“Did I imitate it too well?”

“Do you believe this?”

Lorne raised his eyebrows slightly, crushed the ball in his hand, and saw Im’s uncontrollable momentum, and smiled like a spring breeze.

It was like getting to know him again.


“Strange, isn’t it?”

“Not only do I know what the king of heaven looks like, but I can even fake it?”

He just,

Try to perceive the future with the enhanced sightings ~ colors in the field.

Im is strong,

Naturally, there are also sightings and killings,

This results in,

Lorne could only predict the future for about three seconds at most, and within these three seconds, he happened to predict that Im would take out the Heavenly King-.


He made a joke.

What I didn’t expect was,

Im lived so long,

In terms of identification, he still can’t do it, even the heavenly king he imitated, he can’t tell the difference.

In fact

Im himself did not expect,

Lorne, a super powerhouse who has arrived in the realm of gods in eight hundred years,?!

Fool people?

As for taking it seriously?

Not really–

It is related to the ancient weapon king, and there can be no mistake! Not even the slightest possibility!

“You think…”

“Are ancient weapons fun?”

Im’s tone became grim.

Aquaman is suspected to be controlled by Lorne, and Hades is easily blocked by Lorne.

The Last Heavenly King,

It’s also natural not to take it to heart.


“The king of heaven is different.”

“It is as the holder becomes stronger, and thus becomes stronger, even an ordinary person…. After paying the price of his life, he can also defeat a general. ”

And the strong hold? Only more perverted!

Of course, the price is also high!

But Im has a way to reduce the price to the extreme! Even if you use it a few times, you are not afraid!

“For almost a thousand years.”

“It’s the first time I’ve said so much.”

Seeing Lorne still didn’t care.

He looked up at the world of flowers and plants behind him, and in this moment, from dust to the galaxy, to the universe, the cycle went on.

It was as if my mind had gone through nine turns.

Only to flow back.

“No matter how strong your fruit ability is developed.”

“After all… It’s just a Devil Fruit ability, which can’t compete with real fetish. ”


“And the most fatal flaw.”

He spent a certain price, hooked a force from the Heavenly King, and slapped Lorne through the air!

God Domain also teleported over-


Lorne’s surroundings became dark,

Immediately, in a space of 10*10 cubic meters, a seawater block was condensed, locking Lorne firmly in it.

“Fear of the sea.”

“For that alone, you’ve already lost…”

Although Im said so,

But there was also a hint of surprise in the bottom of my heart, Lorne, why didn’t you avoid it in advance? Or did he say that he didn’t trap him in the first place.



Very clear,

Lorne was trapped dead. What is the reason for that…

The next second it was clear to him.

Because Lorne, who was soaked in the sea cube, stepped out easily. There is no powerlessness at all because of the sea.

Im rippled pupils shrank,

Obviously the whole body is in contact with seawater, what’s going on?


In his transcendent realm, Lorne’s every move was clear, and he did not block the sea water with any foreign objects.

Wooden stand-in?


Make wooden armor to protect the outside?


Domineering to isolate the sea?

Nor is it,

High-tech water-repellent suit?

None !!!

It is a solid one who is not afraid of seawater, but Lorne is the fruit ability!

Has the power of Sensen Fruit!

Even developed a series, flame gravity, and other different abilities –

Why not be afraid of seawater?

As the king of the world,

Im was well aware of the origin and weakness of the Devil Fruit, and had never encountered such a situation before.

And the more thorough,

The more incredible it feels, the more unique it is.


“There are also things that the king of the world can’t understand.”

“First of all.”

“You should know the origin of the Devil Fruit, right?”

Lorne smiled inexplicably.

This origin,

It’s not that many fanfiction are crooked, the tree of the devil fruit, the mother of the devil fruit, what fruit contains the devil…

The real origin,

Start with the fact that everything has a cause,

All things are born in this world when they are needed, that is, human desires arise.

Because of the desire for animal, natural, super-energy and other characteristics, the three-line fruit appeared.

Nika fruit,

Stemming from people’s desire for freedom,

golden fruit,

Because people crave money,

natural fruit,

Stemming from people’s desire for the power of natural disasters!

stealth fruit,

From Yamaji’s longing, ahem…

in a word

Fair and reasonable.

It’s like condensing incense,

And in the pirate world, the special desire and thirst of everyone is incense!

Finally come together,

Contributions condensed into Devil Fruit!

And this fruit

It is also the possibility that humans yearn for evolution.

