Great Voyage: Break Into The Rocks Sky Team At The Beginning

Chapter 53 Marine Admiral (Underworld Dragon, Broken Tiger!)

Lin Nuo was a little speechless when he saw this scene. For John's character as a miser, it's no wonder that in the Pirate comics, John even risked his own life for the treasure.

"John, you don't have to go in!"

Rocks also noticed John's actions, and immediately stopped him.

For John under his command, he must know what kind of character he is. He doesn't want to talk about the treasures he usually robs, but this time it's different!

"Ha ha ha ha ha... The captain is right, John, don't be ashamed of yourself, don't forget that you are a cadre!"

In the last meeting, Mr. 5, the cadre who laughed and looked down on John for being so greedy, immediately took the opportunity.

After hearing what Rocks said, John paused, stopped, retracted his striding feet, and let out a dry laugh with some embarrassment.

"Grass! Mr. 5!"

"No one will treat you as dumb if you don't speak!"

Then he glared fiercely, and Mr. 5, who had been gloating all this time, turned back angrily.

Although Captain Rocks and Laozi don't dare to hate, but who are you guys!

If it wasn't for Captain Rocks being here, Lao-management will let you taste the taste of labor-management swords!


Mr. 5 snorted coldly, and ignored John, obviously it was a good feeling to run away after a wave of ridicule.

"Leave the task of transporting the gold in the sky to the crew under your command!"

"Now all the cadres are assembled in the conference hall, and I haven't seen anyone absent!"

Rocks looked at the group of cadres in front of him, with majesty and Haki in his tone, as the words fell, the terror in his body slowly rose.

Following Rocks' words, solemn expressions appeared on the faces of the group of cadres, watching Rocks' figure and chasing after him.

As for whether the pirates who carry the gold from the sky will steal the treasure from the gold from the sky, Rocks will not worry about it at all. He has already arranged to supervise the men who carry the gold from the sky!

Besides, whoever is so bold as to steal the gold from the sky will face the fate: arrange the funeral by himself!

Beehive Island! In the conference hall of the castle, Lin Nuo, Shiki, Newgate and other cadres were seated one after another.

The two cadres who ridiculed Lin Nuo at the last meeting cast their approving glances!

If it is said that Lin Nuo made no contribution at all, he was questioned and excluded during the meeting.

And now after experiencing the incident of robbing the gold in the sky, Lin Nuo's prestige and strength have been recognized by everyone one by one!

Disintegrate the Marine conspiracy, suppress the Marine Zephyr, severely damage the Marine Staff Crane, and even match Garp!

This record is well deserved!

Even Ochoku, who has always been unhappy with Lin Nuo, silently did not dare to look contemptuously at Lin Nuo.

In his opinion, Lin Nuo's combat power at this time is not much inferior to his own, and he may be even more terrifying than himself.

After all, he has also fought against Zephyr and Garp before, and he is still clear about the explosive strength of the two of them!

He thinks he is not the opponent of Zephyr or Garp, but Lin Nuo can suppress Zephyr and rival Garp, no matter whether Lin Nuo uses real combat power or conspiracy, he is not something he can provoke!

Rocks didn't speak, and watched the crowd, and when they saw that Rocks didn't speak, they were also silent, and no one knew what they were thinking.

For a moment, the conference hall suddenly became silent!

After a long time, the atmosphere of silence reached its peak, and Rocks spoke slowly.

"Silver Ax, let's briefly talk about your actions this time!"

Silver Ax didn't dare to hide anything, and after slightly nodding to Rocks, he spoke.

"We encountered a Marine fleet here, and the leader was several veteran Vice Admirals from Naval Headquarters. We didn't see the transport ship of gold in the sky!"

Following Silver Ax's words, a look of disappointment appeared on his face.

If they can also snatch the Heavenly Gold, they can share more Heavenly Gold in this operation.

Mr.5's thin and thin cadre's eyes flickered, as if he was thinking about something.

Except for Mr.5, the other pedestrians present did not notice his strangeness.

They felt that Marine had created two heavenly gold transport ships as a cover to deceive others.

But these things, only the captains Rocks, Lin Nuo, Shiki, Whitebeard and Newgate know clearly.

Among the nine cadres present, perhaps one of them was Marine's undercover agent.

"You guys don't need to be disappointed, you will naturally have a share of the two heavenly golds that were robbed!"

After observing the nine cadres in front of him, Rocks said generously.

He didn't say what he suspected, one was to avoid arousing the enemy, and the other was to let the inner ghost show up automatically!

Rocks and his group, who were ambushed by Marine, naturally don't need to suspect that if there was really an insider at that time, when they were robbing the gold in the sky.

The inner ghost hidden in the Rocks group will definitely keep the Rocks group behind at all costs!

"Also! I just got the news that this attack on Tianshangjin has angered the World government!"

"The two Admirals, Dark Dragon and Broken Tiger, have been ordered to be recalled!"

Rocks frowned, tapped his fingers on the table, looked at the nine cadres, and said in a deep voice.

"Did the World government actually ask Naval Headquarters to recall those two old guys?!"

As soon as these words came out, Ochoku, John, and several veteran cadres including Silver Axe, their faces changed suddenly, and they said in a solemn tone.

Dark Dragon! Broken tiger! These two guys are Admiral of Headquarters! Its strength is terrifying!

The three of them are the first veteran cadres to join the Rocks Pirates!

They still remember the strength of Minglong and Duanhu!

In the past few years, it was these two who led Marine to fight frequently with them!

Silver Ax's face became extremely serious, and he touched the three scars on his right chest with his right hand, as if he was in pain again!

The same is true for Ochoku. On the shoulder near the neck, there is a huge scar. If Captain Rocks hadn't pulled him away, maybe at that time, Ochoku would not be here anymore!

Until later, Garp, Sengoku, Zephyr, and Crane grew rapidly and became famous in Marine.

Kong immediately decided to train these four people with all his strength, and Minglong, Duanhu, and the two Marine Admirals are already old and approaching retirement age!

Let Sengoku, Garp, Zephyr, and Crane take over the tasks of the two Admirals, Dark Dragon and Broken Tiger.

"What a tough old guy!"

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