The owner of the voice, Karp knows very well who it is, and something has to be faced eventually.

He turned around: “Old man today-”


Lorne interrupted him: “If you don’t help during the war, it’s very hard to fight your teammates.” ”

He glanced at the aggravated red dog, and with one hand, the blue-green flames surged out: “Relax.” ”

Akainu nodded and did so.

And then

In Karp’s shocked gaze, the injuries on his body recovered in just a few seconds.

Although it is only an injury, physical strength is not included.

But it’s amazing enough!

You know,

This is the injury of the general, even if it is replaced by Marko’s Qingyan, it can only speed up the healing speed of people.

Didn’t say either,

It’s almost to the point of such exaggeration.


Karp, who originally thought that he knew Lorne’s ability, was bottomless again.

“I said it.”

“It will allow you to watch your grandson die.”

Lorne swept away with a whip leg, the air was crushed, and Karp was caught off guard, and was kicked in the chest and spit out and flew upside down!

One flight is 100 meters!

“Don’t worry, soon.”

Lorne said,

Glanced at Warring States and others who came to get in the way: “It’s not active to fight pirates, but it’s quite fast to save people.” ”


He has one more important thing.


The live phone bug of the projection headquarters is disconnected.


Thousands of viewers in front of the three live screens, pirates, businessmen, and residents, were all silent.

It took a while to calm down.

“Four Emperors BIGMOM! Four Emperors Kaido! They…. Are they all dead!? ”

“That old navy, does he have the power of God——”

“It’s changed! The sky has changed!! ”

“There is still the last one left of the Four Emperors, what will be the future of the Great Voyage?”

“Hey, hey, it’s good for the world!”

“Yes, there may be a little turbulence for time, but with such a strong naval force, our future life will be guaranteed.”


Who dares to believe what broke out in this top war, if not seen with their own eyes?

Even quite a few people,

They did suspect that something was wrong with their eyes. But the fact is that there is always no possibility of collective hallucinations?

After recovering from the shock.

Many people exclaimed, surprised that Lorne pulled the three four emperors dismounted! The pirates are also happy, feeling that the strong abdicate and have a chance!


As long as it doesn’t mess with Lorne!

On the other hand,

The newspaper reporters were anxious to contact the newspaper to spread this heavy news around the world!!!

“I didn’t expect—”

“He actually did. Three Four Emperors …. That’s an exaggeration. “High in the rear building, there is an old man with wine.

Hair silver,

It’s Hades Rayleigh.


What he remembered,

If Lorne is going to put the headquarters ….. If all the pirates are solved, will it also attack the Qi Wuhai?

Han Cook she –

“Hey, hey, hey….”

“Is Kaido actually dead?”

Motobu Square,

Brother Min, who had just been near the place of falling, muttered to himself uncertainly, and immediately saw Lorne’s intact figure.



Fortunately, this monster retreated from that terrible state, otherwise, they would not have good fruit to eat.

“Whoops! BIGMOM! ”

“And Kaido!”

Moriah also came over extremely excitedly and took out the big scissors: “Their corpses….. If I could have it, it would definitely be established—”

The words did not fall,

A dense tide of roots grew on the soles of its feet, and one entangled it tied it to death.

When it is released again,

It has become a shriveled corpse seven meters high.


As soon as the wind blows, it falls.

I’m afraid that before Moriah died, he didn’t understand how he died.

Doflamingo saw this,

Frightened, he took a step back and looked at Lorne with an extremely nervous expression: “Mr. Lorne.” He is also His Majesty the Seven Wuhai, you should not know…. You can’t kill at will. ”

Moriah was going to be removed from the list and imprisoned sooner or later, but…. Lorne was executed on the spot.

It’s hard to figure it out.

Brother Ming’s mind is very active, and the silver line moves slightly, ready to escape at any time.

“Not actively participating in the war, there is a problem with attitude.”


“I said I would leave all the pirates here, didn’t you hear it before.” Lorne stretched out his hand: “After raising it for so long, it should have been harvested a long time ago.” ”

The voice fell,

Hundreds of rattans grew from the soles of the feet, reinforcing the island floor while drilling in all directions.

Not only vine hands,

Lorne’s fingers flexed slightly,

A lot of beans were also ejected in several directions!


When they land, they take root and sprout, and they all turn into little green men bouncing around. Roughly count no less than a hundred!

Sprinkle beans into soldiers

All with sharp teeth and sharp mouths,

Blood red eyes,

Muscle collapse straight!

And these –

Lorne calls it a cultivator, infusing/awakening special plants into the soul, thus obtaining a plant hitter!

