Great Tang Idyll

Vol 4 Chapter 555: What are your dreams?

"Adult, you want to review the questions?" The examiner first came up to ask.

"I answer, you are Xue... the servant of the Ministry of Rites, oh, think of it, Xue Yu, right." Zhang Xiaobao looked at the examiner, and after thinking about it, he said the other person's name.

The examiner happily nodded with a hurry: "Yes, yes, adults are memorable, do you want to answer all the questions? Is it necessary to extend the time of the imperial examination?"

"No, no problem. After a while, you will find the official of the law enforcement examination. I will answer it to him." Zhang Xiaobao can't want people to be jealous. Because he is one person, extending the examination time of the imperial examination is worse than delaying Qiuqiu for one month. So I immediately took the paper, did not say polite words, stayed with the examiner to eat anything, and said hello to let him leave.

Xue Shilang doesn't think Zhang Xiaobao scorns him. He really wants him to stay and eat. That's a lie. If two people eat, will you stay next to you?

Just in my heart, I have doubts about whether Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Hao can answer all the papers.

Zhang Xiaobao poured hot water into two or two barley wine heads. When it was distilled, the wine that appeared at the beginning was also called shoji wine. The degree was higher, but the degree of barley wine was higher than rice or corn. The first fifty degrees.

"The exam is still drinking? The title is brought, I look." Wang Hao first picked up the cup in front of Zhang Xiaobao, took a sip, and drank a quarter in one bit, half and two.

"I will give you another one, one person or two, refreshing, after drinking the answer, there is a feeling, what? This is called the title of the Mingkee? The fill-in-the-blank question still has to memorize the content, idle, thanks to my back, Thanks to Grandpa, the old man did not teach at first.

See no, this is the math test? This clearly does not make people calculate, but puts the foreword up and pulls out a row of words to make people fill in the blanks.

There is a calculation question, this is left empty, meaning no need to write the problem solving steps, I look at it, road, shakuhachi, brother, two, for the line, brother four feet, brother and brother, a total of Thirty-five, the brothers step by step geometry.

The Ming dynasty in the imperial examination will test this? Long-sighted, meaning that there is a road, eighty feet long, two brothers go, when the brother step out of four feet, the younger brother, is half of the brother, that is, two feet, then the two go together Forty-five steps, ask how many steps each person has taken. ”

Zhang Xiaobao’s reading of the Mingxue’s question is very helpless. It’s too simple. It’s just two equations.

Wang Hao does not need a pen, can directly say the answer, of course, is not awkward, there are steps to solve the problem, set x, y, x + y = 35, 4x + 2y = 80.

"I really should call them Biebei, let alone the college entrance examination. When I have the exam, there are such questions. The children have to die happily. Let me see again. Oh, there is a binary quadratic equation below. It looks like that. Not everyone can count the pi, Xiao Bao, then you know the importance of the system?"

Wang Hao took the paper with his hand, took the pen, brushed it, and then answered the questions written by the Mingkee. Zhang Xiaobao took a look and copied it. Otherwise, it would take some time to calculate the binary quadratic equation. Eat two more dishes.

When two people finished eating and started drinking tea, all the subjects were answered except for one poem and one poem, and other arguments and essay questions were not written.

There is no multiple-choice question, no wrong judgment questions, or fill in the blanks and arguments, arguments, etc. The only answer is the title of Mingfa, which is how to judge the case. The judgment is not fixed, there is some flexibility, all Tang Law, the two have long been back.

After writing Xiao Zhangbao, he said to Wang Wei: "Look, the law is not set for the upper class? If we follow this, ten heads are not enough."

"Do you mean that the law is useless?" Wang Hao asked.

"No, I mean, everyone should hurry to become an upper class, so as to escape the law." Zhang Xiaobao said.

"Some people can override the law. They can only show that the system is not perfect. What is really wrong is not the law. It is that people who have evaded the law, not only do not swear by themselves, but are complacent, do more bad things, and will one day collide. Go to the ghost."