Here comes the key point,

This “unnaturalness” is rejected by the Mother Sea of Nature, so those with Devil Fruit abilities cannot swim.

Lorne saw Im like that.


Back to the original topic, why not be afraid of seawater? It’s still the old saying.


“It’s nature itself.”

And this sentence,

It dawned on Im.

Nature itself,

What do you mean?

Could it be —

He successfully evolved the ability of the Devil Fruit and completely fused it with himself?

Thinking of this,

Even Im was a little frightened.

In fact

The demon of the Devil Fruit is an energy body of will (desire).

After the death of the boarding body,


It will be revived randomly in various places using the fruit as a carrier.


Perhaps the power of this desire will be completely absorbed and merged with heaven and earth.

Transformed into one,

This is also what Im understands, Lorne means both nature itself.

To put it simply,

If all capable people in this world have false abilities, and Lorne will have this falsehood.

Turned into real !!!

So it is not repelled by the big sea –

Yim completed the analysis in 0.01 seconds.

“You have a lot of inner drama.” Lorne’s voice pulled back his thoughts.

Same as that five old stars.

Messy brain supplement.


Im didn’t think much about it anymore,

One hand pressed directly on the Heavenly King and began to mobilize some kind of supernatural power

Above Pangu City,

Ignoring Lorne’s domain, various natural calamity energies intersected, wind, rain, thunder and lightning, constantly converging into mysterious powers.

But it’s slow.

It seems to take a lot of time.


“You think I’ll just watch?” Lorne took a step.


Yim dragged with his free hand, and five slender fingers jumped up flexibly and pressed on the strange melody.


That finger,

There is a smell of flamenco.

“Before killing you.”

“Twenty kings are enough to hold you back.” As Im’s icy breath fell.

Mary Joa Jitter,

In the magma group tens of thousands of meters deep underground, twenty giant coffins were made around special obsidian.

There was an air of terror.


Under the beating of Im’s white fingers above, a full twenty strange beams of light flew down!

After that,

A deep breath permeated out——

Almost instantly,

Twenty giant coffins appeared around Lorne, each with a shadow in front of them, and they were silky.

All are kingly imposing and demeanor.

The moment he opened his eyes, his pupils were very godless, like a manipulated marionette.

But soon,

It became God’s brightness…

“This sleep.” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“We slept for a long time, right?”

“It’s the first time I’ve woken me up and waited, huh-”

“It’s breathless.”

“The world government that I jointly created is still there, I don’t know what it has developed into now.”


Twenty people surrounded Lorne, and the phantom gradually solidified into an entity, and you chatted with me word by word.

“Back from the dead?”

“Can the king of heaven do anything? Or is it your own ability? Lorne swept past them and looked at Im.


Someone of the twenty interrupted him: “Have you seen our children and grandchildren…”

“Oh, Draco, I’ve killed them all.”

Lorne said lightly, and then glanced at them: Neferutari, in Alabastan, is still alive. ”


Far away in Alabastan, the main city in the center of the desert, in front of the screen projected by a telephone bug.

King Kobra,

Look incredulously at the scene in front of you.


“Could that be…”

Out of twenty,

There was a face in one of them, which made him feel electrocuted and familiar!


That’s right!

It is Neferutari’s ancestor 800 years ago!!

So much like that!

world government,

Founded by the first twenty royal families, Neferutari belongs to one of them, but the Neferutari family did not follow to the Holy Land.

Instead, he ruled the kingdom of Alabastan and guarded the ancient weapon, Hades.

To his generation,

Already twelve kings.

The portrait of the first king is in the sacrificial hall, and on the screen…. It’s exactly the same!!


“Is that the ancestor?”

“I’ve seen it on portraits too.” Wei Wei on the side widened her beautiful eyes and subconsciously tightened the hem of her skirt: “Is the ancestor still alive?” ”

It’s incredible!

It seems that with the appearance of Lorne, the world is developing in an outrageous direction!

First of all

It’s Luffy’s death,

When she learned of the culprit, she hated Lorne very much, very hatefully!

But after that –

A series of things that broke out by the world government made Vivi feel a little better.

Master of the Void Throne.

And the twenty kings who are now resurrected?

Lorne is treated equally, without its soft fear of hardness, hard to the end!

Not for Luffy,

It is against all injustice and evil.


Maybe it’s self-inflicted, but it’s also caught in the vortex.