The thought moves slightly,

The cultivator is like a cannonball, firing in all directions!

White Remnant Party,

Auntie remnant party,

Hundred Beasts and Broken Party,

Revolutionary. Those who guard the straw hats will not let go…

And after the red dog got Lorne’s signal, he also nodded silently and hunted in the direction where the pirates fled!!


On the other hand, Brother Ming’s side turned to a cultivator: “What the hell is this?!” ”

He grabbed it with one hand,

But after finding that it was torn, it healed in the blink of an eye and pounced!


“Didn’t you see that he was going to solve you? You think you can run away! ”

“Let’s go together!”

“So that there is a way to live!!”


The three plagues and flying sexters of the Hundred Beasts Regiment appeared from all corners, and Brother Ming originally saw Lorne’s killing intent,

I also want to question the Warring States …..

Pull the ladder up behind you?

Reason with him!

However, the words of the three plagues made his face look gloomy, and Lorne seemed to really want to kill them.

Not often,

He made up his mind and flew to the side of the Three Calamities!

But just came,

As the head of the three plagues, Ember drew his sword and slashed a straight blow at him!

“Rip and pull!!”

Blood rushes out!

Brother Ming was directly injured, and his expression was unbelievable: “You guys, you actually lied to me?!” ”

He doesn’t understand the benefits of doing this!?

Surrender to the enemy in advance?

“No, I….. I just couldn’t control myself! ”

Ember has a deep voice,

The expression under the black mask was actually very confused.

“Is she?”


Seeing the smiling tree spirit in the air, under the wave of her small hand, the three plagues involuntarily revealed their beast form!

Pterosaurs, Brachiosaurs, Mammoths.

Not in animal form.

It is to become a human and animal form, crawling on the ground, revealing the beast form.

And that’s just the beginning.

As Lorne made the vine field.

It’s more and more like a forest.

These last high-level combat power of the hundred beasts are becoming weaker and weaker in their dominance over the body…


And just like that, under the guidance of the naughty tree spirit,


Start killing the pirates around you who are not easy to gather! The hard work was all in vain!

Animal control

A power that is part of Lorne’s ability to mine, as long as it has lived in the forest, including ancient creatures.

All can be controlled,

Until now,

It has also been developed to the point of being able to forcibly control the three plagues!!!


“What’s going on?!”



The pirates, who were not superior, killed each other, and the top of the Navy were dumbfounded.

The pirates are even more confused!

“What nerves are you hundred beasts! It’s all at this juncture, surrender to the enemy?! ”

“Damn, did you lie to us getting together?”

“Wait, it’s not like this, we can’t control our bodies!” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“It’s Lorne, he controls us!”

“The ability of the Sensen Fruit to control living things??”

“Can even do this kind of thing?”


Blood stains the earth.

The whole ethereal Marin Fandor, shrouded in greenery, set off a root-like wave!

“The Art of Cloth Bags.”

As Lorne’s words fell, the wave turned into big wooden hands, cooperating with the grabbing shop!

And the pirates who are held in it …

will be sucked dry of nutrients and infused into Lorne’s body, including Kaido and BIGMOM’s.

Sengoku stubbornly stopped him!


“You are a hero in this battle…. These pirates can be used by you to restore your strength. ”


“Qiwu Hai can’t move.”

In addition to the bear and the female emperor,

Even Hawkeye was chased, is Lorne really desperate to kill crazy.

His Majesty the Seven Wuhai,

As the third force of the Great Route.

If all of them are solved after participating in the war, once this kind of thing is spread, who will join the Qiwu Sea in the future?!

“No later.”

“In addition…”

“What they contributed to this battle.” While manipulating the root tide, Lorne swept towards Sengoku Tsuru and the others: “Has it increased your confidence?” ”

It seems –

That’s true.

The whole of the Seven Wuhai is not as powerful as Lorne alone!!

“These corpses.”

Tsuru looked at Genshio and added by the way: “At least Kaido and BIGMOM can’t touch, it still makes sense.” ”

But just after speaking,

It was wound and completely opposite to the crane.

Tsuru regretted talking too much.



Karp wiped the blood stain from the corner of his mouth and stood up from behind, his face was not good from beginning to end.

He struggled for a long time,

But the last wish,

I still hope to let Luffy leave smoothly!


“Worthy of being a hero of the Navy”

Lorne’s gaze swept away, and at the same time sensed the straw hat boy, and found that there was no place on land: “But you think that your good grandson is very capable of running, right?” ”


The earth and sand covered under the tengen tumbled.


