Great Voyage: Fishing The Sky, Catch Luffy At The Beginning

Chapter 77 Princess Vivi's Cry, The Guy Who Makes Ace Pay Attention!

"Ace why are you here?"

While clinking glasses with Chopper and the others, Luffy enjoyed the pleasant time at sea, and looked back at Ace to ask why he came here.

"I'm hunting a pirate... so I'm going to Juba!"

Ace briefly explained the reason for his trip to Luffy and the others, revealing his hatred for Blackbeard~ in his words.

"It turns out our destination is the same."

"We are going to find the leader of the rebel army this time, so we must reach Juba."

Princess Vivi pointed to the map after hearing Ace's narration, told everyone their next destination and explained.

Her eyes were full of hope, and her voice was filled with excitement. She believed that she would definitely be able to stop this war from happening.

"Vivi, do you really think you can stop the battle between the two armies with just a few words?"

"Mr.2 Bentham has Clone-Clone Fruit, he can completely kill the leader of the rebel army, and use the fruit ability to make this war break out!"

"War means death!"

Xia Qi put away his fishing rod and leaned against the plank of the boat, his eyes were full of seriousness, and his voice was solemn.

No joke at all.

The leader of the rebel army was in the city just now.

But is it really useful to convince the leader of the rebel army?

With Mr.2 Bentham around, it will not have any influence on them at all.

They can kill the leader of the rebel army and let Mr.2 Bentham imitate directly.

Order the rebels to attack.

Locke Dahl has laid out what he has accumulated in this country for so many years.

It is not easily destroyed.

There are only deserts in Jubali, and there are no so-called rebels at all.

Already deserted.

During the days when Princess Vivi was away, many changes took place in Alabasta.

And she didn't know this.

There is no need for pointless trekking.


"I will definitely be able to stop this war."

"Will not let my people die!!!"

"Kousa will definitely listen to my persuasion, I will tell him the truth..."

Before Princess Vivi finished speaking, her emotions collapsed in an instant.

Her reason disappeared at this moment, and she walked to the park and shouted at him.

I want to stick to my decision and stick to the last hope of the country.

But after he really considered Mr.2 Bentham's ability, he couldn't help but break down and cry.

She pinned all her hopes on the negotiation between herself and the leader of the rebel army.

He wants to persuade the leader of the rebel army to expose all the crimes of Klocke Dar, so that the fighting between the rebel army and the king's army will stop.

Let Alabasta regain its former peace and tranquility.

Even if she gave up her own life, she would not hesitate.

But Xia Qi's words broke all her expectations and fantasies at once.

And smashed her plans.

Let her lose all hope in an instant.

"Xia Qi!! Don't say that."

Seeing Princess Vivi crying bitterly, Nami felt sad and complained.

But after listening to Xia Qi's words, she also seemed to have truly realized the essence of the matter.

"Xia Qi is a guy who doesn't care about anything, but he always gives the right answer to many questions!"

Zoro stopped exercising, and after hearing Xia Qi's words, he agreed with him very much.

The current situation is beyond what negotiations can handle.

"Trying to end a war with a few words! Obviously impossible."

Ace leaned against the plank of the boat and drank wine, and also gave his own point of view.

In the past few years at sea, he has experienced countless things, and his mind is much more mature than these guys.

The cruelty of war is far beyond their imagination.

If this can end the war, then Seven Warlords of the Sea is too underestimated.

He also agrees with Xia Qi's point of view.

Although he has never met the owner of Clone-Clone Fruit.

But the ability to harness Clone-Clone Fruit is also enough to start a war.

"We want to stop the most critical factor in this war, Locke Dar, the BOOS of the Locke Works!"

Xia Qi glanced at Princess Vivi who fell to the ground crying bitterly and gave her the correct answer.

Locke Dahl is the real promoter of this war.

Only by taking him out can this war truly end.

"Klocke Dar? One of the Seven Warlords of the Sea. I know he's in this country."

"However, a pirate who wants to drop anchor and seek power and usurp the throne to be the king of a country is really a bad joke."

"But there may be a bigger conspiracy in Locke Dahl!"

Ace couldn't help but feel a little more angry when he heard these words, and regarded the lives of millions of people as playthings.

But in this country with ancient history.

He couldn't help thinking of a long Legendary that existed in blank history.

Huge crises, powerful enemies, and terrifying plots emerged in Princess Vivi's mind.

……ask for flowers…

It was as if three mountains were pressing her down, making her unable to breathe.

An unprecedented sense of powerlessness surged from her heart.

She simply does not have the ability to face that frightening strength.

As well as the entire Bar Locke Work Agency.

"Then let's go and take down Klockedar!"

Luffy raised his hand to listen to the conversation between Xia Qi and them, and summed up what they had to do.

It seems that Locke Dahl's fear is not felt at all.


"Then let's go!"

Nami and others agreed with Luffy's words and expressed their willingness to go to the location of Ke Locke Dar.

Join Princess Vivi to save the people of Alabasta.

"Remember you are our partner!"

Xia Qi patted Princess Vivi on the shoulder, stood up and looked towards the sea.

What does Princess Vivi seem to realize?

Looking in Xia Qi's direction, there were no tears, but tears of joy in his eyes.


Is it a partner?!

It was like a ray of light illuminating her in the darkness.

The suffocating pressure also quietly dissipated.

After hearing Xia Qi's words, a smile gradually appeared on her face.

"Princess Vivi, Nami, your afternoon tea is ready, please go to the restaurant for dinner!"

Sanji broke the originally sentimental atmosphere and invited them to dinner.

"There are still a few of you, if you want to eat, go get it yourself!"

His gentle expression faded away, and he looked at Luffy and others with a casual expression.

The large-scale double-standard scene made Luffy and the others complain one after another.

Princess Vivi also laughed again.

"Blank history, the three god-tiers haven't heard anything about them for a long time."

Xia Qi lay on the railing on one side of the ship plank with her hands down, looking at the distant sea pretending to be deep, as if she was missing something.

Only by increasing his weight in Ace's heart can this guy pay attention to the development of flames.

Save yourself unnecessary trouble in Summit War.

"As expected, I underestimated you, Xia Qi!"

Ace looked at Xia Qi beside him. During the chat on the boat, he heard Luffy talking about him, and knew some stories about Xia Qi and the ship doctor of the Roger Pirates, Kureha.

It is not ordinary people who can understand the things of that era.

Now it is Legendary who knows the artifact.

Whatever Xia Qi's status is? No harm to Luffy.

Originally, he was worried about Luffy's safety when facing Ke Locke Dar.

Now it seems that it is indeed redundant. .

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