Great Tang Idyll

Vol 4 Chapter 590: I will look for you at the last minute.

Li Longji and the generals saw that the formation of the "Changsheng" pair on the field first broke into the heart, and then they discovered the beauty. Everyone knows the marching array and can see the situation.

Of course, for Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Hao, the other party knows one or two.

Zhang Xiaobao doesn't want to pose in a four-and-a-half-one formation. He really wants to put in three or three, so neither the defensive nor the offensive players can meet the requirements.

Therefore, you can only choose a formation that is strengthened by the midfield and the defender. When you change, you will win. Especially at the beginning, the midfield must withstand the pressure.

He estimated that Li Longji could put up a 501 formation, balance between offense and defense. I didn't expect the situation on the court to be like this, a little regret.

I knew that it would be better to put two defenders in the middle of the three guards. The three forwards are the same as the two defenders.

However, Wang Hao feels okay, at least the midfielder can support at any time. If the sixth is good, the two defenders add a goalkeeper and want to stop him. It is too difficult. Zhang Xiaobao teaches the extraordinary action. Any one of the six is ​​perfectly mastered. It’s too easy to score goals.

The only worry for Wang Hao is Zhang Xiaobao’s nephew, because Zhang Xiaobao said that he wants to really explain a game.

The so-called real commentary is not a solution, that is, two people in the vernacular, a bunch of messy things in the vernacular, showing how profound their own learning, showing how much understanding and understanding of football.

No, it’s the way that you can feel the situation on the court by listening to the commentator. It’s an old-fashioned way. There was no TV at the time, only the extent of the radio.

But that is the real commentary, which can mobilize the emotions of the audience, rather than forcing the person watching the ball to turn off the sound.

"My brother will be very tired?" Beckham is also very worried.

"Yes, but absolutely wonderful, your brother is pursuing perfection. He will never keep up with the commentary. Then he will talk about how his grandfather is, and will not go to the obvious and wrong argument, and then discover the facts. After he was different from what he said, he changed his mouth shamelessly." Wang Hao said in his heart the countless nonsense that the previous commentator said during the game, talking to Xiaobei.

Sure enough, Zhang Xiaobao began to express himself in the most essential way of explanation. The speed of speech is very fast, but it is very clear.

"The Changsheng team kicked off the ball. The No. 5 standing in the middle circle directly passed the ball to the opposite No. 9 and the No. 9 ball, straight plug, a straight plug, through the other four people to the foot of the sixth. On the 6th, the ball broke forward and broke through. On the 6th, the last four of the opponents of the eight forwards were broken. The dribble attacked, the sixth was attacking, the other eight forwards were turning back and chasing, the other defender No. 11 Already ushered in, as the defender on the 12th is still hesitating, on the 11th approached, on the 6th, 6th made a left-handed fake action, the 11th guard rushed to his own right.

Six hao took the ball and took the opportunity to sway from the left side of the eleventh. The other defender started on the 12th, tackled the ball, and slammed the ball. He actually fell to the ground and slammed the ball. The sixth jumped up and the two feet were sandwiched. The ball jumped up and hid, is this the legendary 蛤蟆 skipping the human law? Pretty, the number six has been facing the side goalkeeper.

The goalkeeper attacked, fluttered, and rushed to the 6th, 6th to the right, kicked the ball, shot from the goal 20 meters or so, the ball went straight to the top right corner of the goal, the external rotation, the absolute external rotation , the ball ... entered, the ball entered, the single-handed breakthrough on the 6th, through the other four forwards, two defenders, face the goalkeeper successfully scored, scored ~ ~ ~! ”

With Zhang Xiaobao's quick and passionate commentary, the audience stood up and cheered.

Li Longji also stood up, holding his fist and waving hard, waving for the personal skills of Changsheng’s No. 6 and waving for Zhang Xiaobao’s commentary.

At this moment, he finally felt the charm of the cockroach. This is the style of the first class of the enemy in the battlefield. The gorgeous action of the sixth breakthrough, people can not suppress the embarrassment of the heart.

After the fist was finished, Li Longji reacted. It was the other party’s goal. It was not one of his own. He had to sit back again and said to the high-powered person who stood up and did not return to the gods: “Lishi, the first ball was lost. Sit down, you know that your son is awesome, and that you are not a real wife who has already passed the door. You don’t have to stand in the wind."

Gao Lishi was really excited. When the Changsheng team made a four-and-a-half formation, he began to get excited. When ten people came out in front of the station, they gave a pleasing feeling.

