as it was just now. He became pale and pale, and he could barely see the blood.

The same person whose face has changed is Wang Wei. He is no longer as relaxed as before. He only heard two words, ‘Beibei’, but these two words will make some people think about it.

Wang Wei is one of the ideas. The word Beckham is really shocking. Especially the officials who work in the capital know that it represents unscrupulous. It represents a reasonable explanation. It represents the arrest. No one can hold it. The most important thing is that it represents a huge force. It can be turned into a trillions of dollars, or it can be turned into a rolling iron hoof.

Then Wang Wei’s heart could not be calm. He recalled the face when he was just leaving. He thought about the anxiety of the servant’s coming in. A conjecture that shocked him appeared... Beckham came?

"Zhang Xiaobei is coming? Really she is, sure?" Yan Zheng asked Wang Wei's words, the body's cold pores were rooted, and the goose bumps covered the whole body.

"It is certain that the news from our people in Wannian County is that we don't know where she is going. The food at the train station is what she brought. What should I do?"

The servant of the letter was also seriously affected, and the voice trembled.

"How come? How come? Why is she?? Check, give me a check, find out where she is, and let go of the manpower."

Yan Zheng finally could not maintain the calmness of the past.

The servant nodded again and again, using his hand on his neck, said: "Adult, is it right? Ah?"

"Fart, you are when she came alone? I was told to tell me that the officer personally went to see her, she must hold her steady, how can she come over? I have blocked the news, go."

Yan Zhengyi’s posture to be angry and angry, tears are coming out soon.

"This is the warehouse of canned meat? The arrangement is really neat, will I open the fish? Is it all fish head fish squid?"

After taking a shower and changing a dress, Beckham was visiting the various warehouses in the school. The first thing that came to the canned meat was pointed at by a canned fish with a trademark.

The can opener tool was placed next to it, and it was placed a lot. Someone took it and pulled it on the can, and the can was opened to reveal the contents.

Becker made a closer look at the nearest place and nodded. "Well, it’s really a canned fish head, a fat head fish, a part of the fish head, and a lot of meat. It’s done well. It’s all made into fish. In the middle, put a little more food, you can eat it as a fish head hot pot, not to cut corners, and then open a look."

The people next to it opened a canned fish. This time, Xiaobei can see clearly without being too close. "It’s actually canned mackerel. Steam it on the pan and eat it in the steamed bun. Very good, open a Canned chicken."

The canned chicken can be beaten with a hand to "chopsticks."

Someone handed over the chopsticks, and Beckham used the chopsticks to stir it in the can, and made a distinction. He said: "The braised chicken is in the wings, it’s good, the bones are already crisp, and then a braised pork, I see if it’s all inside. The rotten meat of the blood neck?"

Bei’s words were firmly carried out, and the canned pork was also beaten to see the things inside, and then said: “How do businessmen always lie, this is the braised pork, clearly the sweet and sour pork, I thought I would come out?"

"I really can't recognize it." Xiaoyuan thinks that it is a practice to look at everything. He knows that as for the arrangement, what is sweet and sour, he is not clear.

"I don't know how to stand by, well, I will summarize the things about the canned meat store." Xiaobei saw that the cans were all good, very happy. She was very good at speaking. She took Xiaoyuan to the side and started to work. 'report'.

"Under the spirit of the Emperor of the Emperor, under the actual support of merchants everywhere, under the careful supervision of the people of Limin, the canned meat reserves of our school have reached a satisfactory level, which shocked the parties, so..."

"Well, Beckham, I beg you to do something right, the school is still flooded, and the dam repaired by the engineering team is open to people, you still have fun..."

Not waiting for Beckham to finish the speech, Xiaoyuan frowned and interrupted.

"Okay, okay, I won't say it, I am not encouraging morale. Really, the school of the family is not falling, and it is not enough to say two exciting words to go to the next warehouse."

Bei is not angry, walks toward the next warehouse. The next warehouse is wheat and rice. There is no shelling. This kind of food is kept for a long time.

Then I saw several other warehouses in succession. Every warehouse is very satisfying. There are a lot of things inside and good quality, especially a drug warehouse. There are quite a lot of equipment inside. It is very easy to make a little bit of something.

"It seems that the businessman still has a conscience." Beckham found a box of Dashan Pills, pinched a pill and chewed it as a snack, praised the sentence, and asked the master, "Grandpa, you know what the county is." Do you want to plan your home repair dam?"

"Not yet to wash away the entire Hongnong County." The old master said with no anger.

"Yes, in order to rush to the place, why is it? There must always be a reason, is he sick? The disease in his head?" Beckham still does not understand, to get to the bottom.

The old man sighed: "Money, it's all the trouble of money."

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