Anilu’s face turned green when he heard this.

Not only did I not see clearly, but I couldn’t catch the sights and smells. But it was quickly overwhelmed by humiliation, in the sight of many people…. Maintain this pose yourself.

Damn it!!

“I know you’re in a hurry, but don’t rush yet.”

Lorne’s leisurely voice sounded overhead.

I can’t wait for a few minutes, and if Sengoku is as impetuous as him, it is estimated that he should leave his post in a few days.


“You sit on God!!!

Guilty of the second disease Anilu, the lungs are about to explode, and the thunder light around the body bursts out, directly releasing a huge amount of thunder light!




Anilu is already high in the air, and his wrist is thundering and penetrating down!

“God’s sanction!”

It was very destructive, and the whole square was a piece of electric light!

But wait until it dissipates.

Still missed.

However, this is only the beginning.

“30 million volts? Thunderbird! ”

“60 million volts? Thunder Dragon! ”

No matter how you hit the taiko drum, how fast the attack is.

All fell through.

Even if it is a hand-to-hand combat and poke with a trident, it still misses a hit: “Damn….”

Is it amazing fast?

Did you dodge ahead of time with your sights?

“Against you.”

“There’s no need to even use it to see and smell.”

Lorne flashed sideways.

Elementalized movement is close to instantaneous, but this requires a forward swing to reach the target and attack.

You need to condense the entity.

The pause in the period was another flaw. It can be easily captured with Lorne’s naked eye.

“It’s okay to deliver food in a hurry.”

He gave an assessment.

“Lo… Mr. Lorne! ”


There was a woman dressed in a peach suit with a spider tattooed on her big white legs shouting: “I can help!” ”

It’s Peach Rabbit!

But she was handcuffed and couldn’t move, and needed to turn to Lorne.

And not only her,

The rest of the Navy echoed: “Admiral Lorne …. And us, can fight together! ”

“Too weak to be necessary.”

Lorne spoke straight.

I don’t know if it’s against Peach Rabbit them, or against the Sky League

Peach Rabbit and the others obviously didn’t expect Lorne to say this.

For a while,

They haven’t reacted yet.

“When I don’t exist?!”

Anilu’s head cleared up, his hands were together, and the thunder ball condensed out, heading directly towards Peach Rabbit and other female soldiers.



Just halfway through, he was pinched by Lorne with his bare hands!


The thunder light continued to explode for several seconds, and under the ultra-high temperature, Lorne was as pale as usual.

Wave your hand.

The smoke cleared and remained intact.


Lorne finished counting the last ten minutes: “It’s almost there.” ”

“What’s next?!”

Anilu took a step back, but immediately stepped forward again, not noticing Lorne’s change: “Don’t be proud.” It’s just beginning—”

The words did not fall.

There was a blur in front of my eyes.

The sight of one palm hit, the panel was wrapped and grabbed, and the body was weightless, and the head fell to the ground.

The drum is broken,

The limbs are also stiff.



The sound of touching the ground sounded, and the floor tiles cracked straight out of a hundred meters!

[Kill by head]

Lorne withdrew his right hand.

Stick one hand in your pocket.

“Not so soon? I didn’t use much force, did I…. That’s right. ”

He said.

Seeing that Anilu was covered in blue light and seemed to be struggling, he raised his leg and stepped on his chest!


Another time.

The square shook three times.

This time, the crack collapsed directly to the edge and extended to the feet of the pirates watching the battle.

Anilu, on the other hand, had his chest sunken and his whole body fell into the ground.

This is the price of arrogance.

“No, no kidding, Lord Anilu….”

“Didn’t Lord Anilu easily solve the four stars of dessert before. How could it be so easy-”


Charlotte Snagg.

A member of the Aunt Group with a bounty of 600 million, they had encountered it by chance before, and they were easily defeated by Anilu!

And yet,

Now Anilu was killed by others in seconds——


I don’t know who shouted.

Almost instantly, a giant beak knife wrapped around the domineering, from top to bottom, slashing from the side to Lorne!



The purple-black arc crossed, and the fierce wind swept out hundreds of meters!

The pirate navy shields the wind and dust with their hands.

Wait until it subsides

I saw the sharp beak knife, set on Lorne’s wrist and trembling, unable to advance half an inch.



On his side stood a man nearly seven meters tall, holding a knife in both hands and running his nose.

It seems that I can’t understand why the person in front of me can be so relaxed.

“Ju, it’s actually useless armed color!”

There are pirates as if they have seen the hell, what are his muscles and bones made of?

This is comparable to BIG· MOM’s steel balloon is up now!

There was hardly time for respite.

The next moment.

Before everyone could see what was happening, Weibull’s belly was like shrimp, and a depression flew out upside down.

The momentum is strong,

More fierce than rocket launchers!

‘Phew! ’

Weibull rushed out sideways with Zefa’s broken arm, and in an instant, he smashed several mountains!

The Zefa disciples watched blankly and felt the gap….

Their teachers.

Are teachers weak?

Certainly not weak!

As a former general, even if he is now asthmatic and his strength is not as strong as before, he still has rich combat experience and.

Strength should not be underestimated.

And yet….

Still slashed twice by Weibull. And now Weibull can’t even parry a blow.

The gap can be imagined.

“Damn it!”

“Become a woman!!”

A big cadre under Wang Zhi roared, and an invisible force flicked by.


Part of the male navy was shrouded and transformed into a big beauty with a hot body and a charming face.


This is a virus that can change the genes of the human body.


Lorne’s body was also changing, but in the next second, a strange light flashed, and he was easily expelled from the body by the domineering.

“Domineering is the Tao, and the fruit is the art.”

With Lorne stepping.

His aura also began to climb, and everyone felt that a beast that had been dormant for a long time was awakening: “There is a way without art, the art can still be sought, there is no way of art, stop at the art.” ”

No matter how powerful the ability is for the weak, without physical skills and domineering, it still can’t change anything.

These words,

It made many people feel something.

“Don’t use your abilities, it’s useless…. Now, how far can you run! ”



“It’s a collision between old times!!”

Wang Zhi licked his tongue, grinned, and was aroused with excitement: “Xuanlong Luoen, is he back?!” ”

Before him.

Thought it was Lorne pretending, stalling for time and waiting for something. Now think about it as naïve.

It’s just smoke bombs!

Let their guard down! This guy is still so scary!

Between conversations.

Many of the crew pirates under their command were shocked and began to retreat to the periphery, and the development of things greatly exceeded expectations.

Standby for now.


Wang Zhi’s muscles were coiled, and the high-level armed colors began to flow his arms, and finally gathered his fists.


His right fist.

As if steel had been poured, the blood was red to the extreme.

What Wang Zhi ate was the [Force Fruit], and even if ordinary people possessed this fruit, they could instantly transform into superhumans!

And the increase he itself is the existence of the sea thief!

That effect is even stronger!


The floor tiles he stepped on turned into powder and dissipated in the air.

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