Great Voyage: Grab Nami Onto The Ship, And Draw Prizes

Chapter 48: Enel Is Really Convinced [New January, Please Support]

"not enough."

What Bai Yu wants is: to transfer abilities, even to his subordinates, without killing or even hurting.

after all.

The ability of subordinates is Bai Yu's.

The abilities of some crew members must be poor, and it is difficult for them to become stronger, and they cannot bring anything to Bai Yu.

"Experiment 2: Transfer without killing!"

Bai Yu fed the explosive fruit to a Sky Island prisoner to start the experiment again.

two hours later.

Under the dull gazes of the three of Crocodile, Bai Yu re-condensed the explosive fruits again and again, and fed them again and again.

This scene.


Because they think of themselves!

The trio are not too young. Currently, Sand Crocodile is 44, Enel and Redhead are the same age: 37, and Bowness is 29.

Wouldn't it be better to kill them and hand over their abilities to younger and more potential people?

Instead they certainly do.

Thinking of this, the trio's heart is extremely depressed, and they are not afraid of death, but no one will be willing to die when they are deprived of everything in this way.

If Bai Yu knows, there are only five words: You think too much.

"The original characters have a special sense of conquest for Bai Yu!"

Therefore, unless it is really worthless or very hard-headed, Bai Yu doesn't want to kill randomly.

Give me a job!

"The experiment...success!"

After more than a dozen experiments in a row, Bai Yu temporarily stopped.

Final test result: Severely wounded and dying people can transfer abilities without causing death.

For now, Bai Yu can only do this, and it has to be done in an immortal prison.

"Second experiment."

"Side effect transfer!"

Bai Yu took out the seastone handcuffs.

This is one of Crocodile's possessions: Robin leads the way, Nami's home, Kaya's reckoning, Vivi's gate.


When Bai Yu scans, silence.

Scanning energy is hard, and the so-called side effects are too difficult.

According to the scientific statement of the world of pirates: the reason why people with ability are afraid of sea water is because it contains Pyrobroin, an active ingredient containing seastone.

Pyrobroin is what the able-bodied fears.

Seawater: It only makes the ability person powerless, but the ability can be used.

seastone: Not only powerlessness, but also ability to seal.

Unscientific statement: Side effects are a valid concept.

"It involves concept development."

For now, Bai Yu can't do it.

"Transfer of Haki, Spirit, Body Energy, etc."

"Experience transfer such as swordsmanship."

"And even lifespan transfer."

The above experiments, etc., Bai Yu thought well, but still not developed enough.

Just give up the experiment.

"The recovery experiment begins."

"Experiment 1: Age!"

Bai Yu unleashes his recovery abilities, shrouding a Sky Island prisoner.

Life Restoration: The intention is to permanently restore a person's physical state and age to a youthful period.


Bai Yu is constantly releasing his abilities and constantly experiencing the miracles of life.

One hour.

two hours.

Another few hours passed.

"Life is restored!"

Bai Yu's experiment is still going on, and the trio are all numb. What experiment is he doing, scientist?


Enel, who was staring at him, suddenly trembled.

Crocodile and Bowness lost their voices in disbelief.

The prisoner who passed out at Bai Yu's feet was originally a guy with a shaggy beard in his forties or fifties.


Thirty years old!

Twenty years old!


The trio was horrified as they watched the guy get younger, smaller, and turned into a child.

The shock cannot be added.

"Look at the results..."

Bai Yu took back the ability and looked forward to it.

one second.

ten seconds.

One minute.

It wasn't until half an hour later that Bai Yu was disappointed because the younger prisoners were aging at an accelerated rate.

Expected: ten hours.

In other words, Bai Yu's current life recovery can only keep people around ten hours younger.

Maybe different constitutions lead to different times, but for sure, the permanence that Bai Yu envisioned is not currently available.

"It's still not developed enough."

Bai Yu wasn't much disappointed.

He has time to develop, after all, the restoration fruit is clearly introduced: concept development.

"The last experiment."

"Experiment: Death Recovery!"

Goal: Resurrect the dead!

The ultimate goal: no matter how long they die, as long as there is a trace left, anyone can be resurrected!

When Bai Yu's hand turned to a dead prisoner, the trio was completely frightened and ran over quickly.

"what are you going to do?!"

Crocodile's expression was very heavy, and his voice trembled slightly: "What are you doing to a dead person...?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Bai Yu said casually.

Enel's expression management was completely out of control, and he exclaimed: "This is something a human can do? Are you a god?"


You are my god!

Enel looked at Bai Yu, and suddenly there was an indescribable admiration and awe in his eyes.

What a god!

After a few minutes.

Bai Yu withdrew his hand: "There is no movement, and the development is not enough."

The trio was shocked.

Just not enough development?

After that, the development has been enough. Seeing that Bai Yu is not disappointed, I know that I must be confident.

Crocodile held his hands tightly: "What kind of ability is this?"

Bai Yu glanced at it and said, "Talent, it can be understood as an innate ability!"

"Yes, that's for sure..." Enel suddenly twisted his body in place like a fool, shouting madly and frantically.

"God does not gather!"

"God does not plot!"

"God does not depend on others!"

"This is the real God!"

"God was a perfect being from the beginning!"


The three Bai Yu were stunned.

ah? what are you saying? !

Ignoring the crazy Enel, Bai Yu said plainly: "Cultivation hard, wait for me to reign on the supreme throne, and give you the supreme glory!"


Bai Yu disappeared!

The Undead Prison is quiet.

The trio looked at each other and were instantly full of energy!

God or not.

They did anyway.

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