"I am a good person, don't look at me and say, I won't go back today. I will call them Xiaobiao in a while, eat hot pot, sauerkraut pot, chimney, charcoal in the evening, and let them answer questions. Feel the lower imperial examination."

Zhang Xiaobao re-rolled the papers of Jinshike and began to ponder how to write poetry and Fu.

Just thinking about it, someone came to disturb. 【《》》》*

"Zhang Daren, Wang Daren, are you looking for me?" The person asked very politely.

"Oh, are you an examiner who tests the oral exam?" Zhang Xiaobao asked the incoming person.

"Yes, does Zhang Daren feel that there is something wrong with the title?" People are very nervous.

Zhang Xiaobao waved his hand: "No problem, it is nothing too simple."

"Yes, yes, simple."

"You ask." Zhang Xiaobao sat down and said seriously.

“Ask you?” People are surprised.

"Ask me a question, I replied, there is a candidate Wang Hao, ask together." Zhang Xiaobao's attitude is very correct, candidates must have the appearance of candidates, at least now.

When you came, he hesitated: "Zhang Daren, then, then I really asked."

"Ask, let me come and ask me and Wang Hao." Zhang Xiaobao urged.

"Well, thank you, Zhang Daren." The people stood respectfully and then asked, "I really asked, Zhang Daren, that... The reserve rate of Datang Qianzhuang was raised by one percentage point, and the interest rate of deposits in the bank was also raised by one percentage point. Normally, it is to curb consumption. Why, in some cases, there is a tendency for consumption to increase?"

Zhang Xiaobao nodded and replied: "This is mainly due to the reduction in the number of foreign lending in the process of Datang Qianzhuang, and the stricter approval, which has led to the expansion of private lending, thus causing a situation in which local or certain items are accelerated.

In addition, in addition to the material requirements for non-living necessities, those who own and hoard a large amount of other items, in order to cash out, can lend money to a private lending institution that also increases the interest rate of entry and exit, and the profit lost in the judgment of dumped goods is less than the deposit. After the increase in the sub-interests obtained by the private lending institutions, he will ship at a low price, so that the people in the area affected by it will increase the consumption of such materials.

This is a short-term, partial, consumption growth case. If it exceeds the short-term and there is an expansion situation, it can only be explained that when someone speculates in it, the impact is small, I can ignore it. But beyond my psychological bottom line, I will resolutely suppress it. ”

"Thank you, Zhang Daren." People are very happy.

"What else?" Zhang Xiaobao continued to ask.

"Yes, there are, Zhang Daren, when the number of small commodities is less than the amount of taxation, it is not taxed. However, some people deliberately sell large commodities in the form of small components, thus avoiding taxes. What should I do about such a thing?" The person asked another question.

“The tax is levied according to the total quantity of shipments per unit time, and the fixed tax on asset growth is levied. It is also strictly reviewed. The operation and tax return items must meet the actual entry items in the course of the sale and purchase.

If they are the same, they will conduct regular audits on the accounts. If they are different, they should be given punitive measures in addition to the difference in tax payable. For the first time, the number of fines should not be too large, mainly warnings, such as Recidivism, increase punishment. Zhang Xiaobao answered again.

"Thank you, Zhang Daren, and..."

"Wait." Wang Hao opened his mouth and stared at the people. He asked in confusion: "This year's Mingkee oral examination has already begun this test?"

"No, the students want to test them, but they don't understand. Zhang Daren and you went to Hongnong. The class taught by Zhang Dazhong in the capital stopped. The students had to read the books themselves. Zhang Daren was not busy. , give students a chance to ask questions?"

The person’s expression of awkward expression seems to be wondering what Wang Hao’s oral examinations do.

Looking at the situation, the examiner told him not to tell him the specific things.