A soft voice,

On the edge of Marin Fandor, a crater suddenly popped out!

In the yellow dust that was spit out.

A giant,

Even many people who were sneaking underground were also sprayed out! Nothing to hide!

Not only that,

A rock dragon also popped up from the ground, biting them, rolling and spitting over.



That’s it

The revolutionary army’s push fruit ability, Mori, together with Yamato Luffy and others, fell on the rattan bed.


“Can you still control this element?” Before he had time to be surprised, the high-level was attracted by Luffy and the others who burst down.


Lorne said succinctly: “Arrive.” ”



That is, the earth.

Including soil, moisture, mudstone, etc.

To a certain extent, he can control it, and the previous transformation of the Sensen Fruit makes him a derivative.

There is also a higher degree of control.


He can use it as much as Tudun can.


Seeing that his grandson was arrested, Karp shouted in panic and quickly ran over!

When Warring States and others saw this, their heads hurt very much, and it was difficult to do it now…

And this,

It’s also the last thing they want to face.

Settle accounts after the fall


Footsteps sounded.

It’s Lorne,

The steps are calm and powerful, and the direction is exactly Karp.


As he was about to approach, a cold wind howled, and a blue shadow blocked Karp.

It’s a pheasant,

Although not much has been said, the position has been made.


He changed his title, as if to persuade: “Lieutenant General Karp used to take a good picture of me——”

“When Kaido was there before, you ran quite fast.”

Lorne interrupted him and decisively made the pheasant stunned: “Then count you as one.” ”

Just the cold tone fell,

The crane also stood up and signaled him to calm down: “Lorne don’t be impulsive first, rest and rest.” Successive wars, even if you absorb these pirates…. In a short time—”

But Tsuru obviously thought wrong.

“You’re going to join too.”

Lorne laughed.

Now they are quite united, united internally, and I have never seen them so positive before: “Even if the old man is in a bad state, he and Karp can still be three or seven.” ”

Before they could speak.

Then he added another sentence.

“Three minutes.”

“Kill Karp seven times.”

Hearing these arrogant words, Sengoku’s eyelids trembled, and it seemed that he also wanted to come out and be a peacemaker.


“Karp is indeed excessive. The Straw Hat Kid has to be arrested, and we’ll be there afterwards—”


Lorne chuckled: “No need to do it afterwards, solve it now.” ”

“Shield the pirate grandson.”

“Provide information on the advancement of the city, escape routes for the headquarters….”


But he went to cover the pirates’ escape. Take other people’s contributions for granted? ”


Lorne’s gaze burned, and he threw himself at the people behind the Warring States: “Make a break, the regret of the Valley of Gods, I will fill it all in with my own hands today.” ”

This sentence down.

The yellow ape in the center of Ben (Qian’s) is trying his best to hide his sense of existence.

It seems that he wants to act as a wall-riding party to the end.

The rest of the people understood Lorne’s personality, the kind that said everything, so they hesitated for a while.

Lorne’s combat power is too against the sky!


They went against him for the sake of a Karp?

Or do you say….. Give up your old friendship with Karp and watch him die.



The earth bulging pulsating sensation sounded, and the energy of the high-level pirates, during their hesitation, all condensed into Lorne’s body!

Including the Double Emperor!

Lorne’s strength is also unconsciously climbing upwards.

“Pheasant! Little crane! Warring states! ”

“You don’t have to be embarrassed for the old man, as a hero of the navy, the old man really can’t help these things… Justice. ”

“I can’t stand this old fellow’s dedication.”

Karp admits this.

But then his eyes quickly became bloodshot: “But the only family of the old man can’t die like this anymore…”

“Absolutely not!”

His eyes clouded,

The death of the two fists is clenched tightly, and then so indifferent, don’t talk about yourself——

Windmill Town,

Those fathers and old folks? And Dadanaguan, who takes care of the three brothers, how to get over!?

This time the protection,

Then be sure to protect it to the end!!

“Capusang…..,” the green pheasant wanted to say something, but was pushed away by Karp.

Great force!

“Just make a break here, Lorne!”

Karp said,

Seeing that Lorne had taken the lead in untying the cloak, he did not hesitate and took off the word justice.

The ultimate armed color gushes out,


That belongs to the style of an old naval hero, as if back!

“Fist Fall!! Straight! ”

He threw out the hardest fist in the world! One punch shattered several mountains, chasing the power of Roger’s fight!

Thundercing towards Lorne!

Than pirates,

That’s a lot more energetic, the face of the crane and the others changed slightly,


Even if they couldn’t stop it no matter how fast they were, they had even subconsciously closed their eyes.

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