The sea is rolling! The sky dome is torn!


To be precise,

It was as if two forces were entangled, black and white, driving and colliding with each other.

Because the holy place is on the Red Earth Continent, and it is also closer to the main part, it can be seen more clearly.


The whole sea,

All implicated flipped!

Countless insects, birds, fish and beasts leaped and looked at one place!

“This sky-rushing momentum, and the impact on the range, the power is already comparable to ancient weapons.”


“Did Whitebeard make a move, does he still have that kind of power? What is the other that rivals it? ”

“This is no longer a battle at the level of the Four Emperors!!”


Even the five old stars are also shocked!

Shock Fruit?

Barely understand,

But against the power comparable to a shock, what fruit was launched?


They don’t know,

Lorne is actually caused by pure body art:

“Could it be—”

The old man in kimono was like a battle in the Valley of Gods, and his figure trembled slightly: “Could it be him?” No, didn’t you just kill the dragon? Is there still physical strength?! ”

Marin Fando.

Fist stop earthquake

Island, sea, sky.

At this moment, silence returned.

However, this did not affect the battle between the Lorne and the two.


“You used your skill to smooth Lao Tzu’s vibration?” Whitebeard’s voice had a hint of tremor.

He knows something similar,

With the Dragon Claw Fist, grab the lifeblood and you can crit.

But how can one’s own ability be stopped by pure skill? Special fruit abilities?


“You can understand it as holding your breath.”

Lorne’s fist was so powerful that even the spatial blockade imposed by the Shock Awakening could not stop him.


The two of them turned into a vacuum.

A punch,

Swinging the supreme fast knife, it slammed on Whitebeard’s chest.

It is also at this time,

Whitebeard knew that what he should pay the most attention to was not to stop the earthquake, but this old fist… Is this an old age fist!?


Under the twisted body of the white beard, he flew out of the vacuum realm, burst out of the tremor, crossed the high wall, and crossed the inner bay!

Smashed out a kilometer away.

“I haven’t felt this way in a long time.”

“Goodbye, 08 Whitebeard.”

Lorne waved and turned around, as if to say goodbye.

This blow,

It’s not so understated, like killing a fourth emperor, the power required is still quite a lot.

And between his waves,

wooden man,

He also suddenly crossed the ice, and punched Whitebeard in the air.


Swirling green leaves blast out!


The white beard flying upside down, all the internal organs were shattered, and the seven tricks were bleeding.

In a near-death state,

I could only watch this blow fall.


However, at this time,

Born with a vision, rolling thunder bursts out, descending blue four claws!

“Bad wind!!”

With a roar, the scythe slashes and burst down!

“Ma Ma Ma Ma ….. Thunder!!! ”

The pink giant woman on the other side.

Holding a black cloud,

Between the arc explosions of the purple body, it bombarded the shockwave with the bad wind!



The two sides stalemated for a while, and as the wind and thunder extinguished, the green leaf shock wave gradually dissipated.

One hit,

Attracted the double emperor to cancel, terrifying.

And their sudden appearance also frightened the people who had just stabilized in the square: “Whitebeard, how is Whitebeard!?” ”

“Out of sight!”

“The name of the strongest person in the world is about to shift!!”

It’s not just them,

Qi Wuhai was even more restless.

“Whoops, really…”

Brother Ming fell on the ruins, his palms were full of sweat, and then when he saw the blue dragon, his face changed slightly: “Hey, is Kaido here too?” ”

The relationship between himself and this four emperors is very close.


Hawkeye’s voice sounded on the side.

This is beyond the scope of what they faced, and when they said well, the Seven Martial Seas were facing one of the Four Emperors.

That is, white groups.

But now there are two other four emperors…


Even though the Warring States were prepared, the mood was still together, and Lorne was stronger than expected.

But right now…..

Two more four emperors! If you join forces –

No way

We have to be executed quickly!!!

“Oooo Whitebeard, how did you get made like this? It’s really ugly!! ”

“Ma Ma Ma Ma! Isn’t your old man dead yet? It’s embarrassing! ”

The double emperor fell,

The coercion is extremely heavy.

I have to say that they pinched the right point, that is, when Lorne and the two were defeated, they would reap the benefits of the fisherman!


Whitebeard hurts.

Lorne seems to have only physical exertion? What a more terrifying existence than a monster.


They came together!


The white beard covered his chest, his body was covered in a pool of blood, and his breath was like a gossamer.

But hold on,

Still standing up Cong Yunche, kneeling on one knee and constantly kicking his breath, coughing up visceral blood clots from time to time.



“Don’t waste the opportunity Daddy created for us! Go and save Ace! ”


There was a burst of exclamations from the square, the white regiment, the revolutionary army and the others, all infinitely close to the execution table!