Waiting to see the strong breakthrough on the 6th and the passionate explanation of his own son, when the ball enters, the hate can not rush to the side of the son, so hard to kiss, so beautiful, according to Beckham's words is too handsome It is.

This is his own son and daughter-in-law, who can't do anything with both swords. You can play so wonderfully with both of you. If two of them are really moving, it is really invincible and invincible.

It is a kind of feeling that people never doubt, that is kind of... His Majesty seems to lose.

Gao Lux discovered a very important problem and re-sit back to Li Longji's starting position. He said insincerely: "Fortunately, your majesty, they are lucky."

"Don't care, if you are lucky, it's all about it. It's a manifestation of ability. Look at the re-opening, our GM team kicks off."

When Li Longji spoke, his eyes fixed on the sixth of the Changsheng team. How could he run so fast? Why did the ball kicked out when he shot the shot with a bend? How do you keep the goalkeeper?

Zhang Xiaobao is very responsible, and does not have any tendency to think, objective explanation, when the other side of the team will kick off the ball is still passionate.

"Now let us go back to the midfield, kicked off by the team that lost a goal. Our eight forwards of the Wanjian team have already stood in the position, watching the momentum, faintly forming a winning team for the advanced one. Kind of oppression.

Kick-off, the general team's 21st foot, the ball was passed to the team's fifteenth, the fifteenth offensive with the ball, the other midfielder intercepted on the 1st, the first is the captain, the fifteenth big foot Before kicking, the ball passed through the opponent's number one, and on the fifteenth, he rushed to catch up, but he was caught by the opponent's defender on the 20th.

On the 20th, the ball attacked and attacked from the backcourt. The eight forwards of the Wan Jiang team rushed up. On the fifteenth, he was closest to the other. He had to contact the opponent’s number twenty, and the other’s key moment of the twentyth. Back to the goalkeeper, the goalkeeper did not stop the ball, kicked the ball, the ball flew to the left side of the Changsheng team midfield.

The left midfielder is the 14th of the Changsheng team. On the 14th, he stopped the ball. Does he want to play with the ball?

No, he didn't. He immediately passed it to the front number six, because there was no defense on the sixth side, and the ball passed the back point.

On the 6th, he did not jump up and tried to catch the ball with his head. Instead, he turned and accelerated. On the 6th, he was still accelerating. The ball flew in front of him and immediately reached the opponent's restricted area. The other party came out with the 12th guard and the 12th again. I made an action to shovel the ball on the ground. What should I do on the 6th? What should he do?

Oh, he lifted his foot to catch the ball, the ball stopped. He actually stopped the ball with a left-footed inner buckle. It was beautiful. The other side’s 12th slipped over and slipped away. He just ran. Too fast, can't stop wow.

On the 11th, the first guard who came out first rushed out of the eleventh. What did he do? He actually lifted his leg to kick the head of the Changsheng team on the 6th. He bowed his head on the 6th and continued to take the ball forward. Once again facing the goalkeeper, single-handed, single-pole ball has become.

The sixth shot, the top left corner, oh ~! False action, he took back his foot, the goalkeeper fell to the ground, and the sixth step forward and stepped forward, adjusted, yes, he was adjusting, pushing the inside of the right foot, the ball went in, the ball went in again, the Changsheng team's striker six The number scored again.

Hello viewers, now the game is a game of Datang’s patrols that led Zhang Xiaobei’s nine-member Changsheng football team and Datang’s generals’ Wan’s football team. The current situation is that the opening is not enough. For a quarter of an hour, the Changsheng team led by two to zero, temporarily leading, and his team scored two goals in the sixth. ”

After Zhang Xiaobao finished, he wiped a sweat.

The audience cheered still, and accompanied by the applause movements that had been learned with Zhang Wang before, the applause began, and countless girls shouted on the sixth.

At this moment, the team that won and won each other in the last half of the month and the Changsheng team also understood that people did not play with them at all. The powerful people played on the scene today, and the formations were put on. This is the constant victory. The true strength of the team.

The generals’ eyes were straight and they were in a mess. When the opponent attacked, he said that how many times did he attack the other side’s goal?

When many people were happy, Beckham didn't do it. He stood up and screamed at Li Longji. He screamed and asked, "Imperial uncle, I ask, is it a fight or a kick? If you say snoring, I will immediately Substitution, I am a person who has changed to the nursery team. If you want to play, you change, and change the number 11 on your side. I don’t count your substitutions. If you don’t have the skills, don’t kick, let the bad. Hey? Who isn’t it? Why do you want to play in the dead? If you do, don’t you, don’t play.”

Li Longji was red-faced by Beckham's words. He also saw his own defender's action on the 11th.

