Hear the system prompt.

Lin Kai couldn’t help but be happy.

In this area of fruit ability development, it seems that Lin Kai’s shortcomings have always been short.

This is not that Lin Kai is unwilling to seriously develop.

It’s just that since Lin Kai entered the navy, Lin Kai’s pace of progress has never stopped.

Where there is time to seriously develop fruit capabilities.

Now the system has helped Lin Kai make up for this shortcoming.

Skill Four Seasons Wind!

That means that Lin Kai has four different forms when using the ability of wind.

Gentle Spring Breeze: It can help the Navy quickly recover from injuries in a large area and save the dying Navy.

Flaming Summer Wind: Can burst out with magma-like scorching temperatures, attacking group pirates in a large area.

Harvest Autumn Wind: Serves as a temporary protective shield to protect allies from damage from the outside world!

Fierce winter wind: can catalyze extremely low temperatures, like pheasants, freeze everything.

The use of four forms of wind was harvested at once.

Lin Kai abolished the Seven Wuhai this time and moved the naval headquarters to the New World, which can also be regarded as a full harvest.

With the end of the World Conference.

Abolition of the Qibuhai system.

As well as the relocation of the headquarters of the Navy.

These two big news, on the entire sea, once again blew a monstrous wind and waves.

For ordinary people, the abolition of the Seven Wuhai System.

Not only did Lin Kai’s fame and status in the hearts of ordinary people rise again, but the entire navy also benefited!

Now the entire naval headquarters has been moved to the new world, which has made countless ordinary people more at ease and more at ease.

But for the pirates, the abolition of the Nanabukai system, coupled with the relocation of the naval headquarters to the New World.

Undoubtedly, it is like driving them to a corner!

The deformed system of Qi Wuhai no longer exists.

That is exactly to say, no matter how strong the pirate’s strength is in the future, then never want to change his identity as a pirate.

The Navy will not have any more tolerance for their pirates!

I used to think that as long as I was strong enough, I would be affirmed by the world government, and then I would do the dream of Qiwu Hai, but it was completely shattered.

The Navy’s position has never been as firm as it is today.

They won’t have any more chances.

As for the relocation of the headquarters of the Navy to the New World.

For these pirates, they will face Lin Kai, the killing god, in the future.

The new world, which was once a paradise for pirates, has also completely changed with the arrival of the naval headquarters and Lin Kai.

More importantly, the Navy is now recruiting soldiers from all over the world.

Lin Kai’s fame has attracted countless people to join the navy.

At the same time, as soon as these two major changes appeared, they once again encouraged many people who were not accustomed to pirates to join the navy one after another.

In the future, their pirates’ days will become more and more sad.

Trying to hang out in the new world on your own seems like the last century.

The cornered pirates, except for some strong people, almost all threw themselves into the arms of Kaido and Aunt.

Even if you are a miscellaneous soldier.

This at least gives them a little more chance to stay alive.

With the big moves between the navy and the pirates, there is a constant change.

The whole sea seems to have entered another era!

The era of tripods.

The navy headed by Lin Kai, Sakaski!

A group of 100 beast pirates led by Kaido!

Plus with family as the core bond, bigmom thieves.

The three major forces have become more and more powerful with the changes of the times. (ahej) As for the revolutionary army led by dragons, there are also disappearing redheads and hawkeyes.

After the top, it was like a complete loss of trace.

No one knows where they are or what kind of conspiracy they are making.

Three months after the relocation of the Navy headquarters to the New World.

Lin Kai, who has just completed the selection of the world’s great conscription.

With a thick list, I went outside Sakaski’s office.

In this world recruitment of the Navy, Lin Kai is a senior general and the chief examiner of the selection.

In the past three months, Lin Kai has really exhausted.

But this also allowed Lin Kai to select many talents.

There are four people who can be selected as reserve generals.

Two masters from the people, the natural Sensen fruit ability, Ara Mu.

Superman is a person with heavy fruit ability, smiled.

These two can stand out among many folk masters, and Lin Kai is not surprised at all.

After all, in the original work, these two are the generals after the top, Fuji Tiger and Green Bull!

As for the two more, that is, the vice admiral of the former naval headquarters.

Tea porpoise and peach rabbit!

The strength of these two people is actually not inferior to Vine Tiger and Green Bull at all.

But Lin Kai delayed making a decision.

And for a reason.

The tea dolphin and the peach rabbit belong to the lineage of the former high-ranking naval Sengoku and Kapu and others.

Although he has strength, he is not as firm as Lin Kai and Sakaski on the insistence of justice.

There is also a clash of ideas.

Today’s Lin Kai, although he is no longer a person who used to be controlled by Warring States and others everywhere.

But for the unity of the Navy as a whole.