That’s right

Before coming, the battle plan was temporarily discussed, and the father dragged Lorne, and the others left the others alone to charge with all their might!

Right now

Achievement of purpose,

Daddy has almost no power in a war, and is even on the verge of death ….. But Lorne must also have to breathe a sigh of relief!

And these,

In exchange, Luffy and the others rushed up!

“Stop the Straw Hat Kid!”

“Don’t worry about the Four Emperors!”

“General Lorne has done enough! Don’t let him down again!! ”


Countless navies in the audience surrounded Luffy, all of them were low-level, and what Lorne did was in their eyes.

It’s a nanny again,

Again the main battle,

Enough already!


On the way, Ivankov and other revolutionary troops easily swept them over: “Navy, Luffy and Saab, but our bright future!” ”

How is it possible for you to succeed!

“Revolutionary Army….”

“If you want to see the future, let me see it now! Do it! ”

Sengoku ordered in a deep voice.

“It’s not over yet—”

Whitebeard outside the bay,

In the distance,

Trying to mobilize the few forces he had, he got up, but fell again within a few steps.

A large mouthful of blood spilled.

Even if he was once the strongest man in the world, he couldn’t ignore the damage that Lorne played.


Live bug aiming, at the moment, justice is executed!


However, when the execution knife fell, a newborn overlord flickered!

Instantly make the executioner faint! Fall to the ground!

“Boom! Syllable!! ”

Hundreds of navies below were stunned!

It’s Luffy!

Before everyone was shocked,

The revolutionary army lightning reacted the fastest, and its hands directly turned into scissors, clicking the ground into a long corridor.

Thrown on the execution table.

And the Warring States,

I don’t know if I was immersed in Luffy’s domineering, didn’t react, and actually didn’t care about the corridor in front of my feet——

“Overlord color domineering?”

“Hey, it’s really fake.”

“It’s amazing.”


The green pheasant yellow ape looked back.

The red dog clenched his fists, and the magma rose: “The son of the dragon, he really can run, you go down with your father!” ”

Let’s just say it,

Just as he was about to swoop away, the yellow ape suddenly struck, turning into countless particles of light, rushing towards Luffy on the run!


When the elemental light particles were just about to transfer, they were swung by a mace wrapped around cold air!


The casting is interrupted,

The yellow ape slipped out backwards on the ground, and after stopping, his face was very helpless: “It’s really strange, the daughter of the Four Emperors Kaido…. Come to save Whitebeard’s son? ”

“I’m okay with Kaido!”

The phantom beast mouthed the Yamato of the true god, and the white clouds around his body were ethereal, like a fairy beast.

The momentum is extremely strong!

She already hated Kaido!

Just before, (read violent novels, just go on Feilu Novel Network!) )

While Ember was not paying attention, she got the help of the Baituan people and removed the handcuffs with Ryusakura.

When it is thrown out, it will cause a big explosion!

Yamato just found out,

Father put explosive handcuffs on himself, Kaido that bastard, really want to kill himself!


Yamato’s mood changed.

And in the communication along the way,

After learning that Luffy was dead, Saab’s mood was low, and she didn’t have much empathy.

Others kill their fathers and do not hate each other, and do not share the sky!

But she….

It is to kill the father and not to take revenge, I am very grateful!

? If someone else goes through what Yamato went through, maybe –

“Rip and pull!!”

At this very moment,

Yamato passed a sharp ice spear beside him! Go straight to the top and fly away!


Yamato roared.

In the distance, Sabo nodded when he heard this, jumped up in time, and smashed the ice spear of the green pheasant with the dragon’s claw!

Luffy is getting closer!

In this instant,

The pirates are nervous! Even the whitebeard outside the bay held his breath!


The red dog turned into a lava man and erupted, flying high into the air, and rushed straight away regardless of the distance; “No matter how small you look at the justice of this world, you must have a degree!!!

Lorne just blocked Whitebeard,

Also release the wooden man to block the trouble of the two four emperors! During this period, I don’t know how much physical strength I squandered, and I really devoted myself to the battlefield!

At this juncture,

What does it look like if they fail again?


The hard face of the red dog is extremely firm! Kill the straw hat!!

“Phoenix Seal!”

See you suddenly,

Marko leaned out under his feet and hit the red dog face door!


The power to kick the giant ship down the waterfall explodes in an instant!

The red dog was hit hard, a large area of magma burst out, and a nosebleed flowed, but he still ignored it….

Beyond Marko!

Turn into a bloody long line and go straight to Luffy!

Soon, however,

There are countless crows flying to turn into black birdcages, armed with hardened colors, trapping them while biting wildly!!

