With an order from the messenger.

He immediately withdrew from the ring, leaving the ring to the fighters.

And King looked at the other woman’s woman at this time.

He was really afraid that the other party would suddenly run over and beat him to death.

But to this point.

He wasn’t very panicked either.

As long as there is no problem in the intuition, the emperor engine should be able to solve the problem as soon as it is turned on.

Just follow the previous idea.

Looking at the king who looked at her indifferently in front of her, Dailijana introduced herself to the king~

“King, my name is Dailijana! 29 years old, unmarried-! ”

Hearing the woman in front of him begin to introduce herself, Ki-ng nodded.

He still had basic courtesy, but why did she suddenly introduce herself?

King felt a little confused.

“I want to be your future wife, okay?”

Dailijana’s next sentence directly made King a little blindsided.

The grim expression almost broke the defense!

What the heck?

Who is he directly generated? Where are you? of doubts in life.

Wrong? This woman won’t be trying to confuse herself and take the opportunity to strike!

Just in an instant, King’s mind was re-stabilized.

His voice was somewhat solemn and cold.


Hear King’s rhetorical question.

Dailijana’s eyes lit up and she began to chatter.

What amount of food can he match hers?

What did he never blink into her eyes?

What did he directly shock to death with his momentum, and the courage of the two pirate groups convinced her?

What did he kill with one move the powerful strength of the giant sea king class to make her admire?

What did he make her admire with his will to hone his spirit with hunger?

Balabala said a lot!

King is a little confused to hear!

The first two are easy to understand, what the hell are the latter talking about?

What did he really do?

Looking at Dailijana’s sworn look, he almost thought he had done those things.

It won’t be someone plaguing him!

With all kinds of unthinkable deeds, madly lure others to challenge him in order to make a name for himself.

How vicious!

At this time, King couldn’t help but think in his mind.

So he asked Dailijana.

“Dailijana, where did you hear what you said later?”

Hearing King’s question, Dalyjana couldn’t help but raise her arm that could shatter boulders.

Covered his face and looked shy.

King actually called her by her first name! So shy!

Was this a yes to her marriage proposal?

Looking at Dailijana, whose face seemed to be bubbling in front of her.

King swallowed unconsciously!

Is this woman serious?

He looked at her arms that could run horses, they really weren’t an order of magnitude!

This time he is going to withdraw the preface, which is not lucky at all!

Dalyjana after a bubble.

That answered King’s question.

“Many of your deeds have been passed on, this is what Leopard Paw Ethan himself said! You don’t have to hide either! Even if you hide it, you still look so bright! ”

It’s that guy! The guy who called him the boss?

It’s just that King has no time to take care of it at this time.

The words of the person in front of him made him unconsciously get goosebumps.

If he could, he would want to end the duel now.

“Let’s fight!”

At this time, King said directly in a cold tone.

Hearing King’s words, Dailijana also began to come to her senses.

“I admit defeat!” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

She shouted loudly.

As she threw in the towel, she also began to walk towards the ring.

He also had a shy expression before leaving.

Looking at her still shy, King controlled his breathing.


King felt a little unable to control his power.

Sure enough, women only affect the speed at which he works for his boss.

“The second match of the third round of the big assessment, King wins!”

With the loud shouts of the messenger.

The navy below was in an uproar again, and then began to make up their brains.

Sure enough, that man was too powerful! So that everyone does not dare to fight him and directly admit defeat?

On the assessment platform, Warring States looked at the man on the stage a little speechless at this time.

What’s going on?

It’s so hard to see him show his strength!

Either take a break or throw in the towel! Do you have to admit defeat again in the next game?

He looked at Meccado, who was standing not far away outside the rest ground.

Looking at his eyes full of fighting intent, Sengoku couldn’t help but nod.

0 ask for flowers

Meccado, nicknamed the Iron Knight, is a warrior recommended by an allied nation in the New World.

He is usually dressed in steel armor and his weapon is a knight’s gun.

Proficient in two-color domineering, armed color is especially good.

Its strength is completely comparable to that of the veteran vice admirals of the Navy.

Looking at his eyes full of fighting intent now, such a person will never surrender and admit defeat no matter what!

Sengoku let go of his heart at this time, this time King should always make a move!

It’s just that if it’s still the same as before, it can only make Karp out!

Sengoku thought a little leisurely.

Over time.

Soon the break will pass.

The final final of this big test is also about to begin.

The final matches the two sides.

One side is Meccado, known as the Iron Knight, and the other is the nickname spread through the mouth of Ethan, the strongest king in history.

Although the so-called strongest in history seems a bit pompous to say.

After all, a person has no record in any battles, and suddenly appears and is called the strongest in history.

There will always be doubts, or there will be many doubts.

It’s just that King is after it appears.

No one dared to question it to his face.


In this final final, look at the Steel Knight Mecca and look full of fighting spirit.

All the navies under the ring were excited.

This wave can finally see King shoot!

The previous few times I wanted to see either a vacancy or surrender.

Although this proved that the man was so powerful that no one could compete with him, he had never seen him make a move in the entire big assessment.

It’s a shame!

That’s what many people think!

Some people think that the strength of the man King is a little exaggerated.

It’s just that they also have no evidence to prove that King’s strength is exaggerated.

Look at the blind conviction of the majority of the Navy.

Some hawkish generals are dissatisfied!

The strength that cannot be seen and understood cannot convince everyone after all.

This showdown, let them see King’s real strength!

“The final of the big assessment, start now!”

PS: The new book sets sail, ask for collections, ask for free tickets and flowers.

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