The nature is not bad,

Vivi was saddened by Luffy’s death, but for Lorne, she lost her previous nasty thoughts.


“Is the ancestor strong?”

“The other nineteen, if they are all former royal ancestors… Mr. Nalorne, will there be danger—”


Kobra shook his head to indicate that he was not clear.

ancient weapons,

It was all created eight hundred years ago, when everything flourished!

Individual combat power is also at its peak. Far beyond now!

As for the words of the head of a country,

Combat power benchmarking now,

It should be between the weak and the strong four emperors –

These are written in the ancient books left by the ancestors,

In fact

The truth went as he thought.

On the Holy Land,

Twenty kings heard Lorne say that after the death of their descendants, they released telepathy, and it was true…..

In addition to the King of Neferutari,

The other nineteen were all furious, and all of them burst out with combat power that was not weaker than the royal level!!

That’s right

Twenty royal-level combat powers!

This is the hidden understory of the world government! After receiving the blessings of the Holy Land, they even broke through to a higher level!

All of them have the combat power of five old stars!

Even if it was Lorne, if he wanted to solve them in a short time, he would have to spend no trouble.


“I don’t have the energy to accompany you to grind hard bubbles.”

Lorne said,

It turned into a little green light and dissipated in mid-air.

When it reappears,

Already in the sky above the twenty kings, he cooperated with the realm and pressed down with one palm!


A huge square is about to fall from the sky! Subsequently, many wooden torii gates followed!

Say it’s torii,

It is also similar to the ancient buildings such as torii, and it has an ancient and deep atmosphere!!

“Immortal Law!”

“Myojin Gate—”


Yu Luo,

They were all a flash, divided into twenty, and suppressed these twenty kings respectively!

And at this moment,

Yimu’s big move was also completed, and his indifferent gaze swept towards Lorne: “Heavenly punishment annihilation——”

The ball of energy shot out,


Containing an asteroid-like power, it bent the space and smashed straight into Lorne’s face.

It’s just contact,

He was taken out tens of thousands of meters or even hundreds of thousands of meters away by this planet, and everything in his body could not stop collapsing!


Flames, hail, hurricanes, tsunamis, vibrations, sandstorms!

All natural disasters,

All erupted in this instant——

That’s right

Even if it’s Lorne’s flesh! There is a tendency to faintly shatter!


Above the great waterway,

Over the planet,

A miserable black light streaked through, broke through the atmosphere at dozens of times the speed of sound, and exploded into space.


A silent explosion sounded,

Lorne also seems to have lost to Im, with this blow from the Heavenly King.

There was no movement.

When the dust settled, it was completely gone.


Lorne’s field began to slowly dissipate. All the flowers and plants began to wither and wither!!

After Yim swung this blow, he also exhaled deeply.

At a huge cost,

I am afraid that if you do not rest for two or three hundred years, you will be far from recovering. But solved an unprecedented crisis, it was worth it!

“There will be no surprises.”

Before Im waved,

lock space,

It has been determined that Lorne’s whole body was hit by the Heavenly King! There will be no more life!

To put it simply,

Lorne is dead,

There is no possibility of recovery, even if it can? Under this devastating blow!

It’s also dying.

There can never be a combat capability!


“The Age of the Great Pirates.”

“Let’s have a new shuffle.”


“You will also disappear forever in the dust of history.”

It’s also worth remembering!

Im’s voice suddenly thinned and changed from neutral to female, “However, I will remember you…. Forever. ”

Joey Boi,



The combined threat of these people is not enough to give Lorne shoes.

The dust has settled,

He glanced at the trapped Twenty Kings.

Wave your hand,

Just when you want to push them down.


The slender arm was entangled by a willow branch that grew out.

Followed by

On the ground full of scorched marks, small willow trees gradually filled up.

Finally, he turned into Lorne’s appearance.

The breath weakened a lot.

Very unstable,

Before Im could be alarmed, he reacted and then exploded another wave, taking advantage of Lorne’s illness to kill him.

I saw Lorne,

After exhausting all the remaining physical strength, in an instant, the entire Holy Land burst into a green whirlwind!

“I’m not going to give you time to jump around.”


“You don’t have a chance.”

The ground surged under Lorne’s feet, and one by one, the ancient trees rose high, and two of them turned into wooden giant fists!

Locked Im’s thin body!

And Lorne at close range,

A terrified smile was revealed that made Im, the king of the world, appear.

And then

He/she was embraced by Lorne…

“Forbidden Sensen!! Above! “。

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