Great Voyage: Break Into The Rocks Sky Team At The Beginning

Chapter 204 Battle Of The Valley Of The Gods: Double Fruit Ability? ! Surprise Dark Fruit

Rocks punched down with both fists, and the invisible hurricane pressed down like a mountain.

This is no longer a simple hurricane. A large amount of air flow gathers together and compresses into a hurricane-shaped, super-large air cannon.

The other fist punched out a cloud of black mist, wrapped in the center of the hurricane.

The hurricane falling from the sky is like a falling electric drill.

The central point where the airflow converges is like the drill bit of an electric drill.

While spinning rapidly, like the tip of a long knife, it seems to pierce the night.

The hurricane went down, and in the blink of an eye, for the three old men, Garp, it was already close at hand.

"Although I can't see clearly in the dark, the energy in the center of the hurricane feels very strange."

For unknown energy fluctuations, the old man with glasses behaved cautiously.

His goal was achieved, forcing Rocks to use his hole card.

Although I haven't figured it out yet, what exactly is Rocks' hole card.

But as long as this blow is over, everything will see the sun.

But for some reason, this weird energy fluctuation made him a little uneasy.

"The four of us attack together, and see with our own eyes how strong Rocks' cards can be!"

The blond-haired old man was grinding his fists, ready to go.

Even Rocks' hole card is more than twice as powerful as his wrist.

880 The four of them attack together, and they won't suffer any big losses.

In the blink of an eye, the hurricane has already struck.

"Six Styles Six King Spear!"

"Fist Bone‧Meteorite!"

"One Sword Ryu Falling Feather!"

The long-bearded old man and the blond-haired old man activated Six Styles directly, and the white mist on their bodies was steaming.

Garp blasted out with both fists, Armament Haki solidified, and black lightning was born from the void.

The sword intent of the old man with glasses surged, and the trembling long knife in his hand was slashed out in an awkward posture.

A rapidly rotating slash with a diameter of tens of meters, wrapped in three shock waves, directly hit the hurricane.

Sword Qi and shock wave are different from the invisible hurricane and the black mist that blends with the darkness.

Under the night, like a smear of streamer, draws a long tail.


There was a loud bang in the dark.

The incoming offensive, collided with the hurricane.

In an instant, the hurricane air cannon exploded in the air.

Invisible air flow spurts out, and the remaining power is comparable to the radiating sword energy, swishing in the air.

Terrifying air waves (cbfh) swept in all directions.

Like the Conqueror's eruption, pushing everything across.

The old man with tight glasses was slightly taken aback when he saw this situation, and then frowned again.

This is not the same as he thought.

In his knowledge-color perception, only the hurricane was captured, colliding with his sword energy.

That unknown and unfamiliar energy did not have any collision fluctuations.

A look of joy appeared on Garp's face, but it was fleeting. He also sensed that something was wrong.

As the bursting air waves swept in all directions.

The black mist spread wildly.

The warning from Observation Haki made the old man with glasses stare at the huge black mist rolling in.

"Black mist!"

Immediately, the old man with glasses understood.

That strange energy fluctuation came from the black mist in front of him.


At the same time as the order was issued, it was already swallowed by the black mist.

The black mist that blends into the night is invisible in the distance.

When they got close, the speed of the air wave surpassed them in an instant.

The three old men and Garp, as far as the eye can see, there is darkness, and everything can't be seen.

When the bodies of the four of them touched Hei Yuan.

An inexplicable pressure came from all directions, squeezing their bodies fiercely.

"Black mist, squeezing the flesh..."

"This is the ability of the Dark Fruit that covers the darkness!"

In the black mist where you couldn't see your fingers, there was a sudden exclamation. It was the voice of the old man with glasses.

Invisible in the black mist.

The old man with glasses suppressed his shock, Armament Haki, Conqueror's Haki, Slash, all urged to Ultimate.

A terrifying aura emanated from his body.

The long-bearded old man, the blond old man, and Garp activated Six Styles, and their aura also skyrocketed.

A steady stream of white mist spreads in all directions, resisting the squeeze of the black mist.

The two old men cooperated with the old man with glasses, and Conqueror's Haki came out horizontally.

Three strands of Conqueror's Haki were superimposed, barely dispelling the Black mist.

The figures of the four appeared again under the night.

"Dark Fruit ability user!?"

"How can this be!?"

The old man with glasses looked disbelieving, and surrounded Rocks standing in the air.

What kind of monster is Rocks!?

The hole card that has been hidden all this time has completely refreshed his cognition.

This is simply impossible, but it happened to Rocks.

Garp stared, his face was full of shock, and he was a little dazed.

Isn't Rocks a Logia·Storm Fruit ability user!?

Not long ago, he himself said it.

Now why is it a Dark Fruit ability user again!?

Don't let him make a mistake, that would be a bit of a slap in the face.

"Rocks, what's going on!"

"How do you have two Devil Fruit abilities!?"

The white mist on the blond old man's body was a little unsteady, and he looked at the dissipated black mist in shock.

This black mist is the ability of Dark Fruit.

At this time, Rocks has the ability of Logia Storm Fruit on his left hand.

Both Devil Fruit's abilities appear on Rocks at the same time.

Even Sengoku, Roger and others were shocked.

Such a situation broke common sense and ran counter to everyone's cognition.

The iron rule of the sea for eight hundred years is that a person can only eat one Devil Fruit, and can only have the power of one Devil Fruit.

Why is it a recognized iron rule, because at the beginning, many people tried it.

When eating the second Devil Fruit, the two abilities mutually repel and conflict, and finally the whole person will explode and die.

Kaido and Charlotte Linlin, against Naval Headquarters' Vice Admiral II

At this moment, the two sides couldn't help stopping their hands, looking at this side in disbelief.

Charlotte Linlin's heart was filled with shock.

Kaido, on the other hand, looked at Rocks with a hint of envy besides shock. .

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