Great Voyage: Fishing The Sky, Catch Luffy At The Beginning

Chapter 58 Hunting Competition! Hawkeye Usopp! ! !

"Mr.3, there is news from Miss Valentine, this time the opponents are some very powerful people!"

A guy wearing a pink hat, sitting on a stool, read the information in his hand.

Wearing blue glasses and wearing blue and white striped clothes, the guy is holding a cup of tea in an elegant posture.

"Very powerful guys, only weak people will think these guys are powerful."

Mr.3 lay gracefully on the chair, enjoying the holiday that only senior agents can have, drinking tea and enjoying life.

"Miss Golden Week, why are you always holding a few pieces of paper to read these days?"

Mr.3 looked at the newspaper that Miss Golden Week had been holding all the time, with a lot of curiosity on his face.

"Instructions from the boss!"

Miss Golden Week slowly showed the paper in her hand to MR.3 in front of her, with a calm look, showing the instructions from Ke Locke Dahl.

"Why don't you share the news about Miss Valentine!!!"

Mr.3 was extremely surprised when he learned that it was the boss Ke Locke.

"That's why Miss Valentine sent a special message to remind her.

"These mindless fellows."

"A truly Excellent crime is done with the mind!"

Mr"One Twenty".3 drank the coffee in his hand and looked at the newspaper in his hand as if admiring a work of art.

Soon after, Mr. B and Golden Week disappeared in the resort.

"Is this the Little Garden?"

Luffy propped his hands on the railing and looked at the surrounding scenery with curiosity in his eyes.

The voice was extremely excited.

"Isn't that small?"

Zoro also looked around, observing the things on the island with calm eyes.

"Xia Qi, we have arrived at a new island!"

Princess Vivi came to Xia Qi's side and bowed down, her voice was gentle and kind.

"Little Garden? This is a primitive island, and there are many primitive creatures on the island.

Xia Qi nodded, and raised the fishing rod to popularize knowledge to Princess Vivi beside her.

Little Garden also has some interesting guys.

“Pristine Island!!!!”

When several people around heard Xia Qi's words, Luffy and the others all expressed doubts.

For those who do not understand this knowledge, they may even misunderstand the original concept.

"In the Grand Line, because of the unpredictable weather and the weird and changeable terrain, some islands may have made rapid technological progress, while some islands have been isolated from the world for a long time, so these islands still retain the original features of thousands of years ago or several years ago. The state before Ten Thousand Years."

Princess Vivi was a little surprised at first, but everyone explained later.

Although it is now known that it is a primitive island, it is not known how long the island has been isolated from the world.

"This place is probably still in the age of dinosaurs!"

Xia Qi picked an orange and ate it as he walked down. Compared with the crowd, his calm expression seemed extremely abrupt.

Princess Vivi stared at Xia Qi on the side.

The surrounding trees, and the traces of these forests.

And when entering the Little Garden, the huge creatures encountered are indeed very likely to be from the age of dinosaurs.

"Whoa whoa!"

"Stay in the age of dinosaurs?"

When Luffy heard about Xia Qi, he thought he could meet the dinosaurs from Ten Thousand Years ago.

Jumping up and down on the boat, looking around constantly looking for traces of dinosaurs, the whole person seemed extremely excited.

At this moment, Luffy is like ten shots of adrenaline, full of energy.


Nami's eyes were white, tears fell from his eyes, his mouth was wide open, and the picture of the whole dinosaur had already been imagined in his mind.

Dinosaurs are huge and terrifying creatures.

Just one bite can crush the Merry to pieces.

The huge sense of crisis terrified her.

"Aren't you afraid, Usopp?"

Nami looked at Usopp who was uncharacteristically, with doubts in his eyes.

What's wrong with this guy!

Scared out of my wits.

He is more timid than himself.

"What's wrong with you, Usopp?"

Nami looked at Usopp, this guy didn't know what happened in the morning, and he never came out of the room.

The gunpowder in the cabin was also used.

"I'm going hunting!!!"

Usopp held his improved ammunition, his legs were shaking, and he swore an oath.

He has all the combat skills of Hawkeye in his mind, all he has to do now is to integrate these skills, and these require a lot of actual combat experience.

in mind!

The man with the bow and arrow is a strong man in another world facing another world.

The warships that block the sky and the huge monsters all have ways to deal with them.

Isn't this the same dinosaur from Ten Thousand Years ago!

I have nothing to be afraid of.

Usopp kept comforting himself in his own heart.

"Sanji prepares a bento for me!!! All meat!"

