Great Voyage: Break Into The Rocks Sky Team At The Beginning

Chapter 28 Sengoku's Battle Strategy

Until the evening, as the pirates under Rake's command left, only a few captain-level pirates remained, and Rake had already returned to his room.

But at this time, a pirate, after coming out of the banquet, sneaked to the coast alone, took a big tree as cover, carefully took out a phone bug from his arms, and called it.




Naval Headquarters!

Inside Admiral Kong's office.

A phone bug rang in the center of the table.



Kong watched the phone bug ringing on the desktop, frowned slightly, then put down the document in his hand, picked up the phone bug, and his voice was low.

"The Rocks Pirates are in action, and the Rocks ordered to attack the heavenly gold escorted by Marine!"

Beside the tree, the pirate tried to suppress his voice to the lowest level, and explained the matter carefully.

As soon as these words came out, Kong's face instantly became heavy, and he said.

"Say all about the deployment of the Rocks Pirates!"

Hearing Kong's words, the ghost of the pirate immediately told everything and explained to Kong one by one.

After Kong heard the words of the ghost in Marine, his face suddenly became ugly. This news must be crucial, and it is also in line with Rocks' behavior style.

It seems that the Rocks guy is imperative, since he can't stop that......

And Marine's inner ghost general Rocks is deploying in battle, and Rocks leads newcomers Lin Nuo, Golden Lion Shiki, Whitebeard Newgate, let me know!

After the ghost in Marine hung up the phone, the entire office fell silent.

After a while!

The corners of Kong's mouth started to rise slightly, this might be a good opportunity to destroy the Rocks pirates.

Then he picked up the phone bug on the desktop and called Sengoku, Garp, Zephyr and the Chief of Staff Crane over.

After the four of them came to the office, seeing Kong's extremely solemn expression, they immediately expected that something big was going to happen, so they found their seats and sat down.

The four of them had serious expressions, while Garp on the side was fake serious, his mouth never stopped, and he made noises from time to time.

"I received news that the Rocks Pirates are going to snatch the gold in the sky!"

Kong looked at the four of them, and told them one by one the information he got from the insider of the pirates. They were not surprised by the actions of the Rocks pirates, after all, it was in line with Rocks' style of action.

Kong looked extremely serious, tapped his fingers on the table, and said in a deep voice.

"Rocks personally leads Whitebeard Newgate, Golden Lion Shiki, and newcomer Lin Nuo to rob the heavenly gold guarded by Sengoku and Zephyr!"

"And the rest of the Rocks Pirates are robbing the Heavenly Gold that Crane and Garp are in charge of!"

"This is the plan of the Rocks Pirates, tell me your suggestions, how to stop those guys from the Rocks Pirates, and...!"

As Kong's words fell, the crane sitting beside him frowned.

"The heavenly gold guarded by Zephyr and Sengoku, Rocks only brought three people, namely Whitebeard Newgate, Golden Lion Shiki, and newcomer Lin Nuo!"

"Maybe this is an opportunity or not?!"

There was a gleam of coldness in Staff Crane's eyes, as if he had already noticed a breakthrough in Rocks' combat deployment.

Rocks, as the captain of the Rocks Pirates, usually does not take action himself, and the cadres under his command are mostly in charge.

For this operation, Rocks deployed only three cadres, and even one person was a cadre on the face of it.

But as a rookie, Lin Nuo, no matter how insane his talents and potential are, his own strength cannot be compared with those of Whitebeard and Newgate.

In this regard, Marine can start with newcomer Lin Nuo and gradually destroy the Rocks pirates. They must not let go of this rare opportunity.

"That's right, maybe that kid is the breakthrough point. The plan to escort the Heavenly Gold has changed. Zephyr and I will escort the Heavenly Gold, while Crane and Garp are hidden in the frigate, ready to attack at any time!"

"Another Sky Gold, we must seize Rocks, Newgate and others while the cadres of the Rocks pirate group are snatching it!"

That's right, let the other Marine's escort of Tiantianjin move as usual, and attract all the cadres there, so that they can't support the other team led by Rocks.

In other words, another Sky Gold is used as a bait, and their purpose is to defeat Rocks and others with all their strength.

Sengoku frowned, and then spoke out the plan he had come up with. After all, this strategy is enough to lift the people around Rocks and destroy him from Vice Admiral!

After listening to Sengoku's battle plan, Kong pondered for a moment, then turned to look at Chief of Staff Crane.

Crane had already sensed the strangeness of Kong on the main seat, and after thinking for a moment, he nodded, apparently agreeing to the battle plan proposed by Sengoku.


"Just follow the battle plan proposed by Sengoku. You go down and start preparing. If you can capture Rocks alive this time, you will shock the whole world!"

And Kong stood up immediately, and then gave instructions to the four of them.

"Yes! Everything is for justice!"

Sengoku, Garp, Crane, and Zephyr stood up immediately and responded with extremely serious faces.

Then he turned and left Kong's office.



Sailing on the sea at night!

Lin Nuo did not go back to the room with Shiki and Newgate to rest, but came to the deck alone.

Feeling the evening breeze blowing from the sea at night, looking at the beautiful scenery in the distance at sea, my heart is a little complicated.

It's been a while since he came to One Piece World.

It has been nearly a month since he joined the Rocks Pirates. The corners of Lin Nuo's mouth rose slightly, and he was looking forward to the next fight with Marine, and this was his first time.

It's exciting to think about it, but I didn't expect that the first action would be to snatch the gold from the sky.

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