Great Voyage: Fishing The Sky, Catch Luffy At The Beginning

Chapter 11 Rescue Zoro, One-Shaped Round Dance! ! !

side of the restaurant.

Luffy, Kirby, and the little girl get together.

Kebi sat on the steps with his head down, recalling the scenes on the execution ground, his voice was full of doubts.

"Zoro, is he really a bad guy?"

Before the words fell, the little girl stood up straight and retorted firmly.

"No, Lord Zoro is not a bad person..."

After the little girl's narration, they also roughly understood the whole picture of the matter.

The pet wolf raised by Belumebo, the son of Captain Monka, attacked the little girl Lixiang, and was hacked to death by "Pirate Hunter" Noah Zoro.

Bellumebo arrested him and told him to let him go as long as he didn't die for a month. In fact, Belumeb wanted to make an example of him, and Zoro was due to be executed in a day's time. This incident made people in the town afraid to mention Zoro's name for a while.

"How can this be, how can Marine do such a thing!"

Kebi, who knew the whole thing, stood up angrily and clenched his fists.

How could Marine do this!

Marine is a symbol of justice!

This is not, the real Marine.

"In that case, let's save Zoro!"

Luffy jumped off the barrel, put his head back in his hands, and strode forward.

"Ah! Mr. Luffy, wait for me!"

Kirby also stood up and chased after Luffy.

"This Beru Meber is really abominable, it's an insult to Marine's majesty."

"This is a scumbag!"

Kirby followed closely behind Luffy, clenched his fists, resentful.

"It's decided, Zoro is my partner!"

Luffy looked at the Marine Base gate in front of him, and twisted his body casually.


"Huh??? Mr. Luffy, Zoro is a pirate hunter! Besides, Zoro hasn't agreed yet!"

Kirby's eyes widened. It was the first time he had seen such a unilateral decision, and he was still so determined.

Sometimes it's really hard to understand Mr. Luffy's train of thought!

Keby followed Luffy and rolled into the wall.


"Is it you again? What a laid-back guy!"

Zoro, who woke up startled, looked at Luffy in front of him, with some surprise in his voice.

"I'll help you untie the rope, and you will be my companion!"

Luffy stood up straight and faced Zoro, his eyes were serious, it didn't look like he was joking at all.

"What?! Companion."

Zoro was visibly taken aback, he had never expected that Luffy would say such a thing.

This is only the first time they have met.

"I'm looking for a partner to be a pirate!"

Luffy's eyes were still full of seriousness, and he walked a few steps while talking.

"I refuse! Do you want me to take the initiative to become a villain? Don't waste your time."

"I must live and accomplish what I want to do."

Zoro raised his head and looked at Luffy, his eyes were firm and filled with endless fighting spirit.

With a name in his mind, Kuina, he has to fulfill their dreams.

Become the world's number one swordsman!

"However, I have made up my mind to let you be my partner."

Luffy turned sideways, with excitement on his face and a firm voice.

"Don't make decisions on your own!"

Zoro looked at Luffy in front of him and shouted excitedly.

He had no way at all to understand the brain circuit of the guy with the straw hat in front of him.

What are you thinking about!

The previous sentence has nothing to do with the next sentence.

"Untie the rope, you are my third partner!"

Luffy said to himself, not caring about Zoro who was already crazy on one side.

"Hahahahaha, so this is the mouse here!"

"Just these few, do you also want to be traitors?"

Monka led a group of Marines and looked towards Luffy and Zoro.

The ax in his hand continued to emit a cold light under the sunlight.

That straw hat kid is probably the owner of Devil Fruit.

As for the little guy with pink hair, it can be ignored.

"As far as your insignificant strength is concerned, it is meaningless in front of my full strength."

Mengka raised his chest and stroked his hand axe, shouting proudly and confidently.

"Come on! Execute these traitors."

He then said to Marine beside him.

Marine looked at each other, and under Monka's strong pressure, raised his gun to Luffy.

"Luffy, don't worry, these guys in front of me will be handed over to me."

Kebi didn't know where, so he found a wooden stick, held the wooden stick tightly in front of Luffy,

The voice is firm.

"Come on, come on! Kebi, come on!"

"For justice, for faith, for Mr. Luffy, I will stick to it no matter what!"

Kebi cheered himself up and kept encouraging his courage.

Looking at Marine in front of him, tears flowed from the corners of his eyes unstoppably, he was ready to die.

Even though his feet were trembling uncontrollably, his eyes remained firm.

The Marines looked at Keby in front of them and hesitated.

What do they seem to realize?

"Go away! Fool, my bet will be won tomorrow."

Zoro looked at Luffy who was untying the rope, realized his bet, and shouted.

"Ah, the bet, aren't you going to be executed tomorrow? Where is the bet!"

Luffy didn't stop what he was doing, looking at Zoro in front of him, his tone was flat.

"Ah, so..."

Zoro, who suddenly realized the nature of the matter, fell into a brief silence.

Is it all a hoax?

Then everything I do, is.

Zoro raised his head suddenly, his jet-black muzzle was aimed at them, and fell into shock.

This is the ultimate danger, shouted.

"Go! If you don't go, you will die."

Luffy didn't pay attention to Zoro's words, no matter what Zoro said, he still untied the rope.

Monka looked at Marine who was still hesitating, his face became gloomy, he raised the ax in his hand and slashed at a Marine who put down his gun.

With the appearance of the corpse, the faces of the surrounding Marines were full of anger.

But they didn't dare to resist the mighty Kamon.

The muzzle of the black gun was raised, aiming at Luffy and the others.

Pull the trigger!

bang bang bang...

"Go! You will die!!!"

Zoro looked at Luffy on the side and shouted frantically.

Kebi looked at the bullet in front of him, and held on to the fear in his body, holding the wooden stick tightly.

Blocked in front of Luffy and the others.

Suddenly, a circle of red flames swirled from the air, and the scorching heat instantly melted the bullet.

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