It’s too shameful. If the ball is flying in the sky, you can lift your legs and kick. The problem is that when the ball is on the 6th, the ball is below. If you kick the ball, can you afford to lose it?

"Stop." Li Longji couldn't stand the eyes of Beckham, and he couldn't convince his heart. He shouted and someone immediately stopped using Mike.

Li Longji reached for the microphone: "Wan Wan team will roll down on the 11th and replay the twenty whip. Afterwards, you will not be allowed to touch it. If you change someone else, you can technically foul, you can accidentally meet people, but you don't want you. Touch the moral bottom line."

The Wan Wan team on the field went down on the 11th, not to roll it down, but to drag it down because his legs were already soft.

The twenty whips that the emperor personally said, do not have to be killed to go to a layer of skin.

The generals are equally ugly, losing the ball is not afraid, afraid of losing the momentum, the 11th violated the rules, so Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Hao how to treat themselves and others? If Zhang Xiaobao explained that he added "The players of the Wan Jiang team are carefully selected by the generals", then they and others are still alive?

Fortunately, the commentator Zhang Xiaobao is very professional and moral, and did not bury the person, but took a sip of water and explained: "The 11th team of the generals was violated the professional ethics of the game and was rushed down and personally replaced. It’s a substitute player on the 13th, a very young man. At this time, let me explain why the referee didn’t whistle. This is because the attacking party has escaped. The situation is good for the offensive side. The whistle will sound."

When Zhang Xiaobao explained, Beckham ran into the field with his legs, and wanted to find someone to talk to. The result was driven out by the referee and ran back to Li Longji. He grabbed the microphone and said, "I am Zhang Xiaobei, just now that is An accident, there is no bias, so the players of the team, do not have the burden, kick your normal, the leg will be out when the leg, thank you, the referee did not take me off the court, thank you."

The audience applauded again for Beckham.

"People friends, players on the field, I heard the voice of my sister just now. She is still so cute and sensible. Just like she said, let us not have any psychological burden to play, midfielder kick-off.

The Wanshui team is still on the 15th with a ball in the same way. Similarly, the other side came up to fight, and on the 15th this time, there was no kicking forward. Instead, he used the heel to return the ball to his team. He was alone.

Wan Wan team passed the ball on the 15th and went to the left side of the attacking side. He wanted to play the side road. The other six people rushed toward him along with the side road.

Changsheng team's midfielder back to chase, the right side of the midfielder No. 4 has been in place, kicked the ball, the 9th swayed past, Changsheng team right back to meet, the central defender bu.

Wan Wan team suddenly accelerated, the right foot was swayed, and the road was cleanly and fluently, and got rid of the two midfielders of the winning team. He was still taking the ball and passing the ball. He made a foothold. Long pass, oh, the ball flew to the goal of Changsheng, where there is a No. 15 forward.

On the fifteenth, the striker received the ball. He got the ball. The referee’s whistle rang. Oh, the flag was raised, and the team’s fifteenth was offside. He ran ahead of the Changsheng team’s defender ten steps away. The place, then received the pass. ”

Zhang Xiaobao’s voice is as passionate and tense as ever.

The audience cheered and some sighed. The generals were frustrated and thought they could score a goal. The result was offside. No wonder the 15th on their own side took the ball so easily. The defender of the other side was too bad. Are you running forward?

Li Longji frowned and said: "I thought about it, hey, this is the art of war. It’s just too easy to play. I forgot all, good soldiers, like the 6th, with a good formation, the attack is very strong. Ah, is it Lux, Lux? Lux, or you are sitting on the other side, who are you?"

Gao Lishi is in the middle of excitement. Wan Wan’s team has a chance to get offside. It’s really too happy. When you hear the emperor’s words, once again, you should be able to express your feelings, because the formation is your majesty and the general. They figured out that they had to lean on their knees.

"Your Majesty, Chen is with you, just too excited, I thought that I can score on the 15th. When you say it, Chen remembers that he is offside, oh~! It’s a pity."

Li Longji believes that he is just blaming. Just talking, Zhang Xiaobao’s voice is ringing again: “The Changsheng team serves the ball. The central defender has a long pass and goes straight to his own left midfield. Most of the Wan’s team are still on the right. Position, they took out the speed of a hundred meters sprint and flew to the left.

The ball came to the foot of the Changsheng team's left midfielder 14 in advance. He didn't pass the ball directly this time. He took the ball forward and glanced at the sixth. He ran diagonally toward the middle, and the Changsheng team just returned to the right. Midfielder 4 also accelerated forward.