Lin Kai still decided to leave the decision of the general to Sakaski.

After all, Sakaski is the marshal of the Navy!

But it was also when Lin Kai walked to the door of Sakaski’s office.

But I happened to hear Sakaski, humming a song.

The lyrics are like this.

“The sea watches.”

“The Origin of the World.”

“The sea knows too.”

“The end of the world.”

“So lead me to the path I should take.”

“So guide me to the right world.”

“It contains pain, distress.” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“Embrace me with its big and gentle heart.”

Sakaski’s hoarse, deep voice hummed the song.

It’s really flavorful.

At the same time, Lin Kai is really no stranger to this song.

This is both before and after crossing.

This song Lin Kai knows.

Before crossing over, when Lin Kai first heard this song, he heard it when he watched the theatrical version of the general Zefa.

After crossing over, Lin Kai knew that this song was actually a tragic song in the navy.

Whenever after the death of the Navy, a memorial service is held in the Navy, and this song is used as a farewell.

This is a romance that belongs to the navy alone, and at the same time a sadness that belongs to the navy.

It’s just that Lin Kai didn’t expect it.

Sakaski is such a person who looks extremely cold on weekdays.

He would actually sing this sad song of the Navy in his office.

“Our Marshal Sakaski, it turns out that there will be times when he is lonely.”

Lin Kai didn’t even knock on the door, and directly broke in.

Sakaski, who was still immersed in his emotions, was severely startled by Lin Kai, who suddenly appeared.

He almost fell out of his chair and cursed.

“Stinky boy!”

“You’re getting more and more unruly now.”

“How can you break in without making a sound.”

Lin Kai said with a smile.

“If I had spoken to remind me.”

“Can you still hear your Marshal Sakaski singing this sad song?”

“What’s wrong, what’s in your mind?”

“You’re getting a little sensational today.”

Sakaski waved his hand indifferently.

“What kind of instigation, I just remembered a person.”

“I don’t know how he’s doing now.”


When Lin Kai heard this, the first thing that popped out of his mind was Zefa.

You know, Zefa is Sakaski’s teacher.

Generations of naval pillars have been nurtured.

It’s a pity that his understanding of the concept of justice is too superficial.

There are even some virgins.

That’s why it led to his tragic life.

“This person is Zefa, right?”

Lin Kai asked.

Sakaski laughed.

“I can’t hide anything from you boy.”

“Yes, I thought of my teacher, Zefa.”

“What a gentle person he is, it’s a pity that in this bad era, there should not be such a gentle person as him.”

Listen to Sakaski.

Lin Kai couldn’t help but be a little curious.

In the theatrical version watched before crossing over.

The one who ordered Zefa to be killed, but he Sakaski.

And the person who really does it is the yellow ape.

The person who repairs the grave and sends off the farewell is the green pheasant.

It seems as if Sakaski is the most ruthless one.

But now, Sakaski took the initiative to miss Zefa.

This can make Lin Kai think about it is not strange.

After the last battle.

No matter who was in the Navy, Sakaski never mentioned it again.

Only Zefa, now actually appeared in Sakaski’s mouth.

So what kind of story exists between the two of them?

“Where did General Zefa go?”

Lin Kai asked.

Sakaski shook his head and smiled.

“I don’t know.”

“Before you joined the army, Mr. Zefa had been an instructor at the Naval Military Academy.”

“But after several incidents, he completely lost confidence in our navy.”

“So I chose to leave.”

“The Whitebeard II who was killed by you is the direct cause of Teacher Zefa’s departure.”

“During an outing to train recruits, Zefa-sensei met Whitebeard II and was attacked.”

“At that time, all but two of the recruits on the entire warship were killed.”

“Even Zefa-sensei was cut off an arm.”

“At that time, Moonlight Moriah had been defeated by Monchi D Luffy, and the five old stars were immediately ready to replace Moria, and the person chosen was Whitebeard II.”

“Therefore, the five old stars ordered that the navy was not allowed to capture Whitebeard II, let alone allow Zefa to retaliate.”

“Therefore, Zefa, the former general, completely lost confidence in our navy and left the navy.”

“In this battle at the top, I even thought that Zefa-sensei would come back.”

“But I only waited for you, but not for him.”

“It seems that he really lost trust in our navy.”

When Sakaski said this, the look of helplessness and regret on his face did not hide it in any way.

Perhaps in the eyes of many Jaimes, Sakaski is completely cold-blooded.

But since the time that Lin Kai was with Sakaski again.

but found out what kind of person Sakaski really is.

All cold-blooded and ruthless are actually just strong disguises.

In fact, he is just an ordinary person with a heart.

“Can you tell me the story of you and Zefa?”

Lin Kai put down the information in his hand and looked at Sakaski.

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