When Luffy thought of entering the small island later, there would be a tense and exciting adventure, and he was extremely excited, standing on the bow of the boat eager to try.

"I see, wait a moment!"

With a cigarette in his mouth, Sanji responded to the captain as he walked.

"I want it too, I want whole meat too!! I'll go and improve it first, and I'll get it later.

Usopp looked at Sanji aside, and said loudly.

It's also a great exercise opportunity for Usopp.

To be on the safe side, he went to improve a few more bomb stars.

"Give me a copy, Sanji."

Xia Qi put away the fishing rod, stood up and looked towards the island.

Little Garden.

Islands of ancient times.

Sanji nodded and walked towards the kitchen.

"Xia Qi, are you going too?"

Luffy looked at Xia Qi expectantly, expecting his approval in his eyes.

The red flame will burn on the Xia Qi knife.

If you use that kind of flame to grill the meat, it must be delicious.

Thinking of this, Luffy had a smile on his face.

"I'm going too, the adventure in Little Garden must be very good."

Xia Qi jumped from above and landed on the boat board, looking at these creatures under the water.

The bodies of these fish are too large.

If you want to fish, you need a location that I am no longer suitable for.

"Can I go with you too?"

Princess Weiwei also came down the stairs and asked Xia Qi.


Luffy shouted happily from one side, Xia Qi also nodded.

There is no problem with bringing this guy.

"Luffy is not very reliable, but with Xia Qi and you guys, there shouldn't be any problems.

Although Nami was surprised that Princess Vivi would also take risks, but thinking of Xia Qi with them, it would be no problem.

"It's okay, I can still run fast!"

Princess Vivi stretched out her hand to touch the running fast on one side, feeling the fast running of the mission...

Imagining the dinosaurs in the island, the whole body is shaking constantly.

Couldn't even speak.

After a while, the pirate will be ready.

Luffy took the bento and walked happily to the island.

"Then I'm free anyway, so I'll go for a walk too!"

Zoro stretched and walked down.

"There should be dinosaurs in here! It's just for practicing knives."

Zoro looked into the depths of the forest and yawned, as if describing something trivial.

"What!! Practicing knives with dinosaurs!"

Nami's eyes widened, his mouth widened, and he looked at Zoro in front of him with a look of astonishment.

Practice the knife with dinosaurs!

Is it possible to say something like this casually?

This is a creature from before Ten Thousand Years!

Synonymous with terror.

"Remember to bring some food back, there is not enough food on board, and there is no replenishment in the next town.

"Xia Qi's storage box has no food in it yet!"

Sanji stood on the boat, smoked a cigarette and shouted to Zoro on the island.

"I'll catch some prey you can't catch anyway!"

Holding the knife in his hand, Zoro turned his head and shouted at Sanji on the boat.

It would be great if we could meet some dinosaurs with good strength, and we could also practice more sword skills.

"Stop for me, green head!!!"

After Sanji heard Zoro's words, his face was angry.

If I didn't get the Sharingan before, I would really be inferior to you, the guy Xia Qi helped.

But now, with the Sharingan I just got, it's bearable!

"I can't pretend I didn't hear you say you can catch bigger prey than I can catch!"

With a cigarette in his mouth, Sanji looked extremely arrogant, and the Sharingan in his eyes was already turning constantly.

Anger continued to burn in his chest, and this green algae dared to question my strength.

"Of course!"

Zoro looked at Sanji in front of him, there was a looming Black flame on the knife.

The spark of rivalry between the two kept burning.

"Let's have a hunting game!!!!"

"Listen to 3.6! Let's compare the kilograms of the meat!!"

Sanji looked at the unconvinced Zoro in front of him, and was furious.

"How many tons should it be!!"

After hearing this, Zoro looked at Sanji on the side and said with contempt.

Nami looked at the two people walking into the island.

Suddenly thought of something.

There are dinosaurs here, but now it's just him and Usopp left on the boat.

Thinking back to Usopp's battle scenes these days, horror gradually appeared on her face.

Facing creatures like dinosaurs, they have no ability to resist at all.

"Ho ho ho ho!"

A ferocious roar came from the depths of the forest.

The towering trees kept falling down.

With red eyes, he just stared at Nami from a distance.

Tears kept streaming from the corners of Nami's eyes.

Looking at the dinosaur in front of her, she had lost the motivation to run away, and she didn't even have the idea of ​​running away.

Didn't expect this to die!

But why is the tree jumping guy, kind of like Usopp?

The nose is still so long.


When Nami saw clearly that the person fighting the dinosaur was Usopp, he was very surprised and shouted loudly.

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