Great Tang Idyll

Vol 4 Chapter 606: All the people are in danger

The six hundred and sixty-sixth chapter of the whole people are in danger

The commander went to the central sand table and discussed it for a while before he ran back. He held a few pieces of paper in his hand and put it on a sand table in front of Wang Yi.

"Wang Daren, the referee group asked you to explain, how many people are left in your camp? Why?" The commander asked Wang Yi. [Search for the latest updates at all]

The sand table in front of Wang Yi is 14 fire points. Now there are several flame models around the model representing his team. He will see more clearly.

Listening to the commander and answering, answer: "I have the fire of my own, can I not find a good place to hide? The sand table is an intuitive model, but the terrain we use is based on military maps. There are military maps here. The cave is here, you let the referee see the map."

When Wang Yi spoke, he took his map and let the commander look at it. He said: "Most of us are hiding in the cave. We have already deployed it before the burning of the mountain. As for how the referee judges the death toll, It’s their thing, the map shows that there are not only caves but also waterholes.”

The commander nodded again and ran out again.

Wang Yi sat in the position, his hand touched on the model representing the flame, and said to himself: "Whoever can tell me about the situation outside, I really want to have a radio station, and my camp will still cooperate with the main force. The troops played the most gorgeous battles. Well, the little lady said that the most powerful commander could play the swan song of the warrior with the absolute silence of the electrons."

"Pass me to order, concealed forward, sizzling in the sea, and heading towards Hangzhou Port." Wang Yi gritted his orders without knowing the movement of the two sides.

Wang Hao was also watching the sand table. At this time, her model of the Chinese army had already arrived near Huangshan. She frowned and thought about things motionless.

Li Longji and his party were still in her house. After coming, Li Longji didn't want to leave. Several documents were sent and all were handed over to Gao Lishi for approval.

According to his words, "Small things can't be used, big things, you find your son and daughter-in-law to discuss."

Zhang Xiaobao is no longer in charge of his sister's affairs. The kind of problem involving a departmental system cannot be solved casually.

As for the younger brothers and sisters to implement the plan in the old Liushu Village, let them do it, do it well, sum up the experience and see if they can move in other places.

If you don't do well, you will lose some money. This little money, the younger siblings usually eat less abalone, and eating a bowl of shark fins is enough.

At this moment, Zhang Xiaobao's eyes are fixed on the east of Jiangnan, this place in Fuyang County. This is a good place. Surrounded by mountains, the mountains are not high but connected, the water is not much, and the development of tourism is good.

But at this moment, there is a lack of ease in this place. It is more than unclear and strange. It is just on the outer edge of the forest fire. Today it is a westerly wind, so the fire has not yet burned.

This point Zhang Xiaobao thinks normal. Fuyang can't theoretically blow so many northerly winds. It belongs to the coastal areas and always blows the north wind. Doesn't it become the climate of Sichuan, Shaanxi, Mongolia, and the Northeast?

The dice must also follow the maximum probability. In the current season, the dice will be said to be a scorpion. The first one to be cleaned up is the jury. Is it Guizhou?

Zhang Xiaobao is here because of his logistics force. According to the theory, a group of people should have arrived here. The weapons of this regiment are almost the same, but the arrangement is not to provide logistics for the striker, but to It acts as a bait.

The flag of the logistics team was that the independent group of the main force had crossed the normal regiment and reached 2,000.

Zhang Xiaobao is speculating whether Zhang Shoujun’s striker has put the main force to the south or put the attacking troops to the south.

In theory, Zhang Shouqi, who likes to take risks, should put the troops on the north side, where the artillery and supplies can be transported, and Zhang Shouqi, who likes to take risks and speculates, may be surprised.

However, he is worried that his subordinates will dissuade him. Once he changes, he will arrange a group in the past, and he will be easily squandered. If he can’t do it, then he does not have to follow Wang Hao’s martial arts. He will first go to Zhang Shouqi’s house and pull it. Come out and play a meal.

Damn, give you such a good weapon and auxiliary configuration, your striker's main army can not clean up a logistics group using cold weapons? Go to death, alive and waste food.

Zhang Xiaobao is waiting now. According to the time of one to four, the other party should have come over. The army is not traveling. It is clear that there are many mountains here, so don’t you come over and seize the favorable position?

Zhang Xiaobao wants to see if the commander on the sand table is suddenly put on a model that represents the fireworks signal. If it is put on, prove that his logistics team has encountered the enemy's main force, and it is also a fireworks message.

"The order, the people of my family, transporting 5,000 yuan of dry grain and grass, to the Xinchang County near Changjiang, day and night delivery." Zhang Xiaobao issued an order to the commander.

The commander went out and didn't take long to turn back: "Small son, the referee asked you, your logistics unit 50,000 people are busy, from which person to transport dry grain?"