Wang Wei looked at Zhang Xiaobao and smiled. Zhang Xiaobao reacted. He said to the people with a smile: ", okay, after finishing the test, I will resume class. You will write down your questions and pay after class. Give me, there are other people's questions, I will concentrate on them and answer them together.

Let me not say this now. You ask me about the oral test of the Mingkee Division. I and Wang Hao have to pass the exam of the Mingkee, and they can start. ”

Wang Hao also sat down and waited.

The people smiled and smiled: "Zhang Daren, you can be difficult for students. How can students dare to ask you such a small question? Don't tease the students to play well. You want to test the computer. The students now tell you that you and Wang Daren has passed, if you want to ask the students, that is the students. u point"

"Hey~ Well, you are busy with your go, I am answering the questions of Shike." Zhang Xiaobao waved his hand and said goodbye to the people.

The people came to a ceremony: "Two adults, busy, students retire."

After the end, I really retired and left.

The candidates on both sides of Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Wei just put their ears on the wooden board and listened to the questions asked by people. They all looked blank and listened to Zhang Xiaobao’s answer. Oh, it should be said that it was a solution, and the heart was shocked first, then changed. Inferiority.

Look at the people, take the exams of the Ming dynasty, and the examiner who came to the oral exam can only ask for advice, but dare not ask questions related to the Ming dynasty.

Wang Hao looked at the person leaving and snorted.

"No wonder the person in charge of the exam has arranged a clerk's assistant, who really arranges a book order, or the head of each department. They will not control your test at all, and will be pestering you to ask questions.

Just now, I was scared. I thought that the test of Datang Ming’s mathematics was already so powerful. In this way, when they grow up, they can’t ask, the import and export trade of Datang In the process, the tax rebate and differential subsidies for export commodities, as well as the issue of punitive tariffs on anti-dumping measures in the process of price protection of own goods?

When you answer the second question, I will respond. You are stupid and wait for others to continue to ask. Why don’t you think about it, is it the question that candidates should touch now? ”

"Where do I know, I thought it was like this, and the problem is not difficult. Is there a difference between one plus one and one plus two?" Zhang Xiaobao spread his hands.

"Oh, really powerful, would you add one to one and one plus two? Is the even number can be expressed as the sum of the product of a prime number and the product of b prime numbers?" Wang Hao raised the bar.

"What is that?" Zhang Xiaobao was confused.

"The prime number, a long time ago, there was a person, he called ... Goldbach, he said..."

"Answer, answer, don't say anything that has nothing to do with the exam, don't bother me, I want to write poetry." Zhang Xiaobao sent Wang Hao back, packed up and packed things, and pulled the board back into a good candidate who understood the rules.

Zhang Xiaobao knows what Wang Hao said. It is not an area that he should contact. If he encounters such things, he should do it in accordance with the principle of thirty-six. One, retreat, and the second is to go.

This field is easy to kill people without burial, especially the one surnamed Chen, he is not a human being, it is a star-like existence.

Zhang Xiaobao is most afraid of the kind of person named Chen, because history can not be annihilated, just listen to the name of others, you can feel your own small, you can face Li Longji, but do not dare to have a slightest in a certain part of the mind亵渎念念.

‘There are always some people who can’t take the currency to measure. The road is very good, very, I know, I am good, I am awesome. Answer the question. ’

Zhang Xiaobao thought about it in his heart and raised his pen to prepare for the examination of the scholarship.

He doesn't really want to write songs because there are so many songs and quatrains, and there are only four sentences in quatrains. Although the poems are only eight sentences, although the requirements for writing close-up poems are stricter.

The topic is very simple, the content is not difficult to understand, Zhang Xiaobao wanted to write a few times before, but did not know how to write, just now Wang Hao said the next plus one, one plus two, reminded him of some people, now I think it seems to be good to write .

So, Zhang Xiaobao took a deep breath and dropped the pen.

"Why is the road, worship the official body, return to the province in the winter, the snow is pure; find the way, keep the good, the four seasons, the people's days"

This road is not mysterious in the distant emperor, unknown to stay in the warehouse.