“The will of the dragon!”

“Your navy can’t stop it!!”

It was the crow who shot! He vented his full strength!


Red dogs break out again! Directly broke through, and hung up the lottery again, but just don’t give up!


“I’m coming!!”

On the promenade,

Luffy roared excitedly, but there was a sound of landing ahead, as well as dust and smoke!

Not a red dog,

It’s Karp.

The red dog in the sky was stunned when he saw this, and his speed was slightly sluggish!

“Long before you were born, the old man fought the pirates!”

“Straw Hat Luffy!”

“If you want to go over, step on the corpse of the old man! That is, the path you have chosen! ”

“The old man will not show mercy to his subordinates!”

“Luffy! I’m going to treat you as an enemy!! ”

There is nothing wrong with that.

That is, the moment when the red dog hesitated! Karp jumped up, and then ….. was beaten down by Luffy in the second block.

Red Dog: “…”


I can’t wait to crush my teeth! How could he be so stupid, actually, actually believe that Karp would do something to his grandson ….

In fact, Karp,

There was a momentary hesitation before, wanting to smash Luffy down! Thus abandoning the car to protect the marshal –

But if you can, wouldn’t you want to keep both?

On the execution table,

Between the flashes of the Sengoku lenses, I couldn’t help but want to press my forehead, Karp, you are really stupid.

What is the situation now?


But fighting with all your strength outside, you …..


Lorne watched quietly, his sleeves fluttering, and walked step by step.

Since you have made your choice, you have to pay for your actions.


He crossed the fierce battle of the green pheasant yellow ape.

“Oh, Mr. Lorne!”

“It’s amazing…..”

The yellow ape’s words stopped abruptly, feeling its breath, and did not dare to speak.

Because he had a hunch, he even said more.

will be life-threatening!


“Stop calling me teacher, I didn’t teach you.”

Lorne crossed them, lost the harmony of the past.

“Not good!!”

The eyes of Yamato and Saab in front of them froze, and they who had seen the horror of Lorne did not hesitate.

One stick 680,

One claw,

The left and right sides smashed hard towards Lorne!!

But the two of them blurred their vision, and then felt their heads tighten!


When he reacted again, his eyes were pitch black, and an unprecedented pain came from his braincase!


And in the outside world,

Cracks all around.

The two of them had been pinned to the ground, and they didn’t even react to what they saw.

That’s it

Kaido’s daughter.

Second in command of the revolutionary army.

The two who can entangle with the general for a short time lose their combat effectiveness under Lorne’s blow!

“General Lorne!!”

“It’s too powerful, after solving Whitebeard, is there actually any spare strength!?”

“He, he went to Lieutenant General Karp!!”


There is a navy yelling.

At the same time, the atmosphere became more solemn.


Karp, who smashed into ruins, opened the boulder and found that his scalp was broken with some blood.

I haven’t thought much about it yet,

The shadows in front of him were already shrouded, and at the same time a familiar voice was heard: “Your health fist is better than mine.” ”

What a piece of water from the Pacific Ocean.

“Take the justice off behind you.”

“Tekken Karp.”

As colleagues,

He had actually given a chance, but it turned out to be ….


The red dog that was shot away by the two undead birds,

Roll up,

As if sensing something, look at Karp no matter what Lorne does….

He will all cooperate and support!


Karp raised his eyes and gritted his teeth: “Old man….”

“The old man has also lost a son!!”


The voice just fell.

There was a whistling sound overhead! Not a fist, but a long leg like a tomahawk!

And sometimes.

Legs are often more powerful than fists! And this just shows that Lorne is really moving!!


Karp arms up!

Void Warp!

Even though he had the power to smash several mountains, he still couldn’t hold out under this blow.

foot sagging,

Bend your arms,

As the strength spread throughout the body, a large mouthful of blood was coughed up!


The already cracked ground was completely shattered out of 100 meters!!

See this scene,

Not to mention the other killed navies, even the two generals tensed up!

“You say you lost a son?”

“But those jailers…”

“Aren’t they someone else’s sons? Now all the navies killed in battle, do they have no parents !? ”

Lorne swept through the battlefield full of gunfire.

One by one, the navies who were killed by one blow and fell without cure, and finally their eyes converged on Ace on the execution table.

There is an irrepressible coldness on the face!

Feel free to ignore it,

Someone else’s efforts and sacrifices?!

Karp’s face turned bloody and felt the churning of his internal organs, not only physical pain.

It hurts inside, too.

Just when he wanted to say something.

Sudden heart tightness! I saw that behind Lorne, a sharp purple spear gradually formed!

Spinning fast!

The target is Ace and Luffy on the execution table!!!

“Just watch it with your own eyes.”

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