The three people ran to the other side with the left, the middle, and the right. There was no player behind them. There were only two defenders and one goalkeeper in front.

The No. 1 captain of the Changsheng team’s mid-waist position also rushed up, and the central defender made up one of the midfielders. From the time of the defensive 421 to the attack, the whole line was pressed three-three-three, and the Changsheng team completed the battle in an instant. Shape conversion.

Wan Jiang’s two guards seem to have a tacit understanding. On the 12th, they went out to stop the No. 14 with the ball forward. The new 13th is to meet the Changsheng team striker No. 6.

On the 12th, the pass was on the 14th, and the foot passed the long pass. The ball flew to the top of the 6th. On the 6th, he was going to jump and catch the ball. No, he suddenly borrowed the force and blocked it. On the thirteenth side of the defender, the ball passed, and the ball flew to the left side of the team with an arc.

Here is the No. 4 of the Changsheng team. He is still a short distance from the ball's landing point. He roared his upper body and swayed, speeded up, and caught up. He didn't stop the ball, he directly slammed the ball and the ball swung. Wan will fly the ball to the goal.

No, it’s flying towards the 6th. On the 6th, I just finished an anti-offside. The 13th team is trying to compete with the No. 6 position. On the 6th, I jumped to the top and he got to the top. The ball is facing... Flying in the direction of the Changsheng team, oh, the number one on the middle waist, the sixth is passed to the number one.

On the 1st chest, stop the ball, take the ball forward, and get rid of the opponent's defender on the 6th, run horizontally, keep not offside. The defender will go to find the No. 1 ball on the 13th, pass the ball on the 1st, the ball will run to the middle. At the foot of the 4th, the 4th shot, the goalkeeper threw out, the header on the 6th shot, he fell, the ball was hugged by the goalkeeper.

The whistle of the goal sounded, the ball entered, the goalkeeper of the Wanjian team was very persistent, holding the ball firmly in the goal, the Changsheng team is now leading the team with three to zero.

The Wan team once again kicked the ball. The ball was suddenly intercepted by the Changsheng team on the 1st. The front was on the 6th and the 6th was catching the ball. He kicked off. He... He kicked the ball outside the border.

Oh, I saw, a member of the team, fell to the ground on the twenty-sixth, and fell to the ground with his legs. The sixth team of the Changsheng team saw the gesturing on the side of the field before kicking the ball outside the border. He After giving up an attack, the doctors at the Deyi Hospital, which was always ready at the side of the field, entered the field. ”

When Zhang Xiaobao said this, the voice seemed to be relatively low. After all, someone was injured and not suitable for being too passionate.

"The doctors gestured and said that there is no big problem. It will not affect the continued play on the 26th. Wait a moment, wait until the twenty-sixth to carry it out. After the change, the game will continue."

When the audience saw no major problems, they shouted again, "Changsheng, No. 6, Changsheng, No. 6."

The generals know that the audience is not saying that the sixth is good, but that the team wins, the game can be kept, but after receiving the gesture from the side of the field, the sixth does not hesitate to put a should Have the opportunity to kick in the ball.

Compared with the first Wan Jiang team No. 11, it can be described as a world of difference, the general style, but the sixth is the king of the stadium at this moment, the Changsheng team is naturally the master of the king.

The generals were almost suffocated by this invisible gas field.

Xiaobei holds Wang Hao’s arm: "Sister, we will definitely win, the players are very powerful. When the game is over, I decided to double the bonus, okay?"

"Good." Wang Hao nodded. She had to admit that she couldn't pick anything wrong, not because of victory, but because of the team's cooperation, as well as the breakthrough on the 6th and the assists on both sides.

Just over half a month, even if the original players are a bit of a foundation, personal skills have broken through, not unusual, the main thing is their formation transformation.

No one has just commanded them. They can give people a very common feeling. They have turned the four-five-one formation into three three-three. From a far perspective, it is very simple. It is just a running position.

However, it can be judged so accurately from the field, and such a tacit understanding can only explain one point.

In addition to sleeping, eating, exercising, and training, the team spent all other time on the evolution of the research formation.

Wang Hao can even imagine the scene at that time. It must be that the main team and the substitute team gathered together and kept pushing, and then on the court than painting, how much effort is needed to make them perform so naturally on the court?

Wang Wei admitted that when the left midfielder made a ball into the left wing, the fourth on the right also followed up immediately. She felt that she was not watching the game in Datang.

The first captain of the middle waist was also plugged in. When the central defender made up the position, she felt that this was an international football match. It was too sharp and too smooth.