"My family are dead? From my family, all the boys over the age of 10 have sent me food and grass. If you don't let me go, you ask the referee, the team of General Tang, you don't need to be from there. The local transport of artillery shells and supplies? My mother's death is going to die, I still manage who is the logistics force? You ask your majesty, if there are enemies hit the outside of Beijing, the people in my capital who can take weapons, pick up the weapons Desperately, still honestly staying at home, the enemy rushed in to rob the adultery? You let the referee group casually grab a hundred people outside the Furong Garden, if so, how do they choose? Ask." Zhang Xiaobao turned to look at the commander.

Li Longji didn't think about it at this time, and looked up: "That's true. He stood on Suzaku Street and fought with the Changan people."

"Your Majesty can not be allowed. It is true that you will fly on a hot air balloon. When you fly to the north of Hebei Road, you will be secure. There is a place where Xiaobao and Yi are not bad." Gao Lishi quickly dissuaded.

Li Longji did not insist on this moment, because he couldn’t think of it himself. When he really arrived, what kind of choice would he make, whether he followed the people in the city or left the country, things did not happen, he could not test himself. Humanity.

He asked Zhang Xiaobao: "Xiao Bao, how will you decide when you and you?"

"First hit, I found that I can't beat it. If we don't have another place to reorganize the army, then I would like to marry the country. If the northern part of Hebei Road is not occupied, I will naturally take you with you." It’s not that I am a coward, we are not afraid of death, I have never been afraid of it. When I need to die, I can die for a child. When she needs to die, she can go alone for a duty. Die. But we definitely don't learn Xiang Yu, we will go, because from our current status, our lives are not entirely our own."

When Zhang Xiaobao replied, he did not look at Li Longji, but looked at Wang Hao. Wang Hao smiled sweetly and nodded. She agreed with Zhang Xiaobao because they had already met once and had no regrets.

Li Longji was speechless for a moment. He felt that Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Hao were very contradictory. Since they had to run, why should they say that they are not afraid of death?

However, he nodded to the commander and signaled that Zhang Xiaobao had just made a mistake and asked him to go to the referee.

The referee heard this and it was true. It really sent people out to find a hundred people in the capital.

"Let's wait." The person sent by the referee came to the Furong Garden and saw a pick-up of the burden to the people, and reached out to stop.

This person is very surprised to see the person who stopped him, full of incomprehensible color.

"Hello, I am a member of the Furong Garden who is in charge of judging, there is..."

"I am giving an exam, I know, dry?" The clay-clay man waited for the other party and asked.

"Oh, you know?" The judges smiled and suddenly asked: "I ask you something. If there is an enemy outside the capital, you are hiding, or go to the palace to get a gun. Play together?"

The face of the pincers suddenly changed: "Who is calling? They are coming to the capital? Where are they coming from? What about Xiao and Xiaobao?"

"You don't care where you come from, and you and Xiaobao and the emperor are organizing people on the street to resist foreign enemies. How do you choose?" asked the judge.

Pinch the mud man to throw the burden: "What is it? Mother? What else? Give me a gun, no, I won't use it. Isn't there a grenade in the Tang Dynasty? Give me a few, I rush out to follow them. Fight."

"You don't get excited, fake, just ask, how can Xiaobao and 鹃鹃 让人 people hit the capital, you sell yours." The referee's people quickly explained.

"Fake? Then you ask me to do it? Don't ask such a stupid thing next time." The mud-man's angrily renewed the burden and continued to sell the clay figurines around the Furong Garden.

The person in the jury said: "Yes, what you said is that you are going slowly."

Another person in the jury found a woman who had just bought the food on the street and yelled at the basket with a few other women who bought the food in the same basket.

"This embarrassed, I am the imperial person, that ... the enemy hit the capital outside, are you hiding, or take a weapon to fight with the enemy?"

"When is the matter? How can I say? Oh, no, I have to go back and prepare the leather for the man, and hit it all?" The woman reacted most directly, throwing the basket and running with her legs open.

"Don't wait, wait." The referee's man pulled the woman and said, "Don't be anxious, nothing. Just assume, pretend, no one is actually calling, just ask."

Several other women followed and stopped. They also had two baskets thrown to the ground. At this moment, the person who claimed to be the court explained that the breath was so fast.

"You are a pit person, I have a pound of wine just given to my man in the basket. The jar has broken. You, you lose me." A woman who throws away the basket smothers the referee The man's arm squinted.

"I still have two pounds of eggs in my basket. You said it is white. What are you doing in the court? You dare to lie, do you see the strictness outside the palace?"

Another woman turned back and lifted the basket, picking up the cloth covered, and the eggs inside were all broken.

The person in the jury was frightened, bent his leg, and said, "Compensate, pay, pay for it, don't make it, don't worry, go home, my wife should ask which woman is jealous, how much, I am jealous."

The women just let him go, took over his money, turned and laughed and walked toward the market, and vaguely heard the evaluation of "fool" and "stay".

Another person in the jury, he stopped a small child, 12 or 3 years old.

"Wait a minute, I am the person who helped Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Hao in Furong Garden. I want to ask you one thing." The judges tried to make their expressions look awkward.