Looking up at the blue sky, looking back at the thick soil full of Yao Xiang.

The ants are still looking for spring to warm, how can the monks avoid the cold in autumn?

The brocade is home to the old and the oldest.

In the same town, the oven is filled, and the winter vegetables are picked up.

Deeply hidden in the cold, the hand is cracked, and the fire is bright and moist.

I said that the dishes were busy with chopsticks.

The cucumber is crisp and fresh, and the child is laughing and laughing.

During the meeting, I asked the deceased to go to the people.

Tanaka is often produced in the four seasons.

The turbid wine is drunk, and the spoon is scooped.

Wei Wei refers to the old Feng, and proposes to cultivate the soil.

What is the choice of Shanzhen Wanxiang? The fried stew is a mushroom.

Tremella also needs to be cultivated, but purple mushrooms can be basketed together.

The owner surprises and encourages drinking, and the returning customers forget to worry.

In Sanshui County or in the whole species? And it is all around the world.

There was a loud noise outside the door, and the window was pushed to bear the cold bell.

After Zhang Wangzhuang’s house was threatened, Ge Li’s foreigners were competing for this.

First, send the white chicken to the tender, and the second is the brown smoked animal head.

Busy and waved, thank you, and asked the capital.

Inform the capital and the county, the same as the roadside Yangliusong.

The Yellow River is divided into sections, and the water is clear and turbid.

Thousands of texts are easy to buy and drive the tiger sticks.

My sister Belle raised a gift, and the fireworks were strong.

Young children ask sisters to return to geometry, and they are short of the moon.

Invited to shed the wet hands, take the bowl and add arsenic to the boots.

When you get to the chicken, you should wake up and drink.

Then I went to the henhouse and went to school.

The school window is bright and the table and chairs are in the same place.

However, there is a meal between meals, and there is no stranger to read.

The broth of the broth is sandwiched with abalone and a large 馄饨 stuffing.

Suddenly patted the shoulders as the old man, laughing and boasting the three waters.

Keep in mind that modesty also laughs back, and some small things are not enough.

He shook his head and praised it, and he swayed his hand.

Nahan counts as a dish, is it difficult to detoxify the soup?

The old man told me that there was no such thing as this.

What is the softness of what to say? Good hanging house to spoon spoon.

The old man held a fist to apologize, and I turned back and thought.

The name of the nine songs into the river is a few, and the name of the valley is a pool.

Your county child eats thousands of dishes, and the snow is thick and cold.

The winged abalone head is crowned and the Luzhou is transported far away.

Huaiyuan smashed the water and solidified, and the sand screamed and screamed.

Why is the deer flying dog not used? Goshawk sledding squat?

The authority of the official authority always forgets the small, once recalled the original ambition?

I heard his words and shocks. This year, the Tang Dynasty is more sunny.

The court will slap him, and the inner court is like this.

The disasters in various places are always moving, and Changping is short of replenishment.

I rummaged through in Beijing, I am sure that it is not a monk?

I want to open my eyes and say that I am steadfast.

I rushed to the quality of the state, and slowly responded to the county.

One said that Changping had less grain, and the store paid taxes.

Thousands of words are in the meantime, and it is difficult to blame officials for blaming the natural disasters.

I angered my sin and excused me.

The entire squad quickly smashed the corpse, and slashed the knife and cut the meal.

The cramps are broken and the whole name is destroyed.

In order to kill greed, I will still be alive when I look back.

Blinking and waking up to the bed, the eyebrows are hidden and drunk.

Shouting and venting anger, and then waking up to the exam room.

Xiaqi sunset is speechless, and the charcoal star has a voice.

Suddenly, the eagle called the new moon, and the water cloud was red.

Raising your hand and shaking your fun is actually looking for a top spin.

Animals can make a sense of spirituality, and knowing how to use strength to win an official.

Full of masculine glory and purple, it is said that it is awesome.

