Lin Nuo laughed out loud, and simply stopped hiding from Rocks, Newgate, and Shiki in front of him.

"Now the range of Universal Pull is activated, but at this time it is only a few hundred meters!"

"But with the control of the fruit ability and the blessing of its own strength, the future will be farther!"

Hearing Lin Nuo confessing to them and telling them all, Rocks and others nodded, with a smile on their faces.

Regarding their hole card ability, they did not expect Lin Nuo to reveal everything, and the three had to lament Lin Nuo's mind and trust!

Shiki and Newgate immediately laughed and praised.

"Jie ha ha ha ha ~ as expected of Lin Nuo kid, Marine is in a lot of trouble now!"

"Cool la la la la... I really want to see that guy Sengoku's face now!"



On the other side, the Marine warship, which was being attacked by flying blades all over the sky, was like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, enduring the ravages from all directions.

The hull of the Marine warship is already in tatters, even being flooded by sea water.

The soldiers on the warship were like ants wanting to get rid of the swift attack, but these were all in vain, they only delayed the time of death.


Garp and Zephyr were gnashing their teeth in anger, the veins on their foreheads popped, and their fists were clenched.

Looking at the Marine soldiers under his hands, it is obvious that they can't last long...!

"Damn it!"


"Big Buddha Shockwave!"

Sengoku directly activated the fruit ability and turned into a Buddha form, trying to completely break up the flying slash.

The giant golden palm pushed forward, and a violent energy shock wave slashed all over the sky, blasting a hole suddenly.

But at the next moment, the flying blades on both sides rushed in instantly, filling up the hole Sengoku broke open.

Sengoku's face suddenly became more solemn, and the hatred for Lin Nuo in his heart became a little bit stronger.

If it weren't for Lin Nuo, his carefully planned plan would not fail, the gold in the sky would not be robbed, and the crane would not be seriously injured, and they would not be in a desperate situation now.

As for the Marine soldiers who were dying, they saw that the way out that Sengoku had just opened was blocked again, and the last hope in their hearts was completely destroyed.

"Damn it! That brat Lin Nuo has planned carefully to use his ability to restrain Garp, just to prevent us from worrying about other things. In fact, this kid's goal all along is us behind Garp!"

"Good boy! Such vicious thinking and battle deployment!"

Zephyr, who had been speculating on Lin Nuo's mind, gritted his teeth and said.

But now that things have happened, we can only find the weak point as soon as possible, so as to break out, otherwise, even if we can survive this overwhelming attack, the Marine warship and soldiers will definitely be wiped out.

In addition, there are no islands around here, even if some marine officers who survived by chance launch Moonwalk, one of the six styles, it is difficult to survive in the boundless sea.

"Damn brat, if he can withstand this sky-slashing flying blade, I will definitely kill him next time!"

Garp launched the combination of Moonwalk and Shave, smashing all the flying knives attacking the warship.

Suddenly, Garp's words gave Sengoku a flash of inspiration, and then he roared and gave the order directly.

"All listen to the order!"

"All Marine officers and soldiers below Vice Admiral, non-Demon fruit power helpers, avoid slashing and swimming out of the water!"

Then he turned his head to look at Zephyr and Garp, and shouted.

"Zephyr, go cover the Marine soldiers, and take the crane out!"

"Garp and I block all attacks for you!"

"Act now!"

The Marine soldiers, who were in a panic, immediately took action after hearing the order from Sengoku.

And Zephyr and Garp nodded and moved.

At the critical moment of life and death, the desire to survive is simply beyond imagination. In just a few tens of seconds, all Marine soldiers jumped into the sea.

Only a few Rear Admiral, Sengoku, Zephyr, Garp and Crane, who was seriously injured and unconscious, remained on the dilapidated warship.

"Do as I command!"

"Garp, let's go! Cover them!"

Sengoku glanced at the crowd, and said in a low voice to Garp beside him.


Everyone immediately nodded heavily.

The officers of the Rear Admiral rank have all awakened Armament Haki and Observation Haki, and they barely have the ability to protect themselves against incoming attacks, so there is no need to worry too much.

And those Marine soldiers in Common didn't understand at all, so they could only make a bad move, let them dive into the sea, and try to avoid the attack and attack as much as possible.

Originally, this operation failed and lost one-third of its troops. This has already caused Sengoku and others to lose face, which is a great shame.

If the entire Marine army brought out this time is wiped out, it is estimated that they will not be able to hold their heads up in Naval Headquarters in the future.

Everyone launched Armament Haki with all their strength and flew into the air, covering the whole body, smashing all the flying blades that struck, protecting the Marine in the sea below and rushing towards the outside of the encirclement.

"Contact Naval Headquarters immediately and let them send a warship to pick us up!"

Sengoku looked at the Marine soldiers surfacing one after another, his voice trembling.

On the one hand, it is to celebrate the survivors of the Marine soldiers, and on the other hand, it is the soldiers who died in this war.

After the phone bug was dialed out, it also meant that their operation failed, and the Rocks pirates robbed the two Sky Gold ships. This is also the responsibility of all Marines who participated in the operation this time!

As soon as Sengoku finished speaking, everyone's excitement about being able to escape alive suddenly dropped to freezing point, and everyone bowed their heads in silence.

Seeing this, Garp grabbed Rear Admiral's phone bug and dialed it.



The moment flies~

Naval Headquarters, Marineford!

Two warships returned to Marineford carrying Sengoku and others.

After the warship docked, the Marine of the headquarters quickly responded to the injured Marine.

Sengoku, Zephyr, Garp, and the crane with bandages on his arms walked towards Kong's office with heavy steps and a disturbed mood.

At this moment, the crane was dragging its injured body, its face was weak.

She has always been wise, resourceful and calm, but now recalling the scene of fighting Lin Nuo, she can't help showing fear, especially Lin Nuo's strange fruit ability.

If she hadn't activated the fruit ability in time to wash off the shackles on her body, she would be in danger!

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