She believes that even if the opponents at that time are not vacant in the midfield and defenders, their team will still play the necessary cooperation.

That kind of awareness is not good to cultivate, more than half a month, is it that they sleep and dream?

Such a team member, let alone win, even if zero or one hundred loses, it must be rewarded, and the spirit is sometimes more important than victory.

Li Longji, who was on the stage, was also very speechless. He was depressed for a little while, and said to Gao Lishi: "Li Shi, this time admitted, the team led by Xiao Bao and Yu is definitely not bad, no matter the army. Or the economic team, the industrial team, the agricultural team, and so on, even if they have their presence, they must be stronger than others? Admit it?"

"Acknowledge, admit, your Ma said that it is too right." Gao Lishi is depressed, who said not to admit it? That is my son and daughter-in-law. You are more than one, not me. When Xiaobao was very young, I admitted, or can I recognize him as a son? That is smarter, more awkward, and more sensible than Beckham and others. Why do you always push the mistakes to me?

"Admit it, but even if we admit it, we can't weaken our morale. You have to continue to hold the position with the generals. Hey... look at Beckham, they are not happy, and the 11th is too much.朕 Talk to them and talk, don't worry about your safety."

Li Longji spoke and got up and walked to Xiaobei and others. He followed several guards and his eyes widened.

Gao Lishi can not tell, look at the emperor to go far, sigh, quietly mutter: "The minister certainly does not worry, the defense there is only weaker than this side, you will say that you go to the victory team is not If you have to, why bother to say what to persuade Xiaobei. Xiaobei, they still use others to persuade? People have brothers and sisters, people themselves will not persuade? Could it be to ask for the number six? That is to ask for far, six The number is not trained by Xiao Bao."

The game in the field is still going on. The Wan Jiang team was beaten by the Changsheng team and did not say anything about it. Even the parry was not done, and the one that was beaten was miserable.

The Wan Wan team’s people simply do not break the line of the Changsheng team’s defense. People are not only standing well, but their personal skills are not bad. They can always play tricks and only say that the defenders are going back and forth when they are attacked. Let the people of the Wan team be uncomfortable.

Because retreat does not mean losing, it can also be retreat.

When the team did not know how important the position was, people had already started to move and replenish.

Starting from the midfield, it is clearly nine people. Why do you have a feeling of facing the Great Wall? When people attack, they must be pressed across the board.

The most important thing is that the second half begins. The physical strength of Wan Jiang is obviously relatively large, and it is all transferred by the Changsheng team.

Seeing the Changsheng team's left ball and the right ball into the door, the generals did not have the slightest way. What they admire most is that the defender of Changsheng can assist, but never a defender will ask for a goal score and the assist will be returned. Don't fight for the glory of the goal at all.

But the generals understand that on the battlefield, it is glory to keep your position.

Of course, they also believe that if that is called, oh, the midfielder and the striker can't score, then the defender and even the goalkeeper can press the fight once and let the team score.

Just like the original Yizhou logistics battalion, this is a logistics team. In the case of losing ahead, it can only go deep into the enemy and complete the task of the striker.

Looking at it, thinking, the generals couldn’t calm down, and they discussed it. The guerrilla general Zhao Hanzhang stood up and came to Zhang Xiaobao’s side. He smiled at Zhang Xiaobao first, then grabbed the microphone and said: “You may not know, always win. The real command of the team is Zhang Xiaobao. Do you want to see Zhang Xiaobao kicking a kick? The general is willing to accompany him."

As a result, it goes without saying that the audience’s “thinking” voice is carried out.

Zhang Xiaobao was a glimpse first, then smiled and asked indifferently: "General Zhao, do you really want me to end?"

Zhao Hanzhang’s heart suddenly burst into a sigh of relief. “Yes, I am with you.”

"That's good, ma'am, come over and help explain, I went to the court and kicked a kick with General Zhao." Zhang Xiaobao waved at Wang Hao.

Wang Hao smiled and walked over, took over the position, and when Zhao Hanzhang and Zhang Xiaobao walked on the field, they advised: "Xiaobao, just enough, has already entered eleven balls, controlled within thirty, OK."

Zhang Xiaobao waved his hand backwards. He changed a midfielder on the court and raised his hand. He painted two times. The team that won the game quickly changed. From 451 to 442, Zhang Xiaobao did not stand at the striker. position.

In addition to the original No. 6, the striker also had the number one on the top. He handed the captain's armband to Zhang Xiaobao, and Zhang Xiaobao was in the middle.

Wang Hao looked at Zhang Xiaobao's position and began to mourn for each other.

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