Self-sighing to find the people for the sky, dreams have a dream.

"Come down, come down, don't stop." Zhang Xiaobao threw the pen and called out with open arms.

The water cloud and the widow's red dragonfly, the one after the other really came down, the wind brought by the wings, so that the sergeant wants to stand unstable.

"Standing on the table, don't mess, my brother wrote the first thousand words of songs and almost didn't get tired, can't be ruined, or my brother will go to your house every day to cry, what? What's the matter at home? No matter the child Already?"

Zhang Xiaobao patted the table and spoke to the couple.

The water cloud and the red dragonfly really jumped onto the table and curiously looked around.

Wang Hao opened the board and looked at Zhang Xiaobao in amazement. He looked at the paper and asked, "Is it really more than a thousand words?"

"The punctuation point, anyway, more than the white word." Zhang Xiaobao patted the paper.

Wang Hao thought about it, only to know who Zhang Xiaobao said, Bai Juyi, wrote "The Song of Everlasting Sorrow", and immediately grinned: "Can you compare with him? People still have quality."

"I still have speed. Give me two days. I write better than him. He writes this stuff when he is idle. I have nothing to do when I am idle. Do not believe you see Xiao Li, how long? Wrote, the household department is responsible for that little thing, he is tired of his tired hands.

I decided to work hard to live for dozens, hundreds of years, waiting for Xiaobai, he just grew up, I will arrange things for him, I let him write poetry? Write a report and review every day. ”

Zhang Xiaobao said viciously, opened his mouth and smiled.

Wang Hao is also happy: "There is no loss to get you into the Spring and Autumn Period, otherwise the Analects will be gone. What is the water cloud and the red dragonfly?"

"Where do I know, I see them flying in the sky, they will come down when they wave their hands, their eyes are quite sharp, I let people go to the lake to see, don't go wrong."

Zhang Xiaobao wants to order the sergeant to squat.

Still waiting for him to find a sergeant, he rushed into a person outside, but Luo Bin, rushed to Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Hao, to see the water cloud and the red dragonfly, said:

"Zhang Daren, Wang Daren, the children are all out, Shuiyun adults have just fed, Zhang Yingzhang said that the children are sleeping now, let the small ones report a hi with you, never thought, Shuiyun adults came in person. ""

"Oh ~? Eleven safe?" Zhang Xiaobao asked happily.

"Peace, that is a powerful, eyes have not opened, you can open your mouth to eat bugs." Luo Bin continued to report.

Zhang Xiaobao agrees: "It's amazing, it's really amazing. In fact, when we were young, we would take the initiative to eat milk with our eyes closed. We are very good together."

"Yes, yes, Zhang Daren said." Luo Bin followed the appendage and suddenly saw another room. Some candidates went out to see the excitement and quickly said: "Since Zhang Daren and Wang Daren know, small Go back, look at it, or you will lose your head."

"Well, when I finish the test, I will thank you." Zhang Xiaobao waved his hand and said goodbye to Luo Bin.

Zhang Xiaobao turned his head and looked at the two men in the Shuiyun couple. He thought for a moment and said: "When I have finished the work of the imperial examination, I will return to Sanshui County first. In Beijing, I really don't worry, people are mixed, my mind is thinking. There are also differences, and Sanshui County is a field of paralysis.

Who has the ability to infiltrate the forces into Sanshui County, to come to the outside world, to harm your child, he is better to deal with the palace, the difficulty is almost the same. ”

Shui Yun looked at the red dragonfly and nodded to Zhang Xiaobao.

"Well, you will go back first, take good care of your children, wait for me to finish the exam, and go see you right away." Zhang Xiaobao said, lifted the table up, sent it up, Shuiyun and Hung Hom took off, hovering two Zhou, go in the direction of the lake.

When the two hawks left, Wang Hao curiously went to get the paper: "I see what you wrote?"

"Dream, I have a dream, oh, two." . . . 2k novel reading network

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