The child’s tears came out on time: “I didn’t lie this time, I’m really sick. Last time I wanted to touch the fish, I lied. I went home and beat me. The school also said that I don’t want to do it again. I am, I really can't. I don't believe you see my hand, I still have cotton flowers in my hand, give it, look, see? No, there is a pinhole underneath, I change my teeth, the result is swollen, and the master gives me the approval. The fake article, let me go to the drip, I just finished playing, I have to go back to school."

The people in the jury slammed their eyes a few times, and they were helpless. They met a child who had escaped from class. No wonder there were fewer children on the street. It turned out that they all went to class.

"Oh, nothing, it’s okay to skip school. I don't care. Why don't you just look for a doctor to look at the school in the past?" The referee's person is very active in thinking, can think of many things, first concerned about the problem of the next school.

"Don't catch me, then don't let me go to school?" The child asked indefinitely, seeing each other nod, then rest assured: "Actually, the school can call a doctor, but I don't want to learn the Analects. I want to learn to be a ship. I will I have a vacation, is there a place to sell a ship model here? I said that I am here to see a doctor. Anyway, I am small, I don’t have to spend money to find a doctor. The Master is stupid, he will approve it. Tell me what is said in the Analects of Confucius, what is taught to be classless, let me do things worthy of my heart, say that the world is big, non-literary one way, messy, I can't understand, anyway, I came out."

The person in the referee took a deep breath and touched the child's head and said, "Yes, you have a fool. If you do, you have to learn to build a ship. The opportunity is rare. What class do you attend? The name of the master?"

"I am interested in the affiliated school, that is, the two homes opened by Zhang Wang in Sanshui County. I thought they were very powerful. As a result, I found a fool. He respected the name and was sincere. I heard that he gave the two kings a month. He has a lot of money, isn't it worth it? If I have the chance to meet Xiao Bao's brother and sister, tell them, change people."

When the child talked about the teacher's name, it was very solemn, and when he finished, he became a hippie smile.

"Stupid, stupid, if he teaches Xiao Bao Xiaogongzi and Xiao Niangzi, even Beckham and Xiaoyuan, he will never be jealous. Xiaogongzi and Xiaonianzi will respect him very much."

The face of the referee is not very good-looking, obviously it is angry.

The child did not see it, and said: "There is still more stupid, the Master actually said that when the weather is warmer, he makes people dig a pool in the school, dedicated to letting the boat, let everyone learn to make, see Who is doing well. Doesn't he know that I like the boat? If that is the case, he is not giving me this unloving child, providing an opportunity for me to play? Right?"

"Yes, yes, Zhang Wang and his two people are really unusual. Even the masters of a subordinate school can be like this. It is really nothing under the prestigious name."

The referee's eyes looked at the child's eyes with a trace of disgust, and then long export gas: "Well, I admit, my chest can't compare with your master, you are still a child, I should not take you As an adult, I look at it and ask for it. Now, I ask you one thing. If you say that an enemy has hit the outside of the capital, you will have to enter the capital. Do you continue to go to the medical center to hide, or help to send ammunition? ”

The child did not understand what the other party had said before, and only responded to the words that followed.

"Come on the capital? What kind of illness is it, let them come in, they still don't bully me? I am insulting to others? Do they have a boat? I am very good, I... I jumped into the channel In the middle, I gave them a boat. If they didn't have a boat, I would bite the knife and hide in the river. If someone didn't pay attention, I climbed up and cut his neck. I can play, I can learn. The classmates know, really, do you believe?"

"I believe, I believe that you are a good boy, but if you want to build a ship, you can build it without watching it. You must also learn the skills. You must know the balance of the ship. You must also calculate the displacement. You don't make it. Make the best, at least in the school, can't let others build the ship more than the past, right? When the pool is dug up, are you losing more than you lost?" The judges thought for a moment, and finally Say something like this.

The child bowed his head and thought about it. He turned and walked back. He went out ten steps and turned back and said: "I go back to school, and the school has a teacher to teach others. I have to study hard. When I fight, I have to rush to the front. Goodbye."

The child waved his hand and ran away with his legs. The referee also waved his hand and a smile appeared on his face.


"Xiaogongzi, the jury judged that you can mobilize all the people of your family. Before half an hour, the people of the jury went to find a hundred people from Datang, and the result was... war, big Fighting in the Tang Dynasty." The commander returned from the central sand table and said to Zhang Xiaobao.

Zhang Xiaobao nodded slightly: "Of course, this is the temperament of the entire nation. If it does not retreat, then the people will not fear death. The premise is that when the emperor is innocent."

"Don't say me, I am innocent." Li Longji is in a very good mood. The people are willing to fight, indicating that their Tang Dynasty is bloody, but they are not satisfied with Zhang Xiaobao's words.

I just wanted to continue to attack Zhang Xiaobao with words. Suddenly I saw a commander from outside who put two models representing the plume into Fuyang. He laughed and said: "Xiaobao, your people meet people, I guess you will definitely completely annihilated."

"Hey!" Zhang Xiaobao sneered two times: "I am afraid of a column of cigarettes, two columns, they have tossed, I see what effect the logistics force can play?"

(To be continued 2